Airborne Saga: Grounded Part 7

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"She's just stalling." Patrick complained but obediently backed up a step.

Avery took in a grateful breath and curled her arms back around herself. Adalyn's piercing gaze still on her, Avery sputtered out an explanation.

"You know Mikhail is out to kill Mason, right? After we got Mikhail arrested and all that?"

Adalyn cracked a humorless