Italian Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story Part 27

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I stepped down onto the floor, which felt pleasantly cool against the soles of my feet. As soon as I left the bedroom, I smelled breakfast. Eggs of some kind, I thought. I padded towards the kitchen.

Liam heard me coming. "No! Go sit at the table, would you?"

"What are you up to?" I said. I wanted him to come back to bed.

"You'll see. Table, now."

I went and sat at the table, wondering whether I should let the sheet slip down and reveal that I'd gotten up the same way I went to bed: in my birthday suit. That would convince him to come back to the inviting mattress with me.

He came out wearing flannel pajama bottoms and an ap.r.o.n tied around his bare torso. He came bearing a tray with a gla.s.s of orange juice in one corner, a small vase with a rose sticking up out of it, and a plate in the middle.

"Is this...?" I said as he sat the tray down in front of me.

"Frittata. I told you I'd make it for you."

"Took you long enough," I said. I'd almost forgotten about that particular breakfast rain check. Almost. I grabbed the fork and knife on either side of the plate, the sheet slipping partway down my shoulders.

Liam leaned down and kissed my bared skin. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. I don't think I could ever tire of how nice his lips felt on me.

"Go on, take a bite," he said.

I did. It was delicious. I told him so.

He kissed me again, this time turning my face so that he could get to my mouth. "Good. Then I hope you'll let me make those for you for the rest of our lives."

The End.

Did you love Italian Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story? Then you should read The Pretend Girlfriend: A Billionaire Love Story by Lucy Lambert!

If you'd have told me a week ago that I'd be a billionaire's property...

Confident. Brilliant. Rich. Devastatingly handsome. Aiden Manning seemed to have it all. As naive as I was, when he seemed interested in me, I fell head over heels immediately.

But Aiden Manning's life held a dark side, one that he needed to hide at any cost. That's where I would come in. My trusting nature had caused me to owe money to the wrong people, and Aiden was right there and ready to help, if only I'd help him out as well. Just one signature on a piece of paper, and suddenly I was bound to him. The ground rules I had laid out at the beginning quickly melted away, and I found myself being drawn deeper and deeper into Aiden's life.

However, someone couldn't handle that. An even more powerful figure in Aiden's life would stop at nothing to break the two of us apart. It soon became clear that I might have to sacrfice everything I had to keep the two of us together.

The real question was: How long could I pretend?.

Read more at Lucy Lambert's site.

About the Author.

Lucy just loves to write romantic stories filled with steamy scenes. She hopes her audience enjoys reading them as much as she enjoys writing them.

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Read more at Lucy Lambert's site.

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Italian Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story Part 27 summary

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