Wait For Dusk Part 17

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Close the doors! No one leaves, I directed Valerio, knowing he could use his powers to hold the doors shut. I didnat know who was responsible for Tristanas torture beyond Macaire, but I would be sure that everyone witnessed this fight. I wanted to be sure that everyone understood that I was a force that was not to be messed with.

The side door opened again and two nightwalkers dragged a limp Tristan between them. His brown hair was matted and knotted and his clothes were in disarray. I scanned over him as I ran to his side. I could find no physical injuries beyond a handful of scratches. Of course, it wasnat bodily harm that had me concerned. The two nightwalkers dropped him near the center of the room and retreated again to the side, putting as much distance between me and them as possible.

Sliding to my knees before Tristan, I helped him sit up, cupping his face in both of my shaking hands. aTristan, look at me,a I said, pus.h.i.+ng the words past the lump in my throat. His gaze continued to dance around the room as if he were struggling to process his surroundings. aPlease, Tristan, I need you to look at me.a After another couple of seconds I finally got him to look at me, but his gaze was vacant and lost, as if he werenat truly seeing me. Lines of pain and horror were etched deeply into his face, scarring and aging him by nearly countless years. My handsome, young Tristan looked as if he were trapped in a perpetual nightmare from which there was no escape.

aTristan, itas Mira,a I said, forcing my voice to firm. aPlease, look at me and tell me you recognize me. Talk to me, Tristan. Iam going to take you home.a aNo!a he screamed, jerking out of my grasp. He crawled across the floor a few feet before curling up in the fetal position in the middle of the floor. I heard someone snicker, and she immediately erupted into flames. Her screams of pain faded into the background as I crawled over to Tristan and pulled him into my lap as best I could. My heart was breaking into a million jagged pieces as I held my wounded Tristan.

aWhy donat you want to go home?a aSheas there. Sheas waiting for me. Sheas going to kill me,a he said in a trembling voice.

aWho?a aThe Fire Starter,a he whimpered. aSheas going to kill me.a aIam not going to kill you, Tristan. I want you to come home with me. I will keep you safe. Macaire will never touch you again.a Tristan violently shook his head from side to side. aNo, Macaire will protect me. The Fire Starter is going to kill me.a aNo, Tristan. I wonat hurt you,a I said, forcing back a swelling of tears. I wasnat reaching him. He didnat see me. He was lost in his fear of the Fire Starter, his mind locked in the horrible world that Macaire had created for him.

aFire Starter is going to kill me. Fire Starter. Killed her daughter. Killed little Lily,a he murmured as tears streaked down his pale face.

aNo, Tristan. It wasnat your fault,a I argued as tears started to slip down my own face. aLilyas death wasnat your fault. You know that. I would never harm you.a I carefully maneuvered him so he was seated on the floor again with his face in my hands. I tried to get him to look me directly in the face, but it was as if I wasnat really there. But in truth, he was the one that wasnat there. He wasnat truly in the Main Hall. He was locked in a never-ending nightmare surrounding Lilyas death.

Closing my eyes, I plunged into Tristanas mind. His thoughts were a swirling chaos of fragmented memories. Nothing flowed in a natural order. The only constant was the vision of Lilyas death running over and over again in his mind like a broken record. I could find no sliver of Tristanas conscious mind left. His sense of ident.i.ty had been completely shattered, and that all that was left was a sh.e.l.l of fear and pain.

I pulled out of his mind and wrapped my arms around him in a fierce hug. I had failed him. I had promised to protect him and keep him safe from nightwalkers like Macaire. aIam so sorry,a I cried, choking on the words as they crashed over the silence of the hall. aI am so sorry.a There was no way to save him. There was nothing left of Tristan to save. He was trapped for the rest of his existence in a world of pain and horror. He believed that the one person that would defend him was going to kill him. He believed that Macaire was going to protect him, when the Elder was only going to add to his terror at every turn. I couldnat save him.

