Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 2

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Chapter 5 - Cobra.

Daemon sauntered in to the clubroom and grabbed a beer before making his way to the where we sat. He eyed the stack of cash in front of Ryder as he took a long sip from the bottle.

"Double or nothing," he said.

My head jerked in his direction. Daemon never played cards unless he thought he could win. My twin hated losing so much that he'd rather not partake than lose. He dug into his pocket and threw five hundred dollar bills onto the table.

"f.u.c.k off. You think you can take my money, huh?" Ryder growled.

I couldn't help laughing. Ryder wasn't as good at bluffing. He wore his feelings on his face. I kinda liked that about him, because with Ryder there weren't any hidden agendas. I always knew exactly where I stood.

Daemon, on the other hand, was the biggest cheat I'd ever known. He'd skew anything in his favor. But since I was losing anyway it would be interesting to see what happened, so I s.h.i.+fted over and made s.p.a.ce for Daemon on the couch next to me.

"Thanks for bringing us each a fresh beer, a.s.shole," I said as I took the last sip from my bottle. I had a thirst that needed quenching.

"Yeah, thanks," Razor echoed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He was always getting everyone beers, including Daemon.

"I'm not the f.u.c.king barmaid. Get off your a.s.s and get your own." Daemon took a long sip of his beer and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Who's the dealer?"

Razor groaned as he got to his feet and went to the bar. A minute later, he returned with a beer for everyone and a spare for Daemon. "Here, f.u.c.ker. At least I have better manners than you."

Daemon smirked as he took the beer from Razor. "That's maybe all you have going for you, little brother. At least I'm not a dumb f.u.c.k ugly s.h.i.+t-face like you."

"Whoa, what the f.u.c.k, Daemon? I'm not in the mood for your s.h.i.+t tonight. Play nice or f.u.c.k off." I gave him a warning glare as I gritted my teeth.

Ryder watched with a deep frown between his brows. He'd never gelled with Daemon, and I could see he was getting irritated by the way his nose flared, and a vein ticked in his jaw. Daemon would hurt if Ryder took him on. Since Ryder had come to the compound, he'd been working out every day and he was just as muscled and strong as any of us.

"I agree with Cobra. We're just chilling, so don't start with anything tonight. Save that bulls.h.i.+t for someone else." The threat in Ryder's voice was unmistakable.

"You can go back to whatever hole you crawled out of," Daemon snarled. "Was the biggest mistake my brothers made, saving your a.s.s and bringing you here."

"f.u.c.k off, Daemon. Ryder's a better brother to me than you've ever been," Razor said, his face turning red as he glared at his older brother.

"Why are you helping this homeless motherf.u.c.ker and treating him like he's your blood? Isn't your real family good enough? Am I the only person here who sees that Ryder is just an opportunist using you?"

Ryder rose to his feet, both fists balled by his sides. Daemon was begging for a showdown. He wasn't happy if there wasn't blood spilling. I feared the day Ryder took Daemon on, because he'd kill my twin. Not that it was necessarily a bad thing, but it would have implications for Ryder and his place at Scorpio Stinger MC. My old man would have to exact revenge, or at least cut him loose for killing a Malone.

"Ryder, it's okay, man. Drink your beer and ignore the a.s.shole. He's just baiting you 'cause he knows how to push all of our b.u.t.tons. If it were an Olympic sport, Daemon f.u.c.king Malone would be world champion." I turned to Daemon. "Why do you always have to f.u.c.k everything up? What's going on in that twisted brain of yours?"

"Maybe the two of you saved juvie boy because you have other plans for him. Like making him your b.i.t.c.h and f.u.c.king him up the a.s.s."

Ryder tensed his muscles, his shoulders raised. His jaw clenched and he had murder in his eyes. If I weren't so worried about what would happen to Ryder if Daemon got killed, I'd spur him on to f.u.c.king shut Daemon up once and for all.

"You're a sick b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I don't even want to call you brother," I spat, blood coursing hot through my veins. I pushed to my feet, moving so that I stood between Ryder and Daemon, my back stiff and unyielding.

If Ryder lost his s.h.i.+t, as Daemon wanted him to, this could get real ugly fast. I flexed my hands-they were itching to do damage to Daemon's face.

"Suits me just fine. I'd be happy to forget we were ever related."

The sad thing was he really meant it.

I leaned forward and grabbed Daemon by his s.h.i.+rt and yanked him to his feet. His face was inches from mine as I stared squarely into his eyes. I breathed heavily through my nostrils, fighting to stay calm.

Through clenched teeth, I said, "If there is only one thing you ever remember about me, it's this-I'll never forgive anyone who crosses me." I paused for a few seconds to let that sink in. "You f.u.c.k with me or anyone I care about, you're dead. Blood or no blood. Are we clear on that? Now get the f.u.c.k out of here and take your f.u.c.king money with you. We play cards for our pleasure, not to have s.h.i.+t stirred between us."

My twin grabbed his money off the table and sauntered to where the girls stood around the bar. I rolled my eyes. Daemon was in one of his moods, which was never a good thing for anyone he came into contact with. Not even club deserved to be treated mean. I'd heard stories of what my brother did to women, mostly carving pieces of them with a sharp blade, even disfiguring those who angered him.

