Wait For Dusk Part 8

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aWhy?a Danaus stopped pacing and pinned me with a dark glare. aWhy?a he repeated as his right hand balled into a fist. aSheas a prisoner. That vampire is holding her against her will.a aIam not sure if I believe that.a I shrugged as I relaxed in my chair. aAnd even if she is, I am willing to bet that she got herself into that mess in the first place. Itas not our job to get her out of her current predicament.a aSo, youare saying no?a I drew in a deep breath and released it slowly, as I reminded myself that Danaus wasnat accustomed to my world. There were limitations as to what I could do without causing a storm of trouble that I wasnat willing to deal with at this time. I already had enough on my plate.

aSheas a pet, Danaus.a aI figured out that much myself,a he snapped, but I ignored him and continued.

aSheas a pet, and most of the time thatas a position a human attains willingly because she or he is enamored of the nightwalker. Sheas treated well, Iam sure. Iave seen poorly treated pets, and sheas not been abused. In fact, judging by the clothing and jewelry she was wearing, it looks as if heas treated quite well.a aYou donat know that!a I finally frowned as I uncrossed my legs and slid to the edge of my chair. Danaus put his hands on the back of the sofa that separated us and leaned forward so he could look me directly in the eye. aSheas a prisoner,a he growled. aHe restricts her movement. He feeds off her. He shares her with his friends. Sheas just an object to him.a aSounds like a pet to me. Nothing too surprising in any of that treatment.a I paused, searching for some way in which he could accept Sofiaas arrangement. aLook, Danaus. She got herself into this situation. Sheas just going to have to deal with it. If sheas lucky, heall get bored with her. h.e.l.l, itas likely that weare going to have to kill Veyron eventually, so she will be free after all. We canat just waltz in and tell him to free her.a aWhy canat we free her now?a I shook my head and glanced down at my hands clasped in my lap. aIt just isnat done.a aWhat the h.e.l.l does that mean?a aSheas Veyronas pet.a I pushed to my feet, which also caused Danaus to straighten to his full height. aYou donat steal another creatureas pet unless you want to start a war. I donat want her. I donat want to spend the rest of her existence protecting her. Itas bad enough that I just claimed Budapest as my second domain. I donat need to steal away another nightwalkeras pet when heas got her under his protection. My reputation canat afford to get any blacker.a aYou certainly had no problem stealing Tristan from Sadira when we were in Venice,a Danaus accused.

aThe court of the coven was going to kill him, and Sadira wasnat going to do anything to stop it! I didnat have a choice. I couldnat stand by and let it happen. I promised him that I would help him get free of her,a I argued, finally raising my voice.

aAnd Nicolai? What was your excuse there? You canat tell me that you werenat taking a major risk by confronting Jabari and the entire coven by taking the werewolf off their hands. You knew that you were going to spend the rest of his existence protecting him from Jabari.a ad.a.m.n it, Danaus! You were there. They were going to hand Nicolai over to the naturi. There was a chance that he could have been the next sacrifice that would break the seal. We couldnat take that risk. Nicolai had to be removed from the coven. There was no choice.a aConvenient,a the hunter sneered. aYouave got an excuse for both of them.a aIs Sofia in danger? No!a aYou donat know that.a aVeyron likes his little pet. Sheas not in any danger so long as she obeys him. He will protect her and she knows it. Sofia isnat in any danger from the coven or the naturi. h.e.l.l, sheas probably the most well-protected creature in all of Budapest.a aBut sheas not free.a aThatas not our concern.a aSheas human and she wants her freedom. That makes it my concern,a Danaus said. He glared at me for several seconds as if waiting for me to agree with him, but I didnat say a word. aIam going to help her.a He turned and started to walk out of the hotel room.

With a growl, I put one foot on the sofa cus.h.i.+on and leapt over the back. In a couple quick steps I was in front of him before he could reach the door. I placed my hand on his chest, stopping him.

aYouare not going anywhere,a I ordered. aYou try to free her and youare going to start a war. We still need to get rid of the naturi and discover why it was so important to Macaire that we come here. Freeing Sofia is not part of that deal.a Standing so close to Danaus, something caught my attention. I drew in a breath to release an aggravated sigh when I noticed a new scent in the air. It was everywhere around us, filling the tiny hallway that led to the rest of the hotel room as if there were another person standing directly between us. I released the breath and drew a second, checking to make sure that I hadnat lost my mind.

