Watcher At The Well - Echoes Of The Well Of Souls -
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"Nothing we can do now," Terry whispered back. "At least Gus isn't dead. I wish they'd used more of that stuff on Campos, though."
"But we can't go likethis !"
"I don't even want to go if I had on a safari suit, but we're gonna go, that's for sure. Either walking or carried like them."
They heard rather than saw the burial ceremony. It was done quietly, with the sound of chanting coming from somewhere out of sight, and it was Terry who guessed the meaning of the sound, not from any experience but from the sadness on the faces of their guards and the workers who paused, many with tears in their eyes.
But when the burial party returned, it was all business. It was no longer dark, but the mist from the ground still ob-scured even the tops of the trees. Alama was counting on that heavy mist not only to keep the investigators away a little bit longer but also to allow them to cross the open patches of jungle caused by the impact. A last, unpleasant touch was to be smeared, almost covered, with a thin paste made of herbs and clay that dried a sickly pea green. The whole tribe did it, and one of the tough warrior women su-pervised treating Terry and Lori.
Camouflage. Primitive but effective.
And just as primitive and effective was the simple pan-tomime the warrior woman did for their benefit, taking an ax with a stone blade that was polished razor sharp and showing how easy it was to cut things with it using a large leaf. She then pointed to their mouths and put a hand over each in an unmistakable warning message. Then she stuck out her own tongue and pretended to cut it out. It was amazing how easy it was to get some concepts across.
They trussed up Campos and Gus Olafsson with rope made of tough vines and slid logs through so that they could be carried on poles. Clearly, they were being kept drugged.
Although Lori was taller than any of the tribe and felt she could hardly lift herself, it took only two of the tribes-women, one on each end of the pole, to carry each of the men with ease. All these women were muscular, many as well muscled as body builders. It was in its own way as in-timidating as the blowguns and stone-tipped spears. And none of them was more intimidating than their leader, al-though she was perhaps the smallest of all the women there, certainly under five feet and thin and limber as an ac-robat. It was her manner, her fire, her arrogance that com-manded instant respect and obedience. She had the kind of personality and confident manner that a Napoleon probably had possessed.
Therewas something decidedly odd about her, though. She simply didn't look like any of the others.
Rather, it was like a Chinese or j.a.panese woman amid a group of Mon-gols. She even had the almond "slanted" eyes that had van-ished, if they were ever there, from the Amerind over the millennia.
The trek was arduous, though they would break for short periods every once in a while, mostly for their captives' benefit. Gourds were offered, one containing a fruit juice of some kind, another some sort of thick and nearly tasteless cold porridge with the consistency of library paste. Terry and Lori took it and managed to get some of it down, mainly because at this point anything seemed good. How the two trussed-up men were managing wasn't clear, but they at least were barely, if at all, aware of their circ.u.m-stances, and as terribly uncomfortable as they were bound and carried, they at least hadn't had to walk.
Mercifully, they stopped for the day after what seemed like an eternity, deep within the thickest part of the jungle. Other than the occasional glimpses of the sun high above the nearly unbroken canopy indicating they were heading north, it was impossible to tell where they were. It was also incredible that so many of them-there must have been fifty or more, plus small children and supplies-could move through such dense jungle with confidence and leave no apparent trace.
Lori had not thought that she'd make it to the end of the journey, though when the day's march ended, she wasn't certain that it was such a good thing, after all. Too ex-hausted even to sleep, too uncomfortable even to relax, she could only think, and that was the last thing Lori Sutton wanted to do.
Just a few days before she'd been in a funk over her per-sonal problems, which now seemed so trivial.
The speed at which she had been plucked from obscurity and plunged into a dangerous but romantic adventure culminating in the professional event of a lifetime for an astronomer left her mind spinning.
Now, naked, hot, exhausted, and in pain, she was trapped in the Stone Age, where virtually all her hard-won knowledge was totally useless.
