Hometown Heartbreakers: Holly And Mistletoe Part 22

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"Thanks for stopping by," Holly said, then motioned around the store. "Are you looking for anything in particular, or do you want to browse?"

Rebecca glanced at her husband. "You want to run for the hills, don't you?"

Austin s.h.i.+fted his weight from foot to foot. "Too much girl stuff. And it smells weird in here."

Holly laughed. "Most men feel that way. If you head toward the back and through the room with the furniture, you'll find an alcove with coffee, a couple of chairs and a TV. Most of the husbands hide out there."

"Go on," Rebecca urged. "I want to get some decorations for the house and have a chat with Holly."

Austin looked at his wife for a moment. Holly saw a flash of love so bright, it nearly brought tears to her eyes. He touched Rebecca's face. The tender gesture was at odds with his dark and dangerous appearance. Then he turned and headed for the back room.

Rebecca stared after him. "I know what you're thinking. I used to picture him as a pirate and wish he'd kidnap me and hide me on his desert island. But behind that tough exterior is a very gentle man."

"If you say so," Holly murmured, wondering how someone as innocent looking as Rebecca had tamed such a hard man. She pushed the thought from her mind. "Do you want something particular for your house?"

Rebecca tilted her head. "Elizabeth told me your wreaths were beautiful. I'd like a couple for the foyer. And maybe some ornaments for the tree."

"The wreaths are on all the walls. Everything I have is out. Do you have a particular theme? I have angel wreaths, toy wreaths, some with fruit, plain, fancy, whatever you're looking for."

Rebecca laughed. "I'm not organized enough to have a theme. I just want something pretty." She glanced around at the crowded store. "You've got plenty of other customers. Go ahead and help them while I look around."

Holly saw a couple heading for the cash register, so she excused herself. For the next half hour she rang up purchases and wrapped delicate ornaments. Then the crowd faded. Holly saw Rebecca talking to another couple. Even if they hadn't introduced themselves, she would have recognized the man as pure Haynes. He had the tall, dark good looks of all the brothers. There was a bit of gray at his temples, a few more lines, so Holly guessed he was the oldest. She was right. Craig and his pet.i.te redheaded wife, Jill, were in town for a few days.

Rebecca saw her and motioned her over. "Have you met these two?"

Holly nodded. "They introduced themselves when they first came in." She smiled at Jill. "When's the baby due?"

Jill touched her rounding belly. "May. I wish it were tomorrow. I remind myself she'll be worth it, but the waiting is hard."

"I remember how that feels," Rebecca said. "Are the boys excited about getting a sister?"

"Very," Jill said. "Danny is so thrilled he won't be the youngest anymore." She leaned against her husband, who wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Holly ignored the flicker of envy that filled her, Holidays were the worst, she told herself. Since her mother had died, she'd really felt alone at Christmas. But soon it would be the first of the year, and everything would return to normal.

"You had the test to determine gender?" Holly asked.

Craig and his wife exchanged a glance. "Not exactly," Jill said. "It's sort of a family thing."

"There hadn't been a girl born to the Haynes family in four generations," Craig said. "I'm one of four brothers, my father is one of six and so on. We figured we couldn't have girls."

Rebecca brushed her long dark hair off her shoulder and smiled. "Then Travis married Elizabeth, and they had a girl. Everyone was stunned. Next Kyle and Sandy had a daughter. Jordan is the one who came up with the theory."

"What theory?" Holly asked.

Jill sighed. "It's very romantic. Haynes men have a daughter when they're in love. If they're not, they just have boys."

"So if you want to have a boy, you have to have a fight first?" Holly asked.

Craig chuckled. "I don't think that would work. We'd still be in love. So Jill's convinced it's a girl. So far, the ultrasound is proving the theory correct. I guess we'll find out in May."

"Not being married to one of the Haynes brothers," Rebecca said, "I'm free to have a child of either gender."

