Dream Warriors - Ryder Part 2

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"Meagan said you had questions." Gareth neatly insinuated himself into the conversation.

"How long has he been spying on me?" Sheri moved into the laboratory, lowering her voice as she neared.

"I was a.s.signed to protect you in case the incubus changed tactics and came after you."

She glanced at him, but again she spoke to Gareth. "When was he a.s.signed to me? How long has he been creeping around my house like a ghost?"

"Shortly after I drove off the incubus, Ryder was dispatched to you."

"He's been guarding me for a month? Can he ... when he's invisible, can he see me?"

Ryder tried not to let her tactic annoy him, but d.a.m.n it, he was visible. "How can I ensure your safety if I can't see you?"

Her gaze snapped to his. "If you can't touch me when I'm awake, how did you expect to keep me safe?" Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked away.

"The primary threat is from the incubus, and he appears in the Dream Realm." He tried to move into her line of vision, but she stubbornly turned her head. "If something were to endanger you in the Waking Realm, I could summon a corporeal being. Not everyone in my acquaintance is a Dream Warrior."

"Where do Dream Warriors come from? What gives you the right to interfere in the lives of humans?"

Gareth smiled patiently and motioned toward Ryder. "He really is the best person to answer these questions, and explaining the details here is unwise. Perhaps Meagan's suggestion isn't such a bad idea."

Sheri took a deep breath and met Ryder's gaze directly. "Meet me at my house. I need a few minutes alone to get my thoughts together."

Ryder inclined his head and blinked out of sight.

It took twenty minutes to get from the Carroll Foundation to her house. Sheri did her best to organize her thoughts and prioritize the questions she would ask her resident specter, but her mind kept returning to the dream.

No one had ever touched her with such a potent combination of command and tenderness. Had her o.r.g.a.s.m spontaneously restored her memory, or had Ryder done something to return the images to her mind?

He wasn't in sight when she entered the house. She hung up her coat and walked into the kitchen. The dank March wind left her chilled and uncomfortable. Her frazzled nerves didn't need more caffeine, but a mug of herbal tea sounded perfect.

"The simplest solution is for me to take the memory of the dream from you, as well as a'a'"

Gasping, Sheri spun so fast water from her mug splashed her sweater. "Can you knock or something?" She pulled the damp material away from her body before it soaked the tee s.h.i.+rt beneath. "You scared me to death."

"I apologize." He stood just inside the archway separating the kitchen from the family room, laughter sparkling in his dark eyes. "It was never my intention to frighten you."

He put particular emphasis on the word never. She turned toward the sink to hide her smile and the distinct peaks her nipples created through the bulky sweater. She'd been anything but frightened in the dream, and the same curling heat a.s.sailed her now.

Holding the sweater with one hand, she refilled the mug with the other and set it in the microwave. She took a deep, fortifying breath and turned to face Ryder while the water heated.

"What was supposed to happen last night? Why did you infiltrate my dream?" He started to answer, but she stopped him. "No, go back farther. Why did you take the memory of the incubus from me in the first place?"

"We are guardians. We a.s.sist and protect, but humans are not meant to know of our existence."

"My sweater is wet. Don't get the wrong idea, but I need to take it off. Can you control yourself?"

He sauntered toward her. "It wouldn't matter if I couldn't. As Meagan said ..." He reached for her, and his hands pa.s.sed right through her body. She gasped and leapt back. He smiled. "I can't touch you while you're awake."

Her torso tingled; her nipples tightened further. Apparently, he didn't need to touch her to stimulate her hormones. His arresting features and s.e.xy smile were more than enough to set her pulse racing. A violent s.h.i.+ver shook her, and she wiggled out of the damp sweater. The black tee s.h.i.+rt beneath was tucked into her jeans; still, his gaze focused with obvious interest on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Stubbornness alone kept her from folding her arms over her chest like the proverbial virgin.

"Meagan also said something about Morpheus. Does Gareth have her convinced Greek mythology is real?"

"You don't believe in myths and legends?"

