The Comeback Part 10

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"I thought we could watch 10 Things I Hate About You. It's-"

"A modernization of The Taming of the Shrew," I finished for him. "I'd love to."

I didn't tell him I'd seen it about ten times already.

"You'd love to what?" Monet asked. She set down her tray, which was piled high with burritos, tacos, and sodas.

I stared at the tray. "You do realize that there are only four of us eating, right?"

"Obviously, you've never seen Dev eat," she said.

Dev stretched and patted his stomach. His s.h.i.+rt rode up, giving me a glimpse of firm, tanned skin.

I dragged my gaze away from him, only to find that Monet was watching me. "So, you'd love to what?" she asked again.

I blushed. I didn't want my best friend to know what I had been thinking I would love to do a second ago.

"Uh, we're going to watch a movie on Friday," I said.

Monet slammed her soda down on the table.

"For the play," I added weakly.

Her face cleared and I thought I was off the hook, but a second later, she said, "Dev, I forgot the hot sauce. Could you get some?"

She watched him leave, then said to Scott, "Can you refill my soda? I'm dying of thirst."

After he left, she turned to me and said, "What are you up to, Sophie?"

I stared at her. "Nothing. It's for the play," I enunciated clearly. "Besides, it was Dev's idea, not mine. So don't think I'm trying to seduce your brother or something."

"I don't," she said, "but I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He's being suspiciously nice to you."

"We are in the same play together. Besides, he has a girlfriend," I stated. "And he's not my type."

She snorted. "He's only gone out on a couple of dates with Beth. That hardly cla.s.sifies her as his girlfriend. And besides, I always wondered about you two."

"Wondered what?" But the guys were back, so we steered the conversation to more innocuous topics, like the upcoming test in Spanish.

The rest of the day, I thought about the conversation. What had Monet been about to say?

We didn't have play practice, so I headed for the parking lot as soon as the bell rang. I was looking forward to a night curled up with a good book. One called An In-Depth a.n.a.lysis of "The Taming of the Shrew." Or something equally enthralling. I was looking for some help to shed light on Bianca.

I was almost to my car when I heard a honk. "Hey, s.e.xy. What are you doing?"

I looked up and saw Pierce Hager. He was always on the prowl. I suppressed a sigh. "Hi, Pierce," I said. "Just heading home."

"Come out with me instead," he said. "We'll have a good time."

I knew what his idea of a good time was and I wasn't interested, even if he was the hottest guy in school. Which he wasn't.

"I'll pa.s.s," I said.

"You shouldn't be so picky," he said. "You're past your prime."

"I'd have to be past my expiration date to go out with a jerk like you," I said. "Now beat it."

He gave me the finger and then tore off with a squeal of tires. A minute later, I heard loud clapping. Dev was leaning against his car two rows over.

"Want to run some lines?"

When I nodded, he smiled and opened the pa.s.senger door for me.

"What was that all about?" he said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Pierce was just-being Pierce," I said.

"Do you get that a lot?"

"You mean guys. .h.i.tting on me?"

"Dumb question," he said. "Of course you get guys. .h.i.tting on you when you look like that."

"Why, Dev, I do believe you just paid me a compliment. Do you need to lie down or something?"

He chuckled, then sobered quickly. "I mean, he was kind of aggressive."

I shrugged. "Since Connor dumped me, I've been getting that a lot more than I did before."

"Let me know if someone gets out of line," he said. "I'll take care of it."

"I can take care of myself," I said sharply, then added, "thanks, though."

"Should we go to my house?" he said. "Monet's at Scott's."

"Why don't we go get a coffee somewhere?" I suggested. I could imagine Monet's reaction if she came home and found me at her house alone with her brother.

"Coffee it is," he said. A few minutes later, he pulled into a Starbucks parking lot.

The place was deserted, so I grabbed a table while Dev ordered the coffee. When he came back, we opened our scripts and got to work.

Two hours later, I noticed the time. "I've got to get home," I said. "Mom will kill me if I miss dinner."

He drove me back to the school parking lot and waited for my car to start. I gave him a wave to signify I was okay, but he stayed put.

"I'll follow you home," he said.

We lived in a safe neighborhood, but it didn't hurt to be careful. I nodded.

As we pulled out of the parking lot, I noticed Olivia Kaplan's car was still there and wondered what she was doing at the school at this time of the night.

