Saving Landon Part 34

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The head was so firm, so full of blood and eager for release. I realized how selfless Trent had been, bringing me to an o.r.g.a.s.m first, and I wanted to repay him in kind.

My lips wrapped around his head, and I pushed down around the shaft.

His immediate groans told me what I needed to know. They encouraged me, pushed me onwards, and I began to slowly draw myself up and down his c.o.c.k. It was interesting to feel his piercings against my tongue I hadn't really thought about catching on them, but to my satisfaction they didn't bother me in the slightest.

At Trent's instruction, I started teasing him, flicking my tongue along the base of his head as I stroked his c.o.c.k with my hand. This got me the reaction I wanted, and he lifted his head to groan, looking down into my eyes.

I gave him the s.e.xiest look I could muster, and he almost came right there and then.

Instead, he pulled me up from his c.o.c.k, tossing me back down into the covers. Instinctively, my ankles parted, and he descended upon me in the instant.

The exhilaration threw my eyes wide open, and I was barely prepared for his lips against mine again, his tongue in my mouth. My chest was heaving; my fingers were digging into his shoulder blades.

I could only barely keep up with his unhinged pleasure, and terror gripped me as I felt the tip of his c.o.c.k brush up against my lower lips.

"Are you ready?" He whispered delicately.

I nodded.

"Tell me."

"I'm ready," I whispered.

"Prove it," he grinned.

"Trent...f.u.c.k me," I pleaded.

The head began to push in, and I gasped against his grinning, confident lips.

Just a finger or two had stretched me, but his thick c.o.c.k was on a completely different level. If he hadn't already prepared me with his tongue...I knew I wouldn't have been able to withstand his ma.s.sive, hot member.

As promised, Trent was gentle. I held onto his body and tried to relax, and he rea.s.suringly whispered sweet nothings and support into my ear. We waited like that for just a moment and I knew it was time. Catching his eyes, I smiled.

Oh G.o.d...

He drove deep, my body engulfing his saliva slickened c.o.c.k into my wetness and taking my virginity once and for all.

I was claimed.

I was his.

Trent was sheathed deep inside me. The sting subsided after a few moments to manageable, almost pleasurable levels. I was amazed at how well he fit inside me. His c.o.c.k was so huge, stretching my slickened walls so wide. I just didn't think I could take it.

He continued being gentle, at least at first.

Trent was precise with his movements, positioning my hips so that his piercings excited my folds just properly, pressing up against my b.u.t.ton of nerves deep inside.

"Oh G.o.d..." I murmured, my fingernails clenching into his back.

"I'm going to be careful this first time."

I nodded, barely able to focus on his words. Did he mean there would be a next time?

Trent held himself up above me, ensuring that his weight didn't crush me. I felt him push deep into me and drag halfway out, not willing to break our physical connection.

As I adjusted to his movements, I started to sway my hips with them, pus.h.i.+ng against his pelvis with my own to meet the grinding of our bodies.

He seemed to be enjoying himself, judging by his eyes clasped shut, the groans from deep within his thick, barrel chest, and the way that his c.o.c.k trembled inside.

This is s.e.x, I thought to myself.

This is what I've been missing.

It's f.u.c.king incredible.

I felt like a missing part of me was finally being fulfilled. An aching chasm, both physically and emotionally, was at the pinnacle of fulfillment.

Trent supplied that through a thick, studded c.o.c.k.

Anyone else would have f.u.c.ked this up, but it just felt so right with him. It felt like everything was falling into place.

I couldn't explain it. At the time, I ignored most of the thoughts, or at least tried to. It's the moment, I thought to myself. It's just because we're having s.e.x. He has to leave soon, anyway.

The thought of him leaving my side chilled me to my very core. He noticed, slowing down and pressing his lips to my ear.

"What's the matter?"


"No, don't lock me out. What is it?"

"It's're leaving soon, right?"

He paused, smiling knowingly. "I'll be here until dawn... And dawn is hours away..."