She had to admit that she felt a little better that her cap-tors were women. At least she would be spared the horrors that she imagined she'd be subjected to by a tribe of prim-itive men. Still, there were children here-all female, she'd noted-and that meant these women had to have mates somewhere. Had the meteor wiped out the men? Were they all away? It seemed unlikely, but it only made the puzzle deeper.
Terry looked only slightly better for the experience than did Lori, but Terry was younger and in better condition and was the kind of person who never gave up hope. She, at least, lay in a deep sleep on the forest floor, oblivious to the world.
Theywere probably the story now, Lori thought. Maybe the hunt for them would be ma.s.sive, but it wouldn't last forever. Not in this jungle-and these primitive women knew the forest as no one else did; it was their entire world. Where was all this ma.s.sive deforestation the environmentalists were always protesting about? She could use a little open clear-cut land right now.
Alama checked on her people, then saw that the white woman was still awake and made her way over to her. It would take a while for these soft Outsiders to build up their strength and become wise in the ways of the forest; until then they would be both captives and liabilities, a fact on Lori's mind as well as she eyed the leader nervously and wondered what was next.
The tiny but tough woman knelt, and black almond eyes looked deeply into the scientist's own. After a moment the leader pointed to herself and said, "Alama."
Lori realized that the woman was at least attempting to communicate. Alama was probably a name, possibly a t.i.tle. It didn't matter. She pointed to herself and said, "Lori."
"Lo-ree," the small woman repeated, nodding.
Sutton pointed to her sleeping companion. "Terry," she said.
Alama looked over at the newswoman. "Teh-ree," she said.
Lori sighed. She was now convinced that this woman, so different in appearance and manner, could not have been a member of the tribe originally. She wished she knew some Portuguese or even j.a.panese, but her languages had been German and Russian. Not much practical help here. Terry's Spanish might do, but Terry was going to be out for some time.
Still, Alama seemed adept at this sort of communication and appeared to want to teach some basics of the tribe's language.
She pointed to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and genitals."Seku" She pointed at Lori. "Seku." Pointing to others of the tribe, she said, "Seku, seku, seku," and to the two bound and drugged men,"Fatah. Fatah." Then to the guard next to them, "Seku."
Seku. Woman. Fatah. Man.
Walk in place.Kaas. Run in place.Koos. The lesson pro-ceeded slowly, with much repet.i.tion when a new word was added. Alama knew what she was doing.
At the end of perhaps an hour Lori thought she under-stood the bare basics. Of course, when any one of the oth-ers talked, it still sounded mostly like gibberish, but that was to be expected. Attempts to return the teaching by matching words in English were abruptly rejected. This was not a lesson for mutual benefit and understanding so much as for the benefit of the tribe.The better to give orders, my dear, Lori thought.
Finally, Alama said, "Lo-ree sleep," and it was under-stood. On the other hand, there was still no way to be as sophisticated as to convey "I want to sleep but I just can't." Alama, however, seemed to understand. She went away for a moment, then came back with a small gourd and taught another word.
Kao. Drink.
Lori was still dehydrated, and she took it and drank. It was some sort of fruit juice again, with a slightly bitter af-tertaste. Still, after a few minutes, the pain seemed to fade away and the inner turmoil quieted.
She went over her new twenty- or thirty-word vocabulary in her mind, settled down, and was suddenly as deeply asleep as she had ever been.
The next few days were unpleasant but in some ways less traumatic. The men were allowed to come out of their stu-por, although it seemed clear that repeated doses of the same drug on the blowgun darts kept them in partial paral-ysis. The guards were able to keep them quiet with a dem-onstration of what a Stone Age knife or ax might do to not only their tongues but their genitalia.
In the meantime the language lessons continued, some-times with Alama, sometimes with others doing the teach-ing to both women. No talking in any language but the tribe's was permitted. Absolutely none.
