One Grave Too Many Part 35

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Chapter 35

Most of the bones of the human skeleton were accounted for, with the notable exception of the skull. Even the atlas, the bone that the skull rests on, was there. Diane examined it with her hand lens. She closely inspected each of the other bones of the neck.

"No marks," she said.

"So that means that the murderer didn't cut off the head and take it with him?" asked Korey.

"Probably not. It'd be hard to do it without making cutting marks on the vertebrae."

Her excavators even found the small hyoid bone; the bone that anchors the tongue and the only bone not attached to any other bone. However, most of the terminal phalanxes of the toes were missing, and all of the terminal phalanxes of the right hand were missing. She suspected that many of the smaller bones would show up in the sifted material.

With the bones laid out and the right scapula, humerus and clavicle juxtaposed, there was a clear pattern of damage that she had seen in the collarbone when Frank first showed it to her. The damage included the second, third, fourth and fifth ribs, which were broken where the scapula body would have covered them. At the place where those bones cl.u.s.ter together some force had crushed them.

She examined the scapula with the hand lens. Part of the damage to it had left a straight indentation in the crushed bone.

"That looks like it hurt," said Korey.

"I imagine he pa.s.sed out, if he was conscious at all."

"Can you tell what happened?"

"Whatever force hit him came from his rear and was focused over the scapula and not distributed." Diane gestured with her hand, pretending to hit the scapula. "It's more damage than a person swinging a weapon could inflict."

"What then?"

"I don't know." She placed the bones back in their place. "He also has a healed break in his left tibia. Maybe he's got an X ray somewhere. It will positively identify him, if we ever get a clue to who he is."

"What else do you know about him?"

"He was muscular." She pointed out the well-developed muscle attachments on his arms and legs. "Bones are plastic and continue to remodel throughout life. Something like hard work or hard exercise shows up on them. Stronger muscles need larger attachments to hold on to."

She told him the results of the stable isotope a.n.a.lyses she'd had done on the clavicle.

"Now, that that is totally cool. You know, you should add a forensic unit to the museum. We have plenty of room on the third floor." is totally cool. You know, you should add a forensic unit to the museum. We have plenty of room on the third floor."

"One of the board members suggested the same thing. I came here to get away from forensic work."

"Didn't work, did it? Maybe the universe is telling you something."

"Yeah, that I'm an idiot."

Diane would like to have used the skull to determine race. Without it she'd have to use other methods-most of which involve measurement, and all of which are less than precise.

She started with the long bones. She placed the left humerus on the osteometric board-a wooden device consisting of a platform on which the bone is laid, a "headboard" against which one end of the long bone is positioned, and a sliding "footboard" to mark the length. She recorded the measurement on her computer.

"Most of what I'm doing now is measuring," she said. "It's like watching gra.s.s grow."

"I was about to get that idea," Korey said. "I'll go out to the lab and work a while. Let me know if I can bring you anything."

Diane continued, losing track of time in the minutiae of the detailed measurements on different parts of the bones. She recorded each of them in her computer program, recollecting Kevin asking her at the party why he would have to learn math. If he could see her now, it would seem that was all she did, but math often gives the best information. Measuring is tedious, but she taught herself to like it for its precision. The math would give her the best guess on the race of the individual, and she needed the race for a good estimation of the height.

The ring of her cell phone made her jump. Perhaps she needed to change it to a melody.

"Dr. Fallon, this is the front desk. There is a Dr. Duncan here to see you."

Dr. Duncan, she thought. she thought. Who's that? Who's that? Then she remembered. Frank's brother, Linc. "Would you ask him to come to the second-floor staff lounge? You'll have to give him directions." Then she remembered. Frank's brother, Linc. "Would you ask him to come to the second-floor staff lounge? You'll have to give him directions."

Diane left the storage room and locked the door behind her. Korey was still working on the doc.u.ments.

"I have a guest coming up," she said. "Frank's brother. I'm going to be gone for a while. If you leave, go ahead and lock up. I have a key."

She went into the small bathroom near Korey's office, washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked terrible. She ran wet fingers through her hair. It didn't do much good. "Well, he's not here for a date," she told her reflection.

As she left the conservation lab and crossed the lobby to the staff lounge, Linc had just come up the elevator and was walking through the doors to the east wing. He held two large pizza boxes and a bag, presumably of drinks.

"I hope you like pizza," he said.

"I do, but how many people were you planning on feeding?"

He smiled. "You never know."

He reminded her of Frank. Bringing too much food was apparently a family trait. Her eyes started to tear up. She turned her head away and led him into the lounge to a table in the corner.

Linc set the boxes down and pulled out the drinks. He gave her a large bottle of water. "You look dehydrated."

"I'm fine. It's just a bruised kidney."

"No such thing as just just a bruised kidney. You sound like some of the athletes I've treated. I'll tell you what I tell them. You're not invincible." a bruised kidney. You sound like some of the athletes I've treated. I'll tell you what I tell them. You're not invincible."

"How's Frank?" Linc was silent for a long moment. "What? What's happened?" A sickening panic rose in the pit of her stomach.

"He's developed an infection."

"Oh, G.o.d. How serious?"