I pulled into my driveway and gave Dev another wave.

"Don't forget about tomorrow night," he said before driving off.

Forget about it? I couldn't wait.

Chapter 15.

As I got ready on Friday night, I told myself it was just Dev and it wasn't a date, it was research, but there were still b.u.t.terflies floating around in my stomach.

"Mom, I'm going over to Monet's," I said. Except, of course, Monet wouldn't be there.

"Oh, that's nice. I'm going out myself. I'm meeting a friend for drinks. Tell Monet I said hi."

A friend, huh? She sounded distracted. Was it possible that my mom had a date? She hadn't dated much since the divorce.

When Dev answered the door, I realized that a date with me really was the farthest thing from his mind. He was wearing holey jeans and a ratty old T-s.h.i.+rt, and was barefoot. He still looked devastatingly attractive and I had to remind myself that I was there to study my craft, nothing more. Still, I was glad that I had dressed down in a Wicked T-s.h.i.+rt and faded (but still flattering) jeans.

"I'm glad you're on time," he said. "I already went to the video store. I rented 10 Things I Hate About You, but the guy at the counter recommended this old movie called Kiss Me, Kate, so I got that, too. He said it's another retelling."

Dev actually wanted to spend four hours with me?

"I'll make some popcorn," he said. "Meet you in the family room."

I knew Dev had a television and DVD player in his room. It wasn't that I wanted to be alone in his bedroom, but I was a little miffed that, apparently, neither did he. I reminded myself that I was no longer the hottest girl in school. Or, if the newest poll was true, even in the top twenty.

There was no sign of Mr. and Mrs. Lucero. Monet and Dev's parents traveled a lot, so it was possible they were gone for the weekend.

Monet and Dev never had any parties, though. They said they'd get killed, but I think the truth was that they plain old didn't want to disappoint their parents.

I debated about where to sit, but Dev had already placed a couple of sodas on the coffee table in front of the soft, squishy couch.

"Do you like b.u.t.ter on your popcorn?" Dev shouted from the kitchen.

"The more the better," I replied. After all, I wasn't trying to impress him.

Dev came back with a big bowl of popcorn and a bag of mini Hershey's. He sat next to me. I jumped a little when he reached behind me, but he was only shutting off the lamp on the table behind the sofa.

If he noticed my skittishness, he didn't comment. "Which movie do you want to watch first?"

"Kiss Me, Kate," I decided. Funny, Connor had never asked my opinion. He didn't mean anything by it, but I was realizing it was nice to be consulted.

At first, I couldn't relax. I was hyperaware of Dev's body so close to mine, but as the movie progressed I relaxed.

I suppressed a yawn.

Dev handed me a soda. "Too many late nights?"

"Of course not," I said. "Haven't you heard? I have no social life."

"This is social," he said. He pointed to the junk food spread out on the coffee table. "Dinner and a movie."

"You're a cheap date," I observed. "I mean-" I clapped my hands over my mouth. "I don't m-mean..." I stuttered.

"Relax, Donnelly," he said. "I know what you meant." He leaned back and draped his arm over the back of the couch.

I finally did relax. I'd known Dev forever, and his days of putting worms down my back were over. Popcorn, however, was another matter.

A kernel of popcorn somehow made its way down my back. His fingertips brushed against my bare skin and I s.h.i.+vered.

"Hey," I said. "I thought your bratty days were behind you."

He grinned. "Evidently not." He threw another kernel down the back of my neck.

I scooped up a handful of popcorn. "You're in for it now, Lucero." I reached over and dumped it in the front opening of his s.h.i.+rt.

"Watch the threads," he teased.

"Because that's your good s.h.i.+rt?" I mocked him.

"Because it's my favorite s.h.i.+rt," he said.

"Too bad," I said. "You started it."

Suddenly, it was an all-out popcorn fight. I laughed hysterically as I volleyed popcorn at his head.

He retaliated by running to the kitchen. He returned with a cupful of ice.

"Not fair," I said as he advanced.

He moved in as close as a kiss, and suddenly, my breathing slowed. His eyes warmed. Neither of us looked away.

"Sophie," he said. He leaned in closer.

"What's going on here?" Monet's voice interrupted.

I inhaled, still caught in Dev's gaze.

He put the cup down and reached for the remote. "We were taking a break. Want some popcorn?"

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The Comeback Part 10 summary

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