I could smell Sofia. Or rather I could smell her perfume. It was everywhere. I slowly lifted my hand from Danausas chest and sniffed my hand before jerking it away again. The smell was even stronger. It was coming from Danaus.

aWhat have you been doing?a I asked. Horror filled my voice as I pressed my back against the door.

aWhat are you talking about? Youare changing the subjecta"a aWhat have you been doing? I can smell her. Sheas everywhere.a I suddenly pushed off the door and leaned into Danaus so my nose was just inches away from his chest. The scent of Sofiaas perfume smacked me across the face, sending me reeling away from the hunter once again. aSheas all over you!a aMira, youare being ridiculous.a aAm I? You come to me reeking of this other woman, demanding that I help you set her free. What am I to think? For a moment I thought your interests lay with me, but apparently some pathetic human has caught your attention. What is it, Danaus? Is it because sheas a helpless damsel in distress or just because sheas human?a aThereas nothing going on. When I told her that I would help her escape Veyron, she threw herself on me. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Nothing more.a A low growl escaped me as I grabbed the front of his s.h.i.+rt and slammed him into one of the walls. aYou allowed her to touch you! Youare mine! Donat you understand that? I made you my consort before the coven and the entire nightwalker nation, and youare choosing a human over me already.a aI donat belong to you! Iam not your pet!a Danaus roared, trying to push me away from him, but I wasnat budging.

aNo, not pet. I gave you a greater position. You are my equal before the coven. My beloved and protected consort.a I released him then, giving him a little shove as I walked back over to the door and leaned against it. aAnd you come to me smelling of her.a aSheas a helpless human trapped in a bad situation. We need to help her,a Danaus replied, avoiding the issue that it appeared as if he had already found my replacement. My stomach tightened and I clenched my teeth. I didnat need this now. I was more concerned about taking care of the naturi threat in Budapest, killing Rowe, and avoiding being killed in the process.

Shoving both hands into my hair, I turned my back on him and stared at the door that led to the hallway of the hotel. I needed more time to look into this matter with the naturi and try to find out why a magic user was trying to kill me. Also, I was sure that Stefan would prefer if we did something about his missing a.s.sistant before I went stirring up more trouble.

aWe need to wait, Danaus,a I said, forcing the words out in a calm, even tone as I turned back to face him. I was trying to be reasonable. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt and help him after all the times he had helped me. Yet Sofiaas scent felt almost like a physical barrier between Danaus and me.

aAnd what if she doesnat have time for us to wait?a he demanded.

I dropped my hands back to my sides with a heavy flop. aHas Veyron done anything to make her think that he plans to kill her sometime soon? I mean, that would be why wead try to save hera"because Veyron plans to kill her, and not because sheas grown bored or something?a aShe wants her freedom,a Danaus said firmly.

aYeah, well, donat we all,a I muttered, though Iam sure that he heard me. I felt trapped. I didnat care about Sofia and her problems. I had enough of my own, and I wasnat willing to risk my neck for every poor soul that crossed my path. Iad be dead in a matter of nights if I took it on myself to try to protect the world. But then again, that was what I was trying to do every time I took on the naturi.

Drawing in a deep breath, I closed my eyes and tried to find a center of calm in all the anger and frustration buzzing around inside of me. aGive me a few nights. Let me try to take care of Veyron, Rowe, and a few of the other problems in the city before I try to figure out what to do with Sofia. Maybe weall just get rid of Veyron and that will take care of it.a aWill that actually work or will she just be swallowed up by another nightwalker once heas gone?a Danaus demanded.

aWhat? Just say it finally! What do you want from me?a I demanded, losing my hold on my temper yet again.

aI want her to come to Savannah with us!a he shouted back.

aNo! Absolutely not!a I knew if I saw Sofia right then, Iad pulled her hair out and pluck her eyes from her skull. Iad turned my back on Danaus for only a short time and the little tramp decided to poach something that I had just begun to consider was mine. aSheas not coming to Savannah!a aYouare jealous,a Danaus accused.

aYouare d.a.m.n right Iam jealous. Thereas no way in h.e.l.l sheas coming into my domain with you,a I snarled. aIf youare so desperate to free her, fine. Before we leave Budapest, weall get rid of Veyron, and sheall be free. But from there, sheall be on her own. Iam not going to be her personal protector. If Iam going to take up that role, then she will be my pet and Iall keep her on a leash so tight sheall long for her nights with Veyron.a aI canat do this any longer. Itas not working,a Danaus said, throwing his hands up in the air as he walked away from me.

