The Heart Of A Killer Part 6

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aSee you tomorrow,a the tech said, waving her off.

aYeah, tomorrow.a Her car seemed a thousand miles away as she shoved the door open, the blast of summer heat only making the queasiness worse. She was going to collapse right here on the front steps. She needed to lie down, to curl up in the fetal position so she could breathe.

But it was so hot out here. A few more feet, then shead be in the car. She could turn on the air-conditioning and lie down.

She breathed in and out as fast as she walked, which only made it worse, she knew, but once the panic hit the only thing that mattered was getting to safety, being able to shut the doors and lock everyone out.

She weaved through the lot and knew she looked like a drunk. She could only hope no one saw her.

A few more feet. Just a few more feet. She fumbled in her pants pocket for her keys. Where were her keys, dammit? Finally she grasped them, dug them out and hit the remote, the sweet sound of the car unlocking her salvation. Sweat poured down her face and back as she grabbed the door handle and slid inside, punched the lock and started the engine.

She cranked the A/C down to the sixties, punched up the fan, the sick feeling overwhelming her as she breathed in short pants, trying to remember to take in slow breaths and exhale easily.

She pushed the seat back as far as it would go and leaned over, shoving her head between her knees.

This was going to pa.s.s. She was going to survive it.

She was drenched in sweat, but the cold air-conditioning was a lifeline. Every minute that pa.s.sed had her chest loosening up so she could draw a breath. Within fifteen minutes she could lift her head without wanting to pa.s.s out or throw up. She swiped her wet hair away from her face and looked around, thankful no one had come by the car to see her embarra.s.sing show of weakness.

When she was no longer shaking like a leaf, she put the car in gear and headed home.

Dante made sure to arrive at Annaas house earlier than everyone else. He wanted a chance to talk to her first.

When she opened the door, she looked gorgeous. Her shorts and tank top showed off incredibly toned legs and arms.

But she also looked pale and tired, with those dark circles still under her eyes. And that worried him.

aYou donat look like you slept at all.a She pulled the door open. aIf I want that kind of browbeating Iall go see my dad.a aHow is he, by the way?a aDoing okay, other than being grouchy as h.e.l.l. He had to retire a few years ago because of a knee injury.a aJob related?a aYeah. Went running after a suspect and blew out his ACL when he tripped in the dark. After a couple surgeries, it was obvious he wasnat going to be able to work as a detective again, so he took early retirement.a Dante followed her into the living room. aBet that p.i.s.sed him off.a aLike you wouldnat believe.a He held up the case of beer head brought. aWhere do you want this?a aFridge is fine.a He put the case in her refrigerator and pulled two out, handed one off to her after popping the top off.

She pulled her legs up and crossed them, took a long swallow and sighed.

aLong day?a he asked.

aDay off. But yeah, still a long day.a aMaybe you should have caught up on some sleep.a She lifted her head and looked at him. aI get the idea this whole sleep thing weighs on you.a He laughed. aIt does when it looks like you havenat had much of it lately. Working too many hours, or is it nightmares that keep you awake?a Head cut a little close to the truth, so she decided to change the subject. aDo you think everyone will be here by six?a aI know evasive tactics when I see them, Detective. But in answer to your question, yes, theyall be on time.a aDid you get hold of everyone?a aI got hold of Roman and Gabe, and Roman said head call Jeff.a aOkay.a aSo on your day off did you do any detecting on the case?a She wasnat about to tell him about her ridiculous trip to the morgue to stare at Georgeas body. aNo.a aYou working this case by yourself?a aWell, Roman canat since George was indirectly a relative.a aBut no other partner?a aNo.a aI thought you cops always worked with partners.a aNot always. And weare short-staffed, so we work cases alone or with uniforms. Roman and I arenat partnered, though we have b.u.mped into each other on cases now and then.a aFunny that you both ended up in law enforcement. Heas the last person I would have expected to become a cop.a She took another drink of her beer and wrapped her hands around the bottle, making sure to keep her focus on Dante, on the present, and not on the past. aI would think you would have been more surprised that I ended up in law enforcement.a His lips curled. aThat, too, but Roman was always a little wild and undisciplined. You at least had the familial background for it.a aPeople grow up and change. Maybe the incident twelve years ago altered Romanas perspective enough to make him want to pursue law enforcement.a aI guess it did change some of us. Or maybe it affected all of us in some way, affected the choices we made in our lives after that night.a Cryptic words.

