Their Independent Bride Part 10

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"Oh, I guess I can deal with you for the afternoon." She laughed when he rolled his eyes.

Greg appeared in the doorway. He had a small smile on his face as if he'd been listening in on their conversation.

"I'm about to leave. Is there anything you want from town while I'm there, baby?"

"I can't think of anything right now. I wish I could go with you."

"I know, but your ankle wouldn't hold up to walking around and you would want to shop. We'll take you back to shop another day once we have the fence installed."

Greg leaned down and gave her soft kiss before pulling her hair. She swiped at him with her hand but missed.

"Steven, take care of her. I'm going to be gone a good six hours. Come on down and help me finish unloading the supplies so I'll have room for the fencing."

Greg and Steven disappeared through the door, leaving her alone with her thoughts. The fence would be wonderful. It would help the men not worry as much and she could work in the garden without constantly looking over her shoulder. She wasn't stupid. Janet respected the danger of the creatures that lived on the planet. She'd read through the pamphlet several times and cringed at the knowledge that several other women had been hurt by the things.

She realized that she hadn't even thought about the men being hurt. What would she do if one of them was attacked? She didn't want to lose them. They were important to her. How could they watch for the wild animals and build a house at the same time? Once they had finished the outside, they would be fairly safe inside working.

Steven walked back in the bedroom some time later, startling her from her thoughts. She smiled at him as soon as her heart stopped pounding.

"You scared me."

"You were thinking pretty hard not to have heard me come in." He crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

"I'm thinking about a nap. Want to take one with me?"

"Sure, love. I'll rub your back for you. Let me take off my clothes. I'm dirty from unloading the supplies."

Janet watched as Steven removed his s.h.i.+rt and jeans. He didn't wear underwear, so he was gloriously naked when he walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed in next to her. He was playing directly into her plans to seduce him into having s.e.x. She was almost desperate she was so frustrated. She felt that Steven was her best bet when it came to manipulating him into playing around.

"Lie down and let me ma.s.sage your neck and shoulders. You'll feel much more rested afterwards."

She relaxed on her tummy while Steven smoothed over her back, shoulders, and neck. His hands were magic when it came to pleasuring her both s.e.xually and this way. A soft moan slipped from her mouth. He chuckled behind her.

"Go ahead and fall asleep, love. I'll cover you back up when I'm done."

d.a.m.n him. He was putting her to sleep. She had no intentions of falling asleep when an afternoon of l.u.s.ty s.e.x was waiting for her within reach.

Finally, he stopped his ministrations and leaned back on the bed next to her. She roused herself and rolled over toward him and wrapped her arm around his waist. Then she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Comfy, Janet?"


He chuckled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She felt him relax beneath her. She waited until he was just about asleep and moved her hand from his waist lower to grasp his c.o.c.k. She squeezed a little hard and began to slowly pump his d.i.c.k up and down.

"Janet! What in the h.e.l.l are you doing?"

"Playing. I'm bored and you're here."

"This isn't a good idea, love. You're hurt. I could hurt you worse."

"Whoever said you had to do anything other than lying there?" She grinned against his upper chest where she'd rested her head when she had reached for his c.o.c.k.

The steel-hard d.i.c.k jumped when she ran her fingertips up and down the stalk. It felt like a velvet glove over an iron spike, both hard and soft all at the same time. Janet squeezed it hard then lightly ran her fingertips up and down. She was almost certain she could talk him into f.u.c.king her desperately aroused p.u.s.s.y. She was so wet, her legs felt sticky.

"I think I know where this is going. You do realize that Greg will be angry with both of us for doing it."

"But if you don't hurt me, where's the harm? You're not going to hurt me, Steven."

"It's the principle of the thing, Janet. He said no."

Despite his trying to talk her out of it, Steven's hips were pumping, shoving his c.o.c.k harder through her hand. She had him, and she knew it. All it took to tip the scales even farther was to lick the pale discs of his nipples. He groaned and rolled over her in one swift move.

"I'm going to catch h.e.l.l for this. But you would tempt an angel."

He took her mouth in a scorching kiss that was so deep and sensual it was almost painful. She returned the kiss, fighting to take control even though she really didn't want it. Steven's dominant side came out in force. He nipped her lower lip then ran his tongue over hers, sucking it into his mouth.

