Rich Or Famous... Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Part 14

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"Are you serious?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't."

"Does this mean my promise ring is now an engagement ring?"

"No, we're gonna pick out a new ring that represents a new beginning for us. You hear that, mom. You're gonna gain a daughter-in-law and grandchild, hopefully all within the next year."

I bent down and held my mother's hands. I didn't know if it was wishful thinking or really true but I swore I felt her squeeze my hand.

"I know you don't know me, but I really do love your son. Day by day he's saving me from myself. And I'm going to do everything I can to make him the happiest man in the world."

"Come here," I reached out my hand and pulled Dior close. "You've already made me the happiest man in the world."

"How's that, when I've been doing nothing but s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up."

"You made me fall in love and I thank you for that."

"Baby, you sure I can't come with you to your office. You never let me go with you when you work."

"One thing at a time. I'll only be gone for a few hours and then we're gonna go out and celebrate our engagement so wear something extremely obscene tonight."

"You're so silly but aren't all my clothes obscene?"

"Then put on something extra obscene. Bye s.e.xy, I'll see you later." Dior blew me a kiss and I hated that I had to leave her but I needed to handle this meeting at my office which I didn't think would take long.

When I was coming out the Holland Tunnel I saw that Alexus was calling but when I answered she either hung up or the call dropped. I called her back but it went straight to voicemail. I decided to wait until I got to my office to call her again. When I pulled up to the parking lot everyone seemed to already be there so I wasted no time getting upstairs. When the elevator doors opened up everybody was huddled as if in crisis mode.

"What's all this about?" Each of them looked up at me simultaneously with the same bleak look in their eyes. "Yo' why is everybody so quiet? We got another situation where it ain't cool to talk in here?"

"Everything is cool in here, we triple checked this m.u.t.h.e.rf.u.c.ker," Brice a.s.sured me.

"Then why you all looking like somebody died?"

"We think something might've happened to Alexus."

"That can't be she just called me."

"You spoke to her?"

"No, I got a call from her but when I answered we got disconnected."

"Did you try to call her back?"

"Yeah and it went straight to voicemail. Why do you think something foul happened?"

"Because when we went to her crib it had been ransacked. There was s.h.i.+t everywhere."

"I knew I shoulda murked that b.i.t.c.h."

"Yo, Lorenzo, what are you talkin' 'bout? Alexus is fam."

"I'm telling you ain't nothin' happened to her. I always felt like she had something to do with that kidnapping s.h.i.+t."

"We checked her out and she came back clean. I told you there were some Dominican dudes behind it but we lost our trace on them."

"Them m.u.t.h.e.rf.u.c.kers were able to get too close without having some inside help."

"Darnell, was their inside help. I'm telling you, Alexus is clean. Them Dominican came back to get her a.s.s."

"Why? They got the f.u.c.kin' money. They didn't need to come back for Alexus. That sheisty b.i.t.c.h was in on that s.h.i.+t from the jump! She done took her cut and broke the f.u.c.k out. But that's a'right we gon' find her a.s.s. It may take a year or two but she can't hide forever.

"So if she in on it, why did she call you?"

"Brice, that's all game. She been tryna plan her departure. She want us to believe some f.u.c.ked up s.h.i.+t happen to her so we be looking for a dead body and not a live one. Did you call her mother's crib in North Carolina?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"And what did she say?"

"The number was disconnected."

"All of us f.u.c.ked up big time wit' this bulls.h.i.+t." I was angry as h.e.l.l. I was so busy chasing behind Dior and attending bulls.h.i.+t parties with her that I let my business slip. Now that trifling a.s.s Alexus had bounced with her cut of the money. But just like Darnell she would pay the consequences for her betrayal.

Dior I Hate That I Love You "I guess you forgot that you told me you would be here three hours ago," was how I greeted Lorenzo when he finally came home.

"Today was a f.u.c.ked up day," he countered tossing his keys on the table.

"What happened?"

"Just bulls.h.i.+t. I got so many bulls.h.i.+t people in my life, I'm sick of all of them."

"Why don't you fire them and hire some new people?"

"If it was only that easy."

"What exactly do you do? I mean you say that you have your hands in a lot of different things but what sort of things?"

"What do you think?"

"I know you do some things with Phenomenon."

"And what else?"

"Stop with the riddles, Lorenzo, can't you just answer the question."

"I make money. That's what I do and I make a f.u.c.kin' lot of it. And because I make so much f.u.c.kin' money I'm constantly dealing wit' bulls.h.i.+t.

Real bulls.h.i.+t, not that dumb s.h.i.+t you get yourself involved in."

"Why are you bringing me in this?"

"Because if I wasn't so busy holding your hand every d.a.m.n day I would've been more focused on my business and would've squashed this s.h.i.+t a long time ago before it grew some legs."

"I'm sorry I f.u.c.ked things up for you." I tried to hold them back but the tears just started flowing.

"d.a.m.n Dior, can you stop being so dramatic all the f.u.c.kin' time. What's up with the tears!"

"Do you think I want to cry right now! I don't understand you. Earlier today you were telling your mother I was going to be your wife and the mother of your child now you're telling me I'm f.u.c.kin' upyour life. I'm trying so hard for you but I can't get it right. It's like you hate that you love me."

"Don't put words in my mouth."

"That's how you act."

"Dior, I'm not in the mood to pacify you right now."

"That's fine. I guess we won't be going out to celebrate our engagement after all, so I'm going to bed."