She wanted to ask him if that night had changed him at all, and if it had, how. He was catching up on all of them. But his secretiveness was beginning to p.i.s.s her off.

The doorbell rang and she rose to answer it.

Gabe was at the door, with Jeff.

aI hope someone ordered pizza,a Jeff said as he strolled in with his usual abundance of showmans.h.i.+p. aIam starving.a Dante had never thought head be back here, let alone reunited with the old gang in one place. With Jeff and Gabe showing up, and Roman walking in a few minutes later, it was as if he hadnat been gone.

They were all older now, but the smiles and laughs were the same. They were different, and yet the same.

Jeff had come in wearing a suita"a suit, of all things. No way would Dante have predicted that.

aA suit, Jeff?a Jeff waggled his brows. aGotta maintain my slick image with the ladies, ya know?a He flicked the lapels of his jacket. aThey like me suave and sophisticated.a Anna rolled her eyes and slapped a beer into Jeffas hand. aHeas in insurance sales. Hence, the suit.a Dante laughed. aIs that right? And how are insurance sales?a Jeff popped the top off his beer. aPeople keep drivina cars, buyina houses and they keep dyina. Business is good.a aAnd ninety-five percent of his customers are women. Go figure,a Roman said, taking the other beer Anna offered.

aCan I help it if the ladies like me?a Jeff asked, throwing his arm around Roman.

Dante always thought Jeff and Roman looked the most like brothers. Both about the same height and with light hair, Romanas was more surfer-boy blond, whereas Jeffas was sandy, but Dante and Gabe used to tease them about being the golden boys.

aSo any wives or kids?a Dante asked as he sat on the sofa next to Jeff.

aOh, G.o.d, no. Iam still playing the field, hoping like h.e.l.l never to get caught.a Dante laughed.

aHow about you?a Jeff asked.

aNo. Not married yet.a aIam so glad youare back, man. I missed you. It was rough when you and Gabe left.a aYeah. Iam sorry. I didnat know he left the same time I did.a aWhereave you been?a He was going to have to answer that question soon. Probably sooner rather than later, judging from the way Anna hovered on the edge of their conversation. aAround. Here and there.a Jeff laughed. aThat sounds like you donat want to answer. Like youave been in jail or somethina.a aNo. Not jail.a aOn the beach in Bali with the perfect woman?a Dante laughed. aUh, no.a aHey, man, I can dream, canat I? I always pictured you running some con with a s.e.xy brunette, then taking the money and leaving the country, living out your days in luxury.a Jeff always had a vivid imagination. Itas how head survived a h.e.l.lish childhood filled with abuse.

aI like the way you think, Jeff, but no. That sounds more like your fantasy.a Jeff took a long gulp of beer and nodded. aYeah, thatas me. Always on the lookout for the perfect woman.a aWhoas running away from you,a Gabe replied, sliding into an unoccupied chair. aWhich is why Jeff is still single.a Dante shook his head. aThe more things changeaa aThe more they stay the same,a Roman said, taking a spot on the sofa on the other side of Dante.

aWhat about you, Roman?a Dante asked.

He shrugged. aHavenat settled down yet.a aBut rumor has it Tess might be the one,a Jeff said with a teasing glint in his eyes.

aOh, yeah?a Dante asked. aWhoas Tess?a Romanas cheeks turned pink. aA woman Iave been seeing for a while now.a Roman had always been shy around girls. Even now, Dante could tell he was uncomfortable talking about Tess. But he wanted to hear more. He wanted to know more about all of them. Head missed so much.

aDante, youare the elusive playboy, just like me,a Jeff said. aYou and I can hook up and itall be like old times all over again.a Dante laughed. aYou know, Jeff, I always thought you just used me to get women to buzz around you.a Jeff leaned forward. aYouad think that, ya know? But for some reason I havenat been all that lonely since youave been gone. Maybe you werenat the babe magnet we all thought you were. Maybe it was me all along.a Gabe snorted.

aHey, Iam not exactly lonely,a Jeff said, shooting Gabe a glare.

aNo, but you are full of s.h.i.+t.a Jeff raised his arms and laid them over the back of the sofa. aSee, Dante, this is what youave missed out on. You planning on stayina now that youare back?a His gaze hit Anna just as Jeff asked the question. aDonat know yet. Iall be here for a little while.a aNo, heas not staying,a Anna said right over the top of him.

aNot staying? Come on, Dante, we just got the old gang back,a Jeff said.