Those d.a.m.n dimples melted her insides and turned her knees to rubber. It wasn't right for a ghost to be so appealing. "I don't believe in Zeus and Apollo, if that's what you're asking me."

"This could be a quick conversation." Ryder chuckled. "Zeus is my father, and Apollo -- though he'll never admit it -- is my half-brother."

Sheri just stared at him.

The microwave dinged, disrupting her stupor. Needing something normal to occupy her befuddled brain, she retrieved the mug and plopped a teabag into the steaming water. He didn't expect her to believe ... But his words rang true.

Pulling out a chair, she sat at the kitchen table. Ryder pa.s.sed through a chair across from her and sat as well. She gaped. His smile turned sheepish. "I'm a mirage, remember."

She took a slow, deliberate sip of tea, her mind whirling. If it weren't for Meagan and the Gareth-possessed Justin, Sheri would simply accept her own insanity. "Just for the sake of argument, let's say that the myths are true."

"I never said myths are true. I said I'm the son of Zeus. Much of mythology has been twisted and corrupted through thousands of years of --"

"Okay, let's stick with the basics. If you're the son of a G.o.d, why are you so powerless in, what did you call this, the Waking Realm?"

"Have you ever heard of Hera?"

"Wasn't she married to Zeus?"

"That depends on the day." She didn't return his smile, so he went on. "Zeus has a wandering eye, to say the least. His frequent infidelities outrage Hera, and she finds creative ways of dealing with his lovers."

"I remember now. She turned them into trees and animals and constellations."

"And dreams." He paused meaningfully. "Hera turned my mother into a dream and banished me to the Dream Realm. Not even Zeus could restore us."

Sheri rubbed her temples. Was it easier to accept that she was talking to a ghost, or a mythological character? Either way, she should probably be medicated.

"You said you were trapped in the Dream Realm, but your mother was turned into a dream. Isn't that the same thing?"

He shook his head, and sadness clouded his eyes. "A dream never changes. It's rather like a memory. I located her in the Dream Realm once, but she didn't see me. She's repeating a sequence of events that took place before my birth."

"Is she aware of what she's become?" Good Lord, was she feeling sorry for her delusion? This couldn't be good.

He glanced down at the tabletop, a bittersweet smile curving his lips. "Not even Hera is that cruel."

"Who was your mother?"

"A nymph. One of many Zeus seduced. The historians grew bored recording them all. Her name would mean nothing to you."

"Historians." She nodded, fighting back a nervous smile. This was all so ridiculous. "Are all Dream Warriors sons of Zeus?"

"Each has his own story. I'm telling you mine."

"Hera banished you to the Dream Realm, so Morpheus offered you a job?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that." He shook away the sorrow and met her gaze, his expression edged with impatience. "Morpheus had a falling out with his brothers about the time humankind spread across the earth like wildfire. Morpheus was left with a domain too vast to manage on his own, so he recruited me."

"Recruited you for what? What exactly do you do?"

"Each a.s.signment is different. I do whatever is required of me."

She arched her eyebrows. "Was last night required of you?"

"I heard your comments to Meagan and couldn't resist." A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He had the most kissable mouth, and, heaven help her, he knew how to use it! "Is this where you try to convince me you found no pleasure in my touch?"

"I may embellish to others, but I try very hard not to lie to myself. You heard a pa.s.sing comment whispered to a friend and used it to manipulate me."

"I used it to stimulate you."

"I don't see the difference."

"Before I ever touched you intimately, I asked for an invitation, and you offered it freely."

Chapter Three.

Deep in the heart of the Underworld, Chaos lay alone in his ma.s.sive bed. Hovering between sleep and wakefulness, his body tossed while his mind echoed his father's warning. Your precious Delilah will disrupt this world in ways we can only imagine.

In a moment of rash defiance, Chaos had released the succubus from her pit. He hadn't imagined Delilah's true power, had only known her escape would infuriate his father. Hades had been outraged, all right. He'd commanded Chaos to locate the succubus and return her to the Underworld.

For the past human month, Chaos had hunted her with ruthless determination. Still, she remained a step ahead, taunting him with her handiwork, with the victims she left behind.

