Lord, Change My Attitude_ Before Its Too Late Part 4

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The UCLA survey also found that the percentage of college freshmen who said developing a meaningful philosophy of life was a top priority fell from 83 percent to 41 percent. Today half as many college freshmen value a meaningful philosophy of life as did freshmen thirty years ago. 2 2 Notice the evidences of coveting att.i.tudes and spreading wealth in society: -- Stealing on the job is more than $400 billion per year.

-- In 1999 40 percent of boys and 30 percent of girls stole something from a store.

-- Since 1970 America has generated for its people each year an average $700 billion of new wealth.

-- The number of millionaires soared from 120,000 in 1970 to almost 2 million in 2000. 3 3 WATER, WATER, EVERYWHERE...

I could go on and on with statistics until we are all feeling seasick. But here's the bottom line: You don't have to tell a man drowning in the ocean that he has a water problem, and you don't have to tell a group of people who are drowning in a sea of covetousness that we have a materialism problem. The ironic thing is that it doesn't feel like a "water problem." Covetousness makes you feel dry and thirsty, like a desert. And no wonder; G.o.d will not tolerate murmuring, and covetousness is one of the five wilderness att.i.tudes that const.i.tutes murmuring. murmuring.

Constant covetousness was one of the att.i.tudes that caused G.o.d to send a whole generation of His children into the wilderness to die. His stern words to Moses in Numbers 14 ring with judgment for those who grumble, or murmur.

How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who are grumbling against Me? . . . Say to them, "As I live," says the Lord, "just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will surely do to you; your corpses will fall in this wilderness, even all your numbered men, according to your complete number from twenty years old and upward, who have grumbled against Me." (verses 2729) WHAT COVETOUSNESS IS.

Here's a four-part definition of covetousness. First, covetousness is wanting wrong things. covetousness is wanting wrong things. Wanting power without a reason. Wanting control so I can be at the center. Wanting wealth for myself. Wanting glory and praise from others. In other words, Wanting power without a reason. Wanting control so I can be at the center. Wanting wealth for myself. Wanting glory and praise from others. In other words, wanting wrong things. wanting wrong things.

Second, covetousness is also wanting right things for wrong reasons. wanting right things for wrong reasons. Take, for example, the role of spiritual leaders.h.i.+p. The Bible says that if a man desires the office of an elder, he desires a good thing (1 Timothy 3:17). Wanting to be a spiritual leader and make an impact on the lives of others-that's a great thing to want. But you have to not just want it; you have to want it for the right reasons. To want it for the wrong reasons, like personal recognition or power over others, or for a personal agenda-that is covetousness. Take, for example, the role of spiritual leaders.h.i.+p. The Bible says that if a man desires the office of an elder, he desires a good thing (1 Timothy 3:17). Wanting to be a spiritual leader and make an impact on the lives of others-that's a great thing to want. But you have to not just want it; you have to want it for the right reasons. To want it for the wrong reasons, like personal recognition or power over others, or for a personal agenda-that is covetousness.

There is a third aspect to covetousness. Covetousness is not just wanting wrong things or wanting right things for the wrong reasons. Covetousness is also wanting right things at the wrong time. wanting right things at the wrong time. A young couple comes in and sits down for premarital counseling. They say, "We love Christ and we love each other. We've committed ourselves to a lifetime together. We're going to get married in three months, but we want to start sleeping together now!" They want right things. They want them for the right reasons. But they want them at the wrong time. That's also covetousness. A young couple comes in and sits down for premarital counseling. They say, "We love Christ and we love each other. We've committed ourselves to a lifetime together. We're going to get married in three months, but we want to start sleeping together now!" They want right things. They want them for the right reasons. But they want them at the wrong time. That's also covetousness.

The final aspect of covetousness is wanting right things but wanting them in the wrong amount. wanting right things but wanting them in the wrong amount. Take, for example, money. Money is not a wrong thing; it's a necessary part of life. Paul told Timothy that if a person doesn't provide for his own-that means anyone in one's extended family who has need-if a husband, for example, doesn't do everything he can to provide for his own, Take, for example, money. Money is not a wrong thing; it's a necessary part of life. Paul told Timothy that if a person doesn't provide for his own-that means anyone in one's extended family who has need-if a husband, for example, doesn't do everything he can to provide for his own, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" (1 Timothy 5:8). Providing for others requires that we make money, and yet it puts us in danger of not knowing when to stop. When I want more money than I need to adequately provide for my family, that is covetousness. I may think that more money will make me happy, but I will soon learn it does not. More of anything other than G.o.d will never fill that longing for fulfillment He has placed within you and me. So, to summarize: (1 Timothy 5:8). Providing for others requires that we make money, and yet it puts us in danger of not knowing when to stop. When I want more money than I need to adequately provide for my family, that is covetousness. I may think that more money will make me happy, but I will soon learn it does not. More of anything other than G.o.d will never fill that longing for fulfillment He has placed within you and me. So, to summarize: Covetousness is wanting wrong things, or wanting right things for the wong reasons, or at the wrong time, or in the wrong amount. Covetousness is wanting wrong things, or wanting right things for the wong reasons, or at the wrong time, or in the wrong amount.


