Vampire - Beneath A Blood Red Moon Part 50

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"You look just fine to me."

"d.a.m.n you, Lucian, if you're here to tell me that I am a vampire, or that I was a vampire when I killed Aaron and there's a death sentence decreed on me, get it over with. And whatever is going to happen, so help me G.o.d, I'll take you with me if you think you can make Maggie pay for anything-"

"Ah, Lieutenant! First of all, I made you pick up the d.a.m.ned sword. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d was after me. High treason, no matter how you look at it. But think. Do you feel any different?

Any different at all?"

"I don't understand you."

Lucian sighed with exasperation. "No one is coming to kill you, Canady. There's no death sentence." "On me or on Maggie?" he demanded hoa.r.s.ely.

Lucian smiled. "Lieutenant, you aren't a vampire. Or even tainted. You might be a fool, but then, under the circ.u.mstances, that's forgivable."

"I'm not a vampire? All right, I didn't go all the way. Or Maggie didn't go all the way.

But I was tainted!" Sean leaned forward. Was he insane? There had been many times during the past weeks when everything had been so d.a.m.ned normal, he'd begun to think that he and Maggie had simply faced down a brutal, heinous, mortal killer.

Lucian leaned toward him, shaking his head. "I don't think you understand. At all. I'll explain. You never were a vampire-and you were only tainted for a short time. Maggie was always different, because her father fought to keep her alive. She never officially died; she was never buried. She never before attempted to taint anyone; when she killed, it was usually for mercy, and she did so completely, by the rules of our kind. I don't completely understand what happened myself, but I realized quickly that I had no power over you; I couldn't summon you. That being the case, you're not tainted, and you're definitely not a vampire. Maybe there really is a G.o.d. Maybe, in the end, he does make the rules. For all of us. Maybe there's magic in faith. I remember when Alec first met Magdalena."

"Alec? Alec who made Maggie a vampire?"

Lucian nodded. "Alec was head over heels in love with her; he risked his life every second of that affair. But she was deeply in love with him as well, and he was convinced that he could make things right between them. On one of the ancient graves I've seen in Europe, that of a reputed vampire who survived the plague in the thirteen hundreds, there is a saying engraved deep into the mortuary stone: And Love will set you free. Alec believed there was forgiveness in love. The age-old tale of beauty and the beast. We are only monsters when we see ourselves as such. Perhaps it's true. Perhaps it's not simple. And maybe the power of the human spirit is stronger than any other, and perhaps even another silly saying is true-Love Conquers All."

"I do admit that there is a Higher Power as well. There is a h.e.l.l, and a heaven, in our souls, and beyond. Maggie never lost her faith. How many vampires have you heard of who regularly go to church? I've tried to summon you-I've tried to command you both to my presence. You never heard my call. You were not compelled to obey it. I don't have all the answers. But I came to tell you this. You are not tainted, you are not a vampire; and perhaps Maggie has found peace, for she doesn't hear me anymore."

"I wish-I wish I could believe that. If it's the truth, what are you doing here?"

"I came to say good-bye-and wish you well. I don't want to see Maggie. Hurts too much. I did-well, almost-love her once. So, good-bye, good luck, and take my advice.

Don't dwell on the past, don't wonder about what might have been real and what might have been imagined or remembered from dreams. You've been given life. You bested Aaron Carter with the strength of your own will, and your love for Maggie. For a mortal human, you're all right. So, forget what happened. Forget about me: I've never been your enemy.

Go live your life. Have the sense to cherish what you have."

Sean hesitated, studying the man. Lucian stared at him with his golden eyes, his striking features grave.

Sean nodded, and after a moment, slowly offered Lucian his hand. "For a vampire, you're all right." He grinned. "Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar, as my father might say."

Lucian looked slightly embarra.s.sed. It might not look so good for the king of the vampires to be admired and befriended by a mortal.

But he accepted Sean's hand, almost as if remembering a different world, and a different phase of his own existence. They shook hands. Then they rose together.

Lucian grinned suddenly, making a Star Trek symbol with his fingers. "Live long and prosper!" he quoted. "d.a.m.n, but I do love movies!" he told Sean. "Living through centuries of technical advances does have its advantages."

Sean laughed, returning the hand sign.

"Good-bye, Canady, and good luck."

Sean nodded. He suddenly heard his name being called. He looked toward the stairs.

Hearing her voice as she called him, he knew that Maggie was back.

He turned to say good-bye to Lucian, but no one was there. Leave it to Lucian to make another such exit.


He hurried down the stairs. She was waiting for him in front of the register desk. She was breathless, eyes alight with a glittering skim of moisture, her smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Maggie, what is it?"

"It's unbelievable!"


"I mean, impossible, but true-"

"What, Maggie, what?"

"Sean, I'm pregnant!"


He slipped his arms around her, somewhat startled. She'd never even mentioned the possibility. She had told him that there wasn't such a possibility. Well, with so much going on, naturally ...

But she nodded vehemently now, so happy that her very warmth seemed to flow into him like suns.h.i.+ne.

"I'm pregnant." She was trembling.

"But I thought that you couldn't-"

"I know! Now I can! I'm so happy, I can't believe it. Sean, something has happened. I don't know what I'm different. I've no strength, no powers. And I'm pregnant. I made them do four different tests! It's for real. Oh, Sean, we're going to have a baby! Somehow, we've more than survived this, Sean. We're ... we're both ..."

"Mortal," he suggested softly.

She swallowed hard, nodding. "Oh, Sean ..."

He held her close.

"How can it be?" she asked softly.

"Faith," he told her. "Love."

"I'm still so afraid to believe-"

"Don't be afraid. We can't be afraid. We have to take each moment and simply be thankful for it."

"Are you glad about the baby?" she asked him. "Delighted. Nothing in this world has ever made me happier. Except just being with you."

She drew away from him, searching out his eyes, then burrowing against his chest again.

"Now, as for you-are you happy?" he asked her seriously.

"Me? Of course. Oh, G.o.d-"

"Maggie, you're going to age now. We're both going to get old. And we're going to die."

"I know. Isn't it wonderful? Sean, I want to get old with you. And death ... death will be fine. Just as long as they bury us together."

He laughed softly, taking her hands.

"Certainly. We have a family vault right on the property. But first ... we do have a lifetime to live."

"A baby, Sean." She was trembling. "Oh, Lord, I can't tell you, I couldn't believe it, I was so pleased myself, I just hope that you-"

He lifted her chin. "I'm thrilled beyond measure. I'm not a kid, you know." He smiled.

"I'm going to be a dad. I owe you more and more."

He kissed her lips tenderly. Then he slipped an arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, Sean, do you think-"

"Maggie, let's not wonder. Let's just marvel about our good fortune."

"My love," she murmured.

"Let's go home."

Outside, he looked up at the night sky. The moon was full and golden. Maggie was warm in his arms. They were going to marry and start their family.

A prayer fluttered out toward heaven, straight from his heart.

Thank you, G.o.d.

Life was good.

Life was a gift.

He meant to live it to the fullest. Copyright notice ZEBRA BOOKS are published by Kensington Publis.h.i.+ng Corp. 850 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 Copyright 1999 by Shannon Drake All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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Vampire - Beneath A Blood Red Moon Part 50 summary

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