Preston Brothers: Lucas Part 47

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"My bad," Misty says through a giggle. "Sorry."

We eat our food around the campfire, convince Lachlan that hot dogs are, in fact, made of cats. To which he responds, "Lucas! No! The p.u.s.s.y-whip!" And Tom and Lucas burst out laughing, and no one understands why. When we're done eating, the twins want to tell scary stories. Luke takes my hand, leads me back to the lounge chair a few yards away. "You've lived your own scary story," he says. "You don't need to hear theirs." And so we lie back down, his arms around me, and he looks at the stars. "That's my mom." He points to the sky. "Right there."

I kiss his cheek.

He asks, "You think she ever imagined that we'd be together?"

"She hoped," I tell him. "She told me so in the letter she left me."

Silence falls between us while I listen to Logan and Leo argue about the way the twins are telling their story. "It doesn't make sense!" Logan snaps.

"Just let them tell it!"

I lean up, smile down at Lucas. I keep my voice low, our conversation just for us. "Are you going to miss this when you finally go to UNC?"

He sits up, forcing me to do the same. Then he rubs the bridge of his nose, but he doesn't speak.

I whisper, "Every time I bring it up, you deflect. Why?"

"It's just not great timing. You know that as much as I do. Your leg is good, but it's not great. And we both know you won't keep up with the rehab exercises if I'm not around."

"So you're going to defer again? Because of me?"

He doesn't respond.

"It's a great excuse, but it's not the truth."

His eyes finally meet mine.

"I know you, Luke!" I keep my voice low, bite back my frustration. "G.o.d, it's like you don't even want to go."

His shoulders tense, and he looks away.

"Wait." I make him face me. "Is that it? Do you not want to?"

His eyes hold mine for a long time, searching. Finally, he sighs, says, "What do you want me to say? No. I don't want to go to college. I've never wanted to. It wasn't until you brought it up that I even thought about it."

My jaw drops, my head spins. "But... the scholars.h.i.+p. You worked so hard for it."

"My dad has seven kids, Lane," he whispers, glancing at his brothers. "I got the scholars.h.i.+p to help him out, but it doesn't mean anything to me. What the h.e.l.l am I going to do there? Earn a hundred-thousand-dollar degree that means nothing in the real world? And running a decent time in a hundred-meter sprint isn't a career. At least not for me. I wanted to go for you. That was the only reason."

I shake my head, disbelief was.h.i.+ng through me. "I'm so confused right now."

"Babe." He settles his hands on my waist, brings me closer to him. "I need you to listen to me."

I nod.

"If you want to go-if your heart's set on it, then that's what you'll do. And we'll do it together. I had money saved that Mom left me, and I've pretty much saved every cent I've earned since I've started working. I have enough for your first year and with Vivian's pull there, you can go."

"But that's your money." I look up, pray my tears won't fall, and continue to speak in hushed tones. "And what about us?"

"I need to stay here. I need to work so I can start saving for your second year-"

"I don't want us to be apart, Luke. Is that what you want?"

He sighs. "I've already spoken to one of Dad's business a.s.sociates. The Warden Group just started a company in Raleigh, and I can work there. It's a forty-minute drive if we stay at my apartment near campus. I'll work, you study. But, Lane, we'd have to kick the tenants out, we'd have to cover the mortgage and utilities, and that's all stuff I don't have to worry about here."

"But if you stay here, we won't be together." I don't understand, Lucas.

"I'll drive down every Friday night. I'll stay with you on campus all weekend, and I'll make up for the five nights of no s.e.xing. I promise."

"You planned all of this without me?"

"I didn't want you to worry about it."

Behind me, our families laugh.

I drop my gaze, wipe my eyes.

"Hey," he whispers, lifts my chin with his finger. "All I want in this entire world is for you to be happy. And this whole college thing-it's not a decision we have to make right now. You've been through so much lately..." He hugs me tight, kisses the top of my head. "Take some time, take a break, a breath, just enjoy life for a while."

I pull back, look up at him. "If you didn't want to go to college, then what was your plan?"

He scoots back and spreads his legs. "Come here," he says, s.h.i.+fting my body so I'm sitting in front of him. We watch our families around the campfire, and he wraps his arms around me, pulls me closer to him. He says, "Even if I made it through college and got some random degree, I still would've ended up here, working with my old man, with yours. This is my family's legacy, Laney, and I'm the first son. It was never pushed on me to take over the business, but it's what I've always wanted." He kisses my shoulder. "I get to wear the Preston name every day, and I get to wear it with pride. I get to make people happy, give people a place to make moments and memories, and I get to do it all while being close to my family."

I exhale slowly, taking in everything he's saying, word for word, and I find myself smiling.

"Look around us," he says. So I do, I look at my dad, his girlfriend, look and listen to the joy that only the Prestons can bring. I look at the lake, at the house in the distance, at the perfect night sky. A stillness falls, at the same time a weight lifts. I turn in his arms, see the conflict in his eyes. "How do I give this up, Laney?"

"You don't," I whisper.

He shakes his head. "But I want us to work. More than anything."

"Lucas, we don't give this up."

He blinks. "What are you saying?"

I pull out of his hold and fish for the letter that's been burning a hole in my bag. Then I stand up, tug on his hand for him to do the same. "Come on," I say, leading him to the campfire. Conversation stops when I stand in the middle of the circle, Lucas next to me. I drop the letter in the fire, watch it burn, inch by inch.

