Donovan Dynasty: Bind Part 26

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He moved his right hand lower so he could trace the outline of her necklace. "Go."

Once he released her, she started walking away from him.

When she was a few feet away, he said, "Lara?"

She stopped and turned back to face him, her head tilted in question.

"Leave the dress on."

With a brief smile, she said, "I might have guessed you'd say that."

Before joining her, he gave her time to get settled.

A few minutes later, after he'd turned off the lights and secured the locks, he walked into the master suite. Seeing her there, near his bed, hands behind her neck, with her hair in glorious disarray, made his blood pound.

Without being told, she remained in place, her breaths gentle. She was the image of submissive perfection and he vowed to do everything he could to care for her, to cherish her.

He sat on the bench and told her, "Crawl over here."

With a whispered, "Yes, Sir," she did.

"Over my knees."

With the same grace that had first appealed to him, she draped herself over him.

He pulled up her dress and caressed her soft skin. "You told me once that you had a spanking and you weren't impressed by it. I'm going to try to change your opinion."

"I'm liking it already."

His handprints from this afternoon had faded, but a couple of single tail bites still marred her skin. "Do you feel this?" He pressed his thumb to one of them, and she jerked. Her movement was followed immediately by a sigh. "Fair warning, Lara. I'm going to want to see marks all the time."

He began to rub her more vigorously, bringing color into her a.s.s cheeks. "Do you have any idea how much this sight of you over my knees turns me on?"

She shook her head.

"You will." He teased her c.u.n.t with his fingers then began to cover her b.u.t.tocks and upper thighs with spanks, some light, others more robust. "Count them for me."

He rained them down fast, the blows coming one after another.

"One, Sir. Two..."

Relentlessly, he continued, increasing the frequency until she couldn't keep up and her words jumbled into an incoherent sentence and the word Sir sounded like a mantra.

He was aware of her grabbing hold of his ankle for support.

"You're made for this. For me," he said. He landed some spanks on her p.u.s.s.y. When she skittered away, he lifted his knees to roll her back toward him.

"Oh, Sir!"

"One of my favorite words," he informed her.

He tormented her p.u.s.s.y, brought her to o.r.g.a.s.m then drove her toward another.

Only when she was thras.h.i.+ng around, gasping for air to breathe, did he help her to sit up.

He pulled her against him and wrapped her up completely in his arms, not letting her go.

With a shuddering exhalation, she curled into his chest. He liked the way she turned to him. It was the stuff of his Dominant fantasies.

"I had no idea. When I fantasized about a spanking, that's what I'd hoped it would be like."

"I'll give you anything you want, Lara. I'll try to make it as good for you as I can. But that kind of spanking is a reward."

She put one hand on his chest and pushed herself back a little so she could look up at him. "Yeah. I'd find ways to misbehave everyday if I had a guarantee that you'd punish me in that way."

"Ask for it any time."

"I might."

He brushed her hair back. "Doing okay?"

"I think my legs can hold me upright, if that's the question."

He helped her to stand, and he added, "I want you to go into the playroom and get a pair of wrist cuffs. They're in a drawer." He wasn't more specific than that.

While she was gone, he stripped the comforter from the bed and placed it over a rail in the closet. Then he removed his clothes. When he returned, she was waiting, kneeling, cuffs on the floor in front of her. "Well done. Now take off your dress."

She stood and looked at him for a moment. "Impressive, Sir."

Her feminine approval made his c.o.c.k even harder.

"I've waited as long as I can. Naked, Lara. Now."

She smiled in a saucy, teasing way and slowly reached for the hem. Still taking her sweet time, she pulled the dress up while wiggling.

"You're doing that on purpose."

"Just following orders, Sir."

As if he'd never been with a woman before, he watched without blinking. Moments later, she was wearing only a bra and she was dangling the dress from one hand.

"The bra, too."

"Tell me we're going to have s.e.x," she said.

"Oh, yeah." He took the dress from her and tossed it over the bench. "We're going to have s.e.x."

