Going Dutch_ How England Plundered Holland's Glory Part 12

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1: England Invaded by the Dutch

1 Robert H. Murray (ed.), Robert H. Murray (ed.), The journal of John Stevens containing a brief account of the war in Ireland 16891691 The journal of John Stevens containing a brief account of the war in Ireland 16891691 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1912). (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1912).

2 E.S. de Beer (ed.), E.S. de Beer (ed.), The Diary of John Evelyn The Diary of John Evelyn, 6 vols (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955; reprinted 2000), 4, p.582. On Evelyn see G. Darley, John Evelyn: Living for Ingenuity John Evelyn: Living for Ingenuity (London: Yale University Press, 2006). (London: Yale University Press, 2006).

3 Hoak, 'The AngloDutch Revolution of 168889', p.17. Hoak, 'The AngloDutch Revolution of 168889', p.17.

4 Gilbert Burnet, cit. Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', p.351. Gilbert Burnet, cit. Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', p.351.

5 Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', p.336. Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', p.336.

6 J.I. Israel, 'The Dutch role in the Glorious Revolution', in J.I. Israel (ed.), J.I. Israel, 'The Dutch role in the Glorious Revolution', in J.I. Israel (ed.), The AngloDutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its World Impact The AngloDutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its World Impact (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp.10562; 106. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), pp.10562; 106.

7 S. Groenveld, '"J'equippe une flotte tres considerable": The Dutch side of the Glorious Revolution', in R. Beddard (ed.), S. Groenveld, '"J'equippe une flotte tres considerable": The Dutch side of the Glorious Revolution', in R. Beddard (ed.), The Revolutions of 1688 The Revolutions of 1688 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), pp.21345; 240. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), pp.21345; 240.

8 Diary of John Evelyn Diary of John Evelyn 4, p.597. 4, p.597.

9 Groenveld, '"J'equippe une flotte"', p.241. Groenveld, '"J'equippe une flotte"', p.241.

10 See D.M. Swetschinski and L. Schonduve, See D.M. Swetschinski and L. Schonduve, De familie Lopes Financiers van Willem III De familie Lopes Financiers van Willem III (Zwolle: Waanders, 1988). (Zwolle: Waanders, 1988).

11 Journaal van Constantijn Huygens, den Zoon, van 21 October 1688 tot 2 Sept. 1696 etc., Historisch genootschap te Utrecht Werken uitgegeven door het historisch genootschap, gevestigd te Utrecht Journaal van Constantijn Huygens, den Zoon, van 21 October 1688 tot 2 Sept. 1696 etc., Historisch genootschap te Utrecht Werken uitgegeven door het historisch genootschap, gevestigd te Utrecht; nieuwe reeks, 23, 25, 46, 32. Derde serie 22, 35 (Utrecht: Kemink & Zoon, 18761915), I, p.13.

12 J.I. Israel and G. Parker, 'Of Providence and Protestant winds', in J.I. Israel (ed.), J.I. Israel and G. Parker, 'Of Providence and Protestant winds', in J.I. Israel (ed.), The AngloDutch Moment The AngloDutch Moment, pp.33563; 361.

13 For a full discussion of the various computations of troop and s.h.i.+p numbers see Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', pp.3378. For a full discussion of the various computations of troop and s.h.i.+p numbers see Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', pp.3378.

14 Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', pp.3534. Israel and Parker, 'Of Providence', pp.3534.

15, 13 November 1688 (n.s.),, 13 November 1688 (n.s.), Journaal van Constantijn Huygens, den Zoon Journaal van Constantijn Huygens, den Zoon I, 13. I, 13.

16 Ibid. Ibid.

17 Ibid. Ibid.

18 D.M.L. Onnekink, D.M.L. Onnekink, The AngloDutch Favourite. The Career of Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland (16491709) The AngloDutch Favourite. The Career of Hans Willem Bentinck, 1st Earl of Portland (16491709) (PhD dissertation, University of Utrecht), p.37. M.E. Grew, (PhD dissertation, University of Utrecht), p.37. M.E. Grew, William Bentinck and William III (Prince of Orange): The Life of Bentinck Earl of Portland from the Welbeck Correspondence William Bentinck and William III (Prince of Orange): The Life of Bentinck Earl of Portland from the Welbeck Correspondence (London: John Murray, 1924), p.134. (London: John Murray, 1924), p.134.

