Enlightened. Part 8

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Thorne flashes her a big toothy grin. "Yes ma'am, I was there picking up a few things. Amber, if you're not staying over with Jessie, I'll give you a ride home. I owe you a ride."

What's he up to? I can practically feel Amber willing her thoughts to me.

Amber audibly swallows, her feather on her eyelash is giving away her trembling. "That's cool. Did you get a car?"

"It's my uncle's; he said I could use it at night."

Grandma and I share a knowing look. Amber the snarky teenage girl is getting soft on us.

Chapter 14. Raine.

I rode home from school with Caleb to his house. We stopped at a bakery and picked up a gazzilion cupcakes that we'd ordered the day before. Grandma and Mr Gabe were already getting things ready for tonight. The first week is finally over, and hopefully I wouldn't meet any other supernatural being. Be careful what you wish for, or so I'm told.

Amber had been on cloud nine all day. Somehow she convinced Thorne that her paralyzed dad was going to work on her Jeep tonight. My suspicion of him is the broken heart he will leave her with. What's the point of wasting time with someone you're not bonded with? Amber told me she doesn't have to be boyfriendless to find her bonded person. My thoughts are it is an excuse to be where I'm at, without causing suspicion.

A person I didn't expect to see is Miss Raine. She's with Mr Gabe setting out a veggie tray and ranch dressing. Everyone knows everything is better with ranch dressing.

"Hi Miss Raine, I didn't know you'd be here."

"This is a excellent opportunity for me to teach you the ways of the Light Tamer, without a bunch of rules around the way I teach it. You'll learn more in two hours tonight, then you've learned in one week at the school. Mrs. Ward is a warden of the rules, and it is her way or the highway. Those same rules do not apply to us in a meeting outside of the school. Would you mind helping me set up a table in the den?" She took a breath and smiled at me. In her special way, she is more relaxed, and that is being generous. Okay, maybe she isn't as uptight as she usually is. She still made me nervous though.

I'm helping Miss Raine set up a table. Amber sent a text that she is picking up some chicken nuggets from Filet of Chicken. Do you need her to pick up anything? I thought to Caleb.

Is she wound tight?

No, not as severe as she is at school. I love you, I can't wait to have some alone time.

Ah, I love you too beautiful. Alone time, hmmm, you, me and moonlight bouncing off the river. If you could see the images in my head, you might run out of here screaming.

I felt heat rus.h.i.+ng to my face as I tried to figure out what his imagination was doing. I look up, taking note that Miss Raine is looking at me like I have six eyes. Rats! I gotta go, she can tell I'm talking to you. "I found a white tablecloth for the table."

"That should work." She looked away from me, as if she knew she interrupted a private moment between Caleb and I.

We loaded the table with the goodies from the bakery and plastic ware. Her decorating skills on a table for teenagers is pretty awesome. Just about the time we finished she asked if I'd go sit and talk with her for a few minutes. No, you kinda freak me out. "Yeah, of course," I said and smiled sweetly. I asked Mr Gabe if we could borrow the FROG for a few minutes to have a one on one with Miss Raine. Sadly, he said yes.

"I make you a little nervous don't I? You have nothing to worry about Jessie, we're on the same side. The fact that you're an original Tamer is incredible. The odds of us having one in our own backyard, is about seven million to one."

"If I'm the last one, wouldn't it be greater odds? If we're going to put numbers with it, shouldn't we make it accurate?"

"Regardless of the number, I'm thrilled you're here. I'm worried that your training is lagging a little. You're much more advanced at your skill then you realize. Your aura glows with power."

"It does? Did Mrs. Ward show you one of her aura photos of me or something?" She shook her head no. "How do you know all of this?"

"It's part of what I do. I'm a variation of your species, and I'm gifted with special healing powers."

Species, really? Like we're zoo animals. She rubs me the wrong way. I wonder if there are any teachers at the school that are just normal people. The kind that a.s.signs homework and wears therapeutic shoes.

Miss Raine smiled, and a calm rushed over me. "Jessie, can you feel that the atmosphere changed in here?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I guess. Did you do something to calm my nerves?" Like valium my b.u.t.t so you can do some hocus pocus magic.

A smile lit up her face. "Very good, yes I did. I want to show you how to calm a room. You'll find it easier, if you're calm yourself. If you're put into a compromising situation, use this ability. It's one of those skills that get better with practice."

"Not that I'm trying to rush you or anything, but the company will be here in two hours." Drama much?

She turns to look at me, her hands clasped together. Her aura blends with the light that spewed from the window behind her. Something inside me tells me to trust her, but I can tell she's going to hold out on me. I'm a kid, everything is on a need-to-know basis. "Come closer."

I stand to walk over to her, my shoe catches and I stumble. I stop in front of her feeling a little gawky and a lot nervous.

"Jessie, put your hands straight out in front of you." I did as I was told. "Now, close your eyes and concentrate on the light in the room. Imagine the light being pulled into you. Keep calm and harness your ability."

