Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 23

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And fight for her I would. Until my last breath.

Mia was worth it. Always.

Chapter 49 - Mia.

The desire and need in Cobra's eyes was scorching hot. When he looked at me with his typical expression of love and l.u.s.t, I could hardly resist him. I wanted to crumble and run into his arms and beg him to f.u.c.k me.

Instead, I offered him tea. His face was priceless. I'd expected him to turn me down and ask for something stronger, but to my surprise, he'd agreed. I'd smiled as I left the bathroom, humming a tune as I put the kettle on.

The tea was for me. I needed something sweet and warm to calm me down. We hadn't really talked in a long time. I'd put my cards on the table a long while ago. There could never be anyone but Cobra for me.

Strong arms slid around my waist from behind me and pulled me to a hard muscled chest. My heart beat so loudly I was sure he could hear it.

"Baby," he murmured against my ear as he pushed my hair to the side and ran his lips over my skin. He knew I loved that. My ears and the skin around that area were super sensitive and he could make me wet just by kissing my neck.

His tongue snaked out and ran along the sh.e.l.l of my ear. My knees felt weak, and my whole body responded by tingling.

"Cobra," I groaned, pulling my head away from those decadent lips. I wanted nothing more than his mouth on me, but it would turn me into a mess, and I needed to keep it together while we talked.

"I want you, baby. I need you tonight."

s.e.x. Was that all he wanted from me? How long had it been since he'd emptied his b.a.l.l.s? Had he had help from one of the club There were plenty of willing women just waiting in the wings for Cobra to summon them. They weren't shy in telling me how s.e.xy they found my husband, or how lucky I was having him. They'd be more than happy to service my man without any qualms.

"Um . . . the tea is ready. Shall we sit on the couch?" I said, shrugging him off me and lifting the two cups from the counter.

"Yeah, okay," he said, as he followed me. "Don't shut me out, Mia. I'm trying to make it up to you." His voice was strained and tight.

I set the cups down on the table and turned to face him. "I'm not-I promise you, I'm trying, too. But you can't just show up and expect me to fall into your arms after everything that's happened. You were the one who shut me out for weeks. You were the one who didn't want me." I couldn't hide the hurt. I'd always been transparent to Cobra. Except for when it came to the one thing that drove us apart.

Reaching out, I cupped his cheek. "There's nothing I want to hide from you ever again. But we need to talk. Get it all out-otherwise it will fester inside us forever. We need to clear the air and say what we need to say."

His hand came up to cover mine. His eyes burned into mine as we stood watching one another. There was so much to say, and yet it was so difficult to put it all into words.

"Let me wors.h.i.+p you. Let me talk to you in the only way I know how. I don't know how to say everything I feel. I need to show you. Please let me."

It was true. Cobra wasn't a man of many words. His way of communicating was through deeds. I nodded slowly, my gaze never leaving his. He placed a hand behind my neck and pulled me closer.

G.o.d, I loved that. With one tiny gesture, he showed me his possession. That he owned me, as he always had. I yielded, letting him draw me closer to him until our bodies melded together.

"We fit so perfectly together. Just like we always have. You were made for me, Mia. And I for you." He brushed his lips over mine. True again. I couldn't disagree. Slowly but surely he was reeling me in and I was only too willing to follow. As long as he communicated with me, let me in, I was open to him.

He leaned his forehead against mine, his hand around my neck, our bodies so close I could feel his heartbeat under my fingertips. "Just let me talk, okay?"

This was a first. I needed to hear his words, so I listened with my heart.

"I'm sorry," he breathed. "Sorry that I wasn't here when you needed me. I failed you in so many ways, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't want me anymore."

I sucked in a breath. I need you more than you can ever know.

"I know I sucked as a husband and a father. I let you down by letting Daemon take Jamie. And then I messed up further by not coming home when we couldn't find him. Because I felt that I'd failed our family, I tortured myself, not realizing that I was punis.h.i.+ng both of us." He fell silent for a while. Both our chests were heaving as we took it all in. "I'm just a man. A stupid man . . . but a man who loves you so much. I'd die for you-and the kids."