Even an unthinking comment uttered in English or Spanish was punished with a quick lash delivered with a vinelike whip to the back or b.u.t.tocks. Ithurt and could cause welts or even draw blood. As bad as that was, it caused amused giggles among those nearby, particularly the children, which made it embarra.s.s-ing as well. They were under constant watch during the day and were made to sleep apart with tribeswomen during the terrible pitch-dark nights. Alama had forbidden all use of fire, and under the thick jungle canopy not even the late, waning moon could be seen.
Eating without cooking was another thing, and it was several days and a bad case of gastric distress before their bodies, if not their minds, fully tolerated the raw-well,creatures -that were offered them and which the rest of the tribe ate with relish. Indeed, both had to be forced, more or less, to eat anything other than the fruit and greenery, which was only slightly more palatable.
A number of times they heard helicopters, often very nearby, and the sound of small planes, but neither seemed to come close enough. Once the sound of voices caused the entire tribe to hide in the underbrush, tensely waiting to at-tack, but the voices soon faded away. Clearly, though, there was a ma.s.sive search going on, but these women were in their element, and soon the searchers moved on, finding nothing.
The two men continued to have the worst of it, and it worried both Lori and Terry. Not that either had much sym-pathy for Juan Campos, whose manner suggested that he knew he was going to die eventually and wanted just one chance to die fighting. Gus, however, was a different story. He just didn't deserve this, and his former irrepressible spirit had gone out of him, almost as if he'd retreated into a world of his own.
For the two American women it was a total immersion into a culture and life and language in which all their edu-cation and experience meant nothing. They lacked even ba-sic knowledge. What was edible?
What would harm them? What animals were a threat, and how did one deal with them? What water was fit to drink? What water contained things that might harm or even eat one?
Still, the tribe quickly put them to work doing what little they could manage, such as walking with large gourds filled with water balanced on their heads. First they got lessons, then help, then they were on their own. Either they got it right the first time or they kept at it-all day, if necessary-until the job was done. They did fetching, haul-ing, even bathing the wounded, removing small bugs and other creatures from skin or hair. All the while they were derisively calleddur ordua -child, or even baby-because they were so helpless and ignorant. They werein the tribe but notof it; to become one of the People, one had to earn and desire the privilege.
True to her nature, Terry did not lose hope that one day she would be able to escape or be rescued, and she kept seeing the book she'd write and the movie it would make. These thoughts kept her going, but they were also mixed with pragmatism: Such a time might not come soon, and until then, she wanted to be a member of the tribe, not a slave. In that sense, she was adapting better than Lori.
The scientist was in turmoil over the situation. She was no longer waking up each day surprised that it hadn't been some awful dream; she wasn't even daydreaming much about her nice apartment, bathtubs, showers, and flush toi-lets, but she hated this place and this existence. She was be-coming afraid again, not so much that she might die at any moment but rather fearful that she might actually live, and that she wasn't sure she could stand.
The worst part was that she realized that Alama's sophis-ticated immersion system was working as easily on her as it would on a woman from another primitive tribe. The only way to avoid that wicked little lash was to try tothink in their tongue. Both Terry and had learned enough to be able to do that, but it required constant observation and at-tention. Many of the women seemed to make a game out of trying to force them to make an accidental slip, which would earn another lash.
The language was more complex than it seemed. Terry had the basics down pat, but there were subtleties and nu-ances that were still a mystery to her. For one thing, they had no real concept of time except on a physical level: baby, child, child bearer, old. But "day" and "night" were all the clock or calendar they had or needed. The language itself was basically all in the present tense, as if they had no need of a past or future. The ideal of this culture was that every day be like the last and the next; change was evil.
Lori hated it. Hated it and knew that if this kept on and on, well, one day she'd just snap. And yet somehow she had to admit that there was some good as well. While there was individuality here, the tribe came first, and sharing and helping others were simply taken for granted. They had a genuine love for this hostile steam bath of a jungle and seemed to really respect it and all its inhabitants, even apologizing to the animals and plants they would kill and use. There were no signs of jealousy, greed, envy, or hate.