Trent We f.u.c.ked long into the night, occasionally stopping to rest. We'd drink water (or in my case, sports drinks that practically dripped with electrolytes) and rest our aching muscles for a few minutes before ramping it back up.

I couldn't believe how amazing it felt.

The night I lost my virginity, I was 14 and the chick was 16. She was some older girl who was this total s.l.u.t that I met at some party I was way too young to have been in.

Half-drunk, we made out in a closet before she whipped out my d.i.c.k, sucking me down like a champ. It was a spontaneous experience that grew me up real fast, especially when she pushed her panties aside and straddled my erection.

I felt spent but filthy after that.

But the confidence boost was incredible.

It helped that I had a naturally attractive build. All I had to do was work on it properly. With the burst in self-a.s.surance from my first lay, I was practically drowning in p.u.s.s.y.

It suited me just fine.

Then, when my little afterschool band and I swapped a few members out and started playing decent gigs, got the right attention, and wound up with an LP demo sent out to the right people in the right places...

Huh, I thought to myself, pulling Angel down hard on my studded d.i.c.k again. I guess I've never f.u.c.ked someone I actually cared about.

Just acknowledging that she was anything more than a temporary fix was monumental alone.

Angel came hard on my c.o.c.k time and time again, surprisingly ready for more. I held back my own o.r.g.a.s.m for as long as I could eager to draw out her pleasure but there was only so much that I could withstand.

This time, we came together. It was an incredible, heart-pumping experience that absolutely defied explanation.

We nestled up together in my bed, her head easily resting in the crook of my shoulder. My body tried to relax into the post-o.r.g.a.s.mic stupor that it loved so much, but I defied my lethargic nature to stay up with her.

Up until the dawning light.

"I wish I could go with you," Angel whispered.

"Do you want to?" I asked.

She immediately propped herself up on an elbow, eager to give me her undivided attention. I could see tentative antic.i.p.ation on her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked quietly.

"'s just us on the road, right? The bus has room for you, and it's not like we have a lot of shows left. We're pretty much heading straight home after this."

I could see the cogs spinning in her head.

"I mean...where will I go when the tour ends? You're not coming back to Alabama..."

"No, probably not," I told her. "But I think that you and I can probably figure it out when we get to that point."

I felt her heart practically stop against me.

", there's no way..."

"I mean it," I told her, smiling warmly. "I feel a real connection to you. And if it doesn't work out, so what? We get you on a bus and you just come straight back. No harm in trying, right?"

"Do you...seriously want to keep me around?" She asked quietly.

"I told you, Angel. I feel something with you. Come with me," I replied.

"Are you...are you sure?"


"I won't, like, distract you?"

"Not at all."

"What about the others?"

"The others? f.u.c.k the others."

"Trent, you can't just"

"I certainly can. If they have a problem with you, then they have a problem with me. I'm the driving force behind this group. They can't go on without me. You're not a d.a.m.n Yoko."


"Yoko Ono... The Beatles?"

Her eyes were still searching for understanding.

"I'll explain it to you later," I said, laughing. "Just come."

"Okay," she nodded. "Let's do this."

"Do you need anything?"

She thought for a moment.

"My backpack. It's back home. My social security card, my state ID."

I jumped up from the bed, throwing clothes on. "We don't have a lot of time," I warned her, lifting a blind with a fingertip. The sun's rays were already penetrating through the semi-darkness.

Steven was going to be p.i.s.sed.

I threw a couple of her clothes towards her. "Angel, if we're going, we need to do it now."

"Okay," she agreed, tossing on her miniskirt and s.h.i.+rt. She didn't bother with anything else. Within minutes, we were in the rental jeep and flying down the Interstate.

Keeping a tired but aware eye out for any state troopers, perched along the shoulder of the highway, my priority was to safely put considerable distance between the bus and us.

Her little ramshackle bar was an hour-ish away, and we definitely had less than two hours to spare.

As I pushed that little rental Wrangler up to eighty miles per hour, a concerning thought occurred to me. I quickly patted at my pockets.


In the rush, I'd forgotten my phone.

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Saving Landon Part 34 summary

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