"You nearly did. G.o.d, I shot you in the arm," I said, my voice strangled by the tears I was holding back.

"It's only a graze, nothing serious. The bullet hit the wall. You are a brave woman, Mia, to have stood up to Daemon like that."

I pulled away and inspected his arm. "Daemon aimed to shoot you between the eyes. I hadn't planned on shooting anyone, but I couldn't let that happen." I closed my eyes and swallowed the thick lump in my throat. "My love for you was stronger than my fear for him."

"Thank f.u.c.k, baby. You saved my life."

"Technically, I didn't," I said with a small smile. "Ryder stole my glory."

"a.s.shole always does that," I joked, then added, "luckily for us. Ryder has saved my hide more times than I care to count. Was the best life insurance policy I ever bought, when I saved his d.a.m.n life."

"We're both lucky. Ryder has been wonderful to me, and the kids, too. I couldn't love him more-"

"Careful," my husband growled, pulling me back into his embrace. "If you ever loved him more than me, I'd have to kill him."

"Don't be silly," I laughed, swatting his arm. "I could never lo-"

"Yeah? Keep going."

I dropped my gaze to his chest, avoiding his eyes. He lifted my chin and held it so I had nowhere to look but at his face. My lids fluttered closed as I pressed my lips together.

"Open your eyes, baby, and tell me. I need to hear it. Please."

Drawing in a long slow breath, I cranked my eyelids open. The love and adoration in Cobra's gaze were hard to ignore. He gazed deep into my eyes. Deep into my soul.

"I could never love anyone like I love you. Even when you didn't want me, I still wanted you."

"Mia, that's not true. I've never stopped wanting you. From the first moment I laid eyes on you when you were nothing more than a kid. I couldn't take my f.u.c.king eyes or mind off you. You hit me in the heart . . . and the c.o.c.k . . . and since then I've wanted nothing more than you."

My insides ached. "Then why did you push me away? Help me understand. It hurt me so much."

"I'm so f.u.c.king sorry. I'm a cranky crab-you know I always draw into my sh.e.l.l when I'm hurting."

I nodded. That was true.

"You've always waited for me to come out of the sh.e.l.l. This time, I feared I'd gone too far." He scrubbed a hand over his face. "Truth is, I don't think I'm good enough for you. I don't deserve your love."

"Baby." My eyes widened in shock. How could he believe that was true?

"You called me baby. The first time in weeks."

"I did. You tricked me, though."

Cobra dipped his head and sucked my bottom lip into his mouth. He devoured my lips with his like a starving man. I let him taste me as our tongues danced the oldest dance mankind knew.

I melted into him and snaked my arms around his neck, being careful not to hurt his shoulder. He kissed me again, his hunger insatiable.

Chuckling, he lifted me with one arm and carried me toward the couch. "Our tea is getting cold."

Our tea?

"f.u.c.k the tea," I said, eager for his lips to kiss me again.

"I'd rather f.u.c.k you," he said, squeezing my a.s.s.

Chapter 50 - Cobra.

I'd finally won her over. Christ, I hadn't realized how much I ached for her until I kissed her. My whole body was set alight with want and need. My heartbeat echoed in my ears as I set her down on the couch and crawled over her beautiful body, drinking her in with my eyes.

"I love you so f.u.c.king much. I need to show you. I'm going to make the sweetest love to you we have ever experienced."

I gripped the edges of the T-s.h.i.+rt she wore and lifted it over her head. She'd lost weight since I'd last seen her naked, but all her curves were still in the right places. My c.o.c.k strained against my shorts, eager to get inside my woman.

"Baby," she breathed as a blush spread over her skin. She tried to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with her arms.

"Don't," I groaned. "Don't hide from me. You are the most beautiful creature on this Earth. I love looking at you. My eyes could never tire of staring at your beauty and grace."