I have learned over many years of teaching the Lord's people, especially in North America, that covetousness has a powerful stronghold in people's lives. In fact, we are not only in bondage to covetousness, but we are in serious denial about it. Therefore, I challenge you to open your heart as wide as you know how. Be willing to submit yourself to G.o.d's Word as we move deep into this biblical study of covetousness. Is it possible that the desire for greater joy and blessing in your life which has kept you reading this far, has been frustrated because of this matter of covetousness? Let's open G.o.d's Word together, and allow Him to deal with us as He wills.

...And Three Short Acts The events recorded in Numbers 11:435 break down into three short acts, much like a play. In between those acts, there are brief changes in subject, like intermissions. Then the action returns to the main sto#x2019;ine again.

ACT I: Yielding to Covetousness and Why G.o.d Hates It (Numbers 11:410) I call Act I, "Yielding To Covetousness and Why G.o.d Hates It." Three realities from the text amplify that heading. Here's the first: Covetousness becomes sin when we yield. Covetousness becomes sin when we yield.

Look at Numbers 11:4: "Now the mixed mult.i.tude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said: 'Who will give us meat to eat?'" "Now the mixed mult.i.tude who were among them yielded to intense craving; so the children of Israel also wept again and said: 'Who will give us meat to eat?'" (NKJV). (NKJV).

The New International Version New International Version and the and the New American Standard Bible New American Standard Bible translate "mixed mult.i.tude" as "rabble." The term refers to Egyptian people and Israelite people who had intermarried. Please note that interracial marriage is translate "mixed mult.i.tude" as "rabble." The term refers to Egyptian people and Israelite people who had intermarried. Please note that interracial marriage is not not forbidden in the Bible anywhere. Intermarriage of different races in the Bible is forbidden in the Bible anywhere. Intermarriage of different races in the Bible is never never condemned. What is condemned in the Bible is condemned. What is condemned in the Bible is interfaith interfaith marriages. So the "mixed mult.i.tude" of Numbers 11:4 refers to wors.h.i.+ppers of false G.o.ds married to wors.h.i.+ppers of the one, true G.o.d. Over and over, Scripture says those two things do not go together. marriages. So the "mixed mult.i.tude" of Numbers 11:4 refers to wors.h.i.+ppers of false G.o.ds married to wors.h.i.+ppers of the one, true G.o.d. Over and over, Scripture says those two things do not go together.

This mixed mult.i.tude mixed mult.i.tude (circle the next words if you have your Bible open) "yielded to intense craving." The NASB says, "had greedy desires." What the phrase means literally is that they "craved a craving." They started looking for something else to make them happy. They wanted to want something other that what they had. Sometimes I go to the fridge like that. Not really hungry but not really satisfied. Sort of looking and waiting for something to grab me. As bad as that can be for our diets, it can be even more devastating if we are doing that in life. Sort of surveying the landscape of our behavior options, looking for something that might make us happier than we are at a particular moment. (circle the next words if you have your Bible open) "yielded to intense craving." The NASB says, "had greedy desires." What the phrase means literally is that they "craved a craving." They started looking for something else to make them happy. They wanted to want something other that what they had. Sometimes I go to the fridge like that. Not really hungry but not really satisfied. Sort of looking and waiting for something to grab me. As bad as that can be for our diets, it can be even more devastating if we are doing that in life. Sort of surveying the landscape of our behavior options, looking for something that might make us happier than we are at a particular moment.

We all have desires come into our minds. I could command you: "Don't let any desires for anything come into your mind at all." Now that would be a cruel trick! You'd immediately start thinking of things that you would like to have or like to experience. It is practically impossible impossible not to desire things, experiences, and situations. So people are always asking the question, "When is it sin? When does a covetous thought or desire become a sin?" not to desire things, experiences, and situations. So people are always asking the question, "When is it sin? When does a covetous thought or desire become a sin?"

Men will frequently say, "I see a woman and a l.u.s.tful thought occurs to me; when does that looking looking become sin?" Or, "I'm in a state-ofthe-art shopping mall, and I just entered my favorite store. In my billfold is at least one credit card that isn't 'maxed out.' I'm thinking about buying something for which I know I don't have the money. Actually, I don't even need that item. But I'm thinking about buying it, anyway. When does covetousness become sin? Is it a sin to become sin?" Or, "I'm in a state-ofthe-art shopping mall, and I just entered my favorite store. In my billfold is at least one credit card that isn't 'maxed out.' I'm thinking about buying something for which I know I don't have the money. Actually, I don't even need that item. But I'm thinking about buying it, anyway. When does covetousness become sin? Is it a sin to think think about it? When is it a sin?" Here's the answer: about it? When is it a sin?" Here's the answer: Covetousness becomes active sin when we yield.

It's a sin when we yield. By sin, I mean a sin of action. Of course, wrong att.i.tudes are also sinful. That is the theme of our book. By sin, I mean a sin of action. Of course, wrong att.i.tudes are also sinful. That is the theme of our book.

