Buchanan: Delicious Part 56

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"Yes. She told me she wants to have a heart to heart with Gloria and find out the real reason she hasn't been promoted. The conversation isn't going to go well."

"It's better that she hears it from you instead of Gloria. Dani knows how much you care."

He shrugged. "I accept that, but I still don't want to be the one to tell her. It's going to hurt her and she doesn't need any more pain right now. I'm going to try to hold her off a week or so. Let her get settled."

"Don't wait too long."

"I won't."

His cell phone rang. He grabbed for it with an eagerness that told her he'd been waiting. To find out if he was a match, she thought, as he glanced at the display.

"It's Tracy," he said before he pushed the talk b.u.t.ton and said, "h.e.l.lo?"

She looked at him and saw the worry in his dark eyes. Then his mouth curved and she knew even before he hung up.

"I'm a match!" he said with a grin. "Nearly a perfect one. I've got to get through some tests, but I'm healthy, so we're going to a.s.sume we can go through with this. I can save her."

And because she knew how much that meant to him, she put her confusion aside.

"I'm glad," she said honestly, then leaned forward and hugged him. "Let's celebrate. We can't go out for a drink, but we can go eat. Or you drink and I'll watch."

"No liquor for me," he said. "I want to be healthy. Let's go get a salad."

She laughed. "I can't believe you actually said that."

"Me, either."

She smiled and squeezed his arms. "Let's call the whole family and have them join us. Everyone will want to know."

"Great idea."

He reached for his cell phone.

As he contacted Reid, Walker and Dani, Penny put on her shoes and socks. Cal was such a good man-caring, determined. He was a good father to Lindsey. But his heart seemed to stop there. No one new got in. Which meant only a fool would expect him to change.

But as he laughed with Reid, she found herself wis.h.i.+ng things had been different. That he could have let her in, that they could have stayed together and made a family of their own.


THERE WERE A FINITE NUMBER of high schools in the Seattle area and Walker had been lucky enough to find Ben on the first try. His friend had attended West Seattle High School his soph.o.m.ore year. There had been seven Ashleys in his grade and nearly thirty attending the school that year.

After making a list of them, Walker spent some time on the Internet, tracking down marriages, name changes and locations. Several had moved away. Ben's last physical contact had been right before he'd s.h.i.+pped off to Afghanistan, which meant any Ashleys moving more than eighteen months ago could be eliminated. Anyone married longer than that same period could also be taken off the list. Which still left him with eleven women.

The first, Ashley Beauman, lived in Bellevue, just east of Lake Was.h.i.+ngton. He turned onto the residential street shortly after ten on Tuesday morning. While he doubted he would find Ashley home, he could at least find her house and come back later.

But when he pulled up there was a car in the driveway and several toys on the front yard. Toys for small children. Either Ashley had been keeping secrets from Ben or this wasn't the right one.

Walker parked and climbed out of his X5. He stepped over a tricycle on his way to the front door.

A tall blond woman answered on the first ring. She looked frazzled and had a toddler on her hip.


Walker had deliberately dressed casually. He smiled and introduced himself, then quickly explained he was looking for someone who had known a friend of his in the marines.

"I don't remember anyone named Ben in high school," the woman said, s.h.i.+fting her child to her other hip. "Was he in the same grade?"

"One year ahead of you."

He reached into his jacket pocket and brought out the two pictures. The first showed Ben in high school and the second had been taken four months ago at their base camp.

She studied them, then shook her head. "Sorry. I don't know him." Then she frowned. "Why me?"

"His girlfriend's name was Ashley."

She raised her eyebrows. "You're kidding. You're going to talk to every Ashley who went to high school with this guy?"

"Until I find her."

"Good luck with that." She hesitated. "Your friend died, didn't he?"

Walker nodded.

"I'm sorry. I hope you find her."

"I will."

"I'LL BE FINE," Cal said. "I get to sleep through everything. Lindsey's the one with the tough job."

Penny nodded. She'd done a little research on the Internet and knew he was telling the truth. Cal would wake up with a few bruises, facing two or three days of recovery. Lindsey was in for a much rougher time as her body dealt with the new bone marrow.

"Are you sorry you put off meeting her?" she asked.

"No. Lindsey has enough to deal with right now. I want her to focus on getting better. She can meet me later."

Several members of the hospital staff came into the room. "It's time," the nurse said.

"Okay." Penny bent down and kissed Cal. "I'll be here when you wake up."

"You don't have to do that. I'll be fine."

"I know."

He squeezed her hand. "Thanks."

She waited until they wheeled him out, then she joined Reid in the waiting room.

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Buchanan: Delicious Part 56 summary

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