In response, she unfastened the bra.

Her beautiful, dusky nipples were already erect, begging for attention.

He sucked one into his mouth, laving it, stretching it. He saw her bra fall to the floor.

Lara put her hand on his shoulders, and he felt her legs jerk.

"So good," she murmured.

As he continued to bathe the nipple with attention, he rolled her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger, elongating the hardened nub.

Then he changed it up, sucking on the other and toying with the dampened one.

"I've never known anything like this," she confessed. "Never had any idea."

Honestly, he hadn't either. The longer they interacted, the more he wanted. Even though that violated his rules, he refused to change anything about it.

Pulsing desire driving him, Connor left her long enough to pick up the cuffs. Without protest, she offered her wrists to him.

"Behind you."

"Oh?" Her eyes widened, and he saw neediness in the deep brown depths.

She turned, and he fastened her into the cuffs. In addition to the intoxicating scent of her arousal, he caught a gentle whiff of magnolia. He succ.u.mbed to the urge to gently sink his teeth into her neck, increasing the pressure until she moaned.

"Onto the mattress." With his hands on her shoulders, he guided her toward the bed.

When the backs of her knees. .h.i.t the mattress, he helped her to sit. Then he gently pushed her over. "I love having you helpless."

He grabbed a condom from the nightstand and rolled it down his c.o.c.k before joining her on the bed.

Her eyes captivated him as she intently studied him.

It took all his resolve not to skip the foreplay. "Spread your legs. How does your p.u.s.s.y feel?"

"Other than a bit tender from those spanks you just gave me, it's fine."

"Lift up your legs and keep them up." He moved between her thighs. "Higher," he instructed.

"I'm going to have to step up my abdominal work," she said wryly. "Being with you requires being in shape."

"Are you complaining, little Lara?"

"Ah." She obviously thought better of it. "Not if this is the reward. This is more like incentive, Sir."

"Well said, sub." With his mouth, he claimed her c.u.n.t, licking, nipping, using his tongue to f.u.c.k her p.u.s.s.y.

She cried out, turning her head to one side. "I want to touch you."

When she allowed her legs to rest on his shoulders, he pinched one of her thighs.

"d.a.m.n," she protested.

"Stay in position," he warned, putting his hands beneath her b.u.t.tocks. He lifted and squeezed, trying to reignite the pain from the spanking and tipping her pelvis to give him a better angle.

"This... I want to touch you."

"I want your o.r.g.a.s.m," he countered.

He pulled one hand from beneath her and inserted three fingers into her heat. He spread them apart, forcing her wider, making her accept more.

She whimpered, but he felt her p.u.s.s.y clench.

He was relentless, torturing her, driving into her.

"I need to come."

"Do it."


He understood. The sensations were overwhelming. "Keep your legs up." He held his hand steady with only two fingers inside her. He glided them in and out and tongued her gently.

He squeezed the a.s.s cheek that he held.

"This. Yes. This."

When she tried to push her p.u.s.s.y toward him, he gave her more, sucking on her c.l.i.t.

She screamed, and he felt her moistness dampen his fingers.

"Now you're ready," he said, lifting her legs higher.

Connor surged forward, pressing his shoulders against the backs of her knees, holding her body wide for him.

"f.u.c.k me, Connor. Sir."

He claimed her deep and fast. "Mine," he said, looking down at her.

"I..." She met his gaze.

He'd planned to be slow, but once he was inside her hot p.u.s.s.y, need decimated intention. "So d.a.m.n hot, Lara." Tight. s.e.xy.

Connor fisted her hair and pulled back her head, claiming her mouth. She met his pa.s.sion with her own, kissing him fully.

Then he felt her c.u.n.t clench around his c.o.c.k.

She used his shoulders as leverage, trying to take him deeper. He'd had s.e.x plenty of times in his life, but never with a woman this into it.

He ended the kiss as she came.

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Donovan Dynasty: Bind Part 26 summary

You're reading Donovan Dynasty: Bind. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Sierra Cartwright. Already has 445 views.

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