Mer: Crystal Rose Part 53

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Osmaer (Oz-mayr): "divinely glorious"; station-name of the human Vessel of the Meri-s spirit Paeccs (Payks): "peaceful"; second Cyne of Caraid-land; son of Malcuim the Uniter Phelan (Fay-lan:) "little wolf"

Ruadhe (Roo-ah): "the red"

Ruanaidhe (Roo-nayh): Hillwild name meaning "red one"; treacherous nephew of Haefer Hageswode; said to have been turned into a river silkie after murdering Cyne Siolta Saxan (Sak-san): "swordsman"

Scandy (Skan-dee): "boisterer"

Siolta (Shee-ol-ta): "teal"

Taminy (Ta-mi-nee): "pure"

Thearl (Thayrl): "stern one"; Cyne of Caraid-land during the Blue Cusp; son of Cyne Siolta and Goscelin the Just Toireasa (Twa-ree-sa): "reaper"

Wyth (Wythe): "dweller in the willows"; by implication, "a healer"

Appendix 3: Terms.

abbod (ab-od): the foremost Osraed at Ochanshrine aidan (ay-dan): Hillwild term for the aislinn Gift; literally "little fire"; indicates the touch of the Eibhilin realm aingeal (ayn-geel): "messenger"; Eibhilin guardian spirit aislinn (ays-lin): "vision" or "dream", a vision experienced either dreaming or waking which is a reflection of reality ambre (am-ber): "golden" unit of Caraidin currency minted in gold anwyl (an-weel): "beloved" or "dear"

backstere (bak-steer): "baker"

Cirke (Keerk): Caraidin place of wors.h.i.+p cailin (kay-lin): "girl", "maiden"

claefer (clay-fer): "clover" small silver coin. There are four claefer to the ambre.

cleirach (clee-rak): "scholar", "teacher"; the cleirach is educator, administrator and adjudicator in the rural holdings and settlements. Trained in religion, he may also be called upon to lead wors.h.i.+p cwen (Kwen): "female ruler"

cyne (Kyne): "ruler", "leader"

cyneric (Kyne-erik): "lord ruler"; clear heir to the Throne and Circlet daeges-eage (daygs-eeg): "eye of the day"; a customary Caraidin greeting duan (doo-an): the song that accompanies a Runeweave Eibhilin (Eye-vi-lin): "light"; of the spiritual realm or realm of light. Also, beings of this realm.

eiric (Eye-rik): "home ruler" or "master" or "lord," usually of an estate or holding inyx (ee-niks): "spell" or "magic"; combines with the duan to create the Runeweave jagger (jag-ger): "teamster", "wagon driver"

lorimer (lo-ri-mer): "saddle maker"

marschal (mar-shal): "steward", "horse master", hence, a leader of troops mercer (mer-ser): "merchant", "shopkeeper"

moireach (mwa-reek): "mistress" or "lady"; as of an estate or holding oonagh (oo-nah): "one", "single"; brazen coin, smallest monetary unit of Caraid-land. There are 100 oonagh to the ambre.

Osraed (Awz-rayd): "divine counselor"; chosen of the Meri to convey the teachings of the Spirit to society Osric (Awz-rik): "divine ruler"; Cyne by Divine right as was Malcuim the Uniter ren (ren): foremost Hillwild Chieftain renec (reh-nek): female Chieftain; the most famous of the Hillwild Renic was Garmorgan, an ally of Bearach Spearman during the First War of the Crystal riagan (ree-gan): "little cyne"; male child of the House Malcuim saphir (sa-fir): "silver"; a tiny silver coin. There are ten saphir to the ambre.

sorcha (sor-sha): "bright"; half-ambre coin minted in pure silver steadman (sted-man): "farmer", "stead owner"

tannere (ta-neer): "tanner of hides", "leather worker"

tyne (tyne): "river"

weard (weerd): "watcher", "guardian"; the weard accompanies a Pilgrim on his travels, providing food, shelter and a.s.sistance webber (web-ber): "weaver of cloth"

Copyright & Credits.


Book Three of the Mer Cycle.

Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff.

Book View Cafe Edition May 21, 2013.

ISBN: 978-1-61138-261-7.

About the Author.

New York Times Bestselling author of Star Wars: Shadow Games and Star Wars: The Last Jedi (collaborations with Michael Reaves).

Maya became addicted to science fiction when her dad let her stay up late to watch The Day the Earth Stood Still. Mom was horrified. Dad was unrepentant. Maya slept with a night-light in her room until she was 15.

She started her writing career sketching science fiction comic books in the last row of her third grade cla.s.sroom. She was never apprehended. Since then her short fiction has been published in a.n.a.log, Amazing Stories, Century, Realms of Fantasy, Interzone, Paradox and Jim Baen's Universe.

Her debut novel, The Meri (Baen), was a Locus Magazine 1992 Best First Novel nominee (also available as a trade paperback from Sense of Wonder Press and an eBook from Book View Cafe). Since, she has published ten more speculative fiction novels, including collaborations with Marc Scott Zicree and Michael Reaves.

Maya lives in San Jose where she writes, performs, and records original and parody (filk) music with her husband and awesome musician and music producer, Chef Jeff Vader, All-Powerful G.o.d of Biscuits. The couple has produced five music RetroRocket Science, Aliens Ate My Homework and Grated Hits (parody), and the original music CDs Manhattan Sleeps and Mobius Street. To top it off, they've also produced three musical children: Alex, Kristine, and Amanda.

Other books by Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff:.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Coruscant Nights Book Four

Del Rey / Lucas Books 2012.

with Michael Reaves

Star Wars: Shadow Games.

Del Rey / Lucas Books 2011

with Michael Reaves.

The Meri

Book One of the Mer Cycle.

Book View Cafe 2012


Book Two of the Mer Cycle

Book View Cafe 2012

A Princess of Pa.s.syunk

Book View Cafe 2010

Taco Del & the Fabled Tree of Destiny

Book View Cafe 2010

Mr. Twilight

Del Rey 2006

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Mer: Crystal Rose Part 53 summary

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