Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 5

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"Benita, it's Jack," he replied. "Do you know where Abby and Sam have gotten off to? I've tried for the last several hours, but I can't seem to get either of them to answer their cell phones."

Now his housekeeper sounded a little put out. "I only know that they left a note. It seems to be the theme of the day, Mr. Barnes."

He heard the accusation in her voice and winced just a little.

Benita had been with them a long time. She considered herself a motherly figure. "What did the note say?"

"Which one?"

Jack couldn't help but laugh a bit. She was also a little saucy.

"The one I didn't write, Benita."

"All right. It was from Mrs. Barnes. It says she and Mr. Fleetwood are going to be gone for awhile. They seem to have some shopping to do."

That explained it. They had driven into Tyler for the day. It was the closest city of any size to Willow Fork, and it had a shopping mall. They were probably seeing a movie or something. That explained why they didn't answer their phones. It was a little revenge on him for walking out the way he had. He didn't begrudge them.


"Thank you, Benita. Just let them know I called." He hung up with his housekeeper and rolled his eyes as the wall of his little room started to shake. They were at it again. He swore the people in the suite next door were trying to set a world record for f.u.c.king. The man in the room next door might be fooling himself about his dominant nature, but he certainly had stamina.

There was a knock on the door. Jack opened it and was handed a suit on a heavy hanger, wrapped in pristine plastic.

"Mr. Lodge requests that you wear this when you join him in the private dining room. It's a forty-two long, sir," said the bell hop, who probably also served as a bartender. "It's Hugo Boss."

Jack grabbed a twenty to tip him. "Umm, great." Jack closed the door. He could have all the money in the world, but he was never going to know suit designers. His obstinate refusal to join the world of the label lovers had always bugged Julian. Jack just didn't need to know he had the best. He liked his Levis and cared way more about how a pair of boots fit than the name on the label. He thought about the outlandish amount of shoes and clothes the woman next door had bought. He hadn't bought Abby anything since he purchased her wedding ring. Women liked gifts. Maybe he should have Julian's sub pick out something pretty and expensive for her. She could pick up something for Sam while she was at it.

Jack shrugged out of his clothes while he thought about the problems with that scenario. Sally the sub would probably ask all sorts of questions like what size Abby wore. Jack doubted that his professional a.s.sessment of "she's hot with an amazing rack and an a.s.s I love to f.u.c.k" would really give Sally a fair starting point. He made a mental note to find out Abigail's size. He would write it on a little note and keep it in his wallet.

The mental picture of a small diamond choker around Abby's throat made Jack stop in his tracks.

He walked to the phone.


"Yeah, this is Barnes in 1502. I need a personal shopper. Yes, I'll be up here."

Jack finished getting dressed. He could tell the shopper exactly what he wanted, a diamond choker for his Abby and a new watch for Sam.

Maybe it would make up for that note.


Chapter Five.

"You sure you don't want to go out?" Sam looked down at his wife. She was soft and cuddled up next to him. Her smooth legs slid down his as she snuggled against him. He loved lying in bed with her.

The elegant bedroom of their suite at The Club was the perfect place to show Abigail just how much she meant to him. It was hard to believe it had only been a few hours since they decided to take this little adventure. He'd prefer to stay in bed all weekend, but he wanted to please her, too. "We can go anywhere you want."

She shook her head. "I like it here. It's comfy." Her head was on his chest. He stroked her hair, enjoying the feel of it in his hands. "Do you think Jack's here?"

Sam went very still. He knew Jack was here. He'd asked the valet, who confirmed he'd parked Jack's truck just after noon. "Yes." Sam was cautious. He didn't want to ruin the moment. It might be the last nice one they had for awhile. Once he showed his face downstairs there would be no stopping the gossip. It was possible the few people they had dealt with might not realize who he was and his connection with Jack Barnes. In the bar, there would be no such chance. Someone would ask Jack what Sam was doing here and then the real fireworks would start.

Abby sighed. "Where do you think he's staying? Do you think he's in one of the other rooms? I wonder if he'll be down in the club.

Do you think...?"

Sam knew where she was going. "No, Abby. I find it very difficult to believe that he's going to be down in the dungeon trolling for a date. I don't know why he's here, but it's not for cheap s.e.x. Relax.


We'll be in serious trouble soon enough. Now, where do you want to go for dinner? I'm starving. I don't want to face my inevitable execution on an empty stomach."

"I would never let that happen, but I don't want to go out. The motorcycle is fun and all, but I think it would be hard to get dressed up and do my hair just to have it ruined by the helmet. Besides, I already called and ordered room service while you were in the bathroom." Her lips curled up sweetly.

"d.a.m.n it, Abby," he complained. He didn't move, though. She felt too good against him. "I do not need another salad. I've been making love to you for hours. I need man food. I need working man food. You know how many calories I had to burn to perform like that?"

She seemed completely unmoved. She was a s.e.xy little kitten pressed against him. "Well, I can't have you pa.s.sing out from a lack of man-food. I ordered you a medium-rare hunk of cow flesh, a mountain of mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli. Feel free to avoid the broccoli, if you must. I also got you some bread pudding."

He gazed down at her suspiciously. "And for yourself?"

She shrugged against him. "I got a salad. I'm not that hungry."