I ruminate about the light and my hands start to warm up. I opened my eyes, and to my dismay, a ball of light is resting in the palms of my hand.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"I did this by thinking? How incredible. What do I do with it?" I locked eyes with her, and I suddenly felt her smile. Not just see it, I feel it. "Woa, what happened?"

"You tapped into my essence."

"Oh c.r.a.p, I'm sorry. I didn't take any light from you did I?"

"No, I'm not a Light Tamer, I'm a healer. We're totally different. If I'd been a Tamer, it still wouldn't be anything to worry about. Tapping into the essence is another way of connecting with the subject. You can tap into anyone, if you lock eyes with them. The down side is they can tap into you too. Typically it won't be anything to worry about."

"Typically, isn't a word that describes my life right now."

"True, before you lose your concentration, I want you to push the light ball into me."


"Here, I'll hold my hand out. Now take the light and hold your hand under mine, and then push up until we are holding hands."

As our hands touched, the light flowed from my fingers into hers. "Incredible! What just happened?"

"That, is your healing power. Yours is strong. Have you been light headed and faint frequently?"

So there is a reason for all of the fainting lately. "Yes, I have. Is that bad?"

"Because you're so powerful, you're drawing light from everywhere. The buildup needs to be released. You need to heal something or someone. You can touch a person and heal their broken heart, or if someone is in a cast you can heal their bone. You can touch strangers to release some light, it will keep you from becoming over stimulated with power." She pauses for a second before continuing her talk. "The possibilities are endless. You need to harness your light and begin healing with it. This is astounding news. We'll have to hide you when you graduate. They will hunt you like a fatty at an all you can eat food bar fighting for the last dinner roll." (Holy cannoli she just made a joke.) "Your life will never be the same. Caleb is a bonus; the two of you will do extraordinary things. It's fascinating your dad didn't try to take your light. Not that I think he would do it to be bad, please don't get me wrong. He and I used to be friends before you were born. Lydia and I were friends too. She was fun to be around, always a smile and a joke. Your dad and she weren't romantically involved, but they loved each other with their souls. Your dad had told her that he was going to ask your mom out. She thought your mom would be perfect for him. Lydia and your mom took tennis lessons together in middle school."

"I didn't know my mom knew her. I know it sounds too early, but I love Caleb and I know it's love. Like is too mediocre of a word to describe how I feel. How could my dad feel this way and be in a *just friends' relations.h.i.+p? Is that common with Tamers?"

"All that are bound would pay the ultimate price to protect their mate, regardless of friends or lovers."

I blush at the word lovers, it sounds cheesy.

"This is a quick and easy way to force out good vibes to a room. Mentally close your eyes and imagine a blue light emitting from your core. Will peace and comfort to the room. It might be harder to do to a room of people. You get one person pumped up for chaos, and they fuel the room with their vibes. You're powerful enough to soothe that energy down. If you need some help, teach your friends how to do it and together it shouldn't be a problem." She takes a look at her watch and taps it lightly. "Only an hour left, I'll let you go finish up. Tonight, you need to keep your light honed in, it's rippling through you. I wonder if you're always so charged up. It is probably not wise to share with everyone how powerful you are. Even with your newfound friends, they're young and can go fickle in a blink of an eye."

She pulls me in, and kisses me on each cheek.

I open the door to the stairwell, catching Thorne scrambling to stand up. "You were eavesdropping!"

"Guarding your secrets, not spying." He points to himself. "Guardian, remember?"

"How can I forget?" As we get to the door at the bottom of the stairs, Amber looks up in time to see us leaving the stairwell.

"Hmmmm, if I didn't know better; I'd be suspicious of you coming out of a secluded room together." Amber crosses over to us carrying a tray of cheese. "Cheese madam?" She curtsied with her head bowed and the tray held out to us.

"You're the help?" Thorne teases.

"Yes sir, would you like a bite of my cheese?" She flirtatiously replies.

"I think I'm going to go check on Caleb, you kids have fun." Before I have a chance to turn around, I feel hands on my waist from behind.

His chin on my shoulder and he whispers in my ear, "You're getting too good at blocking me out, how was your lesson?"

I turn into his arms and put my ear to his chest, nothing soothes me more than the beating of his heart. It wasn't bad. I hope we will have some alone time later. We'll get together with Amber, and I'll show you what she taught me. I thought to him, opting to answer through our bond.

Okay, we'll go to that guest room down the hall. You and me both, I need some alone time with you too. We'll go get some ice-cream after everyone leaves and head to our favorite spot by the river. I don't mean to upset you, but what's going on with you and Thorne?

Nothing, why?

Just a vibe I get. I don't think you're cheating or anything. It seems that he watches you like a hawk. I know, because I do. Not in a freakish stalker way, in an *I love you more than anything in the world way.'