Roughly wiping away the tears with the heel of my palm, I pulled Tristan away from where he was curled against me. I forced him to face me again and gave him a hard shake in frustration. aTristan, look at me!a I ordered in a rough voice. aItas Mira. Look at me. Itas Mira and I want to take you home.a Tristan just shook his head, looking anywhere but at me as he whimpered softly in pain. A flicker of recognition would have stopped me. Just a glimmer of the old Tristan that would have indicated I might have been able to draw him out again. But there was nothing left.

Shoving to my feet again, I stalked toward Macaire drawing knives from my sides. With amazing speed I flung them at him, hoping that at least one would hit its mark before the b.a.s.t.a.r.d disappeared. I just needed to score a minor hit. Something to slow him down a bit so I could get a tiny edge.

aNo!a Tristan screamed to my surprise. I watched as the spinning knives came to a sharp halt a mere inches away from Macaire as he stood before his chair. The blades hovered in the air, reflecting the s.h.i.+fting candlelight.

I turned around to find Tristan kneeling on the ground with one hand extended out toward Macaire. He was holding the knives steady in the air, his face twisted with fear. aYou cannot harm him. He is my only protection from the Fire Starter!a aHeas trying to destroy you,a I screamed in frustration as I grabbed more knives. I threw them at Macaire as well, but they hit the same invisible barrier. I was stunned that Tristan could stop any of them, considering how weak and fragile he was, but I could feel the fear radiating off him in sickening waves. It was enough to give him the strength to push on.

aHe is my savior,a Tristan said. He waved his hand once and I turned toward Macaire in time to see the knives shooting back across the room at me. Running a few steps, I dove forward and rolled into a kneeling position. Three of the knives clattered against the floor while the fourth embedded itself in my back.

Macaireas laughter echoed through the hall, pus.h.i.+ng me past any rational thought. Not only had he tortured Tristan, shattering the poor creatureas mind, but he had turned him against me. Still kneeling on the ground, I twisted around and threw out my right arm, sending out three fireb.a.l.l.s hurling toward the Elder.

Again Tristanas desperate, terrified scream tore at the air. Pus.h.i.+ng off the ground, he ran across the room and threw his body in front of the fireb.a.l.l.s in an effort to protect Macaire. I didnat have enough time to stop it. The flames pounded him square in the chest, engulfing him for a full second before I could extinguish them. He flopped to the ground, twitching and writhing in pain as all his exposed flesh was scorched by the flames.

I pulled the knife out of my back as I rose to my feet and walked over to where Tristan lay on the ground. His wide eyes stared up at the ceiling as tears ran down his burned cheeks. He didnat see me any longer. He didnat recognize the love I felt for him. There was only the pain and the horror that Macaire had manufactured in his mind. Tristan was locked in that world now.

The only thing I could give him was release from the pain. I could give him peace. Gritting my teeth, I placed my left hand on his right shoulder and plunged my right fist into his chest. I pulled his heart out as quickly as I possibly could so I wouldnat cause him any more pain than he was already suffering. He slumped against me as I cradled his heart against my chest. His cool blood ran down my arm and dripped from the edge of my elbow onto the hard marble floor. I bowed my head and rubbed my lips against his soft hair as fresh tears rained down my cheeks. I had lost my dear, sweet Tristan, and Macaire had forced me to kill him in an effort to spare him from any more pain. I had lost my sweet Tristan and it was my fault because I hadnat been there to protect him.

Danaus walked over and knelt beside us. He gently laid Tristan down on the floor, straightening out his legs and folding his arms over his chest. I slipped his heart under his folded hands. I wiped away my tears, smearing his blood across my cheeks. I was ready to kill Macaire now. I was ready to kill them all.

Chapter Thirty-One.

Macaire smirked at me. I rose from the floor as if pushed up my some invisible force and stood between him and Tristanas body. The hall was completely silent except for the crackle of fire and the steady thud of Danausas heartbeat. My temper had reached the boiling over point. I simply wanted him dead. I didnat care how.

