The Book Of Good Manners; A Guide To Polite Usage For All Social Functions Part 3

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ASPARAGUS. The stalks may be taken between the finger and the thumb, if they are not too long, or the green end may be cut off and eaten with a fork, off with the knife what is desired from the remaining part.


AFTERNOON AT HOMES. The days for receiving are engraved in the lower left hand corner of the card, with hours specified if one wishes.

No changes should be made in these hours by the hostess unless for exceptional reasons, and she should always be present at the time set.

Unless very intimate, the call should be made only on the specified days.

BACHELORS. It is not customary for a bachelor to use "At Home" cards as a woman does, nor to invite his friends by writing a date and Music at four on his calling-cards in place of an invitation.

DRESS. In the afternoon the caller should wear afternoon dress, and in the evening evening dress.

ACKNOWLEDGING INVITATIONS. Invitations to an ordinary at home need no acknowledgment.

INVITATIONS. Cards for an "At Home" are engraved with the hour for beginning the entertainment--as, Chocolate at 4.30 o'clock.

The invitations to a formal "At Home"

should be sent in two envelopes, but to an ordinary "At Home" in one envelope. For informal affairs the hour may be written on an ordinary "At Home" card.

BACHELORS' DINNERS. They follow the usual custom of formal dinners, and may be as elaborate as desired. Women may be invited. Such dinners are often given for men only.

CALLS. Women do not call upon a bachelor after attending a dinner given by him.

CHAPERONE. If women are present, a married woman as chaperone is indispensable, and her husband must also be invited. The host should call upon the chaperone and personally request the favor.

The chaperone is taken into dinner by the host, unless the latter takes in the woman in whose honor the dinner may be given. In the latter case, the chaperone is seated at the host's left. She gives the signal for the women to leave the dining-room.

All guests should be introduced to the chaperone, and she should be called upon after a short time by the host.

DRESS. All guests wear evening dress.

HOST. The host should call upon the chaperone within a few days after the dinner.

If men only are present, he either precedes or follows the guests into the dining-room, and if he has given the dinner in honor of some man, he has the latter seated at his right. His duties are the same as the host at dinners.

INVITATIONS. These are usually given in brief notes, but may be engraved, and are similar to the regular invitations to dinners, and are treated accordingly.

MEN. The men wear evening dress, and follow the same etiquette as at other dinners.

WOMEN. The women wear evening dress, and follow the same etiquette as at all dinners, except that no calls are made by them afterward upon the host.

BACHELOR'S FAREWELL DINNER. If the groom wishes, he may give a farewell dinner a few evenings before the wedding to his best man, ushers, and a few intimate friends. He sits at the head of the table and the best man opposite, and on this occasion he may give scarf-pins, link cuff-b.u.t.tons--or neckties and gloves, if he wishes--to the best man and ushers.

BACHELORS' LUNCHEONS. These are conducted like BACHELOR'S DINNERS, which see. The one difference is that, should the luncheon be given before 6 P.M., afternoon dress should be worn.


BACHELORS' SUPPERS. These are conducted the same as BACHELOR'S DINNERS, which see.


CHAPERONES. If women are present, a married chaperone is indispensable, who should be the first person invited by personal call.

The chaperone at a small affair pours the tea, and at a large one she receives with the host, and each guest is presented to her.

The host conducts the chaperone to her carriage, and also any other women who may have a.s.sisted her.

DRESS. The hosts and guests wear afternoon dress.

INVITATIONS. These maybe oral, brief notes, or, for a large affair, engraved, and should be sent from three days to a week in advance.

HOST. The host should greet his guests at the door, shaking hands with each one, and introducing to the chaperone those not known to her.

He introduces guests who are strangers to each other, bids them adieu, accompanies the women to the door, and escorts the chaperone to her carriage, and if she has come alone without one, may very properly escort her home.

If at a large reception several women have helped him entertain, he should thank them and see them to their carriages.

He will, of course, see that there is provided a dressing-room for women with a maid to wait upon them, and that the rooms are in good order, well furnished with flowers, and that the refreshments are attended to.


MEN. Afternoon dress is worn.

WOMEN. The invitations, engraved or oral, should be promptly acknowledged.

Women wear dress customary at afternoon teas, and on their entrance should greet the host. Upon departing they take leave of him, though this is not necessary if the reception be a large one.

If a young woman knows that a chaperone is present, she need not have her own chaperone accompany her.

If the chaperone leaves early, she should do likewise.

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The Book Of Good Manners; A Guide To Polite Usage For All Social Functions Part 3 summary

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