Holly wondered if the theory was true. But that didn't make sense. There were four brothers. Did that mean their father had never loved their mother? She thought about asking, then figured this wasn't the time. Maybe later she would discuss it with Jordan.

Craig and Jill had completed their shopping. Holly rang up their purchases, then wrapped everything. Craig collected the packages.

"Louise has our phone number," he said. "Call us if you need anything."

Jill gave her a quick hug, then laughed when Holly bent to avoid her belly. "I know, I'm getting bigger every day. I'm so pleased Jordan's found you."

Holly didn't know what to say. She walked to the front door and held it open. When they were gone, she turned and saw Rebecca leaning on the counter staring at her.

"Is something wrong?" Holly asked, touching a hand to her hair and hoping she hadn't smudged her cheek.

"No. Everything is exactly right. I had wondered what it was about you that Jordan liked. Now I understand."

Holly felt herself flush. She glanced around the store and was relieved when she realized most of the customers had left. There were a few browsing in the other rooms but she and Rebecca were the only people up front.

"He doesn't exactly like me." Hmm, that wasn't right. "What I mean is we're just friends. I'm staying with him to help him fix the house."

Rebecca raised her eyebrows. "So you are living together. Elizabeth told me you were, but I didn't believe her. Imagine Jordan letting a woman into his house."

"But it's not like that."

"Then why are you blus.h.i.+ng?"

"Because I-" Holly clamped her mouth shut. She was only making it worse.

Rebecca shook her head. "I'm teasing you, Holly, and I shouldn't. I was just as tongue-tied when I was first around Austin. There's something about the men they grow here. I wish I could tell you it gets better, but it doesn't. Austin still has the power to make me feel clumsy and foolish, but he's too sweet to use it. Instead, he makes me feel beautiful and loved."

The sharp jab of envy returned, this time stabbing a little deeper. Holly wouldn't mind feeling that way once in a while. But it wasn't to be. She'd chosen her path a long time ago. Love required trust, and too many people had let her down for her to ever take that leap of faith again.

She glanced out the front window and saw Craig tenderly helping his pregnant wife into the car. Concern and affection filled every gesture. She wished it could have been different for herself. She wanted too much.

"But it's not like that," Holly said as she walked to the counter. "We really are just friends." And sometimes she wasn't sure about that. So many things confused her. The way his kiss had made her feel, the pa.s.sion - at least, she thought it was pa.s.sion - that had flared between them. Her embarra.s.sment when he'd pointed out how much she touched him while he was ill, then the gentle way he'd tried to make her feel better. She still remembered the feel of his arms around her. She didn't know what to think.

Rebecca stretched out her arm and rested her hand on top of Holly's. "I'm teasing you, and that's not fair. I know how difficult it is in the beginning. The family is overwhelming."

"But wonderful. Everyone has come in to buy things. Even you and Austin." Holly frowned. "He's really not related?"

Rebecca shook her head. "They all met when Austin and Travis were in junior high. Austin was a bully, but the Haynes family gave him a place to belong. It's what those brothers do best."

She glanced around as if checking to make sure they were alone, then lowered her voice conspiratorially. "I'll tell you a secret. They didn't grow up in a very happy home, and they learned early on to depend only on each other. They all wanted a loving wife and family, but it seemed beyond them. They tried relations.h.i.+ps and failed. Each of them gave up, resigned to living alone. But they were wrong." Rebecca smiled. "First Travis found Elizabeth, then Kyle courted Sandy. Just last year Jill dropped into Craig's life. It's not that the Haynes brothers didn't know how to love - it's that they hadn't met the right woman."

Holly backed up a step. "I'm not the right woman."

Rebecca studied her for a moment. "Too bad, because you'll never find another man like Jordan or another family like this one. They'll take you in and love you until you never have to be afraid again."

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Hometown Heartbreakers: Holly And Mistletoe Part 22 summary

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