The Bible teaches that even as believers we still have two natures. (Check out Romans 7.) There is the old part of us that wants to sin and satisfy itself, and there is a new nature that we receive when we are born again (2 Corinthians 5:17), which wants to live righteously and please G.o.d. Like two cars approaching the same intersection at the same time, our two natures are often on a collision course with each other. Galatians 5:17 says that our two natures actually battle one another, but eventually one yields. Our new nature calls for us to do what is right, and our old nature calls for us to do what is wrong. When we obey the covetous demands of our old nature and yield, we have gone from att.i.tude si to action sin.

Back to Numbers 11:4: "The mixed mult.i.tude who were among them "The mixed mult.i.tude who were among them yielded yielded to intense craving" to intense craving" (italics added). They gave in to those desires. Romans 8:5 says, (italics added). They gave in to those desires. Romans 8:5 says, "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit" "For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit" (NKJV). You're standing in front of a refrigerator. You know the last thing you need is that piece of chocolate cake. Then you see it, look at it, and want it, but it's not sin yet. You take out the cake and put it on the counter. Now you're on the edge. You get out a knife with very specific intent, cut a bigger piece than you need, and begin to stuff it in your mouth- you're done. The struggle is over. You've yielded. I'm belaboring this distinction because there is so much false guilt people feel for sensing wrong desires. Intense awareness of the attractiveness of sin is not sin. When we yield, we've ignored the warning signs. (NKJV). You're standing in front of a refrigerator. You know the last thing you need is that piece of chocolate cake. Then you see it, look at it, and want it, but it's not sin yet. You take out the cake and put it on the counter. Now you're on the edge. You get out a knife with very specific intent, cut a bigger piece than you need, and begin to stuff it in your mouth- you're done. The struggle is over. You've yielded. I'm belaboring this distinction because there is so much false guilt people feel for sensing wrong desires. Intense awareness of the attractiveness of sin is not sin. When we yield, we've ignored the warning signs. Yielding Yielding to covetousness is what G.o.d hates. Covetousness becomes overtly sinful when we yield. to covetousness is what G.o.d hates. Covetousness becomes overtly sinful when we yield.

You say, "Why do people yield? I don't want to yield." If you really mean that, this next principle will help you greatly.

When we dwell on desire, yielding is only a matter of time.

When you dwell on the desire, when you focus on the thing that you're wanting, you're hanging on the edge by your fingernails.

Notice that the Israelites were yielding to intense craving. First, they asked the question in verse 4, "Who will give us meat to eat?" "Who will give us meat to eat?" Then they started dwelling on their desire. Then they started dwelling on their desire. "We remember the fish which we used to eat free in Egypt, the cuc.u.mbers and the melons" "We remember the fish which we used to eat free in Egypt, the cuc.u.mbers and the melons" (verse 5). "Oh, the fish; we remember the fish." Here they were in the middle of the wilderness, and G.o.d had been feeding them manna. "Oh, the fis.h.!.+ And the cuc.u.mbers! You never saw cuc.u.mbers like this! Big and juicy and piles of them-incredible! And the melons! Thousands of melons, more than we could ever eat! And the leeks and the onions and the garlic"-well, I guess that's a little harder to relate to. (verse 5). "Oh, the fish; we remember the fish." Here they were in the middle of the wilderness, and G.o.d had been feeding them manna. "Oh, the fis.h.!.+ And the cuc.u.mbers! You never saw cuc.u.mbers like this! Big and juicy and piles of them-incredible! And the melons! Thousands of melons, more than we could ever eat! And the leeks and the onions and the garlic"-well, I guess that's a little harder to relate to.

Notice how covetousness inflates the pleasure. When you covet something, you begin to make it more attractive and accessible than it really is, because you want it. You convince yourself you can pay for it. Eating too much? You promise yourself you'll diet tomorrow. Smoking? "I know lots of people who have smoked for fifty years and they're still healthy." You create rationalizations in order to get the thing you want. Covetousness inflates the desire while it ignores the danger.

It is very unlikely that the children of Israel, as slaves in Egypt, had melons and cuc.u.mbers and all these things to eat. They remembered selectively! The fish, cuc.u.mbers, melons and the leeks, onions, and garlic were back in Egypt all right, but not for the children of Israel. If they saw a cuc.u.mber or something fresh and wonderful, it wasn't for them to eat. They were slaves and were very harshly treated. They were not eating at a buffet every night; that's for sure. They had a spa.r.s.e diet. But as they dwelt upon the past, their memories became radically selective.

In that sense, we are just like the children of Israel. It is impossible for us to dwell on desire for any length of time without rationalizing a way to get it by making the particular sin more attractive and accessible than it really is. When we dwell on desire, yielding is only a matter of time. Dwelling on a sinful desire is like starting the countdown for the s.p.a.ce shuttle-it's just a matter of time until liftoff. So if you're dwelling on a desire, you can set the clock; yielding is only a matter of time for you. Yes, your wilderness experience is just around the corner.