It felt as if a vise were suddenly gripping my heart, threatening to crush it. I was losing Danaus before Iad even had a chance to truly enjoy his companions.h.i.+p. But then, I had no doubt that everyone would have said our would-be relations.h.i.+p didnat have a prayer of working. I had wanted to try, though.

aYou didnat give us a chance,a I whispered. aI may be jealous of Sofia, but you make it sound like I have every reason to be. You canat get over the fact that you just might be attracted to a nightwalkera"the evil ones. So when a pretty human crosses your path and winks, you jump on her like a dog on a bone.a aDonat make this about us. Itas about freeing a helpless human from a powerful nightwalker. Itas about protecting humans from your kind. Thatas what I do,a Danaus said, turning to glare at me. aIam going to free her.a aThen you have to choose between me and Sofia,a I replied, putting my hands on my hips. aThe only time you will be able to successfully free her is during the day, when Veyron and all the other nightwalkers are asleep. That will leave me unprotected, and there is a very good chance that Veyron is going to send someone to kill me in the morning now that I have taken Budapest right out from under him. You save her, youall be killing me.a aI canat leave her.a aSheas in no danger.a aYou donat know that,a Danaus grumbled.

aNo, I donat, but I do know that Iam in greater danger than she is at this moment. Are you really going to choose her over me?a aMy job is to protect humans, not vampires,a Danaus replied. He grabbed his coat from where it lay on the chair and jerked it on. I barely had a chance to step out of the way before he pulled open the door and stalked out into the hall, slamming it shut behind him. It was still several hours before sunrise, plenty of time for him to plan an attack on Veyronas home and steal Sofia away. He was going to start a war that I wasnat willing to fight. Of course, that was a.s.suming I would survive that long.

My stomach twisted into a tight knot and I descended slowly to my knees in front of the door leading out of the hotel room. He had left me. Danaus, the one creature Iad been able to depend on to protect me during the past several months, had left me to protect someone else. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I clenched my teeth and sucked in a sharp breath as I held the tears back, refusing to let them fall. I would not cry over Danaus.

We hadnat had a real chance at making this work. He was a hunter and I was his prey. Did I really think that he could ever come to care for me? It was impossible. Danaus longed to be a real, normal human. It was understandable that he would be attracted to the thing he wanted more than his next breath. I represented everything he didnat want to be, everything he didnat want to be a part of. His enemy.

If Danaus wasnat going to help me, then I had to find a way to help myself. I wasnat about to curl up and die just because I could no longer rely on the hunter to protect my back when I was at my most vulnerable. Closing my eyes, I reached out with my mind, seeking the one person left in the area that I felt would prefer to see me rise the next night. Valerio instantly reacted to my mental touch. I could sense his immediate concern and unease. No words had been necessary. He knew that something terrible was wrong. But then, above everyone else, Valerio knew me best. Maybe even better than Jabari.

I didnat even have a chance to regain my feet before he appeared in the hotel suite, still wrapped in his thick coat and scarf. He looked down at me for only a second before scanning the rest of the suite with his eyes and his powers to determine that we were truly alone.

aDid I disturb you in the middle of someone?a I asked as I pushed off the floor with one hand. I was too tired to even use my powers to rise to my feet. Valerio reached out and caught my free hand, helping me.

aNo one is more important to me than you,a he said smoothly, causing one corner of my mouth to quirk at the pretty lie. aWhere is the vampire hunter?a I looked down at his chest, avoiding his question with one of my own. aCan I stay with you? I am a.s.suming that youare flitting back and forth from Vienna each night.a aOf course you can spend your day with me.a Valerio reached up and smoothed some hair away from the side of my face. He laid his hand under my chin and forced me to look up at him. aWhat has happened? Where is Danaus?a I stepped away from Valerio and forced my shoulders to straighten as I took a couple steps over to one of the chairs in the living area. aHe left.a Those two words sounded indifferent, but something inside of me fractured, leaving shards digging into my soul.

