Hometown Heartbreakers: Holly And Mistletoe Part 14

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Between her legs the first flicker of awareness sparked to life. A heaviness filled her, and she pressed her thighs tightly together to hold all the feelings inside.

He returned his attention to her mouth again. This time she kissed him back. She moved her lips against his. Oddly enough it was getting more difficult to breathe. She relaxed her fingers and held on to his shoulders. The hand on her back began to stroke up and down, while the one on her hip squeezed and kneaded.

Then he did the most amazing thing. He touched her lower lip with his tongue. Her breath caught in her throat, and all her attention focused on that tiny damp spot on her sensitized skin.

She didn't know what to do. She'd read about that kind of kissing in books, of course. She knew that other people did it. But she'd never imagined she would have the chance to experience it herself. There was something faintly wicked about the thought. Delightfully wicked.

When he stroked her a third time, she knew he wanted her to open her mouth. She wanted it, but it seemed too bold and flagrant. As if she were begging him to kiss her. Confusion settled on her like a blanket. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't think.

"You're thinking too much," Jordan murmured.

She jerked back in shock and stared at him. "How can you read my mind?"

He opened his eyes, exposing dilated pupils and a hungry expression. "I don't have to. Your body gives you away. You're too scared to relax. It's just a kiss, Holly. It can't be your first one." He smiled at the thought.

"Of course not," she said, reminding herself technically it wasn't a lie. There had been that kiss when she was fifteen. Even if it hadn't been anything like this, it still counted.

He cupped her face in his hands. "You're lovely," he said, then slid his fingers into her hair. She wore it in a loose French braid, and he wove through the strands, ma.s.saging her scalp and making her want to moan with pleasure.

"I'm not at all lovely," she said. "I'm-"

She never got to finish her sentence. He swooped down and kissed her. Before she could press her lips primly together, he'd slipped inside.

At the first touch of his tongue on the inside of her lower lip, her body froze. As he brushed the tip of her tongue with his, her heart stopped. She'd expected to like kissing him; she hadn't expected to be moved to another dimension.

He circled her, stroked her, teased her. Sensations filled her being. The feel of him, the textures, the sweet taste, the heat, the closeness. One hand continued to stroke her hair and scalp. The other dropped back to her hip. But this time, instead of staying still, it slipped around and cupped her behind.

There was too much to think about, too much to experience. She would perish from sensory overload. She would perish if he ever stopped.

He continued to kiss her, so she continued to live. Gradually he withdrew his tongue. She waited for him to return. When he did, it was just to tease, then escape. They played that game several times before she realized he wanted her to follow him.

The concept should have overwhelmed her. Instead, she found herself eager for the experience. This was her first adult kiss, and she was determined to enjoy every minute of it.

She did to him as he'd done to her. She slipped into his mouth, pausing to taste his bottom lip. He felt unfamiliar but exciting. She wanted more. She continued forward and touched his tongue with hers. They began a sensual dance that made her skin burn and her blood heat.

Before, her mind had raced as she tried to figure out what she should be focusing on. Now she couldn't think at all. She could only drift along on a current of need and excitement.

So this was pa.s.sion, she thought as he drew her closer and her b.r.e.a.s.t.s flattened against the hard plane of his chest. This was desire. This was s.e.x.

Jordan moaned low in his throat. She wondered if everything felt as good to him as it did to her. He must have kissed hundreds of women. She probably didn't measure up at all. But she couldn't find it in herself to care. All she wanted was for the moment to go on forever.

But eventually it had to stop. Jordan broke away, then rested his forehead against hers and stared into her eyes. They were both breathing heavily.

He gave her a crooked smile, then brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Amazing," he murmured, his voice thick and husky.

"You think so?" she asked, hoping he wasn't just being kind. The kiss had been a miracle for her, but she didn't have anything to compare it to.

"I know it was." Some of the light faded from his eyes. "I'm sorry, Holly. I shouldn't have done that."

Sorry? Because it was so hideous? She straightened and tried to pull away. His left arm was still around her, and he didn't release her.

"Wait a minute," he said. "I'm not sorry I kissed you, I'm sorry that it might have scared you away. I want you to come stay here. If you agree, I don't want you worried that I'm going to be attacking you. I can control myself."

She blinked several times, but none of it made sense. "You didn't scare me," she said finally. "I know you wouldn't, well, you know, do anything bad." She could feel the heat creeping up her cheeks, and she ducked her head. "I trust you."

d.a.m.n. Jordan stared at Holly and didn't know if he should be flattered or take off in the opposite direction. She trusted him. Great. Right now he was hard and hot from wanting her, and he didn't feel like being n.o.ble. But he would be because she was innocent. It was unlikely that Holly was actually a virgin, but she was the next-closest thing. He hadn't been sure before, but he was now. Her kiss had been tentative. At least at first.

Just thinking about her shy foray into his mouth made him want to bed her right here. If he'd had the strength, he might have hauled her next to him. But he was battered and sore, so she was going to escape unscathed. Just as well for both of them. He liked Holly. He didn't want to screw up her life. Or worse, destroy it. And that's what would happen. He knew the dangers of getting involved. He knew the price everyone paid. He didn't want that for her, and he wouldn't risk it again for himself.

He released her, and she half turned away from him. Her spine was straight, and her hands rested neatly in her lap. But he knew she was still aroused. He could see it in the outline of her nipples through her bra and blouse, and hear it in her still-rapid breathing. She'd wanted him. The thought both frustrated and aroused him.

"You never agreed to stay," he said.

She glanced at him. Her blue eyes darkened with confusion. "Jordan, I-"

The front door opened, and the sound of familiar voices filled the house.

"Where do you think he's keeping himself?" a man asked.

"In the study," a woman answered. "He didn't want to deal with the stairs."

Holly stood up. "Who are those people?"

"My family. At least part of them." He leaned back and grinned. "This will teach you to keep the front door locked."

She looked around, as if searching for an escape. It was too late. Kyle Haynes, Jordan's younger brother, walked in. He had that d.a.m.n cat in his arms.

Kyle glanced from Jordan to Holly and back. He raised his eyebrows and grinned. "In here, guys. I found something very interesting."

Chapter 6.

H olly stared at the man in front of her. He looked a lot like Jordan, but there were subtle differences. The stranger had similar features, and he was nearly as good-looking, but his smile was all wrong. Jordan's made her feel as if she were on a roller coaster, while this man's didn't make her feel anything.

"You might as well take a seat," Jordan told her. "They're going to be here for a while."

"They're staying? Then I should leave."

"No. Don't do that. You're going to have to meet them eventually." If you stay here. That was the unspoken part of the sentence.

Her head was spinning. Too much had happened too quickly. His offer, their kiss.

The kiss. The kiss that had filled her body with an incredible need she still didn't understand. Jordan had changed her with just his touch. It was as if he'd disa.s.sembled her being, then put her back together, but with everything in a slightly different place. She felt confused and unable to deal with what was happening.

"Holly," he said quietly, "come here for a second." He patted the side of the bed.

She moved closer but didn't sit down. She could hear more voices in the hallway. How many of them were there and what were they going to say when they found her in Jordan's bedroom? She couldn't even rely on the truth to see her through. They had been doing something. Something very intimate. What if their visitors could tell?

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Hometown Heartbreakers: Holly And Mistletoe Part 14 summary

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