Highland Barbarian Part 65

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Megan voiced the fear that none of them had been willing to put into words.

"What of Meredith? Do you think she is as fortunate as we are, Brice?"

He glanced at Megan, then at her sister, and read the fear on both their faces.

"Aye. Somewhere in Edinburgh she is sitting before a roaring fire, enjoying a fine meal." He could not allow himself to think about the alternative. He would not allow himself to think about his beloved Meredith prowling the darkened streets in search of decent lodging. And in the process, running into Gareth MacKenzie and his men.

Brice escorted the young women to their rooms, then returned to his own suite and reached for his sword and scabbard.

"Where do go you now, old friend?"

Brice turned to Angus.

"Stay here and see to the safety of Meredith's sisters."

"And you?"

"I cannot sleep, knowing that Meredith is somewhere here in Edinburgh, possibly in grave danger."

"The city is too large to find one lone woman."

"Mayhaps. But I must try."

Angus watched as his friend stalked across the room. He listened as Brice's footsteps faded on the stairs. There would be no rest for Brice Campbell this night. Or any night until he once again held the woman he loved in his arms.

"Now where have you hidden away that rogue Brice Campbell and his beautiful hostage, Meredith MacAlpin?"

At the familiar majestic tones Meredith sat up and rubbed her eyes.

G.o.d in heaven. She had fallen asleep in the queen's own chambers. How she must look with her hair in wild disarray and her clothes soiled from the long journey.

Her clothes. Meredith glanced down at the breeches and tunic and the faded cloak and let out a little gasp. This was not how she had planned on meeting the queen.

As she swung her legs to the floor the door was thrown open and the queen, followed by her ever-present Maries, strode into the room.

"Now where is that rogue?"

"Brice Campbell was not with her," Mary Fleming said gently.

"Although the gatekeeper mentioned both names, the young woman was alone."

"It is true then. Brice is dead."

"Majesty." Meredith curtsied and kept her head lowered as she explained,

"Brice is not dead."

She did not see the look that crossed the queen's face. A look of relief that slowly became a look of pleasure.

"I used Brice's name because I knew you would not remember me."

"Not remember the woman who pretended to be me at dinner?" The queen gave a musical laugh.

"How could I ever forget you, Meredith MacAlpin?"

"I am honored. Majesty." Meredith dared to lift her head and realized that the queen was studying her carefully.

"Such an extraordinary traveling costume, Meredith."

"Aye, Majesty." Meredith blushed clear to her toes. "The breeches and tunic are Brice's. The cloak belonged to a wonderful seamstress who befriended me."

"Surely you have not ridden all the way from the Highlands?"

"I have. Majesty. But first I made a stop at my home on the Border."

"I have been hearing tales of murder along the Border," the queen said, taking a seat and indicating a chair for Meredith.

"There have been many murders. Majesty."

""Tis said they are committed by the Highland Barbarian."

"You know that cannot be true." Meredith leaned forward, praying that the queen would allow her to speak frankly.

"And how would I know that?"

"You know Brice Campbell to be an honorable man."

"Aye. I do. But I did not think you shared my opinion. The last time I saw you, you were begging to be saved from his clutches."

Meredith saw the gleam of laughter in the queen's eyes and smiled.

"So much has changed since last I saw you, Majesty."

"So it would seem." The queen signaled for wine. When it was poured, she lifted a goblet and waited until Meredith and the Maries did the same.

"You must tell me everything that has happened between you and Brice since I left." The queen's eyes glittered with a strange light.

"And you must leave nothing out."

"Oh, Majesty." Meredith took a sip of the wine, allowing its warmth to soothe.

"There is so much to tell."

"We have all the time in the world."

While Meredith began, the servants brought in a sumptuous meal.

"So," the queen said as Meredith recounted the attack by Gareth MacKenzie and the resulting injury to Brice, "you found yourself fighting alongside Brice's men for your very life."

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Highland Barbarian Part 65 summary

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