Janet had to come up for air first. Steven gnawed on her chin before licking and kissing his way down her neck and shoulders. When he reached her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he divided his time between each of them. Her nipples were peaked and sensitive. Steven knew this and teased her mercilessly. When he bit them or pulled them, she cried out in pleasure. She loved that her husbands were aggressive in bed. She couldn't help that she liked it that way. It was so different from how she normally was.

"f.u.c.k, I want your p.u.s.s.y in my mouth, love. I crave your sweetness like a newborn calf craves its mother's milk."

He scooted down the bed and carefully moved between her legs so as not to touch her sore ankle and s.h.i.+n. Then he spread her p.u.s.s.y lips and licked her slit all the way to her c.l.i.t. He twirled his tongue around her opening then teased her c.l.i.t by circling it several times.

Janet groaned and thrashed her head back and forth as he entered her c.u.n.t with two fingers. They stretched her from side to side then curled, locating her sweet spot. Steven stroked it several times before lapping at her p.u.s.s.y juices. The more he licked, the harder it became for her to be still.

"I need to be inside you, when you come, love. I want your c.u.n.t to squeeze my c.o.c.k as you climax."

"Yes, Steven. Please, f.u.c.k me. I can't stand it any longer. Please." She was nearly sobbing now with need. He couldn't screw her soon enough as far as she was concerned.

Steven scooted up in the bed and moved her legs over his arms so he wouldn't accidently put pressure on her injuries. In this position, she wouldn't be able to wrap her legs around him and lock her ankles like she tended to do when she climaxed. It was a thoughtful move on his account. The fact that he could think at all was a testament to his control. She had no control now. She was a bundle of nerves in need.

"f.u.c.k, you're going to be so tight."

He slowly positioned his d.i.c.k at her entrance and pushed forward. The stretch burned. His c.o.c.k was so thick that he had to work his way inside of her. Sweat beaded across his forehead as he finally settled himself all the way inside her throbbing c.u.n.t. He held himself still as if trying to regain some of the control he'd lost f.u.c.king his way in.

"G.o.d, Steven! You've got to move. I need you to f.u.c.k me. f.u.c.k me hard." She gripped the covers in an effort not to reach up and dig her nails into his arms.

"You're squeezing my d.i.c.k, love. I can't last. Play with your nipples for me. Help me make you come."

Janet didn't hesitate. She pulled and twisted them as he began slowly tunneling his way through her p.u.s.s.y over and over. The stretching burn morphed into a singeing pleasure. When Steven applied his thumb over her c.l.i.t and pressed while she was pinching her nipples, she exploded into an o.r.g.a.s.m that took her breath then slammed it all back into her. She screamed out his name.

"h.e.l.l! Squeeze me just like that, love." He gritted his teeth into a grimace just before he shouted out his release.

Sweat from his forehead dripped onto her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to mingle with the dew on her skin. Neither of them could catch their breath, much less move. Finally, Steven pulled out of her and rolled over to the side. Despite being in a s.e.xual haze, he still managed to avoid her sore leg.


"I agree," she said.

"Let me catch my breath, and I'll go run a bath for us. We both need it."

"Greg is going to be p.i.s.sed, isn't he?"

"Yeah. He'll get over it."

Chapter Twelve.

Greg parked the transport inside the shed and climbed down. He was bone tired and a little anxious to see Janet. He hoped she hadn't gotten out of bed without Steven to help her. The thought of her hurt any worse really bothered him. Despite their differences, he honestly cared about her. Love? Well, that might come with time. In their type of relations.h.i.+p, where they hadn't done the choosing, love might not happen for them.

He walked up to the house and unlocked the door. When he stepped inside, he called out to let them know he was back. Steven walked into the kitchen from the living room.

"I'm glad you're back. I was beginning to worry. You're a little later than I thought you would be."

"Took longer than I thought to locate the fencing supplies and load it on the transport trailer. How is Janet?"

"She's doing fine. She's probably asleep. I have something warming in the oven for you for dinner." Steven walked toward the oven.

"Leave it for now. I need a shower before I eat." He started to walk into the living room then stopped. Turning around, he stared at Steven. "You f.u.c.ked her, didn't you?"

"Yeah, she doesn't make it easy to say no. But she's fine. I didn't hurt her."

"d.a.m.n it, Steven! We agreed no s.e.x until her leg was healed."