But the pizza arrived, so that shut down most of the conversation as they all gathered in the kitchen to fill their plates and refill their beers.

When they gathered in the living room, Dante figured this was as good a time as any to bring up the murder.

aSo youare probably wondering why youare all here.a aBecause youare back in town, we figured,a Jeff said. aAnd to pay tribute to George, the best father any of us ever had.a Jeff raised his beer. aTo George.a They all drank.

Dante glanced to Anna, who was leaned back on the sofa engrossed in the conversation. She didnat seem to be in any hurry to fill them in on why they were really here. He nudged her foot with his. aDo you want to do this, or should I?a She narrowed her gaze at him and actually looked irritated. aNow?a aIf not now, when?a aFine.a She turned her attention to the rest of the guys. aThis is actually not a welcome-home-Dante party.a aItas not? Does this mean I have to chip in for the pizza and beer?a Jeff asked.

aCheapskate,a Roman said.

aHey, I need to save all my money for the ladies. They like to be shown a good time.a aWhich means what, exactly? Bowling? Dollar-movie night?a af.u.c.k you, Gabe. My women are always satisfied.a aThatas not what Iave heard,a Roman said.

Gabe snorted. Jeff flipped him off. Dante laughed. This was just like old times.

aGuys,a Anna said, wrangling them in. aCan we get back to why weare here?a aOh. Sure, honey,a Jeff said, shooting all the guys a glare. aWhy are we here?a aWe need to talk about Georgeas murder.a That got their attention. Jeff frowned. aI know. It sucks. Funeral is Thursday.a aIam not looking forward to it,a Roman said. aPoor Ellen. I went by to see her this morning. Sheas trying her best to be cheerful, but you can tell sheas crushed.a Jeff nodded. aSheas going to be lost without George. The two of thema"they went together, ya know? One just doesnat belong without the other.a Dante could tell Jeff was getting choked up. He stood. aThatas right. This murder has ruined Ellenas life. George was everything to her. We have to figure out why it happened. Someone beat him to death in the same alley where Anna was attacked that night. And carved a heart on his chesta"same as what happened to Anna.a Anna moved around in front of the sofa to face them. aAlso, after the murder, someone left flowers on my front porch with a note that asked me if I liked the gift they left in the alley.a aAnd before any of you ask,a Roman said, awe donat have any clues. No evidence left behind at the scene. No fingerprints, nothing.a aWhat the f.u.c.k. So what does that mean?a Jeff looked at Roman, at Gabe, then at Dante.

aWe donat know,a Roman said. aTony Maclin died in the alley twelve years ago. Heas the guy who carved the heart in Annaas chest. We were the only ones in the alley that night.a aTony Maclin? That was his name?a Dante asked.

aYou didnat know, did you?a Anna asked.

Dante shook his head. Head always just been that guy in the alley, the one whoad hurt Anna. aThis is the first time Iave ever heard his name.a Not that it made a difference, he supposed.

aHis name was Tony Maclin. He was a high school senior, about to graduate and go to college. He lived in South County.a Dante frowned. aHe lived in the county? What the h.e.l.l was he doing in the city that night?a Anna shrugged. aDonat know. When I became a cop I looked at his file. It never really shed any light on why he was there.a That just left more questions in Danteas mind, and dredged up more memories about that night.

aBack to George though,a Anna said, nudging Dante out of the past and into the present, reminding him of what they all had to talk about.

aRight. Itas no coincidence George was killed in the same place, that someone cut a heart in his chest, that he was beaten to death,a Dante said, folding his arms and looking at all of them.

aDante,a Anna warned.

aWhat are you saying?a Roman asked.

The one thing he didnat want to say. The one thing none of them wanted to say out loud. But it had to be said. aThe obvious. Someone else was in the alley that night when Anna was attacked, and when we beat Tony Maclin to death, whoever was there saw what we did.a No one said anything, so he continued.

aSomeone sent us a message.a


Anna stood to move next to Dante. aIt wasnat a message. It could still be a coincidence.a Danteas brows lifted. aYou donat really believe that, do you?a aItas my job to look at all the angles. I canat use tunnel vision on this and tie it into what happened twelve years ago as the only option, when it could be something else entirely.a She turned to all of them. aThere could still be the drug angle.a aWait,a Jeff said. aWhat drug angle?a aGeorge was found with on him,a Gabe said.

