Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 15

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She wondered what he was talking about, how he knew about Money Bags. But right now it didn't matter as his hands traveled down her body. They went down her shoulders, past her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, past her belly, down to where her skirt ended a few inches above her knee. There his hands went under the material, pulling her back hard against the evidence of his desire.

"You sounded amazing up there," she told him, putting her hands over his.

She brought his hands out from under her skirt and directed them under the hem of her s.h.i.+rt, bringing them up to cup her lace-encased b.r.e.a.s.t.s. He growled in her ear as she forced his thumbs to caress the nipples that had tightened against his touch. Using his strength to turn her around, he pressed her hard against the door.

"There's that smile," he told her, caressing her face as she smirked at him.

"What smile?" she asked, eyes clouded with her desire for him.

"The one that says we're about to have a good time."

He blocked her in, slapping one hand beside her hip and the other at the side of her head. "You think we're about to have a good time?" She licked her lips, her gaze traveling down his body, stopping when she spotted the bulge at his zipper.

"Yeah, I think it's gonna be a real good time."

Reaching between their bodies, she put her hands at the buckle of his belt and felt around until she undid the hook and separated it. Even the sound of the metal coming apart made her body tingle. Without waiting, her fingers went to the b.u.t.ton and loosened it before unzipping the pants, freeing him from the tight confines. Her small hand then cupped him, running along the prominent ridge in his boxer briefs. He hissed, throwing his head back as he thrust harder into her touch.

His hands left the door and went to her s.h.i.+rt, lifting it up and over her body, leaving her there in just her skirt and bra.

"Take off your panties," he told her as he leaned down and lifted one breast out of the cup of her bra. One stayed encased while the nipple of the other went directly into his mouth. The difference in temperatures caused her breath to hitch. As she lifted her skirt and hooked the edges of her panties with her thumbs, she groaned.

"Is it always gonna be like this?" she whimpered.

"Out of control?" he asked, hooking his hands around her hips and pus.h.i.+ng her against the cool door.

She nodded. "It's always like we can't get there fast enough." She breathed deeply as he pushed inside her.

"One day we'll slow down," he promised, leaning his head against her shoulder.

The of his beard against her shoulder felt good as one of his hands went back to the nipple he had wetted with his tongue and tweaked it. His fingers did amazing things as she ground her body against his.

"I don't know if I wanna slow down," she admitted, digging her heels against his back.

He lifted his head from her shoulder, his face dark with a mask of pleasure. "It'll burn itself out sooner or later, baby. You're gonna kill me if we go at it like this every time," he admitted, snapping his hips into her.

Bianca knew that he was right. This kind of pa.s.sion did burn itself out, but what was left was such an amazing feeling. Pa.s.sion like this didn't come along every day and they were old enough to know that, young enough to enjoy that they had it.

"There's no better way to go than if I'm with you."

He growled, burying himself deeper into her core, wis.h.i.+ng he could stay there forever. Wis.h.i.+ng he could keep up this pace, but he had too many feelings. He was being bombarded with too many things he wasn't used to. This girl evoked things he had always wanted and things he'd never even thought of. Never had this much adoration been thrown at him from one person. He was used to it on stage but not off.

"You fit me like a glove." He gripped her hips tightly in his fingers, hoping that he caused a bruise. He wanted something there to prove she was his.

She threw her head back against the door, arching her body into his. The angle that she got when she did broke something inside her. For just a minute he was alarmed as he saw tears start streaming down her face.

"B, am I hurtin' you?" He moved his other hand to her cheek.

"No, it's just so much," she broke off.

He knew exactly what she meant. It was all so much, too much, but just enough at the same time.

"I know, baby," he told her trying to slow down, to help her deal with the overwhelming feelings.

Using her own hands, she buried them in her hair, pulling on the long blonde tresses. "No, don't slow down, I'm almost there," she whined.

He was too. Just the sight of her against the door, looking at him the way she was. It was enough to end this all right here, right now. "What do you need?" he asked her. He would do whatever she needed.

"Nothing, just keep going."

Their breath was loud and heavy in the quiet room. The only sound that of their coupling. Just when he thought he was going to die from holding back, he felt her body squeeze his and heard the sharp intake of breath from her mouth.

"Jagger," she cooed.

"I know, I know," he told her, burying his face in her neck, holding her tight against him, thrusting into her, even as he finished.

His hand went around her neck, lifting up the weight of her hair and pulled her face into his neck. Together they stood there for long minutes. If anyone wondered who Bianca Hawks belonged to, they had no doubt now.

Chapter Twenty-Seven.

"You want to come home with me?" Jagger asked, his lips next to her ear.

They had been wrapped up in one another for a long time, she wasn't sure how long really.

"Sounds good to me." She stretched her arms up, encircling them around his neck, and pulled him down, kissing him softly on the lips.

"Do I need to follow you back to your apartment to get your clothes?"

She shook her head. "Nah, I did laundry today so all my clothes are in my car."

He squeezed her around the waist tightly, her feet coming off the floor briefly before setting her down again. "Good, I'll follow you to the clubhouse then."

"I need to tip out and stuff. You can go before me," she offered, reaching down to pull her underwear back up around her waist.

"No." His eyes hardened. "Is that a.s.shole here tonight?"

Bianca didn't know who had tipped him off to Money Bags, but she really wished they hadn't. "He's not causing me that much of an issue, but he is here."

"Any issue is enough for me to be worried." He cupped her neck with his hand and forced her to meet his eyes. "There's no reason this guy should be messing with you, and he's not going to if I have anything to say about it."

"Please," she begged. "Don't do anything unless you have to," she pleaded, her fingers grasping his. "It doesn't bother me."

"It bothers me."