Alama was still a curiosity. There was mystery, harsh expe-rience, and much pain behind those enigmatic eyes. The tribe spoke of her not as a chief or leader but as some kind of deity; supposedly she had been here before any of them, never aging, never changing. But even with a deity living among them, there was trouble in the paradise of the Peo-ple.
"Mother, the men cannot stay," Bhru pointed out one day. "There is much unhappiness in them. One just stares and barely eats. The other has our death in his eyes. Both are weak and grow sick. They cannot stay as they are. They cannot stay if they are free. They are no good to us."
Alama nodded. "I know. I think much on them. I try hard to say not to kill them. I pray but do not find a new trail for them." She sighed. "I wait for the scouts to come back. Then I will say of them what is done."
"As you will."
"The two women do well."
"We see the wisdom of your way. We do not give them rest to think. Their feet and hands grow hard.
They grow strong. They speak no Outside, even when we trick them. The dark one thinks she plays a game with us, but the game is just to stay not People. White woman knows she is with us but does not like it."
"Yes, if things are as always, they will come around in the seasons. Things are not as always. The People need a safe home. The People need more babies. That may bring us close to Outsiders who hunt them. It will bring us close to tribes who speak with Outsiders. We cannot wait for them. They must know that they are of the People to death. They must notwant to leave."
"But how would this be done?"
"I know a way. I know more of how Outsiders think. There is danger to it. They can go mad. They can think of killing selves. Like the men, I see no other trail. Can you make the mark of spirit potions?"
"Now that you say we can have fire, yes. What little I do not have, the forest has here."
"Good. Then make. Chsua has the thorn needles. I will speak to her and say what is to be done. Mix the sleep herbs in their drink so they will not wake. We will do this at dark."
Bhru now realized what the Mother had in mind. "But they cannot marry the forest, Mother! Not now!
They need to be ready!"
"Do what I say and believe in my wisdom. I know it is not what is done, but this will make them ready.
Just do and see."
Alama sighed, wondering again if what she was doing was right or wrong, doubts she could never express or share with the others. But they had to move and, depending on what the scouts reported, most likely back toward the thing that had burned the forest. What they'd already done, par-ticularly to the men, would cause them to be hunted down if it were known. Ithad to be done. Anyone could be bro-ken. Anyone. It was just a cruel procedure.
She knew that well, even if the specifics were lost in that mental fog. How many times hadshe been broken? she wondered. More than once, that was for sure.
Sleep was odd and restless, even in these strange circ.u.m-stances. When Lori awoke just after first light with the mists still hanging halfway up the forest heights, it was with odd memories of lights and chanting, but the memory was too distant for her to be certain if it was reality or dream. It wasn't something to grab hold of; there were more immediate concerns. She felt, well, odd. Her skin tin-gled with a slight burning sensation all over, more an itch than pain, and her nose and ears actually ached.
She turned over, sat up, stretched, and reminded herself as she always did to think in the tribe's tongue.
She put her hand to her sore nose and touched something hard that hurt enough to bring her fully awake.
Something clicked softly on either side of her head, and she put a hand to her ear and discovered that she now had earrings of the type common to the tribe, fas.h.i.+oned from bone and held together with the epoxylike resins they dis-tilled from one of the plants. She looked down at herself and saw that she also now had on the bone bracelets and anklets also common to these people, and a necklace of fresh green carefully braided vines. But . . . herskin !
It was still somewhat dark, but she could see that her skin, probably her whole body, had been dyed a dull shade between olive and brown, and around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, upper arms, and thighs somebody had drawn a series of bold, primitive designs in the flat colors used by the tribe to de-note rank and position.
Those areas were particularly un-comfortable, with a stinging sensation, and she felt similar areas on her face. They also had cut most of her hair off, leaving only a thin fuzz on top.
"Lo-rhee pretty now," commented Ghai, one of her keep-ers, sounding sincere. "Look like forest people. Is good, too, to keep hair short. Things live in hair."
