ASCE 1193: The Water-Works And Sewerage Of Monterrey, N. L., Mexico Part 11

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"23. * * * There are also many cases in which crude sewage has been pa.s.sed over land, but the evidence shows that land treatment of crude sewage is liable to give rise to nuisance by the acc.u.mulation of solids on the surface of the land. Moreover, in some cases these solids are apt to form an impervious layer, which interferes with the aeration of the soil, and so impairs the efficiency of the treatment."

"31. * * * At that time it was claimed that the septic tank possessed the following, among other, advantages:

"That it solved the sludge difficulty, inasmuch as practically all the organic solid matter was digested in the tank.

"That it destroyed any pathogenic organisms which there might be in the sewage."

"32. As regards the first of these claims, it is now clearly established that, in practice, all the organic solids are not digested by septic tanks, and that the actual amount of digestion varies to some extent with the character of the sewage, the size of the tanks relative to the volume treated, and the frequency of cleansing."

"At Huddersfield, Mr. Campbell estimated that about 38 per cent.

of the solids were converted into gas or digested; * * * while at Birmingham, Messrs. Watson and O'Shaughnessy say that the figures available indicated a digestion of not more than 10 per cent. of the suspended matter entering the tanks."

"33. As regards the second claim, we find as a result of a very large number of observations that the sewage issuing from the septic tanks is, bacteriologically, almost as impure as the sewage entering the tanks."

Messrs. Winslow and Phelps, in their interesting paper, "Investigations on the Purification of Boston Sewage,"[8] quote a suggestion made by Stoddart (1905):

[8] Water Supply and Irrigation Paper No. 185, p. 125.

"He finds, in a septic tank of several compartments, a considerable deposit of sludge in the first compartment, giving a fairly clear supernatant liquid, which in the last chamber of all undergoes a secondary decomposition, leading to the throwing down of an additional precipitate of offensive sludge."

What took place in the case referred to by Stoddart corresponds to the author's observations of the liquid leaving the tanks in a clarified condition, but the secondary decomposition must take place in some manner, and, when it does, a nuisance seems to be unavoidable where no provision is made to care for it.

In view of the experience of others, some further treatment seems to be necessary. Such treatment should include disinfection, as no method of disposal yet devised has succeeded in reducing materially the pathogenic germs usually to be found in sewage and tank effluents.

If the crops to be irrigated are to be eaten, uncooked, by mankind, then disinfection at least is imperative.

GEORGE S. BINCKLEY, M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).--Mr. Conway's admirable paper is of special interest to the writer, as the entire general design of the system, as well as the extensive hydrological studies and final selection of the sources of water supply, was completed during 1906 through the joint labors of the writer, as Chief Engineer, and James D.

Schuyler, M. Am. Soc. C. E., as Consulting Engineer.

In this work, Mr. Schuyler and the writer had the rare privilege of dealing from its inception with the problem of designing a complete and somewhat extensive system of water supply and drainage, unhampered by any existing works to which the new systems would have to be adapted. It would probably be difficult to find in the United States a city of 85,000 inhabitants, previously totally lacking either a water supply or sewerage system, which, under a consistent and harmonious design, has been provided with both in the degree of completeness and structural excellence exemplified in the works at Monterrey.

The few important changes or amplifications made in the original design, and the manner in which its detail has been executed is naturally most interesting to the writer, and this excellent paper should be of very substantial value, particularly to engineers engaged on similar work in Mexico or Spanish America.

The very novel construction method adopted by Mr. Conway in the roofing of the South or Guadalupe Reservoir, seems to the writer rather to invite criticism, and the fact that in the subsequent construction of the roof over the rectangular Obispado Reservoir the customary monolithic concrete construction was apparently reverted to after experience with the separate-unit plan previously used, would indicate that Mr. Conway reached the same conclusion.

The original design of the circular Guadalupe Reservoir contemplated just about the same arrangement of columns and roof support as that actually used, but the writer had expected that the columns would be cast in place, and that the system of primary and secondary beams would be filled at the same time as, and integral with, the roof slab, the reinforcement being placed in accordance with what may be described as conventional practice.