Nowwatch that principle work itself out with the children of Israel. "But now our appet.i.te is gone. There is nothing at all to look at except this manna" "But now our appet.i.te is gone. There is nothing at all to look at except this manna" (verse 6). Can you hear the disgust in their voices as they look at what G.o.d had provided them to eat? As if to say, "This is lame, G.o.d, You call this meeting our needs? The same thing every day, every week, every month; we are getting so sick and tired of this ___" (expletive deleted). (verse 6). Can you hear the disgust in their voices as they look at what G.o.d had provided them to eat? As if to say, "This is lame, G.o.d, You call this meeting our needs? The same thing every day, every week, every month; we are getting so sick and tired of this ___" (expletive deleted).

Was the manna really that bad? Verse 7 describes the manna, the bread that G.o.d rained down from heaven. "The manna was like coriander seed" "The manna was like coriander seed" -OK, sort of a sesame seed deal- -OK, sort of a sesame seed deal- "and its appearance like that of bdellium" "and its appearance like that of bdellium" (verse 7). (verse 7). Bdellium? Bdellium? Actually, the word Actually, the word bdellium bdellium is a common Hebrew word that meant the manna was pearl-like in appearance. Exodus 16:4 indicates that G.o.d had given the manna as a test. He wanted to know if they would walk in obedience and be thankful for His provision or if they would covet something more, or better, or different. Every day they went out to gather the manna, and every day G.o.d was inspecting their att.i.tudes. He was not very impressed. is a common Hebrew word that meant the manna was pearl-like in appearance. Exodus 16:4 indicates that G.o.d had given the manna as a test. He wanted to know if they would walk in obedience and be thankful for His provision or if they would covet something more, or better, or different. Every day they went out to gather the manna, and every day G.o.d was inspecting their att.i.tudes. He was not very impressed.

In fact, they began crying over their "plight," even though the manna tasted like "cakes baked with oil" "cakes baked with oil" and fell nightly: and fell nightly: "When the dew fell on the camp at night, the manna would fall with it. Now Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, each man at the doorway of his tent" "When the dew fell on the camp at night, the manna would fall with it. Now Moses heard the people weeping throughout their families, each man at the doorway of his tent" (verses 910a). (verses 910a).

Can you imagine that? They were so bent about the gap between what the Lord was giving them and what they wanted that they were actually lying in their tents and crying about it. Can you get like that? Can you get so worked up about wanting something that G.o.d isn't giving you that you weep?

That's what happened: "Weeping throughout their families, each man at the doorway of his tent." What a sick picture! Talk about losing perspective. If you had walked with Moses through the tents at that time, you would have heard the moans and groans, the sobs and the sniffles. "Wa waaaa wa waaaaaaa," like little babies. Every flag at half-mast as if the nation was in mourning. Here is G.o.d's heart in the matter: "The anger of the Lord was kindled greatly, and Moses was displeased" "The anger of the Lord was kindled greatly, and Moses was displeased" (verse 10b). (verse 10b).

At the root of covetousness is a rejection of G.o.d's sufficiency.

That's really the bottom line, and it's the reason G.o.d hates covetousness. In effect, they were slapping G.o.d's face by saying; "It's not enough, G.o.d. Nice try, but it's not enough. I have needs, and You're not taking care of them. You promised to be all I need, but You're just not meeting my expectations."

Remember that 1 Corinthians 10:11 says that what happened to them was as an example for us. G.o.d has also provided for our basic needs. The question is, Will we be grateful and satisfied with G.o.d and His provision for us? Or will we covet more and better and different? Our problem is not that we don't want G.o.d; it's that we covet G.o.d and and ...For instance, we covet: ...For instance, we covet: -- G.o.d and and the perfect spouse. the perfect spouse.

-- G.o.d and and an impressive career. an impressive career.

-- G.o.d and and the house by the lake. the house by the lake.

-- G.o.d and and the exotic vacation and the big bonus and whatever catches our fancy next. the exotic vacation and the big bonus and whatever catches our fancy next.

-- G.o.d and and ___________ (you fill in the blank). ___________ (you fill in the blank).

What will it take for us to come to that settled place where the central pa.s.sion of our lives is, "G.o.d, I just want You. All Your joy and peace and fullness and friends.h.i.+p, and that's enough for me."

The hard truth is that at the root of my covetous att.i.tude I am rejecting the sufficiency of G.o.d in my life. I'm saying in effect, "G.o.d, You're not enough for me. You're fineYou fit, but my life had better be a lot more than just You. I need experiences and relations.h.i.+ps and opportunities, lots of them in increasing measure. My life had better not be boring, G.o.d. I've gotta have lots of grins and lots of fun all the time. It's fine if wors.h.i.+p is one of them, but I want way more than that." As common as that kind of thinking may be, it is definitely a wilderness att.i.tude, and in case you're wondering about the consequences, they are right here in Numbers 11.

