The Loyal Heart Part 26

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As she dipped the towel in the water again and wrung it he slid his hands up the sides of her legs and splayed them across her hips. She sucked in a quick breath and started was.h.i.+ng the blood from the cut in his side. The cut was long, reaching all the way around to his back and across two of his ribs, but it wasn't deep.

He ducked his head close to hers, his lips brus.h.i.+ng her forehead as she wiped away the blood and sweat from his wound. Her eyes met his smoldering blue ones and his mouth traced over the ridge of her nose to join with hers.

He kissed her lightly, their breath mingling as their tongues danced in exploration. She leaned closer and closed her mouth around his bottom lip, sucking it as she pulled back and wet the towel in the bowl again. She squeezed the towel with trembling hands and slid it across his shoulders and chest. The cool water trickled down the hot skin of his torso and she caught it with her left hand. Her eyes focused on the glimmer of her ring, the bruised, pale skin under her hand as it followed the water's trail up across the muscles of his chest. Her fingers memorized the lines of his body as her thumb raked his alert nipple.

He caught his breath at her touch. The only word she could find to describe the fire in his eyes was 'need'. He needed her in ways she was only just coming to understand. His hand traced up her neck, the thump of her pulse beating against his palm. He caressed her jaw as he pulled her closer to pressed his parched lips to her mouth. She opened readily to him, inviting him with a sigh of pleasure as her tongue entwined with his, her teeth raked his lip. His fingers traced to the neckline of her bodice before he plunged his hand against her skin to caress her breast. His palm ma.s.saged the tight bud of her nipple until it stood stiff against his touch and she moaned deep in her throat and arched against him.

She could feel the hardness of his desire against her belly and wanted more. She wanted all of him. His mouth left hers with a sigh and journeyed across her jaw, down her neck and to her collarbone, leaving a trail of molten heat in its wake. She would have ripped the laces of her dress open for him if she could have moved her hands from where they dug into his shoulders, towel still clutched tightly.

His hands dropped to caress her bottom, fingers sliding deep between her legs as he lifted her with a sudden, possessive jerk to grind against his erection. She tipped her head back and sighed with pleasure as he caught the lace of her kirtle in his teeth and pulled it loose. Her eyes flew wide and she rubbed her hips harder against him, body throbbing with want, as his mouth and tongue raked her breast where her dress fell loose.

"Crispin," she panted for more, threading her fingers through his hair.

He straightened and grabbed at the laces of her underdress, pulling them loose enough to push the confining garment over her shoulders. He bunched it in his trembling hands as he yanked it, ignoring the rip that made her gasp and then purr as the cool evening air swirled across her bare skin. He let go of the fabric as its weight pulled it to the floor and spread his hands over the naked flesh of her sides and hips. Her skin was cool over raging hot flesh and he groaned his appreciation when words refused to come.

His hands sought the soft mounds of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s again as she fumbled with the ties of his chausses and smallclothes. His mouth captured hers with ferocity as her hands slid across his hips, pus.h.i.+ng his chausses down his legs. She reached for the hard length of his erection and he sucked in a breath and her bottom lip as he let himself enjoy the power of her possession for the briefest moment.

"Aubrey," he whispered her name as he pushed her away. She sighed in protest as her hands slid off of him and he cupped her chin and tilted her head to look into her eyes. "If you touch me like that it will be over much too soon. I have waited so long for this and I want it to last."

She blinked, eyelids heavy with desire. Her mouth fell open in longing invitation and she leaned towards him. He indulged in another pulverizing kiss before holding her at arm's length again so that he could pull his boots off and step out of his chausses. She followed suit and shed the remainder of her clothes.

With his clothes tossed aside he closed his hands around her waist and practically tossed her across the bed. He climbed over her, the fierce hunger in his eyes making her ache in antic.i.p.ation. She welcomed him into her arms digging her fingers into his skin, ignoring the dirt and sweat and blood as his mouth devoured hers again.

His taste was earthy and spicy, his scent crisp and masculine. She moaned as his chest rubbed against hers, arched her back and lifted a leg over his hip to bring him closer. Reason had long since left her to the driving needs of her body and her heart. She raked her hand over the flexing muscles of his back, reveling in the moan her touch coaxed from him. Knowing that he wanted her as desperately as she wanted him only made her bolder. She traced her foot up the side of his leg, opening her hips wide, not wanting to wait.