The writer believes that the efficiency of the concrete and steel placed in this manner would be notably higher than under the system actually adopted, which, in effect, is pretty much the same as constructing the supporting system of units of cut stone. If, with all the elements of structural weakness involved in the multiplicity of mortised joints, discontinuous reinforcement, etc., this construction is strong enough, it would seem that an important reduction in the dimensions of the members could have been effected by monolithic construction and continuous reinforcement, without sacrifice of strength.

The comparison, in Table 7, of the costs of these two reservoirs, is interesting, but very moderately illuminating, as the comparative unit cost of the most important element in their construction--the concrete--is not given. The total excavation cost for each reservoir is practically the same, and the general expense, engineering, and cost of fittings and accessories presumably so, but the total cost of the Guadalupe Reservoir as given is $19,000 (pesos) in excess of that of the Obispado Reservoir, while, in the latter, there were 756 cu. m. more concrete. This certainly indicates a much higher cost of concrete per unit as laid in the South (Guadalupe) Reservoir. An actual comparison of the cost per unit of concrete laid under the two systems would be instructive.

The writer is interested to observe that the same system of sub-drainage used by him in the construction of the reservoir for the provisional supply of water from San Geronimo, has been used by the author in the Obispado Reservoir. This arrangement of drains under the floor of the reservoir at San Geronimo was devised as a safeguard against damage to the lining through the acc.u.mulation of water inside the impervious bank against its back.

It was realized that, in such a climate as that of Monterrey, perfect water-tightness of the lining might be difficult to secure or maintain, and, if leaks existed, a sudden draft on the contents of the reservoir might result in serious damage through the static pressure exerted against the lining of the sides or upward thrust against the floor. In the writer's opinion, such a system of drains is an important element, as not alone the fact but the quant.i.ty of leakage may be determined, and danger of saturation of the supporting bank avoided--a matter of importance where, as is sometimes the case, the material of such a bank is unfit to resist the effects of saturation. The author does not state whether or not this safeguard was omitted in the Guadalupe Reservoir. Incidentally, however, the matter of saturation of the bank is not important in either reservoir, as the material of which these banks are constructed is such that settlement or failure through saturation is out of the question. It may be remarked, however, that in fixing the angle of the sides of the Guadalupe Reservoir at 60 the writer contemplated the same system of constructing the bank as he used in that of the San Geronimo Reservoir. In this case, the bank was built up by spreading the material in thin layers, wetting down, and rolling and puddling by the pa.s.sage of the ox-carts used for the transportation of the material, the wheels of the carts, and especially the cloven hoofs of the animals, producing a most excellent effect. The inside slope was built up in this fas.h.i.+on to a much lower angle, and with a top width considerably in excess of the finished dimensions. The excess material was then picked off to the line, and exactly to the slope. Thus the finished slope presented a surface which was compacted to a degree impossible to attain at or near the surface of the bank as built, and presenting a support of the best possible character for the concrete lining and coping.

V. SAUCEDO, a.s.sOC. M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).--The author's description of the water-works and sewerage of Monterrey, one of the most extensive schemes in Mexico, will be of general interest to engineers, especially those engaged in hydraulic and sanitary problems. The writer, having been connected with the works for four years, knows the local conditions well, and presents herewith some complementary data on what he considers an important feature, the subject of floods, mentioned by the author on different occasions, especially as certain developments in the works show the importance of such occurrences as a factor in designing.

Abnormal rainfalls of long duration and high intensity are common in the semi-arid region of Mexico. They come at irregular intervals, though tending to coincide with the early fall. The floods of August, 1909, were a repet.i.tion of similar occurrences in the past; and, though there are no numerical records of previous cases, local traditions and historical state doc.u.ments describe them as having occurred since the foundation of the city, at intervals of from 15 to 40 years. The graphic descriptions of the places flooded are in accord with the character of the floods of August, 1909, and September, 1910.

