Rich Or Famous... Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Part 7

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"h.e.l.lo," I answered in a real bad f.u.c.kin' mood. For one I was getting a pedicure that I couldn't afford and two I didn't recognize the number and I regretted even taking the call.

"Is this Dior?"

"Who wants to know?"

"This Quinton from King Magazine." I bit down on my bottom lip trying to gain my composure.

"Hey Quinton, what's up?" I asked trying to sound real non-pressed.

"Lorenzo gave me your number so we could connect on this magazine shoot."

"What shoot?"

"For the cover. Lorenzo didn't tell you?"

"Oh that's right. I've been so busy lately I almost forgot."

"I understand but do you think we can do this tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow coming up?"

"Yeah, I don't know another tomorrow. I know it's short notice but we want you for the issue coming up and we real real behind. We need to go to print like yesterday. It's my fault. I was supposed to get in touch with you a few weeks ago but I got caught up in some other things then I misplaced your number and had to call Lorenzo to get it again. So you think you can come through?"

"I guess I can make it happen," I said like my calendar was full when I didn't have s.h.i.+t on it.

"Cool, that's what's up. I'ma text you with the time and location information. I appreciate you doing this on such short notice."

"No problem."

"So I'll see you tomorrow but if you have any problems you can hit me back on this number, it's my cell."

"Will do, thanks." When I hung up the phone I wanted to jump up and do a f.u.c.king happy dance. I couldn't believe Lorenzo had really come through. I hadn't been able to get him on the phone in weeks and I was cussing his a.s.s out every day. Now I felt kinda bad so I called him to let him know how grateful I was that he delivered. But when I dialed his number the s.h.i.+t rang like always and then went to voicemail. I just hung up.

I was not comprehending how a n.i.g.g.a could hook up some major s.h.i.+t for you but then ignore your a.s.s like he didn't want to be bothered. Trying to figure out this m.u.t.h.e.rf.u.c.kin' s.h.i.+t was driving me crazy. I mean everybody had a motive for doing something but it was like whatever Lorenzo's was didn't include him talking to me. But I refused to let not being able to get him on the phone ruin my high.

I was about to call Brittani and share my news but scratched that. I was going to stick to the original plan. She would see the s.h.i.+t when it came out like everybody which would be soon. I was so d.a.m.n happy I had been so broke because that meant I couldn't eat good. With no time to starve myself for the shoot I had already being doing that out of necessity. So tomorrow I would be cover girl ready without even trying.

When I hit the location early the next morning I was ready for them to get me prepared for my close-up. I sat in the chair and let the makeup artist beat my face until you couldn't see a trace of a blemish. They had a b.i.t.c.h looking so d.a.m.n polished I wanted to f.u.c.k myself.

"For the cover shot we want you to wear the same bra and panty set you wore on Phenomenon's video, since you know that's what put you on everybody's radar," the stylist informed me when she walked up.

"That's cool with me. Did they give it to you?"

"Oh yeah! That was the concept we always planned to go with so we requested it from the stylist that worked on the video weeks ago. The headline on the cover is going to be, 'Meet The New Phenomenon' you know a play on words but also incorporating the video."

"Whatever you wanna do, I'm ready."

"Great, we'll see you on the set in a few."

I was getting anxious waiting for the makeup artist to make his final touches. "What is your name? Because you are fierce with a brush."

"Cornelius aka Black Glamour."

"You have to make sure you give me your number before I leave. When I blow up I want you to be my personal makeup artist."

"No problem, doll," he said handing me his business card. I gladly took it and went in my dressing room to get ready. I slipped on the gray laced bra and panty set. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was feeling like a superstar although I wasn't one yet. Right when I was about to walk out I heard my cell ringing and it was Lorenzo.

"d.a.m.n, I can't believe you on the other end of my phone," I spit in a half joking, half serious voice.

"Don't start. I was checking to see if Quinton got in touch with you."

"We so pa.s.s the getting in touch phase. My makeup is done. I'm in my bra and panties about to hit the set."

"Right now?"

"Yep, it was some extra last minute s.h.i.+t but that always brings out the best results."

"I'm glad everything worked out."

"Me too. But seriously, Lorenzo, thank you for making this happen for me. I ain't gon' lie I was doubting you but you came through. I so needed this."

"If you ever get to know me Dior, you'll know I ain't gon' tell you nothing I can't deliver on."

"I'm learning quickly to not be a doubter when it comes to you."

"Good. Now go out there and give King the best cover they've ever seen."

"Wait," I called out so he wouldn't hang up the phone.

"What is it?"

"You have to come to New York so we can celebrate."

"I'm already in New York."

"That's even better. Maybe we can go out tonight or tomorrow. If I should celebrate with anybody it should be you."

"Thanks for the offer but I got too much business to handle to celebrate anything. But you go out and have a good time. We'll celebrate in the next couple weeks once I've gotten my business under control."

"If that works best for you then that's what we'll do."

"Good, now go have some fun and don't blow it."

"You don't have to worry. I was born ready for this opportunity."

"I know you were, just wanted to hear you say it. Bye, Dior."