With a shuddering groan of real pain Crispin's weight sagged over her. Her eyes shot open in alarm and her hand raced to cradle his face as he struggled in vain to prop himself over her. "Crispin?" Her voice was thick with pa.s.sion and worry.

"I...." He met her eyes with love and agony but couldn't go on.

She glanced at his heaving chest and gasped when she saw her side and stomach dotted with his blood. "Good G.o.d, Crispin!" Her heart pounded to her throat as he collapsed to the side and sprawled on his back. She sat beside him, pulling at the bedcovers and yanking a sheet free to press to the slice in his side.

"Too much movement," he began, grinding his head against the pillow and wincing.

Aubrey worked with the corner of the sheet, pressing and cleaning the wound until the bleeding slowed. "Does it hurt?"

He shook his head, eyes closed. "Aubrey, I'm sorry...."

She ignored him and threw the sheet to the side. "How about now?" Her bottled desire ran free again at the sight of him lying fully naked beside her, still hard.

"No, it-"

She threw her leg over his hips and straddled him, mischief glittering in her eyes. "How about now?"

His eyes snapped to hers in a flash of desire. "No."

She braced her hands on either side of his shoulders and dipped forward until her tight nipples brushed his chest. Her lips barely touched his. "Now?"

His hands closed over her hips. "No." He strained up to try to kiss her but she pulled away.

"Now, now," she scolded, rubbing her nose along his. "We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself."

His hand slid between her legs in answer, parting the slick folds of her flesh and stroking the hard nub between. She lost her bravado to the powerful new sensation of his intimate touch and sighed, resting the side of her face against his. Her body ached where he touched her, fire coiling tighter and tighter with each gyrating stroke. When his fingers slid inside of her she gasped and shuddered and let his mouth take hers again as she sank to her elbows and threaded her fingers into his damp hair.

"Crispin," she moaned his name against his ear, her body eager and tightening under the exquisite torture of his fingers teasing her. "I want you. I want you now."

"Aubrey," he moaned her name in answer.

"Show me what to do."

He slid his hands up her body, pausing to run his thumbs across her nipples, then took her face in his hands. "It might hurt."

To his surprise she burst into a fit of giggles and sucked a kiss from his lips. She pushed herself to her knees, straddling him so that he could see the full length of her flushed body and the glisten of desire between her legs. The sight of her nearly made him lose control. She grabbed his hand and pressed it to the thick white scar running from her ribs to her hipbone. "This hurt." She raised an eyebrow at him then reached to close her hand over his rigid c.o.c.k. "This won't."

Love and longing lit his deep blue eyes as he gazed up at her. He clamped his hands over her hips and guided her until the tip of his erection pressed against the wet lips of her opening. She s.h.i.+fted against him with a gasp, closing her hands over his and testing the feeling of him. He panted with the effort of keeping still, letting her find her own way instead of slamming into her as she could see he wanted to. She pressed down, barely drawing him in, eyes alight with surprise at the sensation the motion caused. She pulled back and let out a ragged breath.

He swallowed. "Aubrey, you don't have to-"

His words faded into a groan as she impaled herself on him, drawing him deep inside of her with an audible gasp that matched his. His control snapped. He thrust his hips up into hers, pus.h.i.+ng her up so that he could withdraw and plunge into her again. Her hands tightened over his, her nails digging into his wrists as he repeated the gesture. She caught on, throwing her head back with a cry of pleasure as she rode him.

His hands left her hips and slid up her sweat-slicked body to caress her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She opened her eyes and s.h.i.+fted forward as the rhythm of their joining intensified so that she could look into his eyes. They burned for her, beyond pain and heartbreak, pure love. The sight filled her, swirled with the incredible heat and demanding of their bodies cras.h.i.+ng together. With a gasp she was overtaken by wave after glittering wave of pulsating pleasure that started where her body held him and radiated out through her arms and legs, concentrating in her heart.

He let himself go when he felt her convulse, thrusting with one last powerful jolt and a cry that filled her with a whole new wave of desire. Every risk had been worth it to have him like this. His arms folded around her as she went limp with exhaustion on top of him. Her head dropped to his shoulder and her hot, moist breath tickled his neck as she lay spent across his chest. He was still inside of her. That was all that mattered.

