Rich Or Famous... Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Part 9

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It really did bother her that I didn't come to her party.

"I apologize, Dior, but..."

"Save it! I've never had one man give me so many excuses in all my life. If you don't want to be bothered with me then just say that and stop playing these games."

"Can I see you?"

"You want me to tell you yes so you can have me standing around looking stupid-forget it."

"I'm in the city right now and I want to see you."


"Yes, can I?"

"Yes. I'm at home. I'll be here for the next couple of hours. You can come by."

"Okay, text me your address. I'll be there in an hour."

"Are you really coming, Lorenzo?"

"Yes, I promise I'll be there."


When I got back to the table the waitress was bringing our food. "Everything cool?" Phenomenon questioned when I sat down.

"Yeah, I just have to see somebody before I leave the city."

"I got you. I know you a busy man but don't forget my alb.u.m release party is in a few weeks."

"That's right. It's finally dropping. Where you having it at?"

"In this penthouse suite at a hotel in Midtown. It's gon' be private and intimate but still off the chain."

"That's cool. I'll be there." I had some more small talk with Phenomenon and finished up my food before heading out. I had a slew of s.h.i.+t to handle and really didn't have time to see Dior. But something told me if I didn't go see her today then our chances of ever getting together were done.

When I got to her apartment building the doorman let me in. I then waited for the concierge to call and let her know I was here. During my ride up on the elevator I thought about what I was trying to accomplish by coming over here. I didn't know if I wanted to fit Dior into my life on a part-time or full-time basis. That's why I hated making spontaneous moves but under the circ.u.mstances I didn't have a choice, because there was one thing I was sure of-I wanted her. When I reached her door I knocked. I could hear music playing and then she opened the door. I wasn't greeted with the makeup and overthe-top glamour I was used to seeing from her but in her tank top, boy shorts and disheveled hair she looked more beautiful to me than she ever had before. I didn't even let her speak. I stepped forward and began kissing her. It lasted for what seemed like forever and I just stopped suddenly. I looked down at her because without the super high heels she was rather pet.i.te. Her eyes, the way she stared at me was turning me on something crazy so I started kissing her again. This time she stopped but only to shut the door.

We went back to kissing and I peeled off her tank top and shorts. I lifted her up and carried her into her bedroom. After I laid her down, I carefully studied her body and she was so f.u.c.kin' s.e.xy it just made me want to taste her so I did. My tongue got completely lost in her juices. Her nails pressed deeply into my back as my tongue continued to gently ma.s.sage her c.l.i.t. She wrapped her legs around me and began rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and playing with her own nipples as her p.u.s.s.y f.u.c.ked my mouth. She was a woman that was created to strictly pleasure men and that had to be a gift and a curse.

When I finally put my d.i.c.k inside of her, I started off slow and gentle but soon each thrust became more meaningful. Dior's cries of pleasure and pain had me lost inside of her. The warmth and wetness of her p.u.s.s.y had my d.i.c.k hypnotized. Our mouths reconnected and her kisses were so pa.s.sionate it made me press so deep that I thought my d.i.c.k was going to reach her throat. I couldn't get enough of her. It seemed like we had been making love forever. I wanted to pull out but I couldn't stop. Before I knew it I was emptying myself inside of her. So not only did I not wear a condom which was supposed to be an essential, I was c.u.mming inside her.

"Lorenzo, I love you."

"I love you too." Right after the words left my mouth I couldn't believe I said it. Besides my mother I never told a woman I loved them before and there was no way I could love Dior or did I. I lifted my body off of her and laid on my back, closing my eyes wondering how we got to this moment of exchanging words like I love you.

"I'm not on the pill, what if I got pregnant. Would you want to have a baby with me?"


"That's cold." I opened my eyes and looked at her.

"You don't want a baby, Dior."

"Don't put this off on me. I asked you a question and you answered it." She turned away from me with a hurt expression on her face. I kissed her neck and kept kissing until I worked my way down to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her nipples were hard again and so was my d.i.c.k so I found myself going right back inside of her. Her p.u.s.s.y was still warm and wet. Just like before I had no self control and couldn't pull out. I came inside of her again and this time I just laid there.

"If I get pregnant, I'ma have it." I couldn't believe this woman that had nothing maternal about her was talking about having my baby like we'd been together forever. But then I couldn't believe I kept c.u.mming inside of her like I wanted to make a baby with her.

"No you're not."

"I told you I'm not on the pill. Why did you c.u.m inside me again if you don't want to get me pregnant?"

"I don't know I'm confused by that s.h.i.+t too. But it's not you. I don't want to have a baby period."



"I thought all men wanted at least one child."

"Not this man."

"Why not?"

"If you really want to know, my mother is schizophrenia and I don't want to take a chance of having a child born with it."

"I'm sorry about your mother but just because she has it doesn't mean your child will too."

"It's hereditary and it's a very good chance my child could. I wouldn't want them to have to live with something like that."