And then she'll come for you!

Torches cast wavering light across the decadent chamber Chaos called home. Ebony, crimson, and gilt, the room accented the coloring of its occupant. Chaos surrounded himself with splendor in an attempt to forget what lay beyond the palace walls. His father might be the ruler of the Underworld, but Chaos had no use for the dead.

His bedding disintegrated, leaving him sprawled upon his back, naked and stunned. He struggled against the unseen force which held him down, spread his arms and legs until he spanned the surface of the bed.

Cloying and sweet, the scent of jasmine and cloves swirled around him, caressed him, aroused him. Desire twisted through his gut. His skin tingled. His shaft rose.

"Release me!" He tossed his head, panting harshly. "I'll not be --"

The fragrance intensified. Invisible fingers explored his chest, stroked his abdomen, wandering ever closer to his burgeoning erection. Was he dreaming? Or was Delilah really here?

The unseen hand closed around his shaft, and Chaos went wild. He bucked and thrashed, tugging against the invisible restraints. Helpless! He couldn't move, could only feel what she wanted him to feel. Firm pressure, scalding heat, she took him to the edge of o.r.g.a.s.m, then stopped as he let out a frustrated roar.

"What's the matter, darling?" Delilah solidified beside him, her nimble fingers still encircling his shaft. "You certainly enjoy playing with others. Don't you enjoy being the toy?"

"Release me." He snarled; his gaze locked with hers.

She'd chosen the form he liked least, the better to annoy him, no doubt. Slender to the point of frailty, she sat with her legs folded in front of her. Her sheer blue garment matched her flas.h.i.+ng gaze and the highlights in her sleek black hair.

"Why have you been following me?" One of her dark brows arched quizzically.

Her hand slid up his length, her thumb rubbing his ultra-sensitive tip. Chaos stifled a groan. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing how her touch tormented him. Besides, if he held still a bit longer, her tormenting touch would -- She pulled her hand away.

"You teasing b.i.t.c.h!"

"Did you miss me?" She grinned. "Or did Daddy tell you to drag me back to his moldering kingdom and the pit awaiting me there?"

"I missed you." Fury made his voice terse, belying his words.

She laughed. "Sure you did."

What was wrong with him?! She was here. All he had to do was contact his father and put an end to this chapter in his life. Projecting his thoughts outward, he sensed nothing but an endless void.

"Where are we?"

Moving between his thighs, she cupped his b.a.l.l.s in one hand and stroked his shaft with the other. "I'm a succubus, you fool. Where do you think we are?"

He was dreaming. She'd trapped him in her domain. Again and again she took him to the edge of climax, denying his body release. When her hand no longer amused her, she took him in her mouth.

Clenching his teeth, he endured her sensual torture until his jaw ached as badly as his b.a.l.l.s. His groans turned to curses, his curses to screams, as she intensified his need. The heated swirl of her tongue was the cruelest pleasure yet. She licked and sucked, always pulling back at the last possible moment.

Chaos trembled, hating her -- needing her.

"You'll never find me, but I can visit you again and again." As she spoke, she climbed on top of him, straddling his hips.

Yes, oh, please, yes!

She positioned him at her entrance and stared into his eyes. "Is this what you want, my darling?"

"Yes!" The word escaped on a moan.

Her hot, wet heat enveloped his engorged tip. He cried out, then moaned, turning his face to the side. She had no intention of letting him come. There was nothing but cruelty in her bright blue eyes.

"Will you stop following me?"

He squeezed his eyes shut, his body throbbing unmercifully. She knew any promise he uttered would be a lie. When Hades gave an order, no one disobeyed. Inch by agonizing inch, she took him into her core. She dragged her body up just as slowly, and took him deep again.

Chaos clenched his fists, his body arched, tense.

"Leave me alone." She whispered the threat against his lips. "Or next time I'll bring friends."

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Dream Warriors - Ryder Part 2 summary

You're reading Dream Warriors - Ryder. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Cyndi Friberg. Already has 442 views.

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