ACT II: A Gift from G.o.d You Don't Want (Numbers 11:1620) After a few verses of intermission, the curtain rises on Act II with G.o.d speaking to Moses: "Say to the people, 'Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, and you shall eat meat; for you have wept in the ears of the Lord "Say to the people, 'Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, and you shall eat meat; for you have wept in the ears of the Lord [think of that] [think of that] , saying, "Oh that someone would give us meat to eat! For we were well-off in Egypt." Therefore the Lord will give you meat and you shall eat'" , saying, "Oh that someone would give us meat to eat! For we were well-off in Egypt." Therefore the Lord will give you meat and you shall eat'" (verse 18). G.o.d's response came in ominous tones. To paraphrase: "Do you want meat? Do you think that's such a big deal? You think that's better than Me? Do you think that's going to meet your needs? Do you think that's going to make you happy? That's what you've been begging and crying and whining and complaining about? You think that's better than Me? Really? Then you're going to have it!" And G.o.d gave it to them: (verse 18). G.o.d's response came in ominous tones. To paraphrase: "Do you want meat? Do you think that's such a big deal? You think that's better than Me? Do you think that's going to meet your needs? Do you think that's going to make you happy? That's what you've been begging and crying and whining and complaining about? You think that's better than Me? Really? Then you're going to have it!" And G.o.d gave it to them: "Therefore the Lord will give you meat and you shall eat. You shall eat, not one day, nor two days, nor five days, nor ten days, nor twenty days, but a whole month" (verses 1820a). (verses 1820a).

Now if you really understand what was happening here, it should make you shudder. G.o.d was giving them something that was not really good for them. He was giving them something bad to teach them a good lesson. They thought what they were demanding was good, but it was going to ruin them. So significant was this action by G.o.d that several hundred years later it was still the talk of the Lord's people. In Psalm 106:15, G.o.d's action is mentioned, as well as the consequence that came after. "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul" "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul" (NKJV). In giving them what they "had" to have, G.o.d withdrew Himself and thrust them into the wilderness. (NKJV). In giving them what they "had" to have, G.o.d withdrew Himself and thrust them into the wilderness.

With G.o.d, we can be satisfied and fulfilled with very little, but without Him, all that we have will always be dry and deeply disappointing. They had all the meat they could eat. They could get physically fat if they wanted. But spiritually, they were starving. I wonder what thing in your life might parallel the meat the children of Israel had to have. Something you're coveting or craving, something you're putting your life on hold for, something for which you're continually begging G.o.d.

Nothing is essential but G.o.d. Things were never designed to take G.o.d's place. When we covet something and make it essential-and then beg G.o.d to give it to us-we are asking G.o.d to replace Himself with something we consider more important. When we do this, G.o.d will often allow us to experience firsthand the consequences of subst.i.tuting anything for Him. Maybe as you read this book you are hurting over the poor health of your own soul. Maybe G.o.d is bringing to mind even now something that you have subst.i.tuted for Him-a relations.h.i.+p or a financial goal, or a specific material dream about your future for which you have been suspending your happiness. Covetousness is such a cruel enemy. It promises prosperity and brings only painful poverty of spirit. Indeed: In time we may hate what we had to have.

Beware of begging G.o.d for nonessentials, because in time you may come to the place where you hate the very thing that you had to have. in time you may come to the place where you hate the very thing that you had to have.

"'Therefore the Lord will give you meat and you shall eat. You shall eat, not one one day, . . . but a whole month, until it comes out of your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you'" day, . . . but a whole month, until it comes out of your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you'" (Numbers 11:1820, italics added). No doubt about it; G.o.d was pretty ticked off at their arrogant rejection of His adequate provision and goodness. Because they thought meat could satisfy them in a way that G.o.d could not, He gave them so much meat that they choked on it. (Numbers 11:1820, italics added). No doubt about it; G.o.d was pretty ticked off at their arrogant rejection of His adequate provision and goodness. Because they thought meat could satisfy them in a way that G.o.d could not, He gave them so much meat that they choked on it.

I have had the privilege of traveling to many places in the so-called Third World. Every time that I have seen staggering poverty, I have also seen stunning joyfulness and peace in the simple things of life. I get so tired of hearing people refer to material wealth as a "blessing." As in, "I got a raise-what a blessing." Or, "G.o.d has really blessed me this year; my investments are performing far beyond what we antic.i.p.ated." The United States of America is the most prosperous nation in the world financially, but when will we wake up to the fact that money is not synonymous with blessing? In fact, I often wonder if it is not a curse. Maybe our financial prosperity is the "meat" that we have begged G.o.d for and now we are choking on what we had to have.

By world standards, the church of Jesus Christ in North America is incredibly wealthy in financial things but weak and malnourished in the "joy of the Lord." (See James 1:2 for a contrast.) More than 80 percent of Bible-believing, gospel-preaching churches in North America are either in a plateau mode or in steady decline. Multiplied thousands of church leaders are laying down their Bibles in the name of evangelism and "healed the hurt of My people slightly, saying, 'Peace, peace!' when there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14 NKJV). Where the Word of G.o.d is preached, it is far too often a cut-and-paste approach that targets "itching ears" (2 Timothy 4:3 NKJV) and fails to declare "the whole counsel of G.o.d" (Acts 20:27 NKJV) in a way that arrests the sinful condition of the hearers. Everywhere people are lamenting the spiritual poverty of the church but failing to make the connection: "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul" "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul" (Psalm 106:15 NKJV). (Psalm 106:15 NKJV).