aWhy?a aHe wants to free Sofia.a Valerioas footsteps were m.u.f.fled on the thick carpet as he approached me. He laid a hand against my lower back as he came to stand beside me. aAnd you told him no.a I remained silent, staring blindly at the wall opposite me. aYou did the right thing. Sofia is just a pet, and you canat go interfering where it wonat benefit you.a aHeas convinced that she wants her freedom and he is determined to help her.a He slid his fingers up my spine in a rea.s.suring caress. aShe made her choice. If she wanted her freedom so badly, she should never have agreed to give her life over to Veyron.a aDanaus doesnat see it that way. Sheas human and wants out. He has to protect her from us.a Valerio reached around and gently grabbed both of my shoulders so he could turn me to face him. aMira, dearest.a I tried to pull out of his grasp, but he refused to release me. aHeas a hunter. Heas human. Not one of us. He doesnat understand our world, he canat. A blind man could have seen what was happening between you two, and I hate to tell you that it just wonat work.a I knew I wanted the impossible, and I didnat need to hear how wrong I had been from Valerio. It was like twisting the knife in my heart a little more so that I would finally learn my lesson not to care for anyone. Others in my life had died because of their a.s.sociation with me. Danaus, on the other hand, had chosen to walk away from me. For a moment I couldnat decide what was worse.

aHe left. I think he went to free Sofia during the day,a I whispered, resting my forehead against Valerioas shoulder.

aThen you stay with me. Weall deal with the repercussions tomorrow evening,a he said. I didnat need to tell him that Danaus had chosen to protect the human over me, or that Veyron would undoubtedly send men to kill me during the day. I didnat need to actually say the words. Valerio knew and he was willing to take me in.

aDonat tell Stefan,a I said, wrapping one arm around his waist.

aI wonat.a He brushed a gentle kiss across my temple. aBut you have to remember that weave all had troubles with a human every once in a while during our long lifetimes. Iam sure Stefan has had his fair share of problems.a aYes, but if the others find out that there has been a . . . a falling out between Danaus and me, they may take that as a sign to start hunting him.a Valerio pulled back so he could look me in the face. aYouare still protecting him?a Leaning back into Valerio, I nodded. I had pulled Danaus into these dark waters, and I wasnat about to leave him to the sharks. We might not see eye-to-eye on some matters, but that did not mean I was willing to turn my back on him. I just couldnat. I still needed him.

Chapter Fifteen.

When we disappeared from my hotel room, I naturally a.s.sumed that I would be seeing the richly decorated rooms of Valerioas Vienna home when we reappeared. Instead I found myself wrapped in Valerioas arms outside the Nyugati train station in Pest. Pus.h.i.+ng against him, I moved out of his embrace as I scanned the region. I could feel Valerioas powers blanketing us, so no one saw us suddenly pop into existence in this part of town beyond the handful of nightwalkers I could sense in the immediate area.

I shoved a heavy lock of hair out of my face and paced away from my companion. aWhat are we doing here? I thought we were going back to your place.a aThe night is still so young, Mira.a Valerio reached for me again, but I dodged his grasp as I walked away from the noise of the train station. Despite the late hour, a heavy crowd of people lingered in the area nearby, along with a mix of nightwalkers. My heels crunched in the dirty grit of the street and I found myself tightening my arms on my chest as the wind picked up.

aWhat do you have in mind?a aYou just became the keeper of Budapest,a he said, throwing his arms out wide. aDonat you think you should celebrate? Maybe spend a little time with your people?a aKnock some heads around and instill some fear,a suggested Stefan as he stepped out of the shadows nearby, joining us.

I frowned and shook my head as an uneasy feeling sank into the pit of my stomach. I had lost Danaus, and now Valerio and Stefan were drawing me deeper into their own plans. I didnat like this at all. aSo how long have you two been planning this little party for me?a I asked, forcing a smile onto my lips.

aSince you announced that you were the new keeper,a Stefan said, matching my smile.

aIt is tradition, Mira,a Valerio interjected quickly. aAnytime there is a change in leaders.h.i.+p, itas customary for the new leader to go out and be seen among her people.a What Valerio and Stefan were truly saying was that it was customary for the new keeper of a domain to go out and sacrifice a few nightwalkers as a way of officially kicking off their reigna"was.h.i.+ng it in blood. They werenat lying, no matter how much I wished at the moment that they were. I had started my own reign of Savannah in a tide of blood. While our numbers had been small at the time, more than half of the nightwalkers in Savannah and the surrounding regions died when I declared that I was the new keeper of the area.

