The Heart Of A Killer Part 2

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A black sedan pulled down the street and parked behind Gabeas bike.

Dante smiled as Roman exited the car, dressed in jeans and a polo s.h.i.+rt.

Roman had changed, had filled out. He was muscled, his light blond hair darker now and cropped short.

Dante met him halfway, holding his hand out to shake Romanas. Roman pulled him into a hug.

aI canat believe youare here, man. Where the h.e.l.l have you been?a aHere and there.a Roman stepped back. aItas been too long. You just disappeared afteraa He s.h.i.+fted his gaze to the alley. aAfter that night.a aI know. I needed to get away. Iam sorry.a Roman nodded. aI understand. It was rough on everybody.a Dante wanted to ask about Anna, but now wasnat the time. aYou ready to check this out?a aYou really think George came here?a Dante shrugged and shoved his fingers into the pockets of his cargo pants. aThatas where I tracked his cell.a aHow the h.e.l.l could you track his cell?a aI have ways.a Roman slanted a curious look his way. aI want to hear about that.a aMe, too,a Gabe said. aBut letas get this over with first.a Dante drew in a breath and nodded.

They rounded the corner into the alley, and it was like slamming back in time.

Head been in the midst of war, been shot at, had ducked for cover as the world exploded around him. Head been wounded in the line of duty and had spent hours, minutes, seconds wondering if head just drawn his last breath.

But head never been through anything as awful as that night twelve years ago, when head seen Anna lying there covered in blood.

Head never wanted to come back here again. Ever.

aYou okay, Dante?a He gave Roman a curt nod. aI hate this place.a aMe, too.a aDitto,a Gabe added. aLetas hurry up and get out of here. This place creeps me out.a The Dumpster loomed like a monster in the dark, still positioned in its same spot in the center of the long alley. Now a streetlight s.h.i.+ned over it like a monument to that night, forever marking the spot where they killed someone.

aWhy here?a Roman asked.

aI donat know. This is where his phone tracked to.a aThat makes no sense. George doesnat even know about that night.a Gabe paused, looked at Dante. aDoes he?a aI didnat tell him.a Dante looked at Roman.

aI didnat, either.a They started moving again.

aJeff wouldnat have said anything, either,a Roman added.

aWhich means George would have no reason to come here,a Dante said. aIf anyone had told George, Ellen would find out. Who would want her to know?a aNone of us,a Roman said.

The closer they drew to the Dumpster, the tighter Danteas throat became.

When he saw the shoe, he stopped.


aWhat?a Roman asked, then followed the direction of Danteas gaze. aOh, s.h.i.+t.a They ran the rest of the way, Dante pus.h.i.+ng past the Dumpster to land on his knees on the wet asphalt. His hope that it was an old drunk sleeping it off was obliterated by the sight of the blood, the torn s.h.i.+rt and the heart-shaped carving on Georgeas chest.

Same as Annaas.

Dante felt for a pulse, but George was already cold. There was nothing. He was dead. He lifted his gaze to Gabe and Roman and shook his head.

aJesus Christ,a Gabe whispered as he looked down at Georgeas body.

aI think I might be sick,a Roman said, crouching down next to Dante. aThis is just likea" What the f.u.c.k, Dante?a Dante couldnat speak yet, could only stare at the beaten body of his foster fathera"his father. The tough but loving man who had been a rock in his life, who had given him a home, had shown him that discipline didnat mean beatings, that love was unconditional, that no matter how many times head screwed up, head still be loved.

George was dead, killed the same way he and his brothers had killed that guy in the alley that night. And there was a heart carved into Georgeas chest the same as Anna.

What the h.e.l.l did it mean?

His head swam with questions. He turned to Roman, who had pulled his radio to call it in.

Dante took another look at George, then pushed off his knees and stood, looking around the alley, searching for somethingaanything that would give him a clue as to why the f.u.c.k this had happened.

aWho did this?a Gabe asked, looking as lost as Dante felt.

aI donat know. Ellen said he went out earlier, she thought for a short drive. She tried to call him when he didnat come back, but she didnat get an answer.a Roman had already gone to his car and come back with his evidence kit. Head gloved up and leaned over Georgeas body, swallowing hard as he checked Georgeas pockets.

aYeah, hereas his phone.a He tucked the phone in an evidence bag and slid his fingers into the other pocket of Georgeas jeans, paused and pulled out a clear plastic bag filled with white powder.

aWhat the f.u.c.k is that?a Dante asked aMy guess is cocaine,a Gabe said. aAbout an ounce.a aAnd you know this howa?a Dante asked.

aBecause he works for Paolo Bertucci,a Roman said.

aThe mob-guy Bertucci? That familyas still around?a Gabe didnat say anything, just turned his attention to the bag. aWhatas George doing with in his pocket?a aGood question,a Roman said.