I've seen this consuming covetousness in the careers of men and women climbing the corporate ladder. "I've got to be successful. Other things can wait. I have to make money. I have to be like my dad. I have to be on the top." How heartbreaking as a pastor to sit with the same people, now in their late forties and fifties, having spent their lives coveting various components of the American dream, with G.o.d at the edge and family in the background. They've built their piles of gold, but looking back they realize their folly, and through tearful cries of regret they tell amazingly similar stories of shattered marriages and prodigal children. And so the psalmist declares, "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul." "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul."

I've seen this covetousness in the single adult who had had to get married. "I to get married. "I have have to get married! I to get married! I have have to find that person! I have to!" Specific young women come to mind even as I write. Single adults who loved the Lord and waited many years for G.o.d to bring along "Mr. Right." Those women made choices, without asking G.o.d. to find that person! I have to!" Specific young women come to mind even as I write. Single adults who loved the Lord and waited many years for G.o.d to bring along "Mr. Right." Those women made choices, without asking G.o.d.

"I have to have a husband," a woman pleads with G.o.d. "I can't be happy until You meet this need." But then she goes out on her own. How sad it has been to flip the calendar forward a few pages and see that same person in my office weeping, "I made the worst mistake of my life. How could I have ever made this choice? I'm so miserable now." How heartbreaking to see a wonderful young und. They&with so much potential reaping so soon the consequences of her compromising, covetous choice. The psalmist rightly wrote: "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul." "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul."

I've seen this principle at work in the unhappy husband or wife consumed with their spouse's shortcomings. I've seen it in parents struggling with the burden of infertility, wanting children and begging G.o.d for children to the point of demanding. Having children is a great blessing, but it is not life. Kathy and I love our three kids, but they are not all of our life. It is very scary to see people who begged and pleaded with G.o.d to give them children actually receive them. When they finally conceive and later give birth, I become so afraid for that child, being born into a home where children are more important than G.o.d. That's a dangerous home to be born into.

G.o.d doesn't want anything subst.i.tuted for Him in our lives. Children who have to take G.o.d's place in their parents' lives have a hard time. "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul." "He gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul."

If your life resembles the covetousness found in these stories, be warned! Covetousness will take you to the place in life where you hate the very thing that you had to have. G.o.d says, "Do you think that's better than Me? You go ahead and have that." Beware of begging G.o.d for nonessentials. In time you may hate what you had to have. Beware of begging G.o.d for nonessentials. In time you may hate what you had to have.

Numbers 11:2130 records another intermission where Moses deals with his own att.i.tude. But in verse 31, we come back to the issue of the meat and the people. G.o.d brought them the meat that they were convinced they had to have. Now watch the consequences.

ACT III: The Consequences of Covetousness (Numbers 11:3135) "Now there went forth a wind from the Lord and it brought quail from the sea, and let them fall beside the camp, about a day's journey on this side and a day's journey on the other side, all around the camp and about two cubits deep on the surface of the ground" (verse 31). A couple of definitions: (verse 31). A couple of definitions: Quail Quail are tasty and tender little birds, sort of like a pheasant in our day in terms of the amount of meat. are tasty and tender little birds, sort of like a pheasant in our day in terms of the amount of meat. Two cubits Two cubits are equivalent to about three feet. There is a little bit of confusion in the text at this point. It's hard to tell from the Hebrew expression whether the birds were flying three feet above the ground or were stacked three feet deep. Either way, this wasn't much of a hunt. are equivalent to about three feet. There is a little bit of confusion in the text at this point. It's hard to tell from the Hebrew expression whether the birds were flying three feet above the ground or were stacked three feet deep. Either way, this wasn't much of a hunt.

G.o.d said, "You want them? You can have them! I'm going to make it very easy for you." They could journey a day outside camp and collect birds everywhere.

"The people spent all day and all night and all the next day, and gathered the quail" (verse 32). They were going nuts! Thirty-six hours spent gathering birds three feet deep! How many birds could you get? Well, notice what it says: (verse 32). They were going nuts! Thirty-six hours spent gathering birds three feet deep! How many birds could you get? Well, notice what it says: "He who gathered least gathered ten homers" "He who gathered least gathered ten homers" (verse 32). That's sixty bushels of birds. The guy who gathered the (verse 32). That's sixty bushels of birds. The guy who gathered the least least -the vegetarian or the lazy guy-still ended up with sixty bushels! So you have to believe that some people had much more than that! -the vegetarian or the lazy guy-still ended up with sixty bushels! So you have to believe that some people had much more than that!

But imagine the chaos. Samuel comes home and says to his wife, "Sarah, could you come into the kitchen for a moment? There's a little cooking for us to do."

She looks around and says, "Twenty bushels of birds to clean and cook? You gotta be kidding!"

Then he says, "Well, not exactly, honey; the other forty bushels are out on the porch."

Now imagine the complications in those days when there was no refrigeration of any kind. What would you do with sixty bushels of birds? Have you ever cleaned a bird? I've cleaned a pheasant. I'm telling you, by the time you get all the feathers off, there is not a lot there. They faced a lot of work for a little bit of meat. Sixty bushels! Imagine the smells on the second day of processing! No . . . don't!

One of the consequences of covetousness is that it destroys the capacity to discern sufficiency. It distorts our thinking to the point where: Enough is never enough.