They lay entwined and exhausted until their breathing slowed and the cool night air blowing across their sweat-dampened skin grew uncomfortable. She didn't want him to withdraw from her, but when they moved together to slide under the covers, wrapping in each other's arms, stealing kisses in spite of exhaustion, she sighed in contentment.

As she settled she saw the bedcovers and gasped. They were flecked with blood.

"I think we ruined your coverlet."

Crispin laughed and stroked a strand of damp hair away from her face, kissed her forehead, her nose, her lips. "I thought it was the bride's blood that was supposed to stain the sheets on the wedding night."

His words swirled through her body, pulsing in her heart and the deliciously sore spot between her legs. "It's not our wedding night, Crispin."

"Yes it is." He hushed her with a kiss. She returned it, sliding her leg over his and curling her fingers in his hair. "It is to me."

She nodded, smiling. "It is then."

"Aubrey," he continued, his voice trembling just above a whisper. He hesitated, pressing his lips together and glancing to where his fingers traced the line of her jaw. She smoothed the back of her hand across the flush of his cheek. His eyes drifted up to meet hers. "I love you."

She gasped as her eyes stung with tears. Why she should cry when her heart swelled with happiness deeper than anything that had ever touched her she didn't know. She felt the hot trail of an escaping tear race its way down the side of her head as echoing tears came to Crispin's eyes. "I love you, Crispin." She meant it with her entire soul. She'd loved him for far longer than she had let herself know.

Chapter Twenty.

Aubrey awoke to a chilly room, a sore body, and Crispin's warmth wrapped around her. She sucked in a long breath and hugged him tighter. Memories of the night before filtered back into her sleepy mind. Crispin grunted as her elbow dug into one of his bruises.

"Sorry!" She pushed herself up on one arm and moved away from him.

A cool swirl of air wafted between them and he grabbed her and drew her against him. "Don't," he whispered into her hair.

"But your injured."

He shook his head and rolled her onto her back, spreading himself over top of her. "I've never felt better."

A smile bloomed on her face at the sparkle in his sleepy blue eyes. She circled her arms around his broad back, lifting a knee when he dipped to kiss her.

"Me too," she whispered when he let her catch her breath. She arched her back, pressing her hips against him, eager to relive the ecstasy of the night before.

Crispin laughed as she wriggled and tried to pull away. He stole another kiss. "Aubrey, no."

"Why not?" She brushed away the rebellious lock of hair that always slipped down over his forehead, heart swelling, body pulsing. "Are you still hurting?"

"No," he kissed her again, "but you will be." She raised an eyebrow at him as he gave in and kissed her yet again. His hand strayed across her abdomen, between her legs. She purred at his touch. She could still feel him from the night before. "You'll be so sore you won't be able to walk or sit for a week."

She growled. "Is that a threat or a promise?"

He gave up his tight control and crushed his mouth over hers. She lifted her leg to wrap around his thigh as his hands caressed her and pulled her close.

They ignored the banging on the door at first. Seconds later it flew open with a crash as it hit the wall. Crispin's body went rock hard as he dropped to protect Aubrey, nearly crus.h.i.+ng her in the process. She dug her hands into his shoulders and started as Jack dashed into the room, eyes wide with alarm.

A flash of humor crossed his face as his head snapped away so fast Aubrey thought he would break his neck. "Aw, b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l!" he shouted, unable to hide his grin as he faked disgust and held his hands up as if blinded.

"Jack, you had better have one h.e.l.l of a good excuse-" Crispin roared, s.h.i.+fting to the side with a wince as Aubrey propped herself up behind his back, gathering sheets around her.

Crispin didn't have a chance to finish his thought before Buxton swaggered into the room. Aubrey gasped and Crispin reached out to put a hand on her side.

"Rise and s.h.i.+ne, Crispy!" Buxton's tone was chipper in spite of the malevolence in his eyes. "The sun is up, the faire is buzzing, and Prince John is on his way!"

"My lord, you have no right-"

"You let Windale get away!" Crispin's storm of protest was cut short by Buxton's rage. Aubrey felt his body flare hot with fury. She searched for the nearest weapon. "He's gallivanting in the forest somewhere making me look like a fool! And Prince John is coming!"

"Messenger arrived this mornin' sayin' he's two days out." Jack stepped forward and held out his hands as if he would pull Buxton back.