"So just say you got me pregnant today you would want me to have an abortion?"

"You're not pregnant. What is up with you and all this baby talk?"

"When I said I loved you I meant it, did you?"

"When I said it, yeah I did mean it but do I really love you. I don't know, Dior. I feel something for you and it's different than anything I ever felt before but love..." my voice trailed off because I wasn't sure what was going on with me.

"Fine, I guess we'll just go back to how things were."

"You know we can't do that."

"It's like every since I initially turned you down you've been playing a game with me. But you win because I've caught real feelings for you and you don't want me. So I'ma stick to what I know."

"And what's that being Sway's personalwh.o.r.e? I know you're back together with him."

"So is that what this was all about. Since you know I'm back with Sway you wanted to see if you could get me to f.u.c.k you?"

"No. I don't know why I came over here. I want you. I've always wanted you but my life is complicated."

"You're not making any sense. If you want me then why not be with me?"

"You're so caught up in Sway's world and this fame bulls.h.i.+t. You act like you can commit to me and be my woman."

"I can. You've already proven you can help me obtain the fame I want. You can keep doing it. But instead of doing it as a favor we can do it as a couple."

"Dior, as much as I want you, you require too much work. I don't have the time to invest in you like that. I'll keep helping you as much as I can with your career but being a couple isn't possible." Her eyes watered up and I felt an ache in my heart that I hurt her with my words. But I never learned how to be anything but honest.

"I understand," she said wiping away a single tear that rolled down her cheek. "I guess you better go. I need to finish getting my things together."

"Where are you going?"

"I'ma start back staying with Sway."

"You don't have to do that, Dior. I can provide you with everything you want. You don't have to be with Sway to live a good life."

"So you'll provide for me but I'm not good enough to be your woman."

"That's not what I said, Dior."

"d.a.m.n if it isn't! At least I know what it is with Sway but you'll have my heart and at the same time remind me that I'll never have yours. So no thanks to your kept woman offer."

"So you're going back to Sway?"

"Isn't that where a loser woman like me is supposed to be."

"Would you stop with that dramatic bulls.h.i.+t," I said, picking up my cell phone seeing the s.h.i.+t load of missed calls I had. "Listen, I have to go we'll continue this conversation later."

"Does later mean tonight, tomorrow, next week or next month? I just wanted an idea so I would know how long I should wait because I know how busy you are."

"I'll call you tonight. And don't make any decision about staying with Sway until after we talk."

"I won't but you better call me tonight, Lorenzo."

"I will," I said putting my clothes on. "Wait for me." I kissed Dior on her lips and left.

Dior Lost In The World "Dior, thank you again for getting me on this video. I can't believe I'm in a Sway Stone video," Courtney gushed as we waited in my dressing room for the next scene.

"When Sway said they needed a girl to play an angel, you were the first person to come to mind."

"My friends still don't believe me. Wait till they see the video! But my part doesn't compare to yours, you're the leading lady as you should be. How is it being Sway's girlfriend on the video and in real life, it's got to be so cool."

"It's everything you can imagine and more," I answered before snorting a line of When I looked up I saw Courtney staring at me with her mouth wide open. "I'm a.s.suming you don't snort," I laughed trying to make her feel at ease.

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I don't do any drugs or even drink for that matter."

"That's really good, Courtney. Stay that way. Drugs are very bad for you."

"Then why do you do them?" I looked at her strangely because n.o.body had ever asked me that question. That was probably because most of the time I was using drugs so was everybody else around me.

"When I'm high I don't have to think about anything. I just live my life." Courtney shook her head as if she didn't understand what I meant but how could she, she didn't do drugs.

"Open the f.u.c.kin' door," I heard Sway scream.

"Courtney, will you open the door for him?"


"What the f.u.c.k are you doing in here? You supposed to be on set," Sway barked, rudely brus.h.i.+ng past Courtney as if he didn't even see her. But Courtney's star gazing made her oblivious to it.

"n.o.body told me so I didn't know."

"You're f.u.c.kin' high that's why you didn't know," Sway said putting his tongue down my throat.

"Stop," I said, pus.h.i.+ng him away. "I'm not high. I only did two lines.

"Don't tell me to stop." Sway held my hair tightly and started kissing me again.

"We have company, can't we do this later."

"You talkin' 'bout her," he nodded towards Courtney as if he just realized she was in the room with us.

"Yes, who else would I be talking about?"

"She's cute. What's her name?"

"Why don't you ask her yourself? She's standing right there."

"What's your name?"

"Courtney. I'm playing the angel."

"What the f.u.c.k, an angel?"

"For the video Sway, your video," I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, so you partying with us tonight?"

"Cool! Party with Sway Stone...yes!"

"Sway, she's not that type."

"She just said she wanted to party with us."

"Her partying and our partying are different."

"Then maybe we need to break her in. She seems ready to me."

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Rich Or Famous... Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Part 9 summary

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