Lords Of The Underworld - The Darkest Night Part 38

Lords Of The Underworld - The Darkest Night -

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"Ashlyn!" Maddox snarled.

"No," Lucien said. "You said you wanted the ultimate sacrifice, remember? He has to watch and understand what you're doing for him."

Her eyes met Maddox's, pooled with unshed tears. "I love you."

In that moment, he realized exactly what they planned. He bucked and fought for freedom. He shouted profanities even Paris would not utter. All the while, hot tears streamed down his cheeks. "No. Do not do this. Please, do not do this. I need you, Ashlyn. Reyes, Lucien. Please. Please!"Reyes hesitated. Swallowed.

And then he stabbed Ashlyn in the stomach.

Maddox screamed, straining so forcefully the metal links cut all the way to the bone. If he kept it up, he would lose his hands and ankles. He did not care. Only one thing mattered, and she was dying in front of him. "No! No! Ashlyn!"

Blood poured from her stomach, wetting her s.h.i.+rt. She pressed her lips together, somehow remaining silent and upright. "I love you," she repeated.

Reyes stabbed her again. With each new cut, Maddox felt his ties to midnight slacken, as if invisible chains that had bound him for thousands of years were slowly lifting away. And he wanted them back! He wanted Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn! Reyes! Stop. Stop." He openly sobbed, helpless, furious. Dying himself, though he felt stronger than ever. "Lucien, make him stop."

Death lowered his gaze, saying nothing.

At the third thrust of the blade, Ashlyn did fall. She did scream. No, that was him. She only whimpered. "Doesn't... hurt," she gasped out. "Like you said."

"Ashlyn." Her name trembled from his lips, the plea desperate. Raging. Violent. "Oh, G.o.ds. No. Ashlyn. Why are you doing this?

Reyes, stop. You must stop!" He could not say it enough.

Her eyes met his again, and there was so much love in them he was humbled. "I love you."

"Ashlyn, Ashlyn." He jerked and the chain sank deeper, cut harder. "Hold on, beauty. Just hold on. We'll patch you up. We'll give you Tylenol. Do not worry, do not worry. Reyes, stop. Do not do this thing. She is innocent."

Reyes did not heed him, but stabbed her again and again. Her eyes closed. And then he paused. Gulped. Looked up at the heavens and then over at the still-silent Lucien.

"Don't take her! Please don't take her."

Finally the sixth blow was delivered.


Blood flowed around her now-lifeless body, a crimson pool. Tears continued to rain from Maddox's eyes. Still he struggled. Still the ties to midnight waned. "Why? Why?"

Blessedly, Lucien unlocked him. His hands and feet were barely attached as he collapsed onto the floor and crawled, leaving a trail of blood behind. He gathered his woman in his arms.

Her head lolled to the side. Dead. She was dead, while he felt the weight of the death-curse turn to mist inside his body, evaporating as if it had never been. "No!" He sobbed, great wrenching sobs. Though breaking the curse had once been all he'd cared about, he would rather endure a thousand more than lose this woman. "Please."

"It is done," Reyes said grimly. "Let us hope her sacrifice was not in vain."

Maddox buried his face in Ashlyn's hair and rocked her in his arms.CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE

Maddox cradled his lover for what seemed an eternity, willing her to awaken. He could not stand the thought of life without her.

Would rather die himself.

Lucien and Reyes hovered behind him, silent.

"Take my spirit to h.e.l.l for eternity," he cried to the heavens. "Anything but this. Bring her back. Let me take her place at death's door."

All eternity? a voice purred. It was not Sabin speaking in his head this time, but a female. Now that's commitment.

He did not hesitate. "Yes. Yes! Forever. All eternity. I cannot live without her. She is everything to me."

I like you, cowboy, I really do.

"Do you hear a woman in your head, too?" Lucien asked, his shock clear.

"Yes," Reyes said with equal bafflement. "Who are you?"

Your new best friend, sugar.

"Help me, then," Maddox pleaded.

Silly immortal. For days I've been breaking the rules-which is kinda a hobby of mine-to help you. Not sure I want to keep it up, though. You and your woman are serious time-consumers.

"Please. Help her, and I'll never need another moment of your time. I swear it. Just give her back to me. Please. Please."

You insulted the big dogs last week. Violence, and I really liked that. Made me sit up and take notice, to be honest Not many people break from the mold anymore, you know? And for a Lord to do it... rockin'! Know why?

"No." And he did not care.

Awesome. Lesson time.

"Ashlyn is-"

Not going anywhere. Now hush it. I need to lay some background so you understand exactly what I'm risking for you.

As he rocked Ashlyn in his arms, he pressed his lips together, fighting his desperation, his urgency.

So anyway, the t.i.tans are in control, the b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, and they totally plan to take the world back to what it was in their heyday. A place of peace, a place of wors.h.i.+p, blah, blah, blah, where humans bow and sacrifice to them, and all that s.h.i.+t. In a few days, two temples will suddenly rise from the sea. You just wait. It will be the beginning of the end, for sure. She paused dramatically. I don't know whether the t.i.ties want you guys dead or not in the big scheme of things, but I do know they plan to use you to get what they want.

"The women. Danika," Reyes said.

Bingo. Something about her bloodline, maybe a prophecy. I'll have to study up 'cause I'm mostly drawing a blank. But Previous Topyou can see my dilemma, right? By helping you, I'm really going to p.i.s.s off the new management.

"Do you wish me to kill them for you?" Maddox rushed out. "I will do it. I will." However much time it took, whatever he had to do. He would find a way.

"Maddox," Lucien warned. "Stop. Before you bring a far worse curse upon our house. She's going to help you. She's just pretending she's got to bargain. Right, G.o.ddess?"