"n.o.body asked you!" Buxton wheeled on him and tried to strike. Jack dodged.

Crispin scrambled out of bed and threw a s.h.i.+rt over his head. "My lord, two days is plenty of time-"

"And you!" Buxton spun on Crispin, murder in his eyes. "s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g that wh.o.r.e when you should have been chasing Derbywood!"

Crispin raised a fist at Buxton as Jack surged forward and Aubrey shouted "Stop!" She didn't care that she was naked. She jumped out of bed and grabbed Crispin's arms, holding them down.

Jack stepped between Crispin and Buxton, face pale as he glanced between the two men. Silence sizzled through the air, broken only by the hiss of Crispin panting in rage.

Aubrey could feel him trying to master himself as she held him. He took a deep breath. "We can go out into the forest, my lord, flush him out and capture him." His voice was strangled and hoa.r.s.e.

"No!" Buxton's retort threw them all off. "I do not want Windale flushed out, not while Prince John is here."

"What?" Jack was the only one calm enough to answer.

"The last thing I need when I have the future king of England under my roof is Windale causing a distraction from the main attraction." He snapped a glance to each of them and when no one asked he shouted, "ME! I want John to see me! To see how much money I've brought in, to see what kind of order I've brought to this s.h.i.+re. Me! I want him to know he can count on me as one of his chief supporters so that when the time comes," he paused and a wide grin spread across his face, "I'll be rewarded."

"So you don't want us to spend our time chasin' Ethan," Jack goggled. "You want us to spend it makin' you look good."

A bright grin split Buxton's face. "See? It's not that hard to understand. Somebody get this man a duchy or something." He sighed as if nothing in the room were amiss and turned to walk to the door. Then he paused and every inch of malice and insanity washed back into his beady eyes as he turned and glared at Aubrey. "Pennington wants to see you."

Aubrey swallowed but had no time to reply before Buxton slammed the door behind him. The room crackled with anxious energy in his wake. She squeezed her eyes shut and leaned her forehead against Crispin's back, still heaving as he calmed himself. Her heart pounded in her chest.

Jack cleared his throat. "Right. I'll just-"

"What does he mean 'the main attraction'?" Crispin stopped him from leaving.

Aubrey perked up and glanced over his shoulder. Jack met her eyes and Crispin's and wrapped his hand around the rosary on his wrist. "Oy, I'm just gonna turn this way while I tell you."

He turned his back and Aubrey relaxed and crossed to the chest that held their clothes.

"So after you left the festivities last night I went lookin' for Ethan, right? Only he was long gone by then. Figure he had back-up, you know. My brother for one." His voice took a sullen turn and Aubrey glanced to him in time to see him kick the floor. She handed Crispin clean smallclothes and chausses and tossed a tunic on the bed while he dressed. "It was dark by that point anyhow and it's pretty much useless chasin' anyone in the forest in the dark."

"Buxton let you give up the chase?" Crispin growled.

"Nah, see, that's the thing." Jack ventured a peek over his shoulder and when he saw that Aubrey had at least an under-dress on he turned around. "I got back to the Great Hall, right, and Buxton and his mates were actin' like it was all deliberate-like."

"What?" Aubrey shrugged a kirtle over her under-dress and tightened the laces.

"Yeah, only that ain't all." He took a step closer to Crispin who was fastening a belt over his tunic with a wince. "You know why Pennington's here?"

"No." Crispin's eyes lit with sharp anxiety.

"He's here to negotiate peace, mate."

"Peace?" Aubrey rushed around the bed to join the conversation.

"Yeah," Jack went on, including her easily. "Between King Richard and Prince John. A sort of family settlement, like, to bring an end to internal strife and to restore political and economic stability to England." He finished the last bit in a perfect imitation of a n.o.ble accent. He was so good at it that Aubrey cracked a grin.

Crispin wasn't remotely amused. "That's ludicrous. No one settles royal succession with negotiations in a distant and obscure s.h.i.+re. Why is Pennington really here?"

Jack shrugged. "Got me, mate."

"I can find out." Aubrey spoke with such sudden determination that Crispin and Jack gaped at her. "I think I said I would have lunch with him today," she admitted.

"Aubrey, no." Crispin crossed his arms and glowered at her.

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The Loyal Heart Part 26 summary

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