He slapped the five one-hundred-dollar notes on the bar counter. "This is for the three of you to spend the night with me. Share it however you like. I'm in a generous mood and I have money and energy to burn," he said, smirking.

Jenna, a pretty brunette, rose to her feet. "I've got to go. I have to babysit my little brothers and sisters tonight while my mom goes to work. I need to be home by seven." She fidgeted with her purse and avoided Daemon's eyes.

"You stay, b.i.t.c.h. Your t.i.ts are just what I want tonight."

Ryder stopped dealing and turned his head toward me, raising his eyebrows as if to say here we go again.

"I'm really sorry, Daemon, but my mom's a single parent and she needs the cash to pay our bills."

Daemon whipped another two hundred dollars from his pocket and shoved it between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with great fanfare. Where the f.u.c.k did he get all the cash?

"This should be double her night's wages. She'll be proud of you earning this much for one night of p.u.s.s.y. Call her and tell her she has the night off and you're staying here."

Jenna removed the bills from her bra and held them out to Daemon who stood watching her with growing l.u.s.t in his eyes. This girl was taking his fancy because she dared say no to him. A challenge was always a trigger point for my twin. He thrived on making people do as he wanted.

"I can't. She'll lose her job. It's not only about one night. What about next month's bills?"

"Are you really saying f.u.c.king no to me, b.i.t.c.h?" He s.n.a.t.c.hed the money from her hand, shoved the notes back into his pocket and grabbed her by the throat. Her eyes widened with fright.

I rubbed my temples, my head hurting.

"Seems like I'll be f.u.c.king you for free then. See what happens when a s.l.u.t refuses my generosity?" He turned to the other two girls, then switched his gaze back solely to Jenna. "I'm reserving my knife just for you tonight, sweetheart. You deserve the best I have."

I'd had enough. I couldn't watch or listen another second. Usually I didn't interfere in brother's dealings, but Daemon was way the f.u.c.k out of line. I pushed to my feet.

"Let her go, Daemon. She needs to leave."

"Mind your own f.u.c.king business, and keep playing your stupid card game. This is between me and Jenna," he snarled, showing me his teeth like a dog who was guarding its bone.

Ryder's head snapped up and he let out a low growl. Knox wasn't a fan of women, but he hated anyone getting mistreated. His jaw clenched as he watched Daemon through narrowed eyes. I knew what he was thinking because I was thinking the same. Motherf.u.c.ker always needs to rule the f.u.c.king world.

In a measured voice, I spoke loud and clear. "I. Said. Leave. Her. The. f.u.c.k. Alone." I gritted my teeth together, opening and closing my fists as I waited for him to let her go.

His hand tightened around her throat, making her gasp. Gripping her t.i.t in his hand, he squeezed hard until she let out a strangled cry.

"And give up f.u.c.king these big t.i.ts with my c.o.c.k and my knife? You're crazy!"

Her eyes were screwed shut and tears spilled from the sides. Her lips quivered and she was struggling for breath.

I lost my s.h.i.+t. Completely. I couldn't bear it a second longer. "What the f.u.c.k, man? Are you deaf or stupid, or both?" I yelled, coming to the end of my patience. I barged forward and barreled into Daemon's body with full force, knocking him away from Jenna. He sprawled across the floor, landing on his stomach.

I had to use every bit of my self-control not to kick him until he f.u.c.king bled. n.o.body treated a woman like that. n.o.body. Shame washed over me for my twin.

The other girls grabbed the trembling girl and pulled her toward the bathroom. I nodded at the blonde, signaling for her and her friend to take Jenna away before it got uglier. My palms twitched, and I wasn't sure how this would end.

Daemon spat at my feet. "You'll f.u.c.king pay for this. And every other thing you've done to me. The day will come when I will get you back, and I'm looking forward to it. The revenge will be sweet, Brother, because I'm going to f.u.c.k you over in such a way it will destroy your life. Just f.u.c.king wait."

Ryder appeared by my side. He stood with his arms crossed and his legs wide to balance himself. He stared down at Daemon, his face angry as he clenched his jaw, but he remained silent, supporting me without needing to say a d.a.m.n word.

I shook my head. I was so f.u.c.king tired of this. It had been going on for f.u.c.king years. "There's nothing you can do to hurt or shame me that you haven't already done, a.s.shole. I'm ashamed to call you my brother. Every time I look at you, I feel disgust at what a f.u.c.king low-life human being you are."

"f.u.c.k you," Daemon yelled as he stormed off like a bat out of h.e.l.l.

Moments later a motorcycle roared to life and took off. Thank f.u.c.k. Once Daemon was in one of those moods, nothing could calm him down. Maybe a ride was the best way to clear his demons.

My head hurt like a motherf.u.c.ker. I'd been there this time to help Jenna out, but there would be a time Daemon played his f.u.c.king games when I wasn't around. A cold s.h.i.+ver ran down my back.

My twin was bad to the f.u.c.king bone and he was going to be the death of me. I just knew it.

