Between The Realms Part 22

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"Uh, it's hanging like normal, I guess," I said, making Becky laugh for some reason.

"That is such a gross image, I swear. Why do guys do that?" she asked no one in particular.

"Because it could hang wrong and then you'd be havin' a bad day. Or it could be hangin' just right and then you'd be havin' a kick-b.u.t.t day. Get it?"

I shook my head, waving my fork at him. "Trying to eat over here, Finn. Do you mind?"

"Oh. Sorry. So what's new? Last time we saw you, we were tryin' to figure out who was channeling angels and stuff."

"Well, I might have an idea about that." My mind slipped over to the memory of Ben talking about how things that seemed like coincidences could be things being done on purpose. What could be more convenient than getting a bunch of angels to fight a bunch of demons, and having everyone all riled up and destroying the Gray in the process? I cut off my thoughts and finished answering Finn's question. "But this is not the time or the place for talking about it. Plus, I have another council meeting after breakfast."

"So when will we be meeting?" asked Becky. "I need to plan my training to coordinate around all of our schedules."

"After lunch? In Jared's room?" I suggested. I popped a couple grapes into my mouth, putting one in each cheek so I could talk again. "Jared's not here to agree, but if he isn't cool with it, we could always move it to another time or place."

"Jared's room it is," said Finn, shoving a mouthful of meat into his mouth.

Becky patted him on the back, maybe to help him swallow the huge chunk of food that was bulging his cheek out like a chipmunk, I don't know. He smiled at her, and I quickly looked away so I wouldn't see the wreck that was his mouth full of half-chewed breakfast. Apparently, love didn't notice the gross things a person did, because Becky just kept smiling her head off as usual.

Ben walked into the room, and I jumped up with my plate in hand as soon as I saw him. "Gotta go, guys."

"Where are you going?" asked Tim from his spot the table. It was covered in pink goo from a recently slaughtered guava fruit.

"I have to go sit with Ben. I agreed to do it."

"Can I come?" he asked.

"Better stay here. I want Ben to talk to me about some stuff, and he might not do it if you're listening."

"I can listen anyway, you know. I hear all. I see all. I know all."

"Go ahead. Just don't let him catch you doing it."

Tim smiled. "Gotcha. Double-oh-Tim, on the job."

I left the table and my secret agent roommate behind to meet Ben at the entrance. "Hey, you made it. I'll go sit at our table and wait for you, okay?"

"Sure," he said smiling. "Be over in a minute."

I walked over without even realizing that I was about to join not only Ben at his table, but Samantha too. I hesitated for a moment before forcing my feet to move again. Dammit, what is she doing there? I got to the table and put my plate and gla.s.s of water down.

She scowled up at me. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I was just asking myself the same question about you." I smiled sweetly.

"I sit here every day in case you haven't noticed."

"I haven't, actually. I try to avoid looking at you whenever I can."


"Let me make it easier for you today, then. This is my spot now. Ben and I sit together." I was channeling jealous girlfriend, and it was surprisingly very easy to do. Something about him being with her just irked me to no end.

"I was here first."

"Yeah, but I was invited. Were you? Or did you just a.s.sume you were wanted?"

She didn't answer, but her expression darkened.

"That's what I thought. Run along now, Samantha. Ben's on his way over and I wouldn't want you to be embarra.s.sed by him telling you to leave."

She stood suddenly, her face a deep crimson.

"Hey, Sam, where are you going?" asked Ben from behind me.

"I've been told I'm not wanted here."

Ben put his plate down. "Don't be silly. We can all sit together." He reached over to the next table and pulled a chair over. "Here, Jayne. You can take this seat." He slid it up next to his chair, so that he would be sitting between the two of us.

"No, thanks. I'm not interested in being a part of your harem."

Ben had started to sit, but my words caused him to stop midway. He looked up at me, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Are you two fighting right now?"

"No," we both said in unison.

He said down and sighed loudly. "Come on, stop being ridiculous. We can get along well enough to eat a meal together."

Samantha and I stared each other down, daring the other to leave. I really had no interest in sitting here with either of them, but we were getting ready to go into a council meeting, and I needed to find out more information if at all possible. The question was, how was I going to do it with Her b.i.t.c.hiness sitting there with us?

Samantha sat back down. "I can handle it." She ignored me, picking up her fork to take a bite of her breakfast ham. "So, Ben, how'd you sleep?"

He glanced up at me and then smiled at her. "Very well, thanks. How about you?"

"Great. I stayed up late working on that spell you asked me about. I think I have it ready. Or I will by the end of the day for sure."

Curiosity took over my common sense and made me sit down next to Ben and keep my mouth shut. I shoved a hunk of bread between my lips to keep myself from commenting about her lame-a.s.s spells.

"That's great news. Do you mind if I tell Jayne about it?"

Samantha frowned. "I don't think that's such a good idea, do you?"

"She's in on everything with us. We had a great talk last night, didn't we?" He nudged me in the arm, smiling.

I grinned back, determined to see this thing through. I mumbled through my bread. "Yep. I'm all on board. Although, I have to admit, I didn't know you were a part of it, Samantha." I turned my hundred-watt smile on her, hoping like h.e.l.l she was as gullible as Ben.

"If you didn't tell her about me, then you must not have told her much. Why is that, I wonder?"

"No time," I said, not giving Ben a chance to respond. "We met late last night and both of us were too tired to go over everything. But it all sounds good to me."

"We have plans to meet after breakfast today, so I'll fill her in on the rest then."

I shook my head. "I heard we have a council meeting after breakfast, so I think our planning will have to wait."

He shrugged. "We could skip it."

My fork froze halfway to my mouth. "Skip it?"