"What was that?" Dad asks.

"The scars of my past."


One Year Later


The baby cries and Laney rocks him in her arms. "It's okay," she coos. "Uncle Leo will be back soon."

Okay, stop!

I just realized how this sounds.


Laney's little brother cries and she rocks him in her arms.

Much better.

Jesus, people, this isn't one of Lucy's romance novels with accidental pregnancies and almost-death drama.


Leo loads up Dad's truck with the last of his belongings and makes his way over to us. He strokes the baby's cheek. "I think I'll miss you the most, Little Preston."

Preston Brian Sanders was born two days after we celebrated Lachlan's ninth birthday. When Brian had come to us, asked us if we minded his son being named Preston, we all agreed that it would be an honor. Besides, it's not like any of us could call our kids Preston besides Lucy. Preston Gordon is fine. Preston Preston? Nope. One day, though, Laney will have to explain to her little brother why her last name is the same as his first name. That day is not today. And it won't be any day soon. I'm still a couple of years away from making that happen.

Leo goes through the line, one person at a time. First Brian and Misty, who congratulate him, wish him luck, tell him to stay out of trouble.

Then comes Cam and Lucy. After they had graduated a year ago, they moved back into the cabin. Dad recently made Cameron partner (after discussing it with me) and purchased office s.p.a.ce above a store, as well as the store below it... a bookstore for Lucy. Her dream.

Cameron's four years at UNC earned him a degree in Architecture. My four years there, should it have happened, would've earned me nothing but wasted time.

Leo gets to Laney, and she hands the baby back to her dad, hugs Leo for way longer than I'm comfortable with. "I'll miss you," she says, and I can tell she's crying.

"I'll be back," Leo a.s.sures. "And NC State's only two and a half hours away. You can always come and visit. I expect you to." So yeah, Leo worked his a.s.s off junior and senior year and got into NC State, and we couldn't be f.u.c.king prouder of him. He killed the odds, and now he's off to study criminology. Such a bada.s.s.

"I'm so proud of you," Laney sobs.

"It was all those reading sessions in the playground that got me here."

"Shut up," she cries, and I hold her, let her cry into my t-s.h.i.+rt because if I don't, she'll drown in a sea of her tears.

Leo shakes my hand. "Thanks for everything."

"I didn't do anything," I tell him. "This was all you."

He shrugs. "You were my role model, Lucas." He smirks. "My favorite big brother."

"I bet you say that to all your big brothers."

Next to me, Logan says, "Does this mean that if I get arrested, you can represent me?"

Leo shakes his head, hugs his little s.h.i.+t of a brother.

"Seriously, though?" Logan asks, pulling back. He dropped out of high school and now I'm his boss. It's rad. Dad wasn't surprised when Logan spoke to him about it. He said it was full-time school or full-time work, and if he worked, he had to get his GED. So Logan agreed. He's actually not that bad. In fact, he and Lane and I are all heading to Cambodia next month for three weeks to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. Dad thought it was a great idea. So great he's now in contact with the NC division to volunteer some of his staff a couple of days a month. Actually, I should say our staff. Since Dad realized my dedication to the job, he gave me a promotion, a pay rise and a lot more responsibility at Preston, Gordon and Sons.

Leo moves onto the twins, too busy on their phones to comprehend what's happening. About a year ago, Linc and Liam uploaded a YouTube video about their feelings on bullying, and get this-it went f.u.c.king viral. Now they just post random videos on their channel doing all sorts of mayhem, and they get over a hundred thousand hits every time. They're earning a pretty penny as well as multiple marriage proposals daily. a.s.sholes.

Lachlan... is still Lachlan. Only now he's started his own collection of medals and trophies for running track. The hundred-meter sprint is his specialty, of course. The little punk's already telling me he's going to break my high school record, and I want him to. But not as much as I want him to destroy he-who-shall-not-be -named's record. It'll be glorious watching a Preston erase that d.i.c.k from the record books.

Laney rests her head on my now tear-stained chest, her hand on my stomach. We watch Dad and Leo get in the truck, wave a final goodbye before they're off.

"I need to get home to feed Preston," Misty says.

"Which one?" Cam asks, chuckling to himself. He's the only one of us not sick of that joke.

Lucy rolls her eyes. "Let's go, Dad-Joke," she says, taking his hand. They walk off toward their cabin while Brian and Misty get into Misty's car.

I look to my left, to my other brothers, but they're already gone. People around here disappear just as quickly as they appear. Then I look to my right, to my beautiful girlfriend who's now the official holder of a realtor license. She's had it about six months, helps Dad and me find properties to buy and flip, and she sells them. She loves her job, almost as much as I love her.

I sigh, happy and content with my life... until...

Until she f.u.c.king kicks my s.h.i.+n and points a finger in my face. "Are you cheating on me?"


"Are you?"

"No!" I rub my leg. "What the f.u.c.k, Lane?"

She crosses her arms, breathes through her nose. Crazy Laney. "Yesterday you left your lunch at home and I went to the site to bring it to you, and the guys said you hadn't been there in over a week!"


"Where the h.e.l.l have you been?" she screams.

"Laney, calm down!"

She does the opposite. "Oh, my G.o.d! Do you have a baby mamma?"

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Preston Brothers: Lucas Part 47 summary

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