The Elder took a single step toward me and I threw my right arm out. Flames erupted from the floor around him. But before I could catch him, the nightwalker disappeared from sight. I hissed, twisting around to find where he had reappeared. I tapped into the energies around me, feeling him out. He was hovering just on the outskirts of the hall, close so he could watch, but safely out of my reach.

My head snapped over to Jabari, who was relaxing back in his chair. He waved his left hand at me as if to say that it was beyond his ability to help me. Like h.e.l.l it was. If the Elder wasnat going to aid me in the disposal of our common enemy, then I was going to use his powers to trap me an Ancient. I could feel Jabarias powers curling around the room, mixing with Danausas and my own. I knew I could wrap my hand around them the same way I could use Danausas. I had no doubt that the Ancient was going to balk at being controlled by a pathetic creature such as myself, but I wasnat going to give him any choice. Jabari had drawn me into this mess, he had made me Macaireas enemy.

Waving my hand through the air in a sharp slicing motion, I extinguished the flames and stood perfectly still, waiting. Macaire reappeared by the dais, standing with one foot on the lower stair, his body partially turned toward me as if he had paused in the middle of climbing back up to his chair. aDo you blame me for your killing Tristan?a aYou destroyed his mind,a I snarled.

aIall admit that there wasnat much there to destroy when I found him. It seems that he had a run-in with a bori,a Macaire said as he resumed his seat. There was an audible gasp that coursed through the room when he made that statement. I didnat cringe away from the new censor that was coming from Jabari and Elizabeth.

aWe had some problems. The bori has been recaged,a I said shortly. aDid you take care of the naturi problem you were a.s.signed to?a Macaireas smile faded and his face twisted into an expression of extreme distaste. aThe naturi were exterminated. How was your luck?a aThe naturi were killed, but it seems that something else was waiting for me. Did you have a conversation with Veyron before I arrived? Directed him to dispose of me and my companions?a aWhy would I do such a thing?a Macaire asked smoothly, but there was a warning glint in his eyes.

aBecause youare a f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d that thinks of no one but himself. But I have to thank you. I needed a European territory, and now I am keeper of Budapest and Savannah.a My only warning was a low snarl from the nightwalker as he launched himself from his chair and streaked across the vast distance that separated us. I didnat hesitate. I wrapped Jabarias powers around me and instincts alone helped me to disappear from that spot a half second before Macaire arrived. I hovered for a heartbeat in the swirling darkness, watching Macaire twist about as he desperately searched the room for me.

I reappeared right beside him and slammed my fist into his jaw before he realized I was even standing there. The nightwalker was thrown across the room, sliding several feet over the marble floor before coming to a stop directly in front of a group of nightwalkers that stared at me in utter shock. It was well known that I didnat have the ability to appear and disappear at will, and yet I just had, making me ten times more dangerous than I already was.

Fear filled Macaireas face for only a moment before it was replaced with rage. He had underestimated me, and that was only the beginning. I needed him to fear me. With Jabarias powers firmly in my grasp, I telepathically grabbed Macaire by the legs and tossed him across the room, slamming him into the far wall with enough force to crack the stones. I casually crossed the distance between us before once again grabbing him with magic and tossing him around the room.

aYou canat do this!a he shouted with a slight waver in his voice. He was right. I couldnat do this, not without Jabari on hand.

Watch yourself, desert blossom, Jabari warned as he pushed to his feet.

With his powers still in the palm of my hand, I slammed Jabari back down in his chair. I was being reckless, but I didnat care. Killing Macaire was the only thing that mattered now. I would face Jabari later. Sit down and enjoy the show .

Macaire pushed back to his feet and launched himself at me again. Unfortunately, when I attempted to use Jabarias powers to disappear, Jabari fought me. I got control of his powers again, but only it was too late. Macaire smashed both of his fists into my chest, breaking my chest plate and nearly crus.h.i.+ng my heart. I was thrown backward several feet. As I hit the ground, a tight circle of flames sprang up around me, protecting me from a second attack as I regained my feet.