She kicked her hip out. "Jagger, seriously...if you love me, love me enough to let me tell you when I need help."

That was the b.i.t.c.h of this love thing wasn't it? Trust was also attached, and Jagger had always been very careful in whom he trusted. He didn't trust easily, and her asking him to do this was going against everything he'd been taught in the past.

"If I trust you, B, for the love of G.o.d, don't burn me." His voice was hoa.r.s.e and harsh, showing just how much the sentiment cost him.

"I can't promise that I won't ever, but I'll never do it on purpose."

"That's all I can ask," he told her.

"But," she interrupted. "Someday you have to tell me why you have these trust issues. I know it's because of your childhood, but you can't expect me to be so forthcoming when you aren't. That's part of a relations.h.i.+p. That's part of love."

He knew she was telling the truth. A relations.h.i.+p meant mutual give and take. He couldn't keep demanding she take and not give her something in return. "I'll tell you soon, I don't want to spoil this."

"I'm counting on you to be honest with me too. If we're honest with each other, n.o.body can come between this." She lifted their clasped hands up.

A smile tilted the corner of his mouth. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

She turned around and went out the door, squealing as his hand went up the back of her skirt and cupped the flesh there. "Stop!"

He laughed right along with her as he put his arm around her neck and pulled her to his side. They walked down the hallway together, emerging from behind the door.

"What time is it?" she asked Jagger as she had a look around the room. It was decidedly much less busy than it had been when they had escaped to that room.

"Oh d.a.m.n," he chuckled. "It's almost midnight."

She grinned, laughing right along with him, burying her head in his shoulder.

"It's about time the two of y'all came out from back there," Layne said as he got up from the bar.

"Did the other guys leave you?" Jagger asked, not seeing any of the other members of Heaven Hill.

He held up a toothpick. "I drew the motherf.u.c.king short straw."

"I'm sorry, Layne," she told him. "You want me to get you a free lap dance next time you're here?"

"Ha, f.u.c.king, ha, ha. The two of you are hilarious. I'm ready to head home so do what you gotta do so we can get the h.e.l.l outta here." The brightness of his eyes softened the tone of his words.

"I'll be just a few minutes," she promised, holding up a finger.

The two of them watched as she walked to the bar, emptying her receipts and the money she had in her ap.r.o.n.

"For real man, sorry you had to wait on us," Jagger apologized.

The corner of Layne's mouth came up. "At least somebody's gettin' some. Who am I to get in the way of young love?" He clasped his hand to his heart.

"Dude." Jagger blushed. "Shut the f.u.c.k up."

"I'll leave you alone, I swear."

Jagger turned on the bar stool and stopped as he saw the man that had caused him to venture here tonight come out of the hallway that he and Bianca had just exited. "That's him, right?" Jagger jerked his head towards the older man.

"From what I understand, it sure is," Layne confirmed, turning too so that he and Jagger presented a united front.

"Wonder what the h.e.l.l he was doin' back there?"

"Don't even go there. You'll never get your head on straight if you do. When the two of you leave, I'll follow to make sure he doesn't start anything."

"Hey," Bianca said coming over to the two of them. "I'm ready if you guys are."

Jagger grabbed her hands and pulled her to him, hugging her and kissing her on the temple. When he glanced towards the hallway, he caught sight of Money Bags watching them. Jagger couldn't help the feeling that overtook his body. He knew he shouldn't do this, but it wasn't something that could be stopped. A smirk covered his face as he put his hand on Bianca's a.s.s and squeezed strongly.

The dark look that appeared on Money Bags' face told him that the message had been received loud and clear.

"Let's go." Layne clapped them both on the back and led them out of the building.

As they made their way to the clubhouse, Jagger couldn't help but wonder what the h.e.l.l was going on behind him. He wanted to know five minutes ago if the man was following them. This was one of those times when he actually wished he drove a regular car or truck. The mirror would be big enough so that he could see completely behind him. The suspense was killing him, but he knew that if someone was threatening them Layne would have his back.

When they turned into the drive that would lead them to the clubhouse, Jagger took a deep breath. He hadn't realized how tightly he was wound until he took that breath. He felt safe here, he knew that n.o.body would touch them here. Pulling into his spot in the garage, he killed the engine and walked out into the cold night, meeting up with Layne and Bianca.

"Thanks for the tail," Jagger told Layne as he helped Bianca out of her car.

"Was all good."

Jagger knew that meant that they hadn't been followed, and he relaxed even more. His phone at his side buzzed. As he slid the lock on the home screen, he saw a text from Liam.

"They've got something on that white van. B, can you go wait for me in my dorm?"

"Sure." She leaned up, kissing him on the lips before walking into the clubhouse.

Making their way into the meeting room, the two had a seat while they waited for the rest of the members.

"This better be some good info, considering how late it is." Tyler rubbed his eyes as he had a seat.

"Liam was the one who texted, so I'm sure it's sound," Layne said, pus.h.i.+ng his leg out in front of him.

"It hurt?" Tyler asked, motioning to Layne's leg.

"Some days worse than others. It's this G.o.dd.a.m.n cold snap. It hurts the screws in my ankle."

Jagger winced. While some people hadn't come home from war, Layne had. That didn't mean he hadn't come home without scars. The screws in his ankle were just the tip of the iceberg, they were all sure of that.

"Thanks for coming, y'all. Steele's on his way," Liam said as he blew into the room.

For a few moments they all sat there, tension high. Everyone wanted to know exactly what these white vans had to do with anything. How they fit into whatever scheme was going on in their town.

Carrying a laptop, Steele came in, shutting the door behind him. "Sorry I'm late. This took a little bit longer than I thought it would."

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Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 15 summary

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