Chapter 6 - Alessandra.

One year later My best friend, Esmerelda, had come to stay over at my house for the weekend. We lay on my bed, flipping through magazines and chatting. The radio was on in the background and the song that was playing reminded me of Cobra.

Whenever I heard that the Scorpio Stinger bikers were coming to town, I'd count down the days, waiting anxiously to see if Cobra would be with the other men. I feared the day the bikers arrived without him. It would crush me.

My fears were real. Cobra cursed the heat and the arid countryside with all its hidden dangers and said he'd never come back, but he always did-I knew it was to see me. Until he stopped suddenly without warning.

Emptiness had filled my heart, and I'd missed him. There'd been nothing to look forward to any more. Life became dull and I'd kept to myself mostly, turning down invitations from my other school friends. The only real friend I still had was Esme.

Papa kept me away from boys. He'd said he had something very special planned for me and that none of the guys in our village were good enough for me. I didn't mind because quite frankly, I'd seen them at school and none of them came close to my fantasy boy. Cobra was the one I wanted. The one I was saving myself for.

"Alessi, you haven't heard a word I said. Are you thinking about your silly crush on that biker boy again?"

I lifted my chin. "It's not a silly crush."

I hated how I couldn't even explain to myself what or why I felt the way I did, and I knew it sounded crazy that I yearned for some boy in a faraway place.

"You can't possibly love a boy you hardly know."

I pursed my lips in an attempt to calm the irritation that spiked through my veins. Was it because she'd caught me out as I replayed the earlier interactions between Cobra and me over and over in my head?

I couldn't understand why he'd stopped coming with the rest of the gang. Had I done something to anger him? I'd fretted and tried to get information from one of the other men, worrying that he'd met a pretty girl and wanted to stay home to be with her. I'd never gotten answers.

It wasn't often that we disagreed, but Esmerelda couldn't or wouldn't understand how he made me feel. There was something about him-it wasn't just that he was different to the local boys in so many ways. "I've known Cobra for six years, and every time I see him I like him more."

We didn't get to talk much because there was always someone around watching, but it was enough just to be close to him. I sensed that he felt the same. His gaze would follow me around, and sometimes I'd do things, moving to other places just to check his reaction. I was right. As soon as I moved away, a deep frown would appear between his brows until I moved closer to him again.

Esme threw her hands up in defense. "Okay . . . okay, I get it. You are love-struck with him, yes?" She'd been with just about every boy in town, and even some from other areas. But I was determined to wait for Cobra. I knew he'd be back for me. I saw it in his eyes.

My voice softened. "I dream about him at night and it feels so real, Esme." I cast my eyes down, not want her to see the yearning in my soul. "So right."

I couldn't explain to her how I'd felt a connection with Cobra since the first time I'd touched his arm when I was only eleven. He felt it too. I could tell by the way he'd melted under my fingertips, and the way he looked at me every time he came to Mexico to do business, with his father and brothers.

Esme sat up on the bed, folding her long legs under her. She c.o.c.ked her head to the side, biting into her bottom lip, staring at me.

"What? Don't give me that look-"

"You've got to get your cherry popped, Alessi. Soon. I've heard rumors about your father wanting to keep you a virgin."

My head jerked up. "What rumors?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a local boy or your prince on a steel horse, but you gotta get laid before your eighteenth birthday." The small frown between her eyes told me she wasn't joking about this. Unease settled in my belly. Esme had access to information via her older siblings. They'd talk about stuff in front of her and she'd always come and tell me the gossip. Only this time it appeared that I was the topic of discussion. I'm not liking this one bit.

I tried to keep the alarm from my voice. "First, you gotta explain what you mean. Why are you sounding as if my life depends on it?"

"I'm not hundred percent sure what's going on, so I wasn't going to tell you before I found out more, but-"

"What? Tell me!" I hate secrets. Secrets destroy lives.

"Um . . . I overheard something that I don't want to believe is true. It would be horrible."

"s.h.i.+t, do you want me to punch you? You can't leave me hanging like this," I said, my mouth dry as I balled my fist to hit her arm.

She held up both hands to ward me off. "Okay, okay." She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When she opened them, she met my gaze. What I saw there made my blood run cold. Fear. But mostly pity.

"Your papa . . . he's promised you to the Don. On your eighteenth birthday, you're supposed to marry him."

"What?" I gasped. "You can't be serious?" I scrutinized her face for signs that she was joking-I'd kill her if she were, because it was not funny. But no, instead I saw tears well up in her black eyes.

Don Pedro. He was old and disgusting. Just the thought of him touching me made me want to puke. She had to be wrong about this. My mother would never allow it, would she? Why hadn't my parents told me about this if it were true? I didn't want to believe it.

Esme reached out to take my hand in hers. "My sister is sleeping with Miguel, the big guy that works for your father. He told her that he was in the room when your father met with Don Pedro six years ago and promised you to him."

I shook my head. "No. It can't be possible. You must have mistaken what she said. I told you to stop eavesdropping."

"I'm sorry, Alessi. I wasn't eavesdropping this time. Christina told me because she thought I . . . we should know."

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Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 2 summary

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