Unfortunately, after last nightas bloodbath and my fight with Danaus, I found myself no longer wis.h.i.+ng to wash the world in the blood of those around me. I wanted to slip into a dark quiet corner and let the world forget about me. I wanted to escape the notice of the naturi, and Nick, and the coven. But standing there in the cold with Valerio and Stefan, I knew I wasnat going to get that. I was a powerful nightwalker, a coven Elder who had just claimed one of the oldest cities in Central Europe as her domain. It was expected of me to make an appearance and shed some blood.

I swallowed a heavy sigh as I straightened my shoulders and turned my attention to Valerio, who had been watching me far too closely. After my falling out with Danaus, he knew that I was feeling more than a little weak and vulnerable. He was trying to cheer me up the only way he knew howa"with violence and chaos.

aSo what place have you chosen for me to make my appearance? I would prefer for it to have a large impact on the nightwalker population, since we shall be dealing with the s.h.i.+fters tomorrow night,a I announced, trying to keep my voice sounding bland and even a little bored.

Valerioas smile widened. He could see right through me, but at least he knew that I was willing to go along with his little game. aYouare going to love this place. From what I had been able to tell, itas popular with both the tourists and the locals. Itas open late and draws a huge bloodsucker crowd. Itas the perfect place for us. Itas called Bahnhof and itas just behind the train station.a I shrugged my shoulders, shoved my hands into the pockets of my slacks and followed both Stefan and Valerio through the street. We carefully wove our way through the crowd and used a little bit of mind manipulation to get through the front door ahead of the line of people waiting to enter the bar. I paused at the entrance, some of the tension easing from my shoulders at the pounding music. From floor to ceiling the place was decorated in old railroad memorabilia, which only seemed fitting since the place was right next to Nuygati train station.

We slowly pressed through the crowd of humans, making a sweep of the two separate dance floors as well as the different secret niches modeled after railway cars. I could feel the eyes of every nightwalker on us as we walked through the place. They remained silent observers for now. As far as they knew, we were trespa.s.sing in their private domain. Of course, they could have also heard about last nightas slaughter as the Szchenyi Baths. Either way, they were giving us some s.p.a.ce for now, but it was only a matter of time. I was waiting to see who blinked first. Considering that Stefanas lone a.s.sistant hadnat escaped the city, I was willing to bet that the nightwalkers of Bahnhof were going to press us first. I just needed to give them a proper reason.

It didnat take me long to find it. Toward the back of the train-themed dance club was a private car filled with nightwalkers and the human pets that clung to them like bits of fleshy jewelry. This was the exclusive club car. The so-called best seat in the house. And naturally, being the new keeper of Budapest, this had to be my seat.

I stood in the doorway and smiled down at them in silence, my arms hanging loose at my sides. They all looked at me with varying degrees of dislike and disinterest. One female seated farthest from the entrance into the secluded area frowned at me as she unwrapped her arm from around the shoulders of a thin, sickly white human with wind-blown hair.

aThis is a private party. It would be best if you left,a she warned, leaning forward on the table. Considering that nearly twenty people were crammed into the tiny area, the table was littered with surprisingly few drinks. There were more nightwalkers than humans in that tight region, and no one was bothering to keep up appearances that they were just average customers of the club. This behavior simply wouldnat do.

aYes,a I said in a low hiss as my smile widened. aThis is a private party and we have come for this set of seats.a A low round of laughter rumbled through the car as they s.h.i.+fted restlessly in their chairs. I smiled, chuckling as well. I was older than all of them. This wasnat going to be a contest. This was going to be a slaughter.

Keep anyone from escaping out onto the main floor. I donat want to cause a panic among the humans, I directed Valerio and Stefan.

Youare determined to drain all the fun out of this, arenat you? Valerio whined.

Iall leave the humans to you and Stefan. I just want the nightwalkers.

aAnd where do you get this notion that weare going to move for you?a the female demanded. aYou donat belong here. You should leave this city and go back to your own home.a This time I felt a not so subtle mental shove as she tried to mentally direct me to do her bidding. It lacked finesse, strength, and even cunning. It was both cra.s.s and insulting that she even attempted it on someone of my years and experience.

