Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 5

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He thought for a moment about how he would feel if someone had called him with that news about her. "I imagine that was pretty scary. Sorry I worried you."

She could tell that he was serious. "It's alright, I'm just glad you're awake and talking."

Ashley brushed into the room. "How you feelin', Jagger?"

"f.u.c.king sore. It hurts to breathe," he answered honestly.

"Your ribs are bruised. You're gonna be uncomfortable for a few weeks, but it's a lot better than it could have been."

Jagger knew without a doubt that she told the truth. While she checked his vitals and shone a light in his eyes, Bianca glanced at her watch and realized she needed to leave in order to make it to her cla.s.s.

"I hate to do this, but I've got to go. I have to print out this paper and turn it in. Meredith, I'm just gonna have to trust the changes you've made."

"You don't have a car, do you? We drove." Tyler rubbed his face, still trying to wake himself up.

"I don't."

Meredith grabbed her keys and her purse. "I'll take you, and I'll pick you up after."

"Are you sure?" Bianca asked.

"Girl, you are going to have to accept some friends.h.i.+p here," she smiled, softening the words she had said.

"I'm trying. It's not something I'm used to."

"I wasn't either, but this group will make you accept their friends.h.i.+p. They are stifling like that."

Bianca sat in her cla.s.s, taking notes, but mindless as to what was being said. Her thoughts were still with Jagger, hoping that he was able to go home. She had wanted to say so much more to him, but it hadn't felt right in that hospital room with everyone there.

Beside her, her phone vibrated. Glancing up to see if the coast was clear, she took a moment to check the text message, smiling when she realized it was from Jagger.

Going home. Thanks for being here all night. They gave me some pills to knock me out. Probably going to be out of it the rest of the day.

It sounded so abrupt to her and it kind of hurt. Had he meant it the way it sounded? It was so odd with text messages. You couldn't tell what tone someone was actually using, and you couldn't see their faces to see their true feelings. This did not feel good at all.

I can come see you, it's not a problem. I wanted to be there!

He never answered.

"Is Jagger really alright?" she asked as she got into the truck with Meredith, who had come to pick her up like promised.

"He seems really quiet. They released him and said everything is fine, but sometimes after a wreck, guys can get very weird. It's like they're faced with their mortality. It sends them into an odd heads.p.a.ce. Why do you ask?"

"He pretty much texted me saying that he didn't want to see me for the rest of the day. When I told him that I could come see him and that I had wanted to be there, he didn't even answer me."

Meredith thought for a moment. "Maybe he's just tired."

"Yeah, that's it. Maybe he's just tired, but why did it feel like he was giving me the brush-off?"

"Like I said, maybe he's just trying to get his footing after the wreck. Sometimes those things can really f.u.c.k you up. It may take him a couple of days to be back to his old self."

"Maybe you're right," Bianca agreed, but that didn't make her feel any better.

Chapter Eleven.

Two days later Bianca still hadn't spoken to Jagger. She'd texted him a couple of times and he had replied, but it was muted compared to the way he had normally teased her. This was going to change. An 'A' on her paper that she had been so worried about made her very happy. Grabbing her phone, she placed a call to a number she had texted numerous times in the past days.


"Yes, Meredith, it's me. Ya know, actually calling someone. I think you called this a friends.h.i.+p."

On the other end of the phone, Meredith laughed. "Smart-a.s.s. What can I help you with?"

"Jagger is still not really speaking to me, I want to surprise him. Would it be okay for me to bring him some lunch to the clubhouse?"

Meredith's heart warmed. She was in love and wanted everyone else to be that way too. "That would be great. Lunch time is when it's the least busy too, so you'll almost be alone with him. I'll set it up so that you have no problems getting in, and his dorm is next to Tyler's. Their names are on the doors."

She hadn't really thought about that. "Is there not a table we can eat at?"

"With his ribs, it's hard for him to do anything for too long, so he's just been sitting in a recliner in his dorm. He's pretty down."

That's what Bianca couldn't figure out. Why was he so down? "Well, I'm sick of him being a Negative Nathan. He's going to be in a better mood if it's the last thing I do."

"Sounds good."

"Oh, by the way. Thanks so much for your help on that paper. I aced it and I wouldn't have been able to do that without the suggestions you made."

"I'm happy to help. That's what friends are for."

They hung up and Bianca couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Friends. That had such a good ring to it.

Jagger was miserable. It hurt no matter where he sat, stood, or lay. It wasn't as bad as it had been, the bruised ribs were not broken or cracked, but it gave him a good excuse to have a temper. That's exactly what he wanted and he wasn't sure why. He was in a foul mood and knew he was taking it out on everyone around him. When there was a knock on his door, he groaned.

"Leave me alone!" he yelled.

The k.n.o.b turned, and he fought the rage that rolled in his stomach. "I told you to leave me the f.u.c.k alone. I ain't a nice guy right now."

Bianca finished opening the door, a smile pasted on her face. "I brought you lunch and some money. Did you forget about our deal?"

That deal seemed like so long ago had only been a week ago, but this was the beginning of a new week so she did have a point. "Forget about our deal."

