Highland Barbarian Part 58

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"Tell the lady Meredith that I send my grat.i.tude. And my love."

Love. Brice felt a sudden shaft of fear that left his blood like ice.

Love was what drove him. It was what caused him such pain.

"Pray I do not fail her," he murmured.

"Or I may as well join Holden Mackay in the fires of h.e.l.l."

lorse and rider were s.h.i.+vering from the frigid waters. She gundled herself into the cloak and, bending low over the lorse's neck, urged him into a trot. The night air danced ;hrough her hair as her horse's hooves ate up the final miles.

How Meredith longed to cross the courtyard at breakneck speed and toss the reins to a stable boy as she had done hundreds of times in her young life. How she yearned to hear old Bancroft, the aging doorkeeper, announce her to those a.s.sembled. How desperately she desired to throw herself into the outstretched arms of her sisters and hug them to her. But all that must wait.

First she must ascertain that Gareth MacKenzie and his men had not already taken over MacAlpin Castle, hoping to ensnare her in a trap.

; Leaving her horse in a stand of trees, she crept toward the rear tower of the castle. s.h.i.+vering as she crouched behind a row of shrubbery, she studied the darkened windows of the upper floor.

( Meredith and her sisters had often horrified their mother 'by climbing to the upper balconies. They knew every stone, every indentation, along the wall. Now such childhood games would stand her in good stead. Tossing aside her cloak she reached up until she located the jagged edge of a stone with her fingertips. Pulling herself up, she probed with the toe of her boot until she found a foothold. Stretching, she found another rough stone and pulled herself up farther. Again and again she repeated the process until she had reached the upper balcony of her old room. With her last ounce of strength she pulled herself over the edge of the balcony and slumped to the floor, taking in great gulps of air.

As her breathing grew more steady she paused to listen. There was no sound of movement within her old rooms. Crossing the balcony she stepped into" the sitting chamber. The room was cold. No fire had been set in the fireplace.

tears she whispered,

"Tell the lady Meredith that I send my grat.i.tude. And my love."

Love. Brice felt a sudden shaft of fear that left his blood like ice.

Love was what drove him. It was what caused him such pain.

"Pray I do not fail her," he murmured.

"Or I may as well join Holden Mackay in the fires of h.e.l.l."

horse and rider were s.h.i.+vering from the frigid waters. She bundled herself into the cloak and, bending low over the horse's neck, urged him into a trot. The night air danced through her hair as her horse's hooves ate up the final miles.

How Meredith longed to cross the courtyard at breakneck speed and toss the reins to a stable boy as she had done hundreds of times in her young life. How she yearned to hear old Bancroft, the aging doorkeeper, announce her to those a.s.sembled. How desperately she desired to throw herself into the outstretched arms of her sisters and hug them to her. But all that must wait.

First she must ascertain that Gareth MacKenzie and his men had not already taken over MacAlpin Castle, hoping to ensnare her in a trap.

Leaving her horse in a stand of trees, she crept toward the rear tower of the castle. s.h.i.+vering as she crouched behind a row of shrubbery, she studied the darkened windows of the upper floor.

Meredith and her sisters had often horrified their mother by climbing to the upper balconies. They knew every stone, every indentation, along the wall. Now such childhood games would stand her in good stead. Tossing aside her cloak she reached up until she located the jagged edge of a stone with her fingertips. Pulling herself up, she probed with the toe of her boot until she found a foothold.

Stretching, she found another rough stone and pulled herself up farther. Again and again she repeated the process until she had reached the upper balcony of her old room. With her last ounce of strength she pulled herself over the edge of the balcony and slumped to the floor, taking in great gulps of air.

As her breathing grew more steady she paused to listen. There was no sound of movement within her old rooms. Crossing the balcony she stepped into the sitting chamber. The room was cold. No fire had been set in the fireplace.

She crossed the room quickly and listened at the door before throwing it open and striding quickly down the hall. She pa.s.sed several doors before pausing to listen Once again.

She pushed open a door and stepped inside. In the sitting chamber a fire crackled invitingly. From the sleeping chamber beyond she could see the movement of shadows. Someone was preparing for sleep.

She crept silently across the room and peered through the open doorway.

When she was certain that the persons inside were friendly, she stepped into the light.

Meredith drank in the sight of the slender young woman with coal-black hair that fell in waves to below her waist. Her blue-violet eyes widened for a moment. Then Brenna was racing to her, arms outstretched.

"Meredith. Oh, Meredith."

The two young women fell into each other's arms, laughing and crying.

"They told us you were dead."

"You can see for yourself that I am not."

"Oh. Let me look at you." Brenna held her older sister at arm's length, then drew her close again, trying to swallow the lump that seemed stuck in her throat.

"You are so cold. And wet."

"Aye to both. My horse and I swam the river."

"Here." Brenna began removing Meredith's wet clothes, then wrapped her in an ermine-lined cape.

Across the room an old woman stared at Meredith as if seeing a ghost.

When at last she was able to gather her wits about her she hurried across the room and began fussing with the cape.

"Ye'll catch the death. Out of those wet boots now."

"Mora." Meredith caught the old woman's hands and held them when she tried to pull away.

"There's no need to fuss."

"But I..." Her old nurse found that she could not go on.

With tears streaming down her wrinkled cheeks she drew the girl into her arms and clung to her.

"Oh, la.s.s. I thought I'd never see you again."

"There now, Mora. You see, I'm fine. Just fine." Meredith patted her shoulder, then held her a little away.

Brenna, watching the reunion between Meredith and their old nurse, whispered,

"I must tell Megan."

Meredith caught her arm and held her when she tried to turn away. In low tones she said,

"Only Megan. You must tell no one else that I am here."

Brenna studied her sister for a moment, then nodded.

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Highland Barbarian Part 58 summary

You're reading Highland Barbarian. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Ruth Langan. Already has 689 views.

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