Lori wet her fingers and tried rubbing on a small part of a design on her thigh. It remained as it was.
"Spirit marks not come off," Ghai told her, amused at the attempt.
Tattoos! They'd tattooed her!She was too upset at the re-alization to cry, although that might come later.That b.i.t.c.h Alama! She wanted to kill now but knew that she'd never get anywhere near the leader, and if she did, the leader would easily break her arm.
"Same thing. You are wives of forest now. Do not worry. All pain goes away in one sleep, maybe two."
Pain was not what she felt so anguished about. She sank back down, fully understanding the logic Alama had used. There would still be some kind of hunt on for them, and people would probably be looking for them for years. Not even this sort of group would be fully undiscovered forever. But now, tattooed, dyed, with bones in ears and nose-the last a cruel overkill, since few of the tribe did it-they would be indistinguishable from the rest of the tribe. Even if they were found, would they want to be rescued like this! With these tattoos and such? And even if the doctors could get the cemented bone jewelry out, removing tattoos of this size would be a ma.s.sive job. They'd be just medical chal-lenges to the doctors and freaks to everyone else.
d.a.m.n it! It just wasn'tfair !
She was happy that there weren't any mirrored surfaces around. She wasn't ready to see herself as they'd remade her, not yet, but she got some idea from seeing Terry. Of course, they had done nothing with her skin tone, since that wasn't necessary, but she was still barely recognizable: her hair shorn to virtually scalp level, large bone earrings with another through the inside nostrils from which a larger curved and polished bone hung almost like a ring, solid blue ovals tattooed from the eyes out past the brows, cheeks adorned with yellow finger-width lines to her ears. her lips framed in a pale white, and her body covered with very obvious and suggestive fertility signs. Terry was clearly to be a baby maker, while Lori, it appeared, was to a.s.sist the Fire Bringer and learn the potions and ways of healing.
The tribe, it seemed, had spared no art or effort in mak-ing the two appear so primitive that not even their parents would recognize them.
Terry was taking it harder even than Lori; the older woman at least had already given up hope, while it wasn't until now that Terry was forced to face the fact that this wasn't merely a reporter's hazard but a permanent condi-tion.
Alama looked at them both, then gestured for Lori to come to her. As much as the American wanted to throttle the little woman, she obeyed.
The mysterious leader of the tribe, who came barely up to Lori's shoulders, looked her over approvingly.
"You are now of the People," Alama said after the exam-ination. "Be one of us, take our way. There is no other trail for you. You join us, take the ceremonies. Lo-rhee die. You will take a new name. Think like us. Act like us.Be us.
There isus, and there isthem. All that is not us is them. You must be happy here with us. What do you say?"
Lori sighed. "I think I will be dead soon. Killed by the forest and this life. While I live, I see no other trail."
And then Alama took on a different aspect, almost soft and human, and she said quietly, "I did not wish this. We did not want any of you. The spirits of fate did this. You must know-I had no choices."
It was so direct, so out of character, that it startled Lori for a moment. This small leader of this primitive tribe was actuallysorry about all this! She realized suddenly that this had been an ordeal for them as well and that Alama, too, had been searching without success for a way out of the mess. Still, Lori could not forgive or forget. Not now. And because of that, she didn't know what to say.
At that moment there was a commotion on one side of the camp, and Alama looked over, then stood up anxiously to see a very tired warrior woman come through the excited crowd toward her.
Lori was suddenly forgotten as Alama first hugged the scout, then pressed her for information.
"All are well," the warrior told her. "Some of us stayed with the hurt. One hurt has died, Tagi, and was returned to the Earth properly; the others grow stronger."
Alama nodded. "My soul goes to her and all of us. What of the Outsiders and their hunt?"
"It is given up, we think. No more go out. There was much busy stuff around the great fire pit, but now there are only a few there. They have strange things with them. Out-siders in green with big weapons guard them."