I didnat even give her a chance to move. In a flash I reached across the table, grabbed her by the throat, and dragged her across the tabletop. Drinks were sent flying in every direction, but the sound of breaking gla.s.s could barely be heard over the roar of music coming from the other end of the club. Pinning her to the table with one hand, I raised the other above my head and bathed it in flickering blue flames so that I now had everyoneas full attention.

aListen to me, you worthless piece of chum, I am Mira. I am the Fire Starter, a coven Elder, and the keeper of Budapest. Do you know what that makes you?a I growled, leaning close so that all she could see were my glowing lavender eyes and long white fangs. The female shook her head as she held the hand wrapped around her neck with two trembling hands. aMy personal plaything for the rest of the evening. If youare lucky, youall prove to me exactly why your maker didnat kill you the second you were reborn, because right now youare seeming extremely useless to me.a Two humans stupidly attempted to rush me at the same time in hopes of freeing their precious companion. Throwing the female nightwalker back to where she had been seated earlier, I didnat hesitate as I snapped both their necks in the blink of an eye and set another nightwalker on fire for edging too close to me.

Chaos erupted in the small booth at the sight of the fire. I stopped thinking and only reacted to the hands reaching for me and the knives that suddenly appeared, glinting in the firelight. After nights of running and fighting naturi, bori, and nightwalkers, I just stopped thinking and let my emotions run free. Limbs were ripped and broken. Screams were quickly m.u.f.fled, lost in the roar of music that rumbled through the club. Valerio and Stefan appeared beside me, splashed with blood and smiling like devils at the carnage spread before them. In a matter of only seconds twenty people lay dead, both nightwalkers and humans. Hadnat even thought about it.

Stepping onto the table, I walked over the mess and claimed the seat at the back of the niche, pus.h.i.+ng bodies out of my way. With a wave of my hand, a couple orbs of fire appeared in the air and hovered above the table, casting the blood-soaked booth in a frightening light. I looked around at the mess I had made and I wanted to be sick. I hadnat lost control in years. I hadnat killed a human in centuries. Not since my days with Valerio and Jabari, when I was young and reckless, had I caused such death and destruction. And yet despite my superior strength and vicious skill, they kept coming at me. They hadnat tried to run in fear or plead for their lives. They just attacked me, and I killed them because . . . because killing was the only thing I was good at. Killing them meant taking my own life back one person at a time. I was tired of being hounded by Rowe, Nick, Macaire, and too many others to count. If I killed them, then there were a few less people in the world that wanted to kill me.

After staring blindly at the severed head of one of the nightwalkers that had been in the booth, I blinked a couple times and looked up to find Stefan and Valerio sitting on either side of me, while other nightwalkers crowded the opening to the private little niche. Horror stretched their handsome features and widened their luminous eyes. I could hear aFire Startera whispered among them in both Hungarian and rough English.

None of them cared that I was a member of the coven. They didnat care that being an Elder made me a creature that demanded instant respect within the world of the nightwalker. They only cared that I was the Fire Starter, and with me came the instant threat of a painful and brutal death. Of the twenty, only one person within the booth had died by fire. They rest had been ripped apart by my bare hands. I was washed in their blood so that it was soaked into my clothes and dripped from my chin.

No matter what I did or where I went, I would always be the Fire Starter first and above all else.

Lifting my chin a little, I smiled at the nightwalkers that were cautiously watching me. aI am Mira and I am the new keeper of Budapest. Iall be in town for a few nights along with my companions. I hope you will make us feel welcome.a The response from the group was overwhelming silence, but I could feel a buzz in the air as many of them spoke with each other telepathically. I continued to smile at them, soaking in their fear and terror like a drug.

aAnd if youare wondering, I have already visited with Odelia and Veyron. They are both aware of my new position within the city,a I added, just twisting the knife a little more.

A few of the older nightwalkers that had been around long enough to potentially see a regime change within a region lingered long enough to welcome me to the lovely city of Budapest and offer their services. However, most silently filtered back into the crowd of humans. In fact, most of the nightwalkers had left Bahnhof within twenty minutes of discovering the slaughter. I was simply too dangerous to remain close to. There was no telling whether I would decide to strike out at more nightwalkers. By now the killing at Szchenyi Baths was well-known among the Budapest nightwalkers, and now there was the bloodbath at Bahnhof. Death followed me wherever I tread, and no one was willing to stand in my path.

