Master of Dungeon 001

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Bruit village is a small village with two hundred people that lives in it. It is a part of Elora Kingdom and occupy the southern territory. Located near a river on the west which makes a farming life, grow in prosper. On the east side of the village is decorated with wheat and corn fields. Surrounded by a forest in the north, Bruit village is a small but lively one.

In the Bruit village, Varn grow up with full of love from his parents. His father Gerrard was a former C rank dungeon raider. He sometimes told about his adventure in the dungeon to Varn. However Varn never aspire to be a dungeon raider. His parents also told him about the dangers and they don’t want to lose their child.

Varn grow up to be an average boy. Nothing special in particular. He spends his day leisurely and wants to be a big farmer when he grows up. He have several friends whom he used to play with.


When he got back from playing outside and opened the door, he found his parents preparing a surprise party for him. Today he reach seven years old. He comes in and embraces his parents.

“Mom! Dad! Thank you.”

“Hahaha. Finally our boy has grown up.”

Gerrard hugs him and play with Varn’s hair showing his affection. Vahn father, Gerrard is a former C rank dungeon raider. Even though right now he is working as a farmer his body is still muscular. Brown hair and some beard couldn’t hide his righteous air and his blue eyes show his good nature. If he walks in to the town many girls will fall for him.

“Dad stop that! Today finally I’m seven years old.”

While they talk, they head to the dining table and sit down. His mother then came and brought some food to the table. Varn's mother, Sandra is almost thirty this year but her face look so young. People may mistake her to be twenty. Her long and black smooth hair flutters when she walk, enticing anyone that saw her. Her pet.i.te face and beautiful smile is the reason why Gerrard fell in love with her.

“Varn, today you’re finally seven years old. When you have finished your food you can check your present in your room.”


Varn immediately bolted off from his chair without even touching his food. Gerrard and Sandra can only smile seeing their son reaction.

“What have I told you, we should tell him about the present later.”

“Haha. What can I do? It’s only natural for a child to be excited about it. After all it’s his seventh birthday.”

The 'Seventh' birthday has a special meaning for the people. At the age of seven, the parents will give their child a [fate tag]. It was a common artifact thats found a lot at F rank dungeon. In a form of red piece of paper, it has an effect of determining the suitable future of the child. Therefore since their future is known, the parents will send their children off according to the results.

Even a commoners child, if the fate is listed as a "prince", this will become true eventually. A n.o.body carrying a [fate tag] of "n.o.ble" will be accepted anywhere. It had also broken countless n.o.ble family lineage when they found out that their child is tagged as farmer or baker.

Therefore the usage of a [fate tag] is now becoming a custom and the best time to use it, is at a person's seventh birthday. Since after seven years old, the children has a wider opportunity to lay out the foundations for their fate. Those who were tagged as "dungeon raider" could enlist at a fighting school. Those who were tagged as "worker" could learn about their job.

Therefore the [fate tag] also serves as their ident.i.ty card. Listing about their name, age and fate. When the holder dies, the [fate tag] will turn to black. Some dungeon raiders have two [fate tag] and one is held either by his family or companion.

There is a controversy whether one could change their fate. There are people that have their [fate tag] changed but they didn’t know why, but it was a rare case. Only one out of a million experienced this change, so people tend keep believing in the [fate tag]. After all these artifact is an unknown object. They don’t know how it works but people believe that it was a prophecy from G.o.d. It was also one of the reason Gerrard retired from his work. His [fate tag] changed from dungeon raider to farmer when he met Sandra. People believe if one tries to defy the [fate tag] only death awaits them.

Varn hurried to his room and find an envelope style gift wrapped on top of his bed. He reach for it and quickly open it and reveal the [fate tag]. By now his parents are already watching him by the door.

“Dad! Mom! Can I open it?”

“Even without me telling you, you'll open it anyway.”

His father then nods and with eyes full of antic.i.p.ation Varn opened the gift. Inside it he found four pieces of [fate tag]. Two new and two used. The used one belongs to his father and mother.


Name: Gerrard Redheart

Age: 33

Fate: Farmer


Name: Sandra Redheart

Age: 29

Fate: Housewife


“You can keep those tags. Now, let us see your fate.”

Gerrard is now recalling a scene in his mind. That day he walked into a branch Guild hall to register for a new dungeon raid. He took out his Guild hall pa.s.s and [fate tag] for confirmation. There he saw Sandra working as the receptionist, she returned the pa.s.s and Gerrard’s [fate tag] with a concern look. He notice it and realized that his fate had been changed to farmer.

Gerrard’s [fate tag] changed to farmer when he saw Sandra and fall in love in the first sight. Sandra on the other hand has waiting for this because her [fate tag] has been a housewife for as long as she know. Therefore the both of them firmly believe in their [fate tag].

