Rushed: Hushed Part 28

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"She spent the last weekend of spring break with us. She told me she hadn't told you Seth's last name. I figured either you'd figure it out or she'd have told you by now. Besides, look at them. How could anyone stop them?"

"Maddie," I said, my heart breaking. My little girl had gone behind my back. "This is such a mess!"

He nodded like he didn't disagree. "Can we go somewhere and talk? Just you and me?" He nodded toward the window. "Without making a spectacle in front of the kids?" And then he grinned, ever so slightly.

d.a.m.n that wisecracking guy. All these years later, he was still the same. And I still loved him.

"We have to be the grownups now," he said gently. "The mature ones. The voice of reason and wisdom."

I rolled my eyes and blinked back tears. "I hate that. Being the grownup. I'm d.a.m.ned tired of it. But you're right."

"I know just the place we can go. Let's just tell them what's up." He pulled me a few steps toward the house, up the steps, and called in through the open front door, "Laura and I are going to go hash things out. I'll bring her back when we're through. Don't wait for us!"

He wouldn't let go of me, like he thought I might bolt. Wise man.

He led me by the elbow to the driveway. "We'll take my car."

Maddie I stared at Seth and Ian. "What do you think that means?"

The guys shrugged and watched Rick's car pull away from the curb.

"I don't know," Ian said. "But did you see the way they looked at each other?"

I wrapped my arms around myself and nodded. I had. Yes, I had. And it's what I'd suspected all along. They loved each other. My practical, sensible mom had actually been pa.s.sionately in love once. Maybe she still was.

Chapter 22.

Maddie I got a text from Ian in the early hours of the morning. Mom had gotten in late and wanted us all, including Seth, to meet her and Rick for breakfast at his hotel at ten. Ian said he'd pick up Seth and me and the three of us could drive over together.

I quizzed him mercilessly: "How did she sound? Why did she come a day early? Has she forgiven us?"

"She sounded fine. Why don't you wait and ask her yourself? She'll explain everything."

When we got to the hotel, Rick and Mom were waiting for us in the lobby, holding hands. Plainly, obviously holding hands as if they wanted us to notice. Ken's sparkling new engagement ring was conspicuously missing from her left hand.

My heart stopped. This was a mom I barely recognized. Ebullient and happy in a way I'd never seen her. Staring adoringly at Rick with an expression I didn't remember her using with Dad. It was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

Ian called out, "Mom!"

Her face lit up when she saw us. She released Rick's hand and pulled me into a hug while Seth and Rick stood silently by, sizing each other up.

"Mom?" I couldn't help being hesitant. And she was squeezing the breath out of me with her ferocious hug.

When she released me, she turned to Seth. "You must be Seth."

Rick put his hands on Seth's shoulders. "This is my boy."

Mom paused. Her gaze bounced between Seth and me. She took my arm. "I need to talk to my daughter alone a second."

She pulled me a few feet away from the guys and leaned in to talk directly to me. "Ian told me everything last night. Maddie, I'm sorry. I made a mess of everything. I was so young and scared."

She glanced at Seth. "Seth's handsome. A real fox, as we would have said when I was your age." She laughed softly, looking almost young again herself. "Whether we like it or not, we're all intertwined now." Her eyes misted over as she glanced at Rick and then at Seth. "If you love him, you'll make it work. Don't make the mistake I did. Don't let anyone take him from you." She was looking at Rick again.

He stood with his arm around Seth, talking to Ian. I wondered if he was giving them the same talk.

"They're a hot trio," I said to her.

She smiled and nodded. "None hotter."

"I'd like you to be happy for Seth and me," I said to her. "Without me falling for Seth, none of this would have happened. The bad or the good."

"I will be." She put her arm around my shoulder. "Give me time to get used to things." Her eyes and smile were soft. "I wish it wasn't so complicated." She sighed softly. "That's my fault. I should have told you and Ian the truth a long time ago. Then maybe this could all have been avoided."

And I would have avoided Seth. But could I have avoided falling in love with him? And, knowing what I knew now, would I have wanted to?

Mom got a faraway look in her eyes. "I was trying to be faithful to my promise to Bruce. He didn't want anyone to know. I owed him that much."

"Did you love Dad?" I had to ask. I'd probably never get another chance this good to get the truth.