The diagram, Fig. 21, is a record of the rainfall during the latter flood, and was plotted from intermittent readings of standard gauges. It demonstrates that the intensity increased toward the mountains on the south, which form the tributary water-shed of the Santa Catarina River, showing a difference of 10.54 in. between the city and the Estanzuela Dam, which is not quite 12 miles to the southeast.


An estimate of the volume of discharge of the river at the time of maximum flood is only a reasonable conjecture which (without special reference to accuracy) aims to impress those who have not witnessed such occurrences with the tremendous volume coming from barren steep surfaces previously saturated.

The original computation, referred to by the author, was obtained from the average of two different methods which gave results close to each other.

In one method the extent and nature of the water-shed were considered, together with the maximum period of precipitation that occurred, sufficient to gather a maximum volume of water in the river. In the other method the volume was derived from a cross-section of the wetted perimeter of the river at the time of maximum flow, in combination with velocity approximations obtained by using rough floats. This gave 271,500 cu. ft.

per sec. The figure submitted by the author, 235,000 cu, ft. per sec., is in accord with the proposed formula[9] for impervious surfaces by C. E.

Gregory, M. Am. Soc. C. E. In the first and last methods, the intensity, a governing factor, is more or less of an a.s.sumption, and the cross-sectional method is also unreliable, as the river-bed was greatly disturbed, due to the high velocity of the water, which deepens the channel to a considerable extent at times of maximum flood, the gravels being redeposited during the period of subsidence. Such was the case during the flood of September, 1910, when the depth of gravel above the roof of the San Geronimo Infiltration Gallery was diminished to such an extent that it was so inefficient as a filter for the flood as to permit the percolation of turbid water into the underground supply.

[9] _Transactions_. Am. Soc. C. E., Vol. LVIII. p. 458.

During the floods of August, 1909, Shafts Nos. 2 and 3 were damaged beyond repair, and sand and gravel, entering through them, blocked up the gallery to within about 150 ft. of Shaft No. 1. The interior timbering probably collapsed, due to cavings and disturbance in the river-bed during the period of maximum flood, but no explorations have been possible on account of the great quant.i.ty of water still coming through (at present more than 650 liters per sec.). For this reason the work of driving the gallery, as well as lining Shaft No. 1, has been suspended.


[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE x.x.xI, FIG. 1.--FLUSH-TANK CARRIED DOWN BY FLOOD OF AUGUST 27TH-28TH, 1909.]




On reaching the city, the flood of August, 1909, swept away two streets adjoining the river. These streets had been built on made ground, in what was originally the river-bed. The sewers and water mains laid in them were destroyed entirely, and some 460 ft. of the 24-in. cast-iron pipe, buried under the river-bed at a depth of 8 ft., were carried away. In relaying this portion of the main, and for protecting the remainder of it across the river, it is now proposed to encase it in a solid rubble concrete block, 8 ft. square, which will impart weight and stability against the scouring effect of floods.

The South Reservoir is circular in shape, with an interior diameter of 165.68 ft. at the top, and is partly excavated in the ground and partly completed by an embankment of vast proportions (Fig. 10). Right after the flood of August, 1909, a wet spot appeared on the northeastern toe of the embankment, and it was supposed for some time that it was the effect of the saturation produced by the preceding rains, but, as it persisted for several months, it was obvious that its origin was in the interior of the reservoir, which was emptied when the writer took charge of the work. The first inspection revealed a horizontal crack in the concrete lining, about 310 ft. long and extending about 153 around the circ.u.mference on the north side. Throughout its length it coincided with the line of cut and fill. Vertical cracks, coinciding with the panel points in the lining, had also developed, and extended from the main horizontal crack to the roof.

The circ.u.mstances originating this development can be conjectured by considering the position of the main crack, its characteristic features, and the conditions that preceded its formation. The coincidence of the crack with the joint of cut and fill, points to this line as a source of danger. An examination showed, besides, that the fracture was clean and sharp, ranging in thickness from a hair line at the ends to 3/16 in. at the center, and that its upper border projected over the lower one perceptibly, a proof that horizontal motion had taken place. The vertical cracks were a secondary effect, the consequence of the displacement immediately after it was scoured. A fracture was discovered in the floor of the reservoir. It started at the center and branched out into two diverging lines in a radial direction.