Jeff snorted. aGeorge? Do drugs? Head slit his own wrists before head let drugs anywhere near him.a aAgreed,a Dante said. aBut this is still connected to that night twelve years ago. The drugs were planted.a aYou donat know that,a Anna said. aThe drug angle is a viable option.a aAnna,a Dante said, laying his hand on her shoulder. aSame location, same cause of death? The heart cut into his chest? Come on. Itas the same d.a.m.n thing that happened that night. You canat ignore it.a aHeas right,a Gabe said. aPlus, they killed George, and that ties it to us. Someone else was there that night.a aDante is right about this,a Roman said, grimacing. aSomeone saw what we did and is punis.h.i.+ng us for it.a Anna agreed, but the cop in her wanted to deny. aWho would have been there? Why wait twelve years to send a message? And what kind of message is killing George? He had nothing to do with it.a aNo, but heas connected to all of us,a Dante said.

Roman grabbed her hand, forcing her attention on him. aAnd you know as well as I do that murder only makes sense to the killer. Look at what Tony Maclin tried to do to you that night, Anna. Did that make sense?a Tony Maclin. The mention of his name always brought that night, still so clear in her mind, rus.h.i.+ng back. The smells, the sounds, her walk to the Dumpster to empty the trash. She hadnat seen anyone that night, not even her attacker. And after shead been attacked, theread been panic, and pain, and the guys rus.h.i.+ng to jump on Tony Maclin.

She hadnat known his name until the next day, when his body had been found and the media had reported on it.

Theyad put Maclinas picture on the news. Just a kid, like the rest of them. Clean-cut, looked like a nice guy.

He hadnat been a nice guy in the alley when head grabbed her and dragged her behind the Dumpster and held a knife to her throat.

And a part of Tony Maclin would always remain with her.

The scar throbbed, reminding her of him, of what head done to her.

Now the past had caught up with the present.

Could someone else have been there that night? She racked her brain to recall if shead seen anyone else around, someone who could have seen what had happened. But her mind wrapped around the events that stuck out in her minda"the attack on her, and the guys beating Tony Maclin.

If someone else had been there, why hadnat they stopped what happened to her? Why hadnat they stopped the guys from killing Tony?

She could still see them pummeling him, hear their fists connecting with his flesh.

She tried to muster up sympathy for the way theyad pounded on him, the blood flying from his face, the way he looked when theyad finished with him, but all shead felt was satisfaction that he hadnat gotten away, that head felt some of the misery head inflicted on her.

Shead waited years to feel guilty about him dying in the alley that night, and she never had.

Justice had been served that night. It might have been vigilante justice, and it might have been cruel, but she lived with the scars of that night, and she knew shead never have survived the attack if Dante, Gabe and the others hadnat been there for her. Instinctively, she knew Tony Maclin would not have let her live. He hadnat just been out to rape her. He intended to kill her. Maybe it was the drugs he was hopped up on that had left him without coherent thought, but she knew she wasnat going to come out of that alley alive.

No, she felt no guilt over him dying instead of her.

She owed the guys everything. Including keeping her mind open about the attack on George and the connection to twelve years ago. She had to protect her guys.

aSo somebody knows. Now what do we do?a Jeff paced back and forth, downed the last of his beer and crushed the can. He raked his fingers through his hair. aThis is f.u.c.ked up. I need a cigarette.a He pushed open the slider and stepped through into the backyard. Anna watched his hands shake as he lit a cigarette, the smoke billowing out through his mouth and nostrils.

aIall go see if I can calm him down,a Roman said.

Gabe leaned back against the sofa. aWhat do you think, Anna?a aI donat know. If I were being honest Iad say Iad like to live in complete denial about the whole thing.a aCanat say I blame you for that,a Gabe said. aYou donat want to relive it or have it come back again.a She didnat, but it wasnat going to be avoidable. aDo you guys remember seeing anyone in the alley that night?a Dante shook his head. aNo, but we were all focused on what had happened to you. Once we saw Maclin and grabbed him, that was it.a aDanteas right,a Gabe said, throwing an arm over the top of the sofa. aThere was tunnel vision. We only saw him, and then there was you.a aI do remember sweeping the alley,a Dante said, taking a seat in one of the chairs across from the sofa. aWe wanted to make sure Maclin didnat bring anyone with him.a Gabe leaned forward. aYouare right. I remember that, too. After we left you, before we got out of there. We panicked, wanted to make sure no one saw what wead done.a aAnd?a Anna asked.