"I know, but she grabbed me by the d.i.c.k and there wasn't much I could do after that. You say no to her when she's milking your c.o.c.k."

"What in the h.e.l.l were you doing naked in the first place?"

"Taking a nap?"

"Bulls.h.i.+t." Greg drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

He should have known what would happen and sent Steven to get the d.a.m.n fencing material. He wouldn't have caved on her. He would have been able to say no. Even with her hand around my d.i.c.k? f.u.c.k!

"Look, I'm sorry, Greg. I knew what she was about and figured I could just pleasure her and that would be enough for her, but she had me by the short hairs. I can't resist her when she's like that."

"Oh, h.e.l.l. I probably knew deep down you would end up having s.e.x. If I truly didn't want you f.u.c.king her, I would have sent you instead. Doesn't make it right, though."

Steven grinned. "Go take your shower so you can eat and we can both go to bed. If we're going to work on the fence tomorrow, we're going to need all the rest we can get."

Greg nodded in agreement and headed toward the living room and the stairs. Once in the bedroom, he checked on Janet and found that she was sound asleep. He couldn't see her leg to check it for himself since she had the covers over her. She looked much more relaxed than she had when he left. Maybe the s.e.x had been better for her than he thought.

No reason to let her know that he wasn't as upset as he should be. He would make sure she knew he was disappointed that she had seduced Steven into s.e.x. Greg had to a.s.sure that she would follow his directions when it came to her health and safety. Everything else, he had agreed to relax his stance on. This had been in regards to her health and she'd deliberately disobeyed him.

The shower felt good to his aching muscles and cleared away the dried sweat from his skin. He quickly bathed then rinsed and dried off. He pulled on a clean pair of jeans and padded downstairs to the kitchen where Steven was pulling his dinner out of the oven.

"Thanks, I'm hungry. I had a sandwich of something while I was waiting on them to locate the things we needed. It wasn't very filling, though."

"Well, this might not be much better since I cooked it. Janet didn't complain, so it must have been decent."

"I can't see her leg. She has it under the covers. How is it looking?"

"Her ankle is still a little swollen, but the bruising is beginning to change colors, so it will be fading soon. Her s.h.i.+n has a good scab over it. All in all, it looks better. She didn't have to have any more pain medicine, either."

"I'm going to fuss at her for disobeying me. She has to follow our rules when it comes to her safety and her health, Steven. So don't interfere."

"I won't. You're right. I wasn't thinking about sending her mixed messages. I helped her do something you had said no about."

Greg finished eating and rinsed his plate before setting it on the edge of the sink. He turned off the light in the kitchen and followed Steven back upstairs. This time when he walked in, Janet was awake but had drowsy-looking eyes. He wasn't at all sure she would understand anything in that state.

"Hey, baby."

"Greg? You're back." She smiled then stretched and yawned. "What time is it?"

"It's only seven thirty, but we're coming to bed. We've got to get an early start in the morning."

Steven walked around and climbed into bed next to her. Greg stared down at her and frowned.

"Do you have something you need to tell me?"

"Um, do I?"

He scowled at her, and she winced. He figured she was awake enough to know she had been wrong. Her eyes cut over to Steven and then returned to him.

"We had s.e.x today. But it didn't hurt my leg at all." Her voice rushed through the words.

"Didn't I tell you that we weren't going to have s.e.x until your leg was healed? I said that for a reason, Janet."

"I know, but I think you're going overboard. It's just a sprained ankle and a skinned leg. I didn't break anything or have to have st.i.tches." She seemed to be trying to look serious, but lying in bed naked with the sheets up around her b.r.e.a.s.t.s made her look vulnerable instead.

"It's for your health, and we agreed you would listen to us when it concerned your safety or your health. If you're going to ignore me this time, how can I believe you won't do it about something more serious?"

She sighed and looked down. Then she raised her eyes to look at him again.

"You're right. I wasn't taking what you said seriously. I thought it was silly, and I didn't want to wait because I was h.o.r.n.y. I'm sorry, Greg."

"I don't know what to believe. How am I going to trust you?"

"I promise. It won't happen again."

He looked at her until she sighed and lowered her eyes. He pulled off his jeans and climbed into bed beside her. She wrapped her arm around his chest and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You're a little minx. Are you sucking up, now?"

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Their Independent Bride Part 10 summary

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