You stalk me? That's sweet, well, yeah sweet. Aww don't worry. He's new to the area like I am, and he likes Amber, I think. We're just friends.

In my book guys that want to be *just friends' don't stalk their friend. I'll leave it alone, but it is strange. I hope he isn't another Erebus.

No, he's an oddball, but he's fine. I turn and give him a quick kiss on the lips.

Mmmm, I can't wait to have you alone, on a blanket, watching for shooting stars and feeling your body pressed to mine.

Oh, look at my gave me goosies. I'm all twitterpated. I cross my arms and rub them to get the goose-pimples to go away. I concentrate on closing off my thoughts to him, I need my privacy sometimes. My heart skips two complete beats as I think of his last words to me.

"Oh, you play dirty," Caleb says.

I turn and put my hand over my mouth and make my eyes go wide, "Who me?" I move my hand and pout my lips. "Amber, I'll meet you in the guest room, I want to show you something." Caleb mouths the words "I love you," and I skip off to the guest room and giggle out loud.

"What's up with her?" I hear Amber say to Caleb as they trail behind me.

"She's off her rocker."

"Fo s.h.i.+zzle."

"Okay Snoop Dogg."

Chapter 15. Party.

The family room is usually Southern Living perfect, now it's filled with forty or so teens. Mr Gayle borrowed folding chairs from the country club to accommodate our crowd. We'd spent the last hour setting them up and removing unneeded furniture. The weatherman issued a Flash Flood warning so we decided to have an indoor meeting.

I'm looking around the room trying to recognize everyone in their street clothes. At school, everyone looks preppy, tonight they don't. A guy in the back looks like a deranged lunatic in his top hat, shredded jeans and b.u.t.ton down s.h.i.+rt with a plaid bowtie. When did top hats become a fas.h.i.+on statement? Do you know him? I think to Caleb.

Take a better look, it's Rob.

Oh my freakin' frog, it is Rob. That's hysterical. How many Mountain Dews did Amber have? She is bouncing up and down on her toes?

I think she drank a two liter, she kept going in the kitchen to get a refill her flask..

She's drinking from a flask? What the h?

She says it makes her look like she has street cred if she drinks like a gangsta.

I focus on not busting out in giggles. "I guess we should start," I say to the group. A few people are still talking, and others are staring off into s.p.a.ce. I catch Amber's attention, and I give her the look. The one that says *help', she winks at me and gets everyone's attention.

"h.e.l.lLLOO! Do you think we're standing up here for our health? Stop your yappin' and start your listenin'." Oh my, her country girl came out big time. She is small and doesn't look over 14, but when pushed to her limit, she's a force to be reckoned with. "Ya'll are the ones that wanted to meet on this beautiful FRIDAY NIGHT, after being around all of us all day long. So, don't be a loser, listen with your ears so we can all get on with our night. Jessie here is a New Yorker from the Bronx, she's got the mob in her back pocket. Don't think because she is quiet that she's not tough."

What is she doing? I don't know anyone in the MOB, she's delusional.

She's loving it though.

Yeah, you're right.

"Without further ado, meet Jessie."

I lean over and whisper in her ear "MOB seriously?" Her grin lights up her face with mischief. I scan the crowd and see Rob waving. "Hey everyone, I'm Jessie, and this is Caleb. We're bonded Light Tamers. Some of you were here a few weeks ago when we lost our bond for a nanosecond, and I inadvertently bonded with Clark. As you can see, it's no longer an issue." I catch Jasmine glaring at me like a tiger ready to pounce. Caleb gives my hand a little squeeze, and I calm my nerves. A girl on the second row raises her hand.

"What makes you an expert on anything? You moved here this summer, and you've been stuck at the hip with Caleb and Amber since you got here. I don't get why we have to listen to you."

I'll answer her, Caleb says. "Tammy, you're right, Jessie did move here this summer. Yes, we spend a lot of time together as well as with Amber. What makes us any different? We do have inside information, and we want Tamers to hone their skills beyond what the school wants for us. We'll all be out of school in a year or two and off to college or whatever it is life hands us. Before we have a chance to begin our journey, we have another problem." The room starts murmuring lightly. "Nyx has left the Underworld, rumor has it, she is looking for vengeance."

"For what, that little hoochie Amber?" Tammy replies. The room collectively gasps at her comment. Before Caleb answers, Thorne is up from his seat in the back row.

"Who do you think you are coming into someone's home and insulting one of their guests? You're a disgrace to Tamers, who are good and do good things. Take a minute and look at what's wrong with this world. People bully other people because they feel threatened or insecure. Amber is my friend and I highly suggest you apologize to her this instant." Thorne is standing there in front of Tammy with his arms crossed.

"Did he say disgrace? Who says that?" Caleb takes a sip from his water bottle as he watches the standoff unfold. "Tammy, I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave if you can't apologize."

"Sorry," Tammy says, not very convincing either.

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Enlightened. Part 8 summary

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