I looked across the table so find both Valerio and Stefan relaxing against the bloodstained cus.h.i.+ons, appearing at ease with the world. They had nothing to worry about. They were both my protectors and instruments of my destruction. They were immune to my fits of rage, need for chaos, and desire for fear among those that surrounded me. I knew that this type of behavior was expected as I took my place within the city and as a member of the coven. The only problem was that it was starting to make me ill, even as I got better at the destruction as time slipped past. I was beginning to believe that I was the daughter of chaos.

Chapter Sixteen.

The next night, the hotel room looked like a bomb had gone off. The walls were pockmarked with bullet holes and the furniture had been trashed. Gla.s.s from broken picture frames littered the floor so that the carpet now sparkled in the light coming through the window. Releasing Valerio, I took a couple of cautious steps into the room, my mouth hanging open as I dragged my eyes over the chaos. Danaus sat on the floor with his back pressed against the door that led into my bedroom. His clothes were torn and b.l.o.o.d.y. A knife was held loosely in one hand while a gun rested on the floor next to his other hand. He looked up at me, confusion filling his face.

aHow the h.e.l.l did you get here?a he demanded, pus.h.i.+ng slowly to his feet.

aI stayed with Valerio during the day. He just brought me back.a He pointed at the bedroom door with the knife. aYou mean you were never in there?a aNo.a I shook my head, my eyebrows snapping together over my nose at his tone. aDidnat you ever look in on me? You never checked?a aNo!a aYou left me!a I shouted back, refusing to feel guilty that he had defended what amounted to an empty room. aI told you that Veyronas men would attack me during the day. Did you think I was going to stay here unguarded and vulnerable during the daylight hours while you went after Sofia?a aI didnat go after her,a he admitted, lowering his voice to a normal level again.

aBut you left.a Danaus narrowed his eyes on my face as his frown grew darker. aAnd you thought I would choose her life over yours.a aYes.a There was nothing else I could say. He left. He left the hotel room and I a.s.sumed that he was going after Sofia. Where else would he have gone after our argument? aYour leaving the room signaled to me that you were going after her. I would have been alone during the day, left vulnerable to . . . to this,a I said, extending my hands to encompa.s.s the destroyed room.

aI went down to the hotel bar for a drink,a Danaus snapped. aHow could you think that I would honestly leave you alone? I stayed at your side in England when the naturi attacked. I was with you in Venice and Peru. Why would I leave you now?a Because I thought you cared about Sofia more than you cared about me.

I was spared from having to answer out loud by the sudden appearance of Stefan in the center of the room. His eyebrows were raised and his lips twitched as if he was unsuccessfully suppressing a smile. aHad a bit of trouble during the day?a I wanted to smack him. Now was not the best time for jokes. Not when both my temper and Danausas were already burning away on a short fuse.

aWho came here?a Valerio asked in the growing silence as Danaus and I glared at each other. I wouldnat feel guilty about leaving. He had left me with no indication that he planned to return to the room before sunrise, and I wasnat going to roll over and die to suit him.

aLycans,a Danaus replied slowly, finally lifting his gaze from me to Valerio, who stood just behind my right shoulder. Stefanas face was wiped clean of the smirk that had been twisting his lips. The lycans were currently harboring the blame for Stefanas missing a.s.sistant, and they had already been on the top of my list of things to take care of. If they had attacked Danaus with the intent of killing me, then the local pack didnat stand much chance of surviving the night.

aAre you sure?a Valerio inquired.

aHe knows a lycan when he sees one,a I replied as I walked through the room, toward the windows that looked out on the city. Lifting my eyes up to the black sky, I frowned at the full moon that shone down on me with her s.h.i.+mmering silvery light. The s.h.i.+fters would be at their peak strength tonight. It was fitting.

aFaster than normal humans,a Danaus said. aStronger. They carried with them a thick sense of power that couldnat be missed. The air smelled like a forest after the rain. There was no doubt that they were all lycans. There were three of them. However, one held back at the door during the fight. He may have been a warlock.a aWarlock?a I spun around to look at Danaus again, blocking some of the light that tripped into the room from the window. My black shadow was swallowed up in the dark room, adding to the bleak atmosphere.

aWarlock,a he repeated. aHe didnat cast any spells, but there was something about the way he stood and carried himself. As if he was above it all.a aSounds like a nightwalker to me.a I crossed my arms over my stomach as I leaned my shoulder against the window frame.