He slapped her a.s.s. "Abigail Barnes. This is ridiculous." He flipped her over and held her down with his weight. She didn't struggle at all. She just stared up at him with those big hazel eyes.

"How many times do I have to f.u.c.k you before you realize how much I love your body?"

There was a sharp knock at the door, and Sam knew she'd been saved. He slapped her a.s.s again and gave it a little squeeze. "Don't think this discussion of ours is over. I won't have you turning into some skinny thing. Get dressed, baby. Dinner's here." Sam rolled out of bed and slid into his jeans. He fished for a tip as he opened the door to let the room-service waiter in.

"h.e.l.lo, Samuel," a deep, nearly hypnotic voice said.


"Julian." Sam had to stop himself from looking down. It was an almost conditioned response. Sam wasn't an alpha male. Years in a youth home had taught him that. He could handle himself in a fight.

h.e.l.l, he'd started more than he cared to admit. But there was something about those deep, dark voices that Julian and Jack possessed that sent his eyes into submission. He stood up straight. He fought to keep his voice even. "h.e.l.lo, Julian. How have you been doing?"

Julian walked in like he owned the place which, Sam allowed, he did. Sam shut the door behind him. There was no way out of this little interview of Julian's. Sam had hoped to avoid Julian all together. The small hotel portion of The Club was for longtime members to use.

Julian might be the host, but he usually respected his clients' privacy.

Sam realized he should have known Julian wouldn't view him as a client. He'd only given him a members.h.i.+p because Jack insisted on it.

He just had to hope Julian hadn't come up to kick them out.

"Is everything to your liking, Samuel?"

Sam stared for a moment at the club owner, arms crossed stubbornly over his chest. Julian Lodge was roughly six foot two. He was taller than Sam. He was as tall as Jack, but he was lean where Jack was broad. His dark brown hair was just starting to gray at the temples. Sam remembered he was about to turn thirty-nine. Julian Lodge had an aristocratic face that looked like he could have been in the ads of Abby's magazines. He was polished and smooth in his designer suit. Everything about him screamed money and power, though in a tasteful fas.h.i.+on. Julian always had the best of everything.

Julian was everything Sam knew he, himself, was not.

"It's fine," Sam replied shortly. He hated how being in the same room with Julian Lodge always made him feel like he was back tending bar. It always made him feel like he was on the bottom rung of the ladder. Then, of course, Sam couldn't forget the lecture he'd received on the day he and Jack had left. "Is there a problem with the bill or something? I can get cash if you prefer."


Julian c.o.c.ked his head and studied Sam for a moment. "Why so defensive, Samuel? I merely came up to say h.e.l.lo. It's been a while since you came here. I almost thought you and Jack wouldn't return."

Sam felt the weight of his perusal. He remembered working for the man. The other workers almost had him believing that Julian could read minds. Sam kept silent, trying to give nothing away, though he felt the heavy weight of Julian's disapproval. "All right, Samuel. How about I ask you a question? I've been wondering why Jackson is here without you and his new bride?"

"I've been wondering why Jackson's here at all," Sam replied sharply. "You want to explain the situation to me?"

Julian's brow climbed up his forehead. It took everything Sam had to bite back an apology. "I don't like your tone, Sam. I've done nothing but show concern for an old friend. As you are not my sub, I'll forego punishment."

"I don't belong to anyone." There was no doubting the bitterness in his tone. He looked at the other man with hooded eyes.

"My, Jackson has dug himself a deep hole, has he not?"

Abby chose that moment to enter. She was soft and s.e.xy in her fluffy robe. Her hair was mussed from hours of lovemaking. "I think I have my appet.i.te back. Oh, you're not room service. I'm so sorry. I'll go get dressed." She held the corners of her robe together.

Julian smiled slowly as his silvery eyes slid over Sam's wife. Sam wished Abby had stayed in the bedroom. What made him think coming here was a good idea?

Julian was every inch the gracious host. He gallantly took Abigail's hand in both of his. It was a Dom trick, Sam knew. It made the sub feel surrounded and safe. "Mrs. Barnes, please don't put yourself out on my account. It is such a pleasure to finally meet you.

Felicitations on your marriage to two such wonderful men, my dear.

I'm Julian Lodge."


She nodded, and Sam felt a curl of jealousy in his gut as she sounded a little breathless. He should have been prepared. Women flocked to Julian. "h.e.l.lo, Mr. Lodge."

"Knees, Abigail." There it was. There was that voice that brooked no disobedience.

Abby gracefully fell to her knees, palms open on her thighs. She looked up at Sam. Her hazel eyes registered no small amount of shock.

Sam stared at Julian. "Have club rules changed? I a.s.sure you she has a Dom. He would take issue with what you just did."

Julian glanced between them. "It was merely a little test, Samuel."

"Why did I just do that?" Abby was frowning.

Sam walked over and held out his hand with a sigh. He couldn't blame her. Jack had trained her, and Sam had helped. He pulled his wife up. His arm curled possessively around her waist.

"You did that because you're a properly trained submissive."

Julian sank into one of the upholstered chairs that dotted the living area of the suite. He had an air of satisfaction surrounding him.

"Samuel is not. Oh, he's submissive, but he is not trained, and that is a problem."

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Texas Sirens: Siren In The City Part 5 summary

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