The circ.u.mstance of two abnormal rainfalls, giving 35 in. in 9 days, the precipitation being concentrated in two periods, not far apart, of 42 hours and 98 hours, respectively (Fig. 4), together with lack of provision for shedding the water from the roof of the reservoir and from the surrounding embankment, lead to the inference that the latter became saturated, increasing thereby in weight and decreasing in stability, especially in its steep inner face. A settlement and the consequent horizontal displacement, under these conditions, was natural. The concrete lining, only 16 in. thick at that height, was not sufficient to sustain the resulting strain, and the main fracture developed, permitting the stored-up water to leak into the bank. In time this seepage found its way under the bottom of the reservoir, softening the ground and producing a slight settlement which caused the crack in the floor. Had under-drainage been provided, as at the Obispado Reservoir, the actual conditions would have been noticed earlier. However, as the embankment is of vast proportions, stable in itself to sustain with a large margin of safety the weight of the stored-up water, there was no actual danger of failure, except for the fact that the material forming the structure, on account of its calcareous nature, is dissolved by water. Long exposure to this condition would, in time, open pa.s.sages in the embankment, and it is certain that there would be cavings in its interior.

The necessary grouting has been done, and provision is being made for water-proofing the interior of the reservoir and shedding the water from the roof and from the embankment, thus relieving the structure of the consequent strain.

Another place in the works where floods have had a damaging effect is the Estanzuela intake basin, which, when the dam was completed, was filled to the overflow level in order to test its water-tightness. As this basin, when cleaned, was found to be slightly fissured on the north side, it was decided to line it with concrete. As shown in Fig. 8, the lining does not cover its entire area, but only the central portion, leaving a strip on either side without protection. The flood of September, 1910, coming in greater volume than the previous ones of August, 1909, in pa.s.sing through the narrow gorge at the entrance, undermined the lining in those places where it was not founded on solid rock. Figs. 1, 2, and 3, Plate x.x.xIII, show some of the damage caused by this flood. The buoyant effect of the water and the impact of large rolling boulders caused fractures all over the surface, and lifted the concrete lining bodily; but the dam proper, being founded on rock bottom, did not suffer any injury. In the future, in order to avoid the seepage of the ordinary supply, alluded to by the author, the water will be carried to the valve-house in an open rubble concrete channel, lined with cement mortar and built high up against the western hillside. The remainder of the basin will be paved with large boulders.




In conclusion, the writer wishes to emphasize the point that, notwithstanding the severity of the test, relatively small damage was inflicted on the extensive works carried out under the author's design and direction. A test so severe that it caused serious damage and immense losses in the entire region, was.h.i.+ng away kilometers of railroad track and destroying practically all the bridges within reach of the flood, is an occurrence of paramount importance, and should be remembered as a leading factor in the design of engineering works.

GEORGE T. HAMMOND, M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).--In a country, such as that described in this paper, where water is valuable, and a shortage is at times possible, where the majority of the population is very poor, and water and sewage discharge are both to be paid for on a basis of volume, the question of the expected quant.i.ty of daily water supply and sewage flow per capita is of primary importance. This question, notwithstanding its difficulty, should be given a first place in the studies for water-works and sewerage projects, and should never be lost sight of in the design, which should be such that, while proper for the expected future flow for a reasonable time, should also be proper and economical for conditions which at present obtain and may change but slowly.

It is desirable, of course, to get as much capacity in works as one can for the outlay, but there are instances where one can get too much for the money, as where a larger pipe than is necessary is used for a sewer, merely because it costs about the same as a smaller one, and as a result the cost of maintenance is permanently increased.

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ASCE 1193: The Water-Works And Sewerage Of Monterrey, N. L., Mexico Part 11 summary

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