Hour Game Part 41

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"Her watch was set to one minute past four," said King. He paused and said, "And remember, Pembroke's watch was set to one minute past two. The others were right on the hour."

"So Hinson's and Pembroke's were one tick off," said Mich.e.l.le slowly.

"Exactly." King looked at her puzzled. "One tick off? There's something familiar about that phrase, but I can't think of what it is."

"So the killer is intentionally telling us, via the watches, that some victims are, what, slightly off?"

"I think he's telling us that Tyler, Canney and Junior were killed intentionally because of their connection to Bobby. Pembroke and Hinson were not specifically targeted, because they had no such connection."

"All right, let's a.s.sume Pembroke was killed because she was with Canney. Why was Hinson murdered?" asked Mich.e.l.le.

"So we'd run down numerous paths trying to have it all make sense but it never would. For our killer's purposes having Pembroke die at the same time as Canney was simply gravy. It muddied the waters even more. If Canney had been alone, I bet we'd have had another murder like Hinson's to cover up the connection to Bobby. And it also explains why the killer used the word 'kid' instead of 'kids' in his letter following the teenagers' deaths. Only one kid was his target: Steve Canney."

"But, Sean, if the killer really wanted to throw us off, why set some of the watches so they were one tick off? If he'd kept them all on the hour, chances are you'd never have stumbled on this line of reasoning."

"For some reason I think this guy is trying to play fair by giving us a legitimate clue."

"Or he's just s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g with us," said Mich.e.l.le.

"Possible, but I don't think so."

Mich.e.l.le still looked skeptical. "All right, let's a.s.sume all that's true. Now we have Bobby Battle as a possible common denominator. But you don't think he was killed by the same person. Isn't his being linked to yet another killer too huge of a coincidence? And then we have Kyle and Sally. How do those deaths fit in?"

"Despite what Sylvia found, Kyle may have been a suicide. And Sally may have been killed because she didn't come forward about the alibi for Junior."

"I'm not following, Sean," said Harry.

"If Junior was killed only because he stole from the Battles, then once the killer found out he really hadn't committed the burglary, that meant Junior was killed for no reason. The killer revenged himself and in his sick mind perhaps thought he was avenging Junior as well by killing Sally. He might have foregone his trademark watch and infamous serial killer indicia in her case because he was too incensed or didn't consider her to be important enough. And he didn't have much time to plan it. Sally only told me the truth barely seven hours before she was killed."

"Well," said Mich.e.l.le, "her face being crushed by repeated blows after she was dead maybe fits with the theory of revenge. Someone in a rage."

"Right. A man capable of ferocious attack and-" King froze. "Seven hours."

"What is it, Sean?" asked Harry.

"I'm not sure," he said at last. "What I just said about seven hours, it struck me somehow, but not the way I thought it would." He thought for a moment and then shook his head. "Sorry, probably a slightly premature senior moment."

"What about Chip Bailey's theory that Sally lied about being with Junior and committed or helped commit the burglary?" asked Mich.e.l.le.

Harry's eyebrows went up. "That's an intriguing conjecture."

"Yes, it is," said King slowly. "And not one we can entirely discount right now, although my instincts tell me he's wrong."

They continued with their meal and also finished off the second bottle of wine. Afterward in the library they sipped coffee that Harry poured for them. He offered them an after-dinner cognac, but they both declined.

"I have to drive home," said King. "The wine was plenty."

"And I have to look after him while he drives us home," added Mich.e.l.le, smiling.

The room had grown chilly, and Mich.e.l.le stood in front of the fire warming her long legs. "Dresses can be very drafty," she said self-consciously.

Harry turned to King. "What's your opinion of Dorothea?"

"Well, the source of the drug Eddie was given wasn't the wine, nor did they find any of the drugs Dorothea had purchased from Kyle," said King. "However, I checked with Sylvia. The morphine sulfate Eddie was given was a drug she kept in her pharmacy and may have been one of the drugs Kyle brought to Dorothea at the Aphrodisiac. And Dorothea has no alibi for the time Kyle was killed. She said she was at home, but Eddie didn't see her."

"Actually, he was out in his studio all night painting a picture of me," said Mich.e.l.le in an embarra.s.sed tone.