She looked me directly in the eye. "He was a good, loyal friend. That's a love all its own. And we had you together."

It wasn't the answer I wanted. But it was honest, in its way. And maybe that was best. It was what I'd suspected since meeting Rick.

I took her left hand. "What about Ken? Is that over?"

"I think it has to be." She bit her lip, reminding me of me. "I haven't told him yet. I want to do it in person. After the weekend is over and I get home. I'm sorry he's a casualty of this. He's a good man. He deserves someone who really loves him.

"After seeing Rick again, I can't go back to the me I made myself become all these years. Rick and I may not work out. But whatever happens, I won't be the same again." She looped her arm through mine and nodded to Rick. "Let's join the boys. I'm starving."

Chapter 23.

Four Months Later Maddie Even after Mom changed grooms, I couldn't get out of my duties as maid of honor. No matter what anyone tells you, or how they try to sell it to you, being maid of honor was not an honor. It was a boatload of work. And stress. And the pressure-throwing bridal showers, planning bachelorette parties. For my mom! Keeping everything on track. It was too much. Between the wedding and my summer interns.h.i.+p, I was ready to go back to school so I could relax.

Making matters more difficult, we had to squeeze what usually takes at least a year into just a few months. You would also think we could have used the prep we'd already done for Mom's wedding to Ken. But a wedding to a friend is nothing like a wedding to the love of your life. Mom didn't want her wedding to Rick tainted with any of the guilt over breaking up with Ken.

At least getting the venue was easy-the outdoor balcony of Rick's winery with its commanding view of the lake and its lush, oversize pots of flowers. Fields of neatly staked grapevines spilling down the hill. It was perfect. And came with a fully stocked wine bar and a caterer who was ecstatic his boss was finally tying the knot again.

The sunny summer afternoon was perfect, too.

As I walked across the balcony in front of the bride, taking tiny, gliding wedding steps, it was all worth it. Everything. Except maybe becoming Seth's stepsister. No matter how I tried to spin it, that still sucked. But, as Ian pointed out, if Seth and I ever did get married, at least deciding which family to spend Christmas with wouldn't be a problem. Seth had made a similar comment before he found out the truth.

Seth stood with his dad and the pastor at the end of the balcony near the railing and the view, waiting for the bride. I caught his eye and smiled.

I could picture this as my wedding. Seth waiting for me. Maybe. One day. I hoped.

I took my place next to the pastor, leaving room for the bride. As soon as I was in place, the intimate crowd of family and friends stood.

Ian escorted Mom up the aisle. Dressed in a calf-length, off-white gown, she looked elegant and beautiful. Tears stung my eyes when Ian handed Mom off to Rick.

Maybe this was what fate had intended all along, a happy, mixed-up ending. This was what my intuition was telling me about HBM 225. Guiding me into this unusual family.

There was no recessional after the pastor p.r.o.nounced them man and wife and they kissed. Instead, a flood of waiters came in carrying trays of wine and appetizers as Mom, Rick, Ian, Seth, and I formed a receiving line.

"Just as I feared from the beginning. We're brother and sister now," I teased Seth as a line formed to congratulate the newly married couple. I braced myself for introducing him to Mom's friends. "Nothing can separate us. We're family."

"Yeah, I finally have the stepsister I always wanted-a totally hot one."

I laughed and put on a fake pout. "Lucky you. I always wanted a sister." I shrugged off my faked disappointment. "At least one of us got what we wanted. Guess I'll have to make do with a s.e.xy stepbrother and put up with the scandal and shame when people whisper about us dating." I gave him an air kiss and looked at Mom and Rick, who were beaming. "Even with all that, it's a happy ending." I sighed with happiness.

"It's not a happy ending yet." Seth grinned at me.

I frowned at him, not getting his meaning. "What do you mean? Look at them. It's perfectly happy."

He looked me in the eye. "It won't be perfect until you marry me."

I looked at him, stunned. "Is that a proposal?"

"You're always thinking I'm proposing. You know me better than that." He grabbed my hand and held it. "When I propose, it will be obvious. I'll do it right. I'm just saying, this is more like a save the date. Don't plan on marrying anyone else."