Varn took the new [fate tag] and wondered.

“Dad, how do you use a [fate tag]?“

Gerrard forgot that it was the first time Varn use a [fate tag].

“You just have to put a drop of blood on the [fate tag]. Here let me help you. Stretch out your finger.”

As a former C rank dungeon raider, Gerrard is a capable man. With a slicing gesture of his hand, Varn can feel a small wind pa.s.sed by his finger and a small painless wound appear and blood comes out. He quickly drop the blood to the two [fate tag] and wait for the effect.

A red stream of light comes out from the [fate tag] and envelopes Varn’s body. It was a common sight when someone is using [fate tag] but it was amazing for Varn. He could feel the red stream of light sending warm feelings and his body felt comfortable. After a few seconds the lights comes back to the [fate tag] and it glow brightly. The process has been completed.

“Varn, let us see your fate.”

Sandra put up her hand and Varn gives her one of the [fate tag]. She took it and look at it with Gerrard while Varn look at the other one. Somehow their expression changed. Varn who is looking at his own [fate tag] asked his parent.

“Mom! Dad! What is the meaning of this?”


Name: Varn Redheart

Age: 7

Fate: ???????


“Sandra, what is this?”

“I don’t know. Even when working at the Guild hall I had never seen such a strange fate.”

Gerrard and Sandra looked at each other than looked at Varn.

“Varn, we don’t know what is this but maybe it’s because you are special. Maybe you can decide your own fate.”

They tried to talk to Varn but he was confused.

“So Dad, Mom. What should I do next? Can I still be a farmer?”

Sandra and Gerrard both laughed. Varn didn’t really care about his strange fate and asked if he could still be a farmer.

“Don’t worry. As I said before you may be able to determine your own fate.”

“What your father said is true. Now let’s eat the food. After all it’s your birthday party.”

The three of them then comes back and eat the food. After Varn goes back to his room, Gerrard and Sandra have a private conversation.

“Sandra, don’t you think what happened to Varn’s [fate tag] is strange?”

“Yeah Gerrard. I have never saw something like this before. Sure there are some weird fate such as clown, flag drawer, cave secluded monk, but I never saw ???? In any of those.”

“If you don’t know about it then it’s fine. I just hope there’s no harm that will fall upon him.”

“Even if that happened, we have you here to protect us. A former C rank dungeon raider is not something to take lightly.”

Sandra put her hand on Gerrard shoulder and pat him gently.

“Don’t worry. I’ll protect you and Varn even if it cost my live.”

Gerrard smiled, drew his face closer to Sandra and kiss her lightly.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

After that the quiet and peaceful night returns to Bruit village.


In his room Varn is looking at the three [fate tag]. He put his father and mother [fate tag] in his pocket and look at his own.

What does the ???? mean. Does it mean I could decide my own fate just like Dad told me?

lost in his own thoughts he unconsciously fall asleep.

However it didn't last long. A loud bell rang and a voice could be heard.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*


The shout and the bell resounded without stop.

*drap* *drap* *drap*

Varn wakes up and he hears footstep in front of his door.


The door opened and his father and mother already stood there in panic.

“Varn, come here quick!”

He never saw his father expression to be so serious like now so he nodded and followed his order.

“Varn are you okay?”

Sandra hugs him and checked his body, Varn only nodded to respond to her question earlier.

“Mother what happened?”

Just when Sandra sighing in relief and want to answer, Gerrard talked to her.

“There’s no time to explain. Sandra quick take the back door and bring Varn out of here.”


The Redheart’s front door is forced open and the door sent flying. Gerrard look at the entrance and muttered.

“Not good! They already infiltrate the village. Quick Sandra take Varn out of here. I’ll hold them off.”

Sandra nods and hurriedly get out. She believes in her husband after all he was a former C rank adventurer. C rank adventurer have a strength equivalent to hundreds men. She grab Varn by hand and get out of the back door. On the way out, Varn took a quick glance at his father and saw him fighting with a couple monster that looked like big wolf.

When Varn s.h.i.+ft his gaze back, he realized that he was already out from his house and saw a frightening scene.

The whole village is on fire. People are screaming here and there, fire running rampart burning down everything. What’s more he saw the big wolf earlier and there are a lot of them. Hundreds of wolves savaged every villager that attempted to escape. His mother and him just stood there in shock.

“Sandra! What are you doing? Let’s run!”

Gerrard comes back after defeating a couple of big wolves and ran after them. Varn can see that Gerrard’s right leg and left arm are covered with blood and a ma.s.sive claw wound was marked on his chest.

“Varn, come!”

Sandra pulled him again and the three of them ran away heading to the forest on the north with Gerrard taking the lead.

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Master of Dungeon 001 summary

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