The scream of police sirens interrupted any further discussion. Roman bagged the as the uniforms arrived. Dante wished they could hide the drugs, but he knew they couldnat.

George, with Had he come here to do a deal? It made no sense.

Black-and-whites blocked off both entrances to the alley. In short order, yellow police tape roped off the alley, and crime scene techs began working the area. The medical examiner had arrived and was looking at the body.

And Dante still hadnat called Ellen. He wouldnat call her. Head have to do this in person. Did Ellen know about the drugs?

G.o.d, right before the coupleas anniversary. What was he going to say to her?

Another unmarked car pulled up at one end of the alley in front of the tape. Another detective, he imagined. Head let Roman handle him.

Dante folded his arms and waited while the car door opened. The lights were s.h.i.+ning on them, so he couldnat see the detective coming at them until hea"no, make that shea"moved in front of the lights.

He caught the flash of badge clipped to her belt, which was attached to a very nice set of hips, the swing of a dark ponytail and the piece attached to her holster. His gaze lifted to rounded b.r.e.a.s.t.s in a polo s.h.i.+rt, and some very wide, very shocked amber eyes.

No f.u.c.king way.



Anna Pallinoas steps faltered when she entered the alley.

First, because she was in this G.o.dforsaken alley again, a place she hadnat set foot in since that night twelve years ago. Now she was back again, and someone was dead in the alley. Again.

Second, Dante Renaldi was back.

Those were enough to justify the stutter in her step.

Roman greeted her.

aWhat the h.e.l.l is this?a she asked as she caught sight of Gabe standing next to Dante. aOld-home week? Dante comes back and you three decide to have a reunion here?a aNot exactly.a aThen why am I here?a Something had obviously happened, but why would Roman call her to this crime scene? Because Dante was here?

And why the h.e.l.l was Dante here?

She hated questions with no answers.

aThought youad want to know. Thatas George Clemons back there.a Third reason she almost tripped over her own feet. aGeorge? Oh, my G.o.d, Roman. Iam so sorry. What happened?a He laid his hand on her arm to halt her forward progress. aYou need to know, Anna. Heas been beaten to death.a She sucked in a breath and grabbed onto Roman, fighting to stay in the here and now. aAnd? Thereas more. Tell me.a She saw the reluctance in his eyes. aTell me.a aSomeone carved a heart in his chest. Right whereaa He glanced down at her s.h.i.+rt, at her left breast.

Oh, G.o.d. No. The heart carving just like hers. Her scar throbbed and she resisted the urge to touch it, to rub the ache away.

George Clemons, beaten just like the guys had beaten Tony Maclin that night.

She took a slow, long breath, then let it out. aI donat understand.a aAnna.a Dante appeared beside her, but she had no time for him. Not now, not when her vision was nothing more than a pinpoint of light.

She had to focus on the scene and only the scene. It was the only thing that was going to get her through this.

She pushed past them both. aI need to see it.a aDonat,a Roman started, but she was already on her way to the body. To George Clemons, a nice man whoad raised foster children ever since head been discharged from military service.

And his wife, Ellen. Poor Ellen.