"Serious enough. They're keeping him in ICU."

Diane stood. "I need to go see him."

Linc took her hand. "He's sleeping. Eat something. You aren't a vegetarian, are you? I ordered pepperoni on the pizzas."

"No. I'm not a vegetarian." Diane got some paper plates from a cabinet in the staff lounge and they settled in to eating the pizza. She was having a hard time keeping tears from forming.

"Frank is always bringing more food than we can possibly eat too. Must be genetic."

"Comes from having three growing boys in the family, I guess. We always needed lots of food on hand."

Diane selected a slice of pizza and took a bite. It was still warm and tasted good. She never realized she was hungry until she ate something.

"Tell me what this is about," said Linc after several bites.

Diane told him the entire story, from Frank first showing her the bone to her possession of the rest of the skeleton, sans skull, in the storage room.

"So you think that what happened to you and to Frank is related to the murder of his friends?"


"What do they have to gain by shooting Frank?"

"Frank and I are the only ones working on an alternate theory of the crime. The police aren't interested. Frank is the only one protecting Star. Without him, she would stand a good chance of getting convicted. There are flaws in my theory, but I have a gut feeling that what's happened to us is directly related to the murder of the Boones."

"It does seem that way. If you're correct, then you're also correct in a.s.suming Frank's still in danger. What were you going to do before we arrived?"

"He's hired security to watch the Boone house-to keep relatives from carrying off Star's possessions. I was going to ask them to put someone outside Frank's room. Frank also has friends on the police force here. I'm sure they would be glad to help."

"Why don't you go home and get a good night's sleep? Have you had one since you were attacked?"

"I want to get the a.n.a.lysis done as soon as possible."

"You and Frank are a good pair. He thinks he's indispensable too. I hope nothing happens to either of you, or the rest of us are doomed."

Diane smiled at him. "I'm not indispensable, but there's no one here this minute to a.n.a.lyze the skeleton but me."

"Yeah, Frank would say the same thing."

"How did he get into learning the accordion?" asked Diane.

Linc grinned at Diane. "Because everyone made fun of it, I think. Frank was a kid totally immune to peer pressure and completely stubborn. He wouldn't let anyone back him down, and he didn't care what people thought."

"That must have made school rough. His peers must have been on to him all the time."

"At first, but Dad taught us to box from the time we could put gloves on and not fall over frontward."

"Boxing? Not some martial art?"

"No, boxing's the best." He went into a boxing posture and punched the air. "Once you get your feet off the ground, you're off balance. We'd love it when the other kids thought they were so cool with their fancy kicks. They were pretty easy to knock down."

"He didn't tell me about the boxing. But I just found out he's pretty mean on a karaoke machine."

"You should see the three of us."

Diane laughed. "How about Ava? Is she into karaoke and boxing?"

"She plays the piano. Quite well. Not into anything physical. She's the older sister and takes her job seriously. Frank's really going to get an earful when he's better."

"You have a nice family."

"We like it." He took a long drink of "Can I have a look at the skeleton?" he asked.

Diane had finished eating all she could eat, which was two slices from an extra-large pepperoni, mushroom and green pepper pizza. She took a swallow of her water and eyed him closely.

"Frank asked me to keep an eye on you," he said in answer to her silent stare. "He apparently knows you quite well."

"Sure, you can have a look. I'll record a few more observations and go home."

Korey was still there, but was on his way out. Diane introduced him to Linc.

"We're all sorry to hear about your brother," said Korey, shaking his hand. "I'll see you tomorrow, Dr. Fallon. Been finding some interesting stuff in that small stack of papers."

"We have some pizza left," said Linc. "Why don't you take the extra one home with you?"

Korey looked surprised. "Sure. Thanks."

As Korey left, Diane fished the key from her pocket and opened the door to the storage room.

"This is the mysterious guy," she said.

"You don't have a skull?" asked Linc.

"Unfortunately, no. I really wish I had it. We could find out what he looks like. The excavators are still looking for it."

"You think it was removed?"

"The vertebrae don't show it."

"What do you know about him?"

"He grew up in a cool, humid climate, he was a vegetarian but ate fish, he's been missing for about five years, maybe, judging from the vegetation growth over him." Diane told him about the stable isotope a.n.a.lysis.

"I'm impressed."

"You should be. I found that out when we had only the clavicle. With all these bones, you'd think I'd be home free."

"What about his age and condition?"

"He's still undergoing epiphyseal union on all his long bones-from a half to three-quarters fused, including his iliac crest." She ran her fingers along the top of his pelvic bone and picked it up. "Look at the pubic symphysis." She rubbed her thumb over the horizontal ridges and grooves where the two pelvic bones joined in front. "This is a young surface. My guess is he was in his late teens or early twenties."

"My son's that age," Linc said, caressing the bone. "There are some parents somewhere wondering where he is."

"Speaking of his pelvis, this is sort of unusual." She showed him the lesion on the bone near the pubic symphysis. "I usually see this in pregnant women or those who have just given birth. It's caused by the strain on the joint."

"What about his s.h.i.+ns?" asked Linc.

"s.h.i.+ns? He has a healed break in his tibia."

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One Grave Too Many Part 35 summary

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