His att.i.tude was not only beginning to p.i.s.s her off, but it was starting to hurt her feelings. Part of her bravado fell as did her smile. Instead of letting the tears come to her eyes, she stomped her foot. "No, I'm not going to. I owe you money, and I'm going to fulfill my part of the obligation."

"Then just give me the money, forget about the dinner. You don't owe me anything besides the $225 left on the repairs to your car."

That stung. This time she couldn't stop the tears that pooled but did not fall. "Did I do something to p.i.s.s you off or make you mad at me?"

It was the tone of her voice that got to him. He sighed, letting his a.s.shole facade fade. "No, I'm just not myself right now."

"I'm trying to help you be yourself. Trying to get you back into your routine," she explained.

"Okay, let's try this again." He took a deep breath, grinning slightly. "Thank you for bringing me lunch today."

"You are very welcome. I do have to admit though," she reached down to run her fingers along his cheek, "I don't like that bruise on your face. It's too pretty to be bruised."

"It's the only thing besides my tattoos that make me look tough. Give me at least that."

She set the food down in front of her. "Hate to break it ya, pretty boy, but even your tattoos don't make you look tough. That's not saying that you don't have a dangerous edge to you, because you do, but it's not your looks. It's your att.i.tude."

The honesty they had with each other surprised him sometimes, but he loved it. He watched as she set out some white Styrofoam boxes. "What did you bring me?"

"Like you, I've watched you a lot. I know that you like sus.h.i.+ and j.a.panese cuisine. So I got you some sus.h.i.+ rolls, and I got me teriyaki steak."

"Very impressive. Let's see if you got the rolls I like." He opened the box and his mouth watered. "You are a very good study, Ms. Hawks."

"Only as good as you are, Mr. Stone," she returned the compliment.

"Do you not like sus.h.i.+?" he asked.

She watched as he opened his chopsticks and soy sauce and wasabi. His long fingers wrapped around his chopsticks, and he set them down against the hard surface of the TV table she'd scooted over next to him. He grabbed a drop of the wasabi and put it in his soy sauce and stirred it up before expertly grabbing a piece of his roll, dipping it, and shoving it into his mouth.

"Not a huge fan," she finally answered, swallowing hard. These moments between them were beginning to build. They truly were having a relations.h.i.+p no matter what she wanted to call it.

"You're so missing out, but to each their own, I guess."

"Exactly. Different strokes for different folks," she added.

A twinkle appeared in his eye, and he licked his lips of the soy sauce that lingered there. "I'd like to know how you stroke," he whispered.

Her cheeks bloomed a bright red with embarra.s.sment. His flirting was so different from the blatant flirting she was used to. He flirted by turning her own words around on her. It was much more effective than just grabbing her a.s.s, but it also left her speechless.

"So," she changed the subject, clearing her throat. "I got an 'A' on that paper I was working so hard on."

"Seriously? Great job." His voice held an edge of pride.

"Yeah," she nodded, almost preening under his praise. "Meredith helped me the night you were in the hospital, and without her I probably wouldn't have done as well, but it worked out."

"I'm glad she could help you. She's super smart."

"I know. I see now why she and Tyler are together. They are both extremely intelligent and extremely attractive. Usually it's one or the other. When you luck out with the combination, you have to keep that contained."

He chuckled, holding his ribs. "Don't make me laugh, and don't give Tyler a bigger head than he already has."

"Sorry, I forgot about your ribs."

"That's one thing I haven't been able to forget. They are achy like a motherf.u.c.ker, and I get tired really easily although today it's been better."

"On that note, I should probably go." She glanced at the time on her cell phone and realized they'd been lazing over that lunch for a few hours.

"Don't go on my account."

She stood and shook her head. "No, I have to get ready for work."

He nodded, wis.h.i.+ng he could go with her. "You be safe while I'm not there."

"I am, but I like it better when you are there."

He held out his hand for her, and she clasped it. With all the strength he could muster, he pulled her down to his level and kissed her. Really kissed her for the first time. He was just trying to decide if he wanted to coax her tongue into the mix when she pulled away.

"I really do have to go."

Reluctantly, he let her. "Thanks for getting me out of my own head," he told her as she walked towards the door.

"I have no doubt that you'd do the same for me. This time when I text you, Jagger Stone, you better answer."

He held up his phone. "I'll be waiting, baby."

"You better be."

When she left, the room was cold and lonely. Finally, Jagger was tired of his own company.

Chapter Twelve.

I forgot to give you your money. If you feel up to it, get somebody to drive ya over here.

Jagger looked at the text he'd just received from Bianca. He'd purposely not reminded her of the money as she had left. He was hoping to see her again as soon as possible. Getting up gingerly out of his chair, he wandered to the living area of the clubhouse to see who all was around.

"Layne! Just the man I want to see."

He and Layne had prospected together, but Jagger had moved up in the club faster. "Hey, how you doin'? Ribs okay?" Layne asked.

"Dude, they hurt like a motherf.u.c.ker, and I can't ride my bike. That's what I was coming to ask you, by the way. Can I get a ride over to Wet Wanda's?"

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Heaven Hill: Losing Control Part 5 summary

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