King eyed her closely but said nothing.

Harry looked at her curiously for a moment and then said, "So she was buying the drugs, and she's a possible suspect in both Battle's and Kyle Montgomery's deaths. She was also the person who had the best opportunity to drug Eddie, and lived very near where Sally was killed. All circ.u.mstantial obviously, but still compelling."

"And she's been depressed due to the financial setbacks and family issues she told us about," said Mich.e.l.le. "A troubled woman all around."

King replied, "I don't disagree with you, but I'm having a hard time finding her motive. She said Bobby had promised to change his will to benefit her, but he didn't. So there goes her motive to kill him."

"Unless she found out he hadn't and was so furious she murdered him," said Mich.e.l.le.

Harry rose and stood next to Mich.e.l.le in front of the fire. "At over seventy, one's whole body becomes drafty regardless of the amount of clothing or the relative heat of the room," he explained.

Returning to the discussion, he said, "There might be a third possibility. We've been focused on what was taken from Remmy's closet, but what was stolen from Bobby's closet?"

They both stared at him but said nothing.

Harry continued. "The will that left everything to Remmy is the one that's being used by the lawyers. It was drawn up many years ago."

"How do you know that?" asked Mich.e.l.le.

"The lawyer who drafted it was a former clerk of mine, currently a partner at a firm in Charlottesville. They had the original, and that's the will that's being probated."

"Did anyone look for another, more recent will?" asked King.

"That's the point. I don't think so. But what if a later will was the thing stolen from Bobby's closet during the burglary?"

King said, "But if it was in Bobby's secret compartment, which Remmy told us she was unaware of, she wouldn't have had the opportunity to destroy it."

"I'm not saying it was Remmy. Bobby had a stroke, he was delirious, talking gibberish at the hospital, so I heard," said Harry.

"And maybe he mentioned another will," said King, snapping his fingers.

"So anyone who heard him could have committed the burglary," said Harry.

"If Dorothea had it, though, she would have made it public, wouldn't she?"

"But there'd be the little matter of where it came from," said Harry. "I don't think she would want to confess to burglary."

King looked puzzled. "But, Harry, we're overlooking something. Bobby's death was well publicized. Whoever drew up the new will would have come forward."

"Maybe he didn't use a law firm to draft it."

"If he did it himself, he'd still need witnesses."

"Not if it were a holographic will, entirely in his handwriting."

"So if there is such a will, who has it, and why aren't they making it public?"

"A question to which I would dearly love the answer," remarked Harry as he finished off his snifter of cognac.


KING AND MICh.e.l.lE SAID GOODnight to Harry and drove off. The weather was still nice enough to keep the top down. However, Mich.e.l.le tugged her wrap more tightly around her shoulders.

"I can put up the top if you want," said King, noting her movement.

"No, the breeze feels wonderful and the air smells so good."

"Spring in rural Virginia, can't beat it."

"I feel like we made some progress tonight."

"At least we took the time to talk out different angles. That's always helpful."

She glanced at him with a suspicious look. "As usual you're saying less than you know."

He pretended to be offended by her remark; however, his smile betrayed this effort. "I'm not conceding Iknow anything. But I do suspect some things that I might not have mentioned." anything. But I do suspect some things that I might not have mentioned."

"Such as,partner ?" ?"

"Such as I've spent a wonderful evening over two fabulous bottles of wine with an attractive young woman, and all I've talked about is murder and mayhem."

"You're stalling. And mentioning the wine before mentioning me says a lot."

"Well, I've known those bottles of wine longer than I've known you."

"Thanks a lot, but you're still stalling."

The SUV hit them from behind so hard that if they hadn't been wearing their seat belts, they both would have gone headfirst through the winds.h.i.+eld.

"What the h.e.l.l!" yelled out King as he looked in his rearview mirror. "Where did they come from?" The words were barely out of his mouth before they were rammed again. King fought the wheel, trying to keep the two-door Lexus coupe on the windy road.

Mich.e.l.le kicked off her heels and pushed her bare feet against the floorboard to steady herself. Reaching into her bag, she slid out her gun, chambered a round and punched off the safety pretty much all in one smooth motion.