aThere was no one,a Dante said. aWe checked one end of the alley to the other. There wasnat a sign of anyone.a aBut that doesnat mean someone hadnat been there before,a Gabe said. aSomeone could have been there watching the whole time.a Dante nodded. aAnd then taken off when we brought Anna inside the shop.a as.h.i.+t,a Gabe said.

aBut why wait? If someone saw you guys beat up Maclin, why not report it right then?a Anna asked.

aScared?a Gabe offered. aMaybe whoever was in the alley with Maclin was high, too, not even sure of what he was seeing. Plus, no way would he call the cops.a aOkay, that makes sense. Self-preservation and all that. But what did that have to do with killing George? Whatas the connection?a Dante asked.

Anna blew out a breath. aThatas my job to figure out.a Jeff and Roman came back in.

aIn the meantime, all of you need to be on guard and be careful,a Anna said. aWe donat yet know what the connection is between Georgeas murder and what happened twelve years ago.a aAnd whoever did this has some connection to you, Anna,a Jeff said. aYou donat worry about us. You gotta watch your own back.a She smiled and nodded. aI always do, Jeff.a They chatted for a while, the guys catching up with Dante, who, Anna noted, still wasnat all that forthcoming about where head been for the past twelve years, giving them excuses about traveling and doing manual labor here and there and how much head enjoyed seeing the world.

He looked so at ease as he bulls.h.i.+tted with the guys, not at all tense about all this like Jeff was. Roman was used to threats, because like her, it was the nature of their jobs. Gabe was laid-back because he lived his life with the criminal element. He was always looking over his shoulder.

Was Dante a criminal, too?

She needed to find out.

Jeff and Roman headed out. Since Gabe kept checking his phone, not a half hour later he said he had a ameeting.a She didnat want to know what kind of meeting he had, nor was she going to ask.

Gabe stood at her door and laid his hands on her shoulders. aYou keep eyes in the back of your head. I donat like whatas going on.a aYou do the same.a His quick grin didnat comfort her, because she knew he took chances he shouldnat. aI always watch my own back, honey.a He kissed her cheek and walked out the door. She closed it, locked it and turned to find Dante standing right behind her.

She skirted around him and went into the living room, picking up empty beer cans. After she dumped them in the trash, she pivoted and he was right there behind her again with a stack of cans in his hand.

aG.o.ddammit, Dante.a aWhat?a aQuit sneaking up on me.a aYouare a cop. I wouldnat think anyone could get a stealth drop on you.a Unnerved, she shoved him aside and went back into the living room. aNormally no one does. Youave got ninja skills.a He laughed and slid onto the sofa next to her, stretching his long, lean legs out in front of him.

aDonat get comfortable.a aYou donat have to work, do you?a aNo.a aItas still early.a He stretched his arms over the back of the sofa.

She refused to notice the lean muscle of his forearms, or the dark hairs. Or his tan skin that made her want to ask where head been outside lately. aIam tired.a His grin irritated her. aI make you nervous.a aNo, you donat.a She leaned forward to pick up the pizza boxes.

aAnna.a He laid his hand on her arm and pulled her back. aTalk to me.a His touch had an effect on her. No manas touch did that. She hated that Danteas did. He was a closed-up mystery, a few pieces of a giant puzzle. She wouldnat ask him again where head been.

aWe have nothing to say to each other anymore.a He swept her hair away from her face. She knocked his hand away.

Instead of being offended, he smiled. aI like that youare tough. It makes me worry a little less about you.a aYou have no right to worry about me at all.a She pushed off the couch and grabbed the empty pizza boxes, shoved them in the trash can in the kitchen. This time she knew Dante was behind her, her senses tuning to him. She put the lid on the trash and turned around.

He was so big. Big guys tended to freak her out, at least when they invaded her personal s.p.a.ce. Caged between him and her kitchen counter, she expected the normal panic to set in. She took things with men slow and easy. Too much too fast and things took a nosedive.

But everything about Dante was familiar to her, from his scent to the color of his eyes to the way his skin felt under her hand. She balled her fingers into her fists to keep from reaching out to touch him, to find out if he still felt the same to her. She took a deep breath, inhaling the crisp scent of him. Her heart banged a hard rhythm against her chest, but this time it wasnat the familiar choking panica"it was something else entirely.

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The Heart Of A Killer Part 6 summary

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