She knelt beside the body. Richard Norton was on the scene already, thank G.o.d. She was glad to have the chief medical examiner on this case.

aWhat have you got?a she asked, pulling on her gloves.

aWarm body. Based on liver temp and lividity Iad say he hasnat been dead more than a few hours at most. Wonat know cause of death until I do the autopsy. Heas a b.l.o.o.d.y mess.a That he was. Someone beat him badly, worse than the guys had ever pounded on Tony Maclin.

aThis is interesting,a Richard said, pointing to the heart carved into Georgeas chest.

aYes, it is.a aSomeone loved him to death, I guess.a She grimaced. aSo not funny, Richard.a Richard grinned. aHey, I thought it was one of my better lines.a aGeorge Clemons, our victim here, was Romanas foster father.a His smile died as he looked over his shoulder to where Roman stood with Dante and Gabe. aOh. Thatas a p.i.s.ser.a aAnything else you can tell me?a aNot until I get him cleaned up and try to figure out what killed him. I donat see any obvious bullet or stab wounds on the body, other than the carving here, but like I said, heas a mess.a aOkay. When will you autopsy?a aProbably sometime tomorrow or the day after. Iall check my schedule and let you know.a She patted his shoulder. aThanks.a She stood and walked the scene, looking for evidence, then moved over to talk to the crime scene techs. aFind anything?a aNo,a one of the guys said. aItas like whoever did this vacuumed the place up after he was done. Thereas nothing. Not even a gum wrapper. The only evidence is the victim himself. But weare picking up whatever we can.a aOkay, thanks.a She turned around and there he was.

Twelve years. Twelve G.o.dd.a.m.n years and not one word.

aAnnaaa aWhen did you get back into town?a So much for the reaction Dante had hoped for. If Anna was surprised or shocked to see him, she was sure masking it well.

aCouple hours ago.a She looked to George, then back at Dante. aJust in time to kill your former foster father?a Dante scratched his nose. Head laugh if this whole scene wasnat so sad.

aI think you know better than that.a aYou think Ia Thatas so funny, coming from you. I donat know anything about you. Youave been gone for twelve years, you suddenly show up here and now thereas a dead body in the alley. A body youare connected to.a aYouare serious?a aYes, Iam serious.a aAnna,a Roman said, aI donat think Dantea"a aYou stay out of this. Youare related to the victim. You canat be on this case.a Roman opened his mouth, then closed it. aFine. You take it.a aI intend to.a aHereas his cell phone and wallet. George left the house about 9:00 p.m. tonight, said he was going for a drive, but didnat come home.a aIs that unusual for him?a she asked.

aHis wife said it was,a Gabe explained. aHe wouldnat be gone that long without calling.a aSo how did he end up here, and how did you all end up here?a aWe were with Ellen Clemons,a Dante said. aShe called Gabe and me, worried about George, so we went over there to see if we could help.a She finally turned to Dante. aAnd you just happened to find him here?a aI found him via his cell phone.a She frowned. aHow?a aI have a program on my laptop. Itas not hard if you have the right equipment.a Her gaze drifted south for half a second, and his lips curved. When she lifted her head and met his smiling face, she seemed more irritated than ever. aWhat equipment?a aLaptop. Software.a aIall need to see it.a aGot a warrant?a If she could be difficult, so could he. She was wasting her time looking at him as a suspect.

aI can get one.a aThen do it. And while youare doing it, why donat you spend some time chasing down who really killed George, because it wasnat me.a aHeas right, Anna. This is a waste of time,a Roman said.

She inhaled, let it out. aMaybe, maybe not. Itas my job to look at everyone.a aYouare p.i.s.sed at me,a Dante said. aI get it. I deserve it. But youare not thinking clearly right now and youare mixing personal stuff with business.a Her brows shot up, then knit. She took a step toward him. aBelieve me, Renaldi, I know exactly how to do my job. And if you think for one second my feelings are hurt over you, then youare dead wrong. My job is first and foremost on my mind here, so shut up and stay out of my business.a This was a different side to her, something head never seen before. She was a completely different Anna.

aWhere are you staying?a He shrugged. aHotel, probably. I donat know yet. Iall get it figured out.a aFine.a Anna shot a glance at one of the uniforms. aGet his location and phone number for follow-up.a She jotted down notes. aWhat else?a Roman handed her the evidence bag containing the drugs. aAlso found this in his pocket.a Annaas brows lifted. aLooks like or heroin.a aItas,a Gabe said.

She s.h.i.+fted her gaze to Gabe. aYou would know, wouldnat you? Bertucci has a lock on distribution and sales in the city. You know anything about this?a aNot a thing,a Gabe said.

What the h.e.l.l was Gabe into? Dante wondered. Expert on drugs and drug dealing?

aWas he doing a drug deal here?a Anna asked.

aNo idea,a Roman said. aBut George didnat do drugs.a aSo you think this was planted on him by the killer?a aThat would be my guess.a aOkay, Iall turn this over to Forensics.a It was fascinating watching Anna, all grown up and in charge now, directing the forensics team, handling evidence, taking photographs and leading everyone in the scene.