Standing in the middle of the circle, I looked around the room to find that Macaire was once again missing. But I could feel his energy close by. As I grabbed onto Jabarias powers again, the flames that encircled me immediately went out. I fought for both for nearly a second before I finally gave up on the flames. Apparently if I was using someone elseas powers, I couldnat tap into my own ability to manipulate fire. It would have been appreciated if Nick could have warned me of such a thing earlier.

With Jabarias powers in hand, I grabbed hold of Macaireas energy and forced him to reappear in the room directly in front of me. He stumbled a step backward as if to regain his balance, a stunned and horrified expression on his face. No one had ever pulled a nightwalker back once he had disappeared.

While he was still stunned, I released Jabarias energy and tapped into Danausas powers. The hunter gave a slight grunt as I forced him to slowly boil Macaireas blood within his skin. The nightwalker ran several feet away from me as if the distance would help as he scratched at the skin on the top of his left hand. Blood oozed out, popping and hissing as it melted anything that it touched.

aAfraid I was going to burn you?a I called across the room in a voice the echoed up to the rafters. aIave got more tricks up my sleeve than you will ever know. You never should have touched what belonged to me. You never should have threatened my friends.a aYouare a monster!a Macaire snarled. aYou have no business living among the nightwalkers. No right to be on the coven.a He continued to back away from me as he raised his right hand to claw at the heat creeping up his neck. His skin was growing a dark shade of red as if was cooked from the inside out.

With a smile, I released Danausas powers and freed Macaire from their grip. The Elderas shoulders slumped in relief. At that second I struck again. Grabbing the lapels of his coat, I slammed him on the ground and straddled him. As I did so, I claimed control over Jabarias powers again. Telepathically, I pinned Macaire to the ground, blocking his ability to disappear from my grasp.

Frustrated and fearful, the nightwalker hissed at me, flas.h.i.+ng his fangs in warning. I didnat care. My whole body was trembling with the energy that flowed in and around me. I felt as if I was about to shatter into a hundred pieces, but I couldnat stop. Nothing would stop me.

A part of me longed to burn him. I wanted to wash him away in a river of flames that reached nearly to the ceiling of the hall, but I couldnat risk him escaping me when I let go of Jabarias powers. Instead I was content to kill him the old fas.h.i.+oned way.

aNo!a Macaire screamed as I raised my right fist. He tried to catch it with his wounded left hand that was still leaking sizzling blood, but he was too weak from my earlier attack. My fist punctured his breast plate and went straight to his heart. His blood was just below the boiling point, burning my flesh.

I screamed in pain and triumph as I wrapped my fingers around his shriveled heart and slowly pulled it free of his chest. Macaire immediately went limp as his soul fled his body, released from a long lifetime locked in that frail frame. It wasnat enough. I dropped the heart at my side and grabbed his head underneath his chin and ripped it from his neck with a sickening cracking of bone and tearing of flesh.

Standing on wobbly legs, I hovered over Macaireas headless, lifeless corpse. All the energy I had felt slipped from my body and resumed its flow around me as if I were nothing more than a large rock in a stream. Smiling, I walked over to Macaireas chair on the dais. Hooking the heel of my boot under the edge of the chair, I tipped it over onto its back, sending a loud crash through the silent hall.

aIt seems we have another opening,a I announced. I turned around to face the crowd of nightwalkers that was closely watching me. aDo we have any takers?a Silence followed for several tense seconds before Stefan finally stepped forward. A part of me relaxeda"I had been concerned that Valerio might go for the open spot, when I had promised it to Stefan already. I didnat want Valerio on the coven. I had other, better, uses for him. Stefan and I would never see eye-to-eye on most matters, but we agreed on one thing that was important: the naturi. I knew that he would not be making secret alliances with the naturi, jeopardizing the future of our kind or the life of Our Liege.

aI claim the open seat on the coven,a Stefan proclaimed in a loud, strong voice.