19 Diary of John Evelyn Diary of John Evelyn 4, pp.6035. 4, pp.6035.

20 'A true and exact relation of the prince of Orange his public entrance into Exeter' (1688), cit. Claydon, 'A true and exact relation of the prince of Orange his public entrance into Exeter' (1688), cit. Claydon, William III William III, p.55.

21 Grew, Grew, Bentinck Bentinck, pp.1378.

22 Calendar of Treasury Books Calendar of Treasury Books 8, pp.2126, 2129. 8, pp.2126, 2129.

23 R. Beddard, 'The unexpected Whig revolution of 1688', in Beddard (ed.), R. Beddard, 'The unexpected Whig revolution of 1688', in Beddard (ed.), The Revolutions of 1688 The Revolutions of 1688 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), pp.11101; 14; see also Beddard, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991), pp.11101; 14; see also Beddard, A Kingdom without a King A Kingdom without a King, pp.334.

24 Beddard, Beddard, A Kingdom without a King A Kingdom without a King, p.35.

25 S.B. Baxter, S.B. Baxter, William III William III (London: Longmans, 1966), p.246. (London: Longmans, 1966), p.246. Journaal van Constantijn Huygens, den Zoon Journaal van Constantijn Huygens, den Zoon I, 50. I, 50.

26 Beddard, Beddard, Kingdom without a King Kingdom without a King, p.180.

27 Roger Morrice, cit. ibid. Roger Morrice, cit. ibid.

28 Israel, 'The Dutch role', p.126. Israel, 'The Dutch role', p.126.

29 Diary of John Evelyn Diary of John Evelyn 4, p.612. 4, p.612.

30 Israel, 'The Dutch role', pp.1256. Israel, 'The Dutch role', pp.1256.

31 Israel, 'General Introduction', in Israel (ed.), Israel, 'General Introduction', in Israel (ed.), The AngloDutch Moment The AngloDutch Moment, pp.143; 2.

32 See Claydon, See Claydon, William III William III, p.57, for the view that this change of route was a misunderstanding or mistake.

33 See below, See below, Chapter 5 Chapter 5.

34 See L. Pattacini, 'Andre Mollet, Royal Gardener at St James's Park, London', See L. Pattacini, 'Andre Mollet, Royal Gardener at St James's Park, London', Garden History Garden History 26 (1998), 318. 26 (1998), 318.

35 Cit. ibid., p.10. Cit. ibid., p.10.

36 See below. See below.

37 On AngloDutch gardens see below, On AngloDutch gardens see below, Chapter 4 Chapter 4.

38 Israel, 'The Dutch role', p.128. Israel, 'The Dutch role', p.128.

39 Diary of John Evelyn Diary of John Evelyn 4, p.600. 4, p.600.

2: From Invasion to Glorious Revolution

1 Israel, 'The Dutch role', p.128. Israel, 'The Dutch role', p.128.

2 Schwoerer, Schwoerer, The Declaration of Rights The Declaration of Rights, p.109.

3 See T. Claydon, See T. Claydon, William III and the G.o.dly Revolution William III and the G.o.dly Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp.248. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), pp.248.

4 Israel, 'The Dutch role', pp.1212. Israel, 'The Dutch role', pp.1212.

5 J.I. Israel, 'Propaganda in the making of the Glorious Revolution', in S. Roach (ed.), J.I. Israel, 'Propaganda in the making of the Glorious Revolution', in S. Roach (ed.), Across the Narrow Seas: Studies in the History and Bibliography of Britain and the Low Countries Across the Narrow Seas: Studies in the History and Bibliography of Britain and the Low Countries (London: The British Library, 1991), pp.16777; 1679. (London: The British Library, 1991), pp.16777; 1679.

6 L.G. Schwoerer, L.G. Schwoerer, The Declaration of Rights, 1689 The Declaration of Rights, 1689 (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981), pp.11516. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981), pp.11516.

7 Israel, 'General Introduction', pp.1516. Israel, 'General Introduction', pp.1516.

8 See L. Jardine, See L. Jardine, The Awful End of Prince William the Silent: The First of a Head of State with a Handgun The Awful End of Prince William the Silent: The First of a Head of State with a Handgun (London: HarperCollins, 2005). (London: HarperCollins, 2005).

9 Quoted in R. Beddard, Quoted in R. Beddard, A Kingdom Without a King: The Journal of the Provisional Government in the Revolution of 1688 A Kingdom Without a King: The Journal of the Provisional Government in the Revolution of 1688 (Oxford: Phaidon, 1988) pp.12449. (Oxford: Phaidon, 1988) pp.12449.

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