Oh, a Smartie McSmartpants, she purred. You're a s.e.xy one, I'll give you that. She uttered another sigh, dreamy this time, before collecting herself. No time for that. Unfortunately. Like I was saying before, the little woman really impressed me.

I didn't think she'd do it, truth be told. What a show, though, right? Chuckle. If I had bodily functions, I think I would have peed my pants.

"G.o.ddess. Focus. Please."

"Maddox," Lucien warned again.

Anya. My name is Anya. And I'm not, technically, a G.o.ddess myself, just the daughter of one, so stop lumping me in the same category as those j.a.c.k.o.f.fs. Angry sigh now.

"What can I do? Tell me! I will do anything." Maddox thought Anya might have been sucking on a piece of candy, for there was a slurp and a pop and a strawberry and cream breeze.

Your woman gave up her life for yours. Are you willing to do the same? Because you should know, my powers are contingent on others' actions and I can't do anything unless you do. Oh, and there's the little matter of payment.

"Yes. I will sacrifice anything for her." Again, no hesitation. "I will give whatever payment you ask."

There was another sucker-slurping pause. All right, here's the scoop. I've got t.i.tans chasing me down. Don't ask me why.

It's a long story. Anyway, they're hunting me like a freaking animal and have been for, like, days. If I ever come to you for help, you're going to give it. Understand?

"Yes. Anything."

Not just you, sweetness. All of you.

For a moment, neither Lucien nor Reyes responded. Maddox was close to leaping at them and cutting both their throats. Then, "Yes," they said in unison.

Okay, then. A deal is struck. Your woman will wake up, and she'll be bound to you. She'll live as long as you do. Not a bad deal for a mortal, really. But if one of you dies, you both die. Got it?

"Yes, yes."

If you try and renege, know that I'll kill you, which will kill her. Her voice dripped to a sugary hum. I'll cut off your heads and feed them to the G.o.ds on a silver platter.

"I understand. I accept," he said immediately.

One heartbeat pa.s.sed. Another. Then there was a purr of satisfaction and Maddox was suddenly caught up in a whirlwind.

Ashlyn was ripped from his b.l.o.o.d.y arms and he bellowed, reaching for her. She still lay motionless, but her blood seemed to be flowing back into her body.

Maddox was thrown back on the bed and the chains once more banded around him, his wrists and ankles healing in seconds. Reyes and Lucien walked to the center of the room-but they were walking backward.

Time was reversing at an accelerated speed, Maddox realized, shocked. He'd seen many things in his long life, but never this.

Reyes stood in front of Ashlyn, pulling the sword out of her rather than thrusting it in. Rather than falling, she rose.

As suddenly as the whirlwind began, it stopped. Everyone looked around in confusion.

"What happened?" Ashlyn asked, incredulous. "I was dead." She held up her arms, looking them over, then felt her stomach, searching for wounds. "I know I was. I can still feel that blade cutting through my-Oh my G.o.d, Maddox, what did you do? Did the curse reverse, too?"

"That was... I do not have words," Reyes said, frowning. "I stabbed her."

They had all retained their memories of the event, yet as of now the event had not actually happened. "Free me," Maddox shouted. "The chains."

Expression confused, Lucien obeyed.

Maddox leapt to his feet and pulled Ashlyn into his arms, kissing her face and squeezing as tight as he could without crus.h.i.+ng her.

She laughed, then drew back to study him. "But the death-curse-"

"Is broken. I swear it. I feel its ties no more."

Enjoy yourselves, boyz, 'cause now you're free from Maddox's curse, as well, Anya's voice suddenly sang. Don't worry, though. I'm sure your demons will keep you plenty miserable. Just don't forget our deal. Ta-ta for now.

Reyes's body jolted and Lucien's head was thrown back. They shook, their knees gave out and they fell to the ground. Both remained there, panting, for a long while. They looked up at the same time, their eyes meeting.

"I do not have to kill Maddox anymore," Reyes said, awed. "The pull of his death is gone. Gone!"

"The death-curse truly is broken," Lucien said, his tone as close to joyful as Maddox had ever heard it. "Thank you, Ashlyn.

Thank you. You are a remarkable human."

"I'd like to say it was my pleasure," she teased with a grin.

"You died for me," Maddox said, claiming her attention and blocking his friends from his focus. Only one person mattered right now. And he was shocked and overcome and furious at her. "You died for me," he growled.

"I'd do it again," she said. "I love you."

He swung her around and she squealed happily. "Never again, woman. You will never leave me again."


"Reyes, Lucien. You will leave," he said without taking his eyes from Ashlyn.

They quietly exited the room, gifting him and Ashlyn with privacy. Maddox stripped her and kissed her stomach, where she'd been stabbed.

"I need you," she breathed.

And he needed her. Now and always. He penetrated her, unable to stop, and moaned at the pleasure."I love you," he told her, slowly pumping inside her.

"I love you, too." She sighed, her head thras.h.i.+ng from side to side.

"Thank you. For what you did, thank you." No one had ever sacrificed so much for him. "Just... do not ever let yourself be killed again. Understand?"

She laughed, but he stroked her deeply, exactly where she liked and her laugh became a moan. "Then don't get yourself cursed again, my sweet prince."

"Cursed? Love, I have been blessed with a prize beyond measure."

"So have I, Maddox," she said, and they both climaxed. "So have I."

The next afternoon, Lucien called a meeting.

Ashlyn perched on Maddox's lap, happier than she'd ever been. All of her dreams had come true. She could control her ability with thoughts of Maddox and he could stop the voices altogether. True love really did conquer all.

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Lords Of The Underworld - The Darkest Night Part 38 summary

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