I nearly laughed in my delight. Macaireas blood had not even grown cold yet and he had already been replaced.

aI recognize your claim to the coven,a I replied. aDoes anyone want to counter his claim?a Silence once again reigned. Stefanas quick claim to the coven and my obvious support left everyone fearful to move, let alone question the nightwalkeras claim to the open chair. After watching my brutal slaughter of Macaire, no one was willing to question Stefan, which pleased me because it put Stefan in my debt. I could use a favor for him on a rainy evening.

aApparently not,a I chuckled. With a sweeping bow, I backed away from the tipped over chair, directing Stefan to come forward. The Ancientas face was expressionless as he turned the chair right side up. He paused, looking over the gathered nightwalkers as if surveying his new kingdom before finally taking a seat.

I turned as well, but toward the coven, my gaze traveling from Elizabethas look of horror, to Stefanas expression of reserved contentment, to Jabarias quiet rage. He and I would still have to have words, but for now he could wait. Head gotten his wish, and his enemy had finally been vanquished by his little protg.

As I took my first step toward my seat, a low chuckle filled the hall. I paused and looked around, trying to determine where it was coming from when it finally dawned on me that it was coming from Our Liegeas chair. Everyone looked up and a chill went through the room when they saw that the chair was still empty.

But it wasnat really. I could feel Nickas energy filling that chair. I could easily imagine him lounging in that chair with one leg thrown over the arm, looking for all the world as if he owned the place. He wasnat Our Liege. I didnat know who Our Liege was, and I wasnat looking forward to that meeting, but I knew it wasnat Nick. He had been around for my battle with Macaire, whispering dark secrets into the back of my brain. Nick goaded me on, firing the anger that seemed to burn relentlessly inside of me beyond all reason.

I had not only succeeded in fulfilling Jabarias wishes that night, but Iad also achieved what Nick wanted. I had learned to control the powers of both Jabari and Danaus. The only problem was that I knew Jabari could still fight me, stop me if I tried to do it at a moment when he wasnat in accord with my wishes. I had a feeling that Danaus could do the same.

The laughter stopped as suddenly as it started, and everyone was left scratching their heads, naturally a.s.suming that Our Liege had made a rare visit. Nickas energy faded from the room, which was now filled with the heavy scent of blood. He seemed content to leave me alone for a while. I had accomplished his great task, but I knew he would be back for more at a later date. I would have to find a way to escape him.

But not now.

My legs were trembling with fatigue as I shuffled down to my seat on the dais. My body was suddenly filled with a hundred aches and pains I had not noticed earlier, and my chest felt as if a heavy weight rested on my heart. As I resumed my seat, my eyes fell on Tristanas limp body and my heart broke for a second time. I had destroyed the man that had tortured him, but I had been unable to save him. And thatas all I ever wanted for Tristan. I just wanted to save him from the world.

My right hand trembled where it hung over the arm of the chair, sending a fresh cascade of blood drops to the floor. I slumped low and rested my head against my left hand while placing my elbow on the arm of the chair. My eyes didnat drift from Tristan until I felt fingers twine themselves around my fingers. I looked down at my right hand in confusion to find Danausas hand wrapped around mine. Gazing up at his face, I saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes caressing my face. He was there for me, standing between me and the rest of the nightwalker nation. He was there watching over me.

In that moment, I knew that Danaus was my last refuge, my only harbor of peace and security. He was my happiness. And the only thing standing between me and complete oblivion.


I wish to thank my amazing agent, Jennifer Schober, as I know I would be lost without her guidance. I also wish to thank my wonderful and patient editor, Diana Gill, for demanding the absolute best from me. Thanks for always pus.h.i.+ng me so hard!

By Jocelynn Drake.

The Dark Days Novels.






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Wait For Dusk Part 17 summary

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