Lorenzo's cold demeanor towards me put a chill through my body. So after throwing off my clothes to take a shower my feet welcomed the heated floors in the bathroom. It was a warmth that Lorenzo seemed to be able to turn on and off at his convenience. I had never tried so hard to please one man who always made me feel like I would never measure up. I turned off all the lights in the bathroom because I didn't even want to look at myself anymore. The one person who I needed to love me instead constantly rejected me.

I stayed in the hot shower so long by the time I got out when I hit the bed my eyes closed shut. When I felt warm, strong hands rubbing up my body at first I thought I was dreaming but then a voice said, "Don't ever think I don't love you because I do." His soft lips kissed my earlobes and I instantly got wet. I turned over and my body was his without him even asking. He lifted me up so I would be on top. At first I screamed out as I s.h.i.+fted my hips to take all of him inside of me. But as my back arched and his hands and tongue played with my nipples I kept riding Lorenzo harder welcoming the pain. We both wanted more and we gave it to each other because soon our pleasures. .h.i.t the ultimate high as we climaxed together. That night Lorenzo fell asleep inside me and never moved. It seemed we became one and for the first time I truly believed he did love me.

"Baby, what's that noise?" I asked not wanting to wake up but unable to ignore the loud banging.

"I think somebody's at the door."

"Oh s.h.i.+t. That's probably Abby. I forgot we're supposed to meet this morning. Can you go get it, baby? I need a few more minutes before I have to go deal with her."

"No problem." When Lorenzo got up to put on his boxer shorts I wanted to pull him back in bed with me because I was getting wet all over again. Instead I closed my eyes so I could try to get five more minutes of sleep. But loud commotion was coming from the living room and I had to see what the h.e.l.l was going on. I put on my bathrobe and when I walked out there were more than a dozen law enforcement officers. I couldn't tell if it was the DEA, The Feds or what, all I saw was black clothes, badges and guns.

"Lorenzo Taylor, you're under arrest for money laundering, running a continuing criminal enterprise, murder of Darnell Hobbs...," after the word murder I couldn't hear anything after that. My mind began drifting to a million different places all the while my eyes remained locked with Lorenzo's. I was waiting for him to tell me what I was supposed to do but he never said a word. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Baby, what am I supposed to do?"

"It'll be okay. I'll call you," he said calmly as if he wasn't about to go to jail. They let him put on some clothes and I stood there watching feeling helpless. As they were taking him out some woman stopped him in his tracks.

"Before you left, I wanted you to see the face of the woman responsible for bringing you down."

"Why would you do this, Lala?"

"Alexus told me everything. You murdered the father of my child and then took me to bed and played daddy to his daughter. You're a cold hearted b.a.s.t.a.r.d and I can't wait for you to spend the rest of your life behind bars."

"Lorenzo, what is she talking about? Lorenzo, answer me," but he never looked in my direction as they escorted him out in handcuffs.

"Don't shed a tear for him, Dior."

"Excuse me? I don't even know you so don't tell me what I should or shouldn't do."

"Why would you want to cry over a man that was cheating on you the entire time you all were together?"

"You're a liar!"

"The other night when he didn't come home because he found out you were high on drugs, he was with me. He told me how pathetic you are and the only reason he stayed with you was because he felt sorry for you. He bought a big beautiful home for me and my daughter because he wanted us to be a family. You were nothing more than a charity case to him. So don't waste your tears on that sonofab.i.t.c.h, he'll be spending the rest of his life behind bars anyway.

When she left and the door closed, I completely lost it. I felt sick like I wanted to die. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. I continued to vomit until all I was coughing up was air. I leaned over the side of the toilet and just cried. I didn't realize I had so many tears in me. It felt like that moment was the end of my life.

Lorenzo Who Will Survive "Dior, I can't describe how good it feels to see your face. I've missed you, baby."

"I've missed you too. But I hate seeing you in a place like this. You don't belong in jail."

"And I won't be for long. I have the best attorney's working to get me out. I'm not worried about me I'm concerned about you. How are you holding up?"

"Not good. I don't have anybody to talk to. I mean Courtney she listens and she tries to be there for me but it's so hard."

"Baby, please don't start crying. We're gonna get through this together."

"Do you love me, Lorenzo?"

"Of course, why would you even ask me that?"

"Then why, why were you seeing her?"

"Seeing who, Lala?"


"Dior, that was before you. When we got serious, I cut it off. Tania is my G.o.ddaughter so I did take care of them but after we became serious I cut it off with her-I promise you."

"What about that night you didn't come home after we got into that huge argument, did you stay with her?"

"Yes, I stayed at her house."

"Did you have s.e.x with her?" I looked away because it was killing me that I was literally watching myself break Dior's heart.

"Why are you doing this, Dior? I love you, I've always loved you. I swear on everything, you are the only woman besides my mother that I've ever loved. You have my heart. That's all that matters."

"Did you have s.e.x with her that night, Lorenzo?"

"Yes, but it was a mistake. I was p.i.s.sed at you because of that whole situation with Sway but it meant nothing. I came back home to you."

"Yeah, because you felt sorry for me. You think I'm pathetic."

"What are you talkin' about? I don't feel sorry for you. I came back home because I love you and I wanted to be with you. I still do."

"I want to believe you but you have this whole life that you kept from me. You didn't even trust me enough to tell me what was going on. And now you're in jail because some woman you were having s.e.x with turned on you. Everybody seems to know everything but me."

"Dior, it's not like that. You know I can't go into details but trust it's me and you. When I get out we will be together. We will have that wedding and make that baby like we said we would-believe that. I know my time is about to be up but I'ma call you tomorrow."

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Rich Or Famous... Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Part 14 summary

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