"Bye." I wasn't exaggerating when I said I was born ready for this. I had named it a long time ago and now it was time for me to claim it."

"Hey, Brittani," I said all extra cheerful on the phone. "I was just about to call you."

"To what, tell me you're on the cover of the next issue of King Magazine about to hit stands any day now."

"You heard about it already?" I asked in an excited voice.

"Yeah, all the blogs posted it."


"When did you shoot it, and why didn't you tell me?"

"Remember that thing I said I had brewing but I didn't want to mention it until it actually happened?"

"Clearly it happened and it must have been awhile ago if it's already about to drop."

"I only did it a few weeks ago, it was a rush job. I wanted to share the news when it was actually done and out."

"You so paranoid. They ain't gon' have you show up to shoot the d.a.m.n thing only to shelve it."

"Listen, you never know how the cookies will crumble when you dealing with these industry types. I was waiting for everything to be on the up and up."

"Now you know, so you don't have to hold back. This really is a great look for you."

"I know! With all the bulls.h.i.+t I've been dealing with lately s.h.i.+t is finally coming together for me. I want you to come out tomorrow. They're having a party to celebrate my cover. It should be super cute."

"Wow! You getting the royal treatment."

"That's why I want you there so we can both overindulge."

"Say no more. This my type of s.h.i.+t. Now let me go so I can find an outfit for tomorrow."

"Awesome, you know you're more than welcome to raid my closet even though I'm not big on sharing but you're my bestie."

"Thanks for the offer, but come on now, you ain't got no new hot s.h.i.+t I want to wear."

"Say that now, but give me a couple of months. You'll be dying to raid my closet and I'ma be like 'No Mam'.'

"I'll take my chances."

"Remember you said that, but go 'head and tend to Destiny 'cause I hear her whining for you in the background." We both laughed. "I'll talk to you later."

When I got off the phone I went straight to my computer so I could see what people were saying about me on the blogs. The comments were relatively good but there were a couple of certified groupie haters posting bulls.h.i.+t comments. But that was ok with me because I knew it came with the territory when you put yourself out there.

After surfing through all the blogs, I put a call in to Lorenzo. Once again I hadn't spoken to him in ions but to my surprise he answered. "What's good, Lorenzo?"

"You tell me."

"Everything is going great. The magazine is actually throwing me a party tomorrow and I was hoping you could come. And don't tell me it's last minute so you can't make it because I sent you a text with all the details a few weeks ago."

"Yeah, I got it but I was extremely busy."

"So does that mean you are coming?"

"I'ma try my hardest. You know I wanna support you."

"I need all the people who want me to win, there showing love."

"Listen, Dior, don't ever question if I want you to win because I do. When I don't answer my phone or call you back it's because I'm handling business. I got a lot going on and most of the time I just can't talk. But I will be at your party tomorrow night and we're going to celebrate. I will also be buying up every copy of the magazine I can get my hands on."

"Lorenzo, you're the best!"

"Hold up. I think we have a bad connection. Did you just say I was the best?"

"Stop with the bulls.h.i.+t," I laughed. "Yes, I think you are the best. I still don't know why you're doing so much for me but I really am grateful."

"You ever heard this old song by the group Wham, it's called Everything She Wants?"

"No! Who the h.e.l.l is Wham?"

"It's a group George Michael started out in."

"I wouldn't peg you for listening to George Michael's music."

"I listen to all sorts of music. But when you get a chance check out that song, listen to the lyrics."


"Because it somewhat reminds me of you, especially the line 'Everything she wants is everything she sees' that's why I'm doing what I am for you."

"Because I want everything I see?"

"No, because you're bold enough to ask for it and not feel any shame for wanting it. I find that appealing." When Lorenzo said that I was tempted to be bold and ask him for some d.a.m.n money. I knew he would give it to me but one thing I learned early on in playing the game of money and men. If a man thinks all you need is basic bulls.h.i.+t to be satisfied then that's all you'll ever get from him-and money for bills was basic s.h.i.+t, I don't care how much they added up to. I would just have to hang in there for a little while longer and be broke.

"Men have told me a lot of different reasons they find me appealing but that was never one of them."

"Never worry about what a man tells you, be concerned about what he doesn't tell you. I'll see you tomorrow night, Dior."

For a few minutes after Lorenzo hung up I stood there trying to a.n.a.lyze our entire conversation. He was very intriguing for several different reasons and I almost missed out on ever finding that out. When I met him at the club, I turned him down flat because I was too busy chasing after Sway. If he hadn't come to find me none of the things that were happening for me now would be. It was crazy; the person I didn't want to give two seconds of my time was the one who was giving me what I desired most.** *

"Yo, this party really is cute! They laid it out nice for you," Brittani beamed.

"Yeah, and mad celebrities showed up. These pics will be everywhere tomorrow."

"Hi Dior." A girl said, waving and walking up on me. "Remember me, I'm Courtney."

"Yes, hey Courtney." I quickly recognized her sweet face. "This is my friend, Brittani."

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Rich Or Famous... Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Part 7 summary

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