Danaus looked up and flashed me a grim smile. aI know a vampire when I see one.a aYeah, I guess you would. Warlock, then,a I grumbled.

aThatas . . . unexpected,a Valerio added.

Stefan shook his head, frowning. aWerewolves donat form hunting parties with anyone else. They hunt in tight formation with only their own kind.a I stared at the floor that sparkled with gla.s.s strewn over the thick carpet. The appearance of the warlock made me think that maybe he had been sent to make sure the job was done properly. I was beginning to believe that maybe Ferko had not been the one to send them. I had always believed that Veyron would send someone to kill me, but Iad been antic.i.p.ating humansa"not lycanthropes or warlocks. I found this development even more unsettling.

aIam a.s.suming that no one was killed, considering that there are no bodies,a I resumed, pus.h.i.+ng my thoughts to the back of my mind for perusal later. Our main concern at the moment was the s.h.i.+fters. I could worry about their alliances later when I had a chance to beat the information out of Ferko.

aNo one was killed,a Danaus stated, athough I have doubts as to whether one of them would survive the next few hours, considering I stabbed him near the heart. He was bleeding pretty heavily.a aDid the warlock attack you?a aNo.a He finally shoved his knife in the sheath on his waist and then returned the gun to the holster at his lower back. aHe never moved from the closed door.a aHis job was to get them in and out of the hotel unnoticed,a Valerio commented. aSilence any noise that rose from the room while they took care of their little task. When word gets out that they failed to kill you, they are likely to try again. You canat stay here.a aIam not leaving the city again until this matter is taken care of,a I told him. aThis is my domain, after all.a aThatas ridiculous!a Stefan snapped.

aAfter we take care of the lycans and Ferko tonight, anyone else will be reluctant to approach me, regardless of who is giving the orders.a I pushed off the wall and walked back across the room toward Valerio and the door. A frown pulled at the corners of my mouth as my eyes strayed over the stuffing that protruded from the sofa cus.h.i.+ons and the blood that had soaked into the carpet. It had been a pretty little room, and it was a shame that it was destroyed by the s.h.i.+fters. Of course, I was even more surprised to discover that Danaus had come back to the room, that head protected me without ever looking in on my helpless form.

aShall we go?a Stefan asked, motioning toward the door. Danaus reached for his coat on the floor, while Stefan stepped around me.

aDanaus, you can remain here,a I said. aGet some rest. Youave already had a long day.a I preferred to keep him with me, but if he had been trapped in a fight with three lycanthropes earlier in the day and unable to sleep, he wasnat going to be at his peak fighting ability. We were going after an entire pack of lycans during a full moon. This was one of more dangerous things I had done. I wouldnat be able to watch his back.

aIam going,a he growled, shoving one arm into the sleeve of his coat before fully pulling it on. aI can identify the ones that tried to kill you.a He wasnat going to bother to change clothes. I, on the other hand, had acquired new clothes and a coat while in Vienna, thanks to Valerio.

aTheyare all going to be in wolf form,a I reminded him. aBy now they would have all met in the woods and s.h.i.+fted. Weare going to have to hunt them down one by one in the woods.a aYes, but they change back when theyare dead or unconscious,a Danaus countered.

The smirk returned to Stefanas lips. aWeall get the ones that tried to attack Mira. Weall get them all.a It was the ugly truth I was hoping that I wouldnat have to reveal to the hunter. Lycanthropes had attempted to attack not only the keeper of a domain, but also a member of the coven. We had to wipe out as many of them as possible to make an example of them to anyone else in the region who thought to rebel against my rule.

aHow many of them are there?a Danaus asked, seemingly unmoved by our intent.

aUnknown.a Valerio s.h.i.+fted from one foot to the other, his expression grim. aJudging by other packs in large European cities, there should be at least a dozen of them, but itas unlikely that there are two dozen.a My expression matched his as I looked at my old friend. Valerio wasnat the type to get his hands dirty. The few fights Iad seen him in, he had been positively vicious. But then, the fights had been one-on-one with another nightwalker. I didnat know if he had any experience fighting a pack of s.h.i.+fters. Unfortunately, I did. It wasnat going to be pretty.

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Wait For Dusk Part 8 summary

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