When your life is a covetous life and you're living for something else-more, better, or different; or perhaps a relations.h.i.+p, a possession-when desires for something are controlling you, you lose your capacity to discern sufficiency. And enough is never enough.

ABC News correspondent John Stossel once interviewed CNN and Time Warner executive Ted Turner about all his money. Turner has billions of dollars. Stossel, noting that the media mogul is near the top of Forbes Forbes magazine's list of richest Americans, asked Turner if the magazine's rankings motivated him to try to get richer. magazine's list of richest Americans, asked Turner if the magazine's rankings motivated him to try to get richer.

"You're on this list, you see, and you want to move up the list. You want to be number one. n.o.body will ever catch Bill Gates. Warren Buffet isn't going to catch Bill Gates." But, Turner suggests, it's fun thinking about how you can get higher on the list.

Stossel then asked, "Everybody wants more. . . . And that's OK?"

"I think it's OK," Turner replied. "It's your money. . . . You can do whatever you want to. You want to buy a big yacht? You can buy a big yacht."

Earlier the interviewer asked about the presence of greed in America. Turner's reply? "Oh, greedy, greedy, greedy. Everybody's greedy." 4 4 The last ten years of unprecedented wealth in our country have created some astonis.h.i.+ng results. One of the features of this economic prosperity is that CEOs are taking up to six times the amount in salaries that they used to take. But although there is fabulous wealth, most leaders are not sharing the prosperity with the others who worked to bring it about. CEOs are consuming more and more for themselves, so that leaders in Fortune 1000 companies have become like athletes and people in Hollywood. These people, who have extreme giftedness and ability, expect the lion's share of any profit to go to them. The motto seems to be: Less to others; more to me. Why? Because covetousness destroys the capacity to discern sufficiency. Enough is never enough. The more you get, the more you want.

Now I'm not saying that money or possessions equal sin. I am not saying that the most covetous person is the wealthiest person. There is no direct correlation between wealth and covetousness. The most covetous person you know may also be the one with the least. There is no direct connection between what you have and what you desire. It has everything to do with your att.i.tude. Do I love people or do I love things? Am I looking to the future regarding people I can impact for Christ or regarding things I can acquire for myself? Am I a covetous person?

You may say, "I'm going to beat the odds." No, you're not! Millions have tried and failed before you. "I'm going to be the one person-money is going to make me happy." No, it isn't. One of the consequences of covetousness is enough is never enough.


Notice what it says in verses 33 and 34: "While the meat was still between their teeth" "While the meat was still between their teeth" -what a picture!- -what a picture!- "before it was chewed, the anger of the Lord was kindled against the people, and the Lord struck the people with a very severe plague. So the name of that place was called Kibroth-hattaavah, because there they buried the people who had been greedy." "before it was chewed, the anger of the Lord was kindled against the people, and the Lord struck the people with a very severe plague. So the name of that place was called Kibroth-hattaavah, because there they buried the people who had been greedy." Those who choose covetousness as their lifestyle will spetheir lifetimes in the wilderness. Life in the wilderness: a dry, dead, dusty, cheerless, grief-filled, unhappy existence. It's not really worth going there, and it's a real tragedy to die there. Those who choose covetousness as their lifestyle will spetheir lifetimes in the wilderness. Life in the wilderness: a dry, dead, dusty, cheerless, grief-filled, unhappy existence. It's not really worth going there, and it's a real tragedy to die there.

I expect readers to put up resistance to these truths. You may well be reading this but not buying it. After all, covetousness has deep roots in our lives. Your thoughts may sound something like, Whatever . . . but I'm going to beat the odds. I'm gonna have G.o.d and ____(fill in the blank). Whatever . . . but I'm going to beat the odds. I'm gonna have G.o.d and ____(fill in the blank).

It's your choice, of course. But I'm telling you, life in the wilderness is where you're headed if you want G.o.d and and . . . ; if there's something else you have to have. . . . ; if there's something else you have to have.

Recently I read about a pastor who decided to visit some people in his church. He just showed up at their home one day and said, "Hi, I'd like to have a little visit with you guys." They invited him in and he sat down. The mother, of course, wanting to put her best foot forward, said to her little daughter, "Honey, please run and get the Good Book that we all love so much, and bring it here." The little daughter ran off and came back with the book under her arm, and right there in front of the pastor she handed her Mom the Sears catalog.


During my twenties and most of my thirties, covetousness was never a big issue. While my brothers were earning lots of money, I was content to follow G.o.d's leading and be a pastor. Now for most pastors, ministry and money are an oxymoron-they don't go together. It's just not an issue, and I was content with that. But more recently, as our church has grown, my radio ministry has expanded nationally, now my second book, and speaking engagements . . . Well, we are far from wealthy, but for the first time the MacDonald family has more income than we have necessity. I have been experiencing the very things that I talked about at the end of this chapter. Covetousness was never an issue in my life until I had enough income to think about it.

Kathy and I have had to make some pretty radical choices with our giving. We chose to give over and above the t.i.the to the church and other ministries, so that this matter of finances could not become an issue for us. I have seen it ruin many ministers, and we are putting safeguards into place so that by G.o.d's grace we will not fall into that same snare. Psalm 62:10b says: "If riches increase, do not set your heart upon them." I'll say more about the choices we are making in the next chapter. Now, what about your life?