She caught him watching her and shot him a look head never gotten from her before. A mature kind of cold inspection. He didnat like it at all. The last time head seen her theyad been in love. Her looks had been warm.

But Dante had left town. So maybe she was still just a little p.i.s.sed off at him about that. And maybe he couldnat blame her for giving him an icy, hard stare.

Plus, the circ.u.mstances of them meeting each other again werenat exactly ideal.

aThatas all for now. I have work to do.a She walked away.

aSo Annaas a detective, huh?a Dante looked at Gabe after Roman went to talk to Anna.

aYeah.a aKind of a hard-a.s.s, isnat she? Thatas new.a aYouave been gone a long time, Dante.a aI guess I have.a Head imagined a lot over the past twelve years, but Anna becoming a cop wasnat one of the things head thought about. Her married with a couple kids, yeah. Becoming a schoolteacher or a nurse, he could totally picture. Head even thought the worst, like that traumatic night would turn her to drugs or make her a runaway. A hundred other nightmarish things head never wanted to pop into his head had. And head taken responsibility for all of thema"thoughts that had left him in a cold sweat and guilt that made his stomach feel empty and sick. But a cop? Head never included that in possible scenarios for Anna.

She looked comfortable in the job, directing the uniforms and whispering with the medical examiner. She knelt next to the body, pointing here and there and actually touching George.

The Anna of twelve years ago would never have done that.

This wasnat the Anna of twelve years ago.

He supposed he had the answer he was looking for. Anna was fine. Shead survived what had happened here in the alley, had moved on with her life and had become a success.

And now there was Georgeas murder in the alley.

What happened here?

Roman walked over to them. aYou two are sprung. Dante, let me know where you are once you get settled.a Dante nodded. aWill do.a He headed over to Anna, who stood over the crime scene techs as they worked the scene. The coroneras a.s.sistants had wrapped the body and were putting it on the gurney.

aI have to tell Ellen.a G.o.d, he didnat want to do that.

She nodded. aIam sorry. Iall go with you. I need to ask her some questions.a aThis is going to be rough for her.a aI know it will. I still need to ask the questions.a aAnd I understand that. Which is why Iall be with her.a aOkay. Weare wrapped up here. You two going to Ellenas, too?a she asked, looking at Gabe and Roman.

aYeah,a Roman said. aSince we found George, I think itas important weare all there for her.a Gabe nodded. aSomeone needs to get in touch with Jeff, let him know what happened. Iall take care of that and then Iall catch up with you at Ellenas.a aAll right,a Anna said. aIall meet you all there.a Dante thought about how he was going to tell Ellen on the drive back to the Clemons house. There was no way to prepare her for this. She knew as soon as she opened the door and saw Roman, saw Anna, saw the badge.

aItas bad, isnat it?a Dante took her hand. aLetas go inside and sit down.a She trembled as he put an arm around her and led her to the sofa. She sat, and Roman slid next to her. Gabe came in right behind them and took up position behind Ellen.

aYou remember Anna?a Roman asked.

aOf course. How are you?a Anna didnat smile. aIam fine, Mrs. Clemons. Iam sorry to have to tell you thisa"a aWe found George,a Dante said, interrupting Anna.

Ellen s.h.i.+fted on the sofa to face him. aWhere?a aIn an alley off Lindell.a Her bottom lip trembled and tears filled her eyes. She squeezed Danteas hand. aIs he dead?a Dante nodded. aYes, Ellen. Someone killed him.a She reached up, covered her mouth, then burst into tears. aOh, G.o.d. Oh, no. George.a Dante pulled her into his arms and let her sob. Her loud crying woke the kids staying there. Roman and Anna went to talk to them, a.s.sured them Ellen was okay, but that something bad had happened to George. Coming from violent households, this wasnat anything new for these kids. Still, Dante felt bad for them, too. Here they had hopes of a stable life. Now, their lives had been shattered again.

Ellenas life had been shattered, too, in a way shead likely never recover from. And there was nothing Dante could do to make this better for her.

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The Heart Of A Killer Part 2 summary

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