A Place To Dance Part 18

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"It's like Christmas every time I walk in here and see them. I love you for giving me so much."

After a long kiss, Mimi playfully pulled on Jolly's ponytail and made her an offer. "The baby monitor is setup, you want to take me to bed?"


This time the tug on Jolly's hair was a little harder. "No? You have plans to go out on the town or something?"

Jolly stood and took Mimi's hand leading her to the back of the house. "Actually I have plans on surprising you. I wanted you to have something to remember their birth by aside from the masterpiece you created, so I have a surprise for you."

"Jolly, I have you that's all I need."

"Then think of this as a place I can take you to stargaze and hold you. And since we have so much fun doing it, a place to dance."

Nestled under one of the big oaks in the yard stood Mimi's new gazebo. Jolly had left the roof just a series of beams knowing how much Mimi loved open s.p.a.ces. The climbing vine she had planted, whose flowers would one day provide a dark purple tint to Mimi's paints, would eventually provide shade once it wove through the top, but for now the sky provided a good canopy. On a small plaque over the opening were three names with a date of birth. Laine, Francis and Lee Andolini, all sharing the same birthday. Mimi laughed when she saw other s.p.a.ces for the names that would come after the first three. This would be a perfect place to celebrate all the birthdays in their future.

"Thank you for my wonderful life, Mimi." Jolly turned on the outside speakers and waited for Mimi to finish looking and touching some of the hand carved surfaces. While Mimi spent her days at the hospital creating something for new families to enjoy for years, Jolly had spent her time creating something for Mimi alone. If she could Jolly would spend a lifetime making things for Mimi to show her how special she was.

"Love, it's you who makes mine complete."

"Dance with me?" asked Jolly holding her arms open. There was no hesitation on Mimi's part. She wanted to be held by the woman who held her heart. It was something she had missed when standing for any amount of time had become impossible.

Mimi swayed along with Jolly praying the girls would sleep for at least a couple of hours. "I have a surprise for you too."

"You're not pregnant are you?" teased Jolly.

"Not yet, but I'm finally recovered from being pregnant and I'm really happy." Mimi ran her hands up Jolly's chest very slowly, stopping when they were linked behind the taller woman's neck where they only stayed for a moment before starting their roaming again.

"Really happy?"

"Delirious," said Mimi moving her hands to Jolly's backside.

"Gotta love happy," said Jolly as she scooped a laughing Mimi into her arms.

The soft music filtered through the night forgotten as the two lovers headed inside. Standing at the fence watching them was their neighbor, Mr. Verret. Ben still brought Mimi tomatoes and other things from his garden, only now it amused him to no end the blush his visits caused. He figured they were caused from the noises he heard coming out of her bedroom now. Ever since the architect had moved in the blinds were closed more often and his young blonde neighbor looked like someone had given her the world as a gift she was so happy.

"Dancing? Is that what they call it these days?" He said to himself as he moved the hose to the next section of garden.

Ben laughed when the dark wooden blinds shut for the night, but not before Jolly gave him a quick wave and a wink. "You're one lucky b.a.s.t.a.r.d, Jolly. May you both enjoy a lot of dances for years to come." The squeal from Mimi m.u.f.fled by the outer bedroom wall told him they would.


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A Place To Dance Part 18 summary

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