LET'S TALK SOLUTION Time again to look inside our hearts. As we look at these soul-searching questions, we can begin to put in place some solution steps.

1. Am I a covetous person? Am I a covetous person? Ask yourself honestly before the Lord. Make that question a prayer, "G.o.d, am I a covetous person?" Here are some better ways to determine your heart's genuine desire. Ask yourself: (a) Do I spend more time thinking about people to impact or things to acc.u.mulate? (b) As I think about the future and my happiness, am I thinking, "Boy, when we finally get that deck built out back," or "If we could just get our family relational conflict settled," that's when I'm going to be really happy? (c) As I think about a happy future for myself and my family, do I imagine us with more things or more impact in the lives of people? As people grow older, many times they convert to a more people/ministry-oriented outlook, and report that they wish they had converted sooner. Ask yourself honestly before the Lord. Make that question a prayer, "G.o.d, am I a covetous person?" Here are some better ways to determine your heart's genuine desire. Ask yourself: (a) Do I spend more time thinking about people to impact or things to acc.u.mulate? (b) As I think about the future and my happiness, am I thinking, "Boy, when we finally get that deck built out back," or "If we could just get our family relational conflict settled," that's when I'm going to be really happy? (c) As I think about a happy future for myself and my family, do I imagine us with more things or more impact in the lives of people? As people grow older, many times they convert to a more people/ministry-oriented outlook, and report that they wish they had converted sooner.

2. Am I reaping the consequences of covetousness in my relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d? Am I reaping the consequences of covetousness in my relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d? Perhaps the idea of reading G.o.d's Word or studying G.o.d's truth is all kind of tiresome to you. Maybe the last time you gathered with others for wors.h.i.+p you found some solutthinking, "What are they going on about?" It's all very tedious to you. Do you know why? Because your life is a wilderness. Do you know why? Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness, and covetousness is part of murmuring. G.o.d puts people in a wilderness existence when they want things other than Him. So if you're reaping the consequences of covetousness in your relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d, the third question will help give you direction. Perhaps the idea of reading G.o.d's Word or studying G.o.d's truth is all kind of tiresome to you. Maybe the last time you gathered with others for wors.h.i.+p you found some solutthinking, "What are they going on about?" It's all very tedious to you. Do you know why? Because your life is a wilderness. Do you know why? Those who choose murmuring as their lifestyle will spend their lifetimes in the wilderness, and covetousness is part of murmuring. G.o.d puts people in a wilderness existence when they want things other than Him. So if you're reaping the consequences of covetousness in your relations.h.i.+p with G.o.d, the third question will help give you direction.

3. Am I willing to repent? Am I willing to repent? If that word "repent" is outside your vocabulary, here are two different questions on the same concept: If that word "repent" is outside your vocabulary, here are two different questions on the same concept: (a) Am I willing to change my mind and att.i.tude about covetousness in my life? (b) Am I willing to say, "I have been living for things and for relations.h.i.+ps and for stuff other than G.o.d?" You need honest acknowledgment before G.o.d. Maybe you could begin praying, "G.o.d, I need to have my mind changed about this area of covetousness. It hasn't been pleasing to You. I want to get my priorities in order. I don't want to live in the wilderness."

Repentance is the key action step. To repent may seem hard. It will be humbling. But there is blessing there. To help you, a suggested prayer follows. I'm including one at the end of each chapter as an encouragement for you to bring the matters we have been thinking about to G.o.d while they are fresh on your heart and mind.

Look Up Lord, in this moment, I want to say thank You for dealing with my heart about covetousness! Lord, my life is racing by so fast; please forgive me for wanting things other than You. Forgive me for longing for stuff that is not Your heart for me and for believing that I can be satisfied in this life apart from You. I repent of covetous att.i.tudes this day, and pray that You would cleanse my heart.

Teach me what it means to love You above all else. Help me recognize the futility of begging You for things that are not essential. Continue to remind me that things will never fill the longing in my heart that's made for loving You. Might You become all to me, and other things be in their rightful place always.

I look forward with joy to Your continued work in me, and I delight to move on to replacing a covetous att.i.tude with what Your Word will supply. In Jesus' name. Amen.


1. Harrison Rainie, "The State of Greed," Newsweek, Newsweek, 17 June 1996, 67. 17 June 1996, 67.

2. Ibid.

3. The $400 billion amount comes from "Report to the Nation," a publication by the a.s.sociation of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), 2000, as shown at the ACFE web site:; the percentages of boys and girls engaged in stealing come from "New Survey Reveals Moral Illiteracy that Needs to Be Addressed in Educational Reforms," a press release of the Josephson Inst.i.tute of Ethics (Marina Del Rey, Calif.), 16 October, 2000; accessed at the web site, www.josephson, on 7 December 2000. The final two bulleted facts are from Rainie, "The State of Greed," Newsweek, Newsweek, 62. 62.

4. "Greed with John Stossel," an ABC News special, 3 February 1998; transcript from

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Lord, Change My Attitude_ Before Its Too Late Part 4 summary

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