"You realize that if we get married, our family will be really small and intertwined. Ian will be your brother and your brother-in-law. I'll be your stepsister and your wife. Rick will be your dad and your father-in-law. Mom will be your stepmom and your mother-in-law. And I think our children will be their own cousins." I bit my lip. "But I'll have to give that some more thought to be sure."

"Good thing I like small and complicated." He grinned roguishly.

And then, with the receiving line forming around us, Seth pulled me into his arms. "Let's give them something to talk about now. I love you."

And then he kissed me. My new stepbrother kissed me. And it was the best thing in the world. Even if everyone not in the know was whispering about it.

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Ellie and Logan's love story begins one hot August night...

Ellie My mom betrayed me in the worst way possible. I can't forgive her, but I can outwit her. I'm going to unravel the family secret she's been keeping from me my whole life. So I'm going to college across the state from her, to the place that has the answers. I hope. But I have to be careful or I'll blow everything. I can't tell anyone what I'm doing.

I didn't mean to fall in love. I can't afford to give my heart away or open up to anyone, least of all charming, rich, former bad boy baseball star Logan Walker. But he looked so adorable sitting there nursing a black eye the night I met him at my very first campus event. The way he held my hand made me flush in the suffocating heat of August and feel really beautiful for the first time in so long I can't remember. My scar didn't even hurt.

But Logan's moods are mercurial. He's keeping secrets of his own that are too dark to share, even with me. We agree to be just friends. But our hearts and bodies have minds of their own. Before I know it, I'm in too deep with him and the answer to the family secret I came to campus to find may be the thing that tears us apart.


Ellie The evening was going about as well as I expected. How likely is it in any given mating-game situation that the wingman will fall for the girl's moral support sidekick? In this case, given my mindset, the odds were exactly zero. With the pounding music, even trying to make idle conversation was pointless.

We got our subs and energy drinks and found an empty patch of lawn to sit on. Bre cooed to Dan. Jake and I were awkward and ate mostly in silence. My gaze landed on an Up All Night sign advertising the events of the evening.

Precision Piercing. Specials-Tonight only! Half off the usual price. Bellyb.u.t.ton, ears, cartilage, and noses only.

My heart pounded in my ears. I'd read enough. I knew what I wanted, what I had wanted for a couple of years now but was too rebellious to do-pierce my navel. To understand how not piercing my bellyb.u.t.ton is rebellious, you have to know my mom. It was what she wanted me to do, so it was exactly what I refused to do. But now I didn't care what she thought. I could pierce or not pierce at my pleasure. I was of age and didn't need her permission. She'd never know unless I wanted her to. And even then, she wouldn't be around to gloat and enjoy her triumph.

Anyway, that wasn't the way I saw it. Doing what I wanted without regard to her was my victory. I looked around at the party atmosphere that I should have been enjoying and found myself almost smiling.

Dan and Jake wolfed down their sandwiches and were ready to party. Bre wrapped the remains of hers, ready to toss it so she could get on with the evening. I'd barely touched mine, but that wasn't unusual. Since the breakup I'd lost my appet.i.te for just about everything in life and ten pounds along with it. And I hadn't been overweight to begin with.

Dan offered Bre a hand up. "Dance or take in the magic show?"

"Dance!" Bre laughed and took his arm, smiling up at him coyly.

"Body piercing!" I said in unison with Bre as I stood and dusted the gra.s.s off my b.u.t.t.

Three pairs of eyes turned on me. I kept smiling. "What? It'll be fun. It's not something you do every day. What better way to remember the start of our ill.u.s.trious college careers here than with a new piercing?"

I spoke boldly for someone who only had her ears pierced.

Beside me, Jake shook his head. "Guys don't get pierced. Not at Up All Night." He spoke like an expert.

I ignored him and appealed to Bre. She shook her head. "The line will be too long by now. We'll miss everything else. You can get pierced any time. I'll go with you whenever you want."

"But not for half price," I said.

"Ellie, come on." Bre's eyes begged me to be reasonable.

I waved her off. "You guys go ahead. I'm off to get my bellyb.u.t.ton pierced. I'll text you when I'm done and catch up with you later. Have fun!"

Without waiting for an answer, I spun and ran off through the crowd toward the SUB, feeling free and exhilarated for the first time all summer.

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Rushed: Hushed Part 28 summary

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