Her blush deepened, spreading from her neck over her cheeks. She bit into her lower lip, looking so vulnerable and f.u.c.king adorable that my heart skipped a beat.

Grabbing hold of her wrists with the hand of my good arm, I pinned them above her head so that I could feast on her t.i.ts. Her large brown nipples were already hard just from my gaze. I smiled wickedly as I circled her nipple with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth.

Mia's chest heaved but she didn't make a sound. Was I not affecting her the way she affected me? I kissed down her ribs and stomach till I found her navel. Slowly circling it with my tongue, I sucked and kissed her skin, breathing deeply to catch her scent in my nostrils.

G.o.d, I missed this. I missed her. So. f.u.c.king. Much.

She reached down and grabbed hold of my c.o.c.k through my shorts. "Aghh," I rumbled from the back of my throat, the magic of her fingers firing me up further as she stroked my length.

Her hands left my c.o.c.k and I nearly cried with disappointment. She worked quickly to push the shorts down over my a.s.s before grabbing my c.o.c.k in one cool hand and my b.a.l.l.s in the other. Rubbing her thumb over the tip, she rubbed the pre-c.u.m into my skin.

f.u.c.k. I could explode right this second.

"Go slow, baby, I'm on the f.u.c.king edge."

The smile she gifted me with hit me in the heart. I could hardly stand all the love pouring out between us. The air felt alive, crackling with antic.i.p.ation.

I reached between her legs and dipped a finger into her warm wet p.u.s.s.y, testing her readiness.

"So f.u.c.king wet, baby."

"For you? Always, Cobra. You just look at me and I'm wet for you." From her swollen mouth to her swollen c.u.n.t, I loved every inch of this woman. She was s.e.xy beyond words and her admission made my c.o.c.k jerk.

"Good to know baby, 'cause you know I can't stop looking at you."

She giggled softly, the easy and s.e.xy sound of a woman who knew with confidence she had her man just where she wanted him. She had me well and truly by the b.a.l.l.s. There was nowhere else I'd rather be.

That's a lie.

I wanted to be inside her. f.u.c.k her slowly while I stared into the dark liquid pools of her soul.

She brought my c.o.c.k to her entrance, a shy smile on her lips. Although I knew every inch of her body intimately, this felt as if we were discovering one another all over again.

I. Could. Not. Wait. A. f.u.c.king. Second. Longer.

I pushed in, her slick warmth surrounding me. "I'm home, baby. Where I belong."

"Cobra, I love you so much. Don't ever leave me again. Please."

Her words ripped my insides open. What the f.u.c.k had I been thinking?

"Never. I promise."

We moved together, our bodies completely in tune with one another. It was how we always were meant to be. Lacing our fingers together above her head, I didn't care that my shoulder ached or that my muscles burned. It was so good to connect on such a deep level with my woman.

"You saved me, baby. Not only from death, but also from bitterness and hatred. You are the lightness to my darkness. Without you, I'd be lost."

I leaned in to possess her mouth. A salty taste mingled into our kiss.

She's crying.

I pulled back, releasing her lips to find warm tears spilling down her face. Alarm spike through me and I stopped moving.

"Baby, what's wrong? I thought we were all good?"

"We . . . we are. These are happy tears. And sad ones, too. Happy that it all worked out. Sad for all our losses."

I wiped her tears with my thumb. "Let's make more babies," I said as I started moving inside her again. "I heard you wanted more, and I'm down with that."

The megawatt smile she gifted me with stole my breath away. "I want a mini Cobra, a boy who is just like his daddy-a fierce protector, a fair and just man who makes the world a better place."

"It's you, love, that makes the world a better place by just being in it," I smiled back at her, inwardly pleased that she thought so highly of me. There was nothing I wanted more than to be her hero, her rock whenever she needed me.

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Scorpions MC: Gods And Monsters Part 23 summary

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