"Can you see the driver?" asked King.

"Not with the d.a.m.n headlights s.h.i.+ning in my face. But it has to be the killer."

King pulled out his cell phone. "This time we're going to nail the b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"Look out, here he comes again," yelled Mich.e.l.le.

The next impact by the far heavier vehicle almost lifted the rear of the Lexus off the road. King's cell phone was knocked out of his hand, banged against the winds.h.i.+eld and then went rocketing backward. It clanged off the hood of the SUV, hit the street and broke apart.

King tangled with the wheel again and managed to regain control as the two vehicles uncoupled. King's car was outweighed by at least a ton. Still the Lexus coupe was far more nimble than the beast attacking them, and it had three hundred horses under the hood. Calling on all of them when they hit a straightaway, King punched the gas and the Lexus leaped forward, leaving the other vehicle far behind.

Mich.e.l.le undid her safety belt.

"What the h.e.l.l are you doing?" cried King.

"You can't outrun him on these windy roads, and I can't get a decent shot off with my belt on. Just keep ahead of him."

"Wait a minute, call 911 first."

"I can't. I didn't bring my cell phone. My purse was too small for itand my gun." my gun."

King looked at her incredulously. "You didn't bring your phone but you brought your gun?"

"I think I have my priorities right," she said sharply. "What can I do with a phone: call him to death?"

She turned around in her seat, leaned over it and placed her elbow on the headrest of the rear seat. "Keep ahead of him," she repeated.

"Well, d.a.m.n it, you keep from getting killed," he shot back.

The truck came powering up again for another collision of metal on metal, but before it could make contact, King shot across to the other side of the road, whipped back and rat-tat-tatted on the gravel shoulder before regaining the hard surface. He downs.h.i.+fted and nailed the hairpin turn at fifty, tires screaming. He suddenly felt the right wheels losing touch with the asphalt, and he lurched his two hundred pounds to that side, grabbing hold of Mich.e.l.le's right hip and pus.h.i.+ng her sideways against the pa.s.senger door.

"I'm not being fresh. I just need the ballast. Stay there for a sec."

He dropped his speed a couple of mphs and exhaled a sigh of relief as the rubber attached itself once more to terra firma.

They hit another straightaway that King knew would run for a quarter of a mile before a series of serpentine curves would confront them. He smashed down on the gas so hard he was sure his loafers would be hitting the pavement in another quarter inch. As he ripped right through triple digits on the speedometer, the trees flashed by at such dizzying speed he would've started puking had he bothered to look.

Behind him the driver of the truck wound it up to well over a hundred on the quarter-mile stretch, keeping well within striking distance. King hit 130 and looked for another gear to grab, but the Lexus didn't have any more to give. All he could think about was,How many air bags does the d.a.m.n car have? He hoped it was at least a dozen; it looked like they would need every one because the series of curves was flying at them. If he slowed down, they were dead; if he kept this speed, they'd be equally dead. He hoped it was at least a dozen; it looked like they would need every one because the series of curves was flying at them. If he slowed down, they were dead; if he kept this speed, they'd be equally dead.

Mich.e.l.le eyed the headlights bearing down on them and then slid her gaze up to the driver's silhouette. She inched forward, finally resting her right elbow on the top part of the car's trunk, and took aim with both hands on her pistol.

They hit the curvy area, and King braked hard to sixty when the signs said twenty, but the traffic engineers had undoubtedly not taken into account murderous SUVs in their calculations of highway safety. This allowed the truck to make up significant ground. "He's coming up," warned King. "I can't go any faster without us flipping."

"Just hold it steady. If he doesn't back off, I'm going to take out his front tire."

Their pursuer came within fifty feet and then twenty. He had to see that she had him dead in her sights, Mich.e.l.le thought, and yet he wasn't giving an inch of ground. Then the SUV took an incredible leap forward as the driver gunned it.

King had seen this and mimicked the man's efforts. The Lexus shot forward, the truck right on their a.s.s. King arched his body and stamped both feet on the gas as though that would give them the turbocharge they so desperately needed.

What he hadn't counted on was a family of deer choosing that moment to amble across the road.

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Hour Game Part 41 summary

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