Samantha was staring at me, a smirk on her face. I knew she was judging my whole involvement by my reaction.

What would a girl who was totally on board with mutiny say right now? "If we want to keep this on the down-low, don't you think it's a better idea to just play along with the council? I mean, if we start giving them a hard time now, before Samantha's ready with her spells and stuff, isn't that kind of like ruining all the work you've put into everything?"

Ben reached around and hugged my shoulders with one arm. "That's why I like having you on my team, Jayne. You're always thinking." He dropped his arm and patted Samantha's hand. "She's right. We have to go. You keep working on your stuff, and I'll catch up with you later."

Samantha dropped her gaze to her plate, but not before I saw her disappointment. "Yeah, sure, Ben. Whatever you say."

I shook my head, turning my attention from her so she wouldn't see my pity. First Jared and now Ben. When is that girl going to stand on her own two feet? I knew Ben was just using her for her witchy talents. If she refused to help him, he'd probably kick her right to the curb. She was way better off with Jared. He was just as dedicated to the fae, but I couldn't see him leading her on like Ben seemed to be doing, and Jared wasn't all about defying the council and forcing the humans to accept his authority.

"I have to go get my cloak," I said, no longer interested in eating my food.

Ben nodded. "See you later?"

"Yeah. See you at the meeting."

I left the lunchroom, gesturing at Tim with my head so he'd follow me out. I saw his small form fly up above the crowd and come in my direction, so I grabbed the door and opened it, going through without even looking after him. The door shut behind me, and I felt a small pressure on my shoulder.

"So, what'd he say? What'd she say? Did you almost knock her out? I could smell the jealousy from across the room."

"Whose? Hers or mine?"

"Hers of course. You're not jealous of her, are you?"

"No, she can have that guy. He's just using her, anyway."

I imagined the door to our room so that I could get my cloak and brush my teeth before the meeting. Tim kept chattering away, oblivious to my lack of response.

"I don't know what her problem is. She's a very powerful witch. She doesn't need the approval or whatever of Ben, even if he is the Father. Word on the street's she's being groomed for Fate work, which as unbelievable as it sounds, could possibly be true. I mean, the only one who'd know for sure is probably Maggie, and you wouldn't catch me dead in her place when that question got asked. Heck no, man. I'm too attached to the Here and Now to go sacrificing it for something that wouldn't even make any difference, you know? I mean, Fate is Fate. Destiny is Destiny. I've got no business messing with that stuff. I'm just a simple pixie."

It was his claim of being just a simple pixie that pulled me out of my thoughts. "What's this nonsense, now?"

"Aren't you listening to me? I'm saying that Samantha is the woman. She's the one the witches are all getting their panties in a twist over. All the rest of the fae have you. They have her. It's all those ninnies can talk about." He snorted.

"Say what now? I don't get it. Why? Is she some kind of superhero?"

"I told you. She's a fated Fate."

I stopped walking, grabbing Tim out of midair.

"Hey! Hands off the merchandise, lady!" He struggled against my grip, but I refused to let him go.

"Chill out, pixieman. And tell me what the h.e.l.l you're talking about. I don't get it."

He ceased his struggles, throwing his hands up in frustration. "I said she's a fated Fate. Didn't you hear me? Shall I check your ears for polly b.a.l.l.s?"

"I heard it, but that doesn't mean I understand it. Explain yourself, or suffer the wrath of my sausage breath."

He held his arms up in the shape of a big cross. "No! I'll do anything! Just don't breathe on me!"

"Fine. Start talking."

He spoke quickly. "Okay, like I said, she's a fated Fate. As in, she's fated to be a Fate. That hasn't happened in eons. I mean, like eons of eons, to the point that fae started thinking they were just a myth or an extinct part of our past."

"What's a Fate? I thought that was like destiny or something."

"No. Well, yes and no. Fate is that. It's how things roll out in your life, but more so, how things interact with each other, how one event or one decision can have lasting and far-reaching effects."

"b.u.t.terfly wings causing hurricanes or whatever."

"Yeah, exactly. But then you have Fates ... these witches or fae who start out as witches, but who elevate into another level of power. They can become Fates who then work to affect the destinies of others."

"Why? For what purpose?"

He shrugged. "How do I know? I'm just a simple pixie."

"Bulls.h.i.+t. If you're a simple pixie, then I'm just a wienie water sprite."

"Perish the thought," said Tim, giving a fake shudder for effect.

I opened my palm, satisfied that he would keep talking. "So seriously ... why would it be Samantha? And how can we stop it? Because I'm not sure I want to live in a world where she's making decisions about my life."

"It has something to do with her line, her bloodline. I don't know, I'm sure the gray elves could track the information down in one of their dusty books. But why her specifically? I guess she has all the right combinations of power, position in the bloodline, and whatever other mojo is involved." He did a few midair somersaults before continuing. "But you don't have to worry. If she is one of the Fates, then she won't be able to affect you. You're outside her influence."

"Who isn't ... outside her influence I mean?"

"Pretty much everyone else. That doesn't mean she won't try to influence you, but you could fight her off."


"Don't ask me. Ask a Fate."

"If Samantha's the only Fate, how on earth am I going to do that? I can't imagine her telling me what her kill shot is."

"She's not the only Fate. Who told you that?"

"You did, dummy. You said it's been eons since the last one."

"Yeah. Since the last one was turned. Not since the last one was alive. Geez. Pay attention. So far you're pulling a B in this cla.s.s, but you're getting pretty close to a C."

I ignored my report card, stuck on the whole Fates thing. "How many are there? And where are they? Who are they? And what are they doing all day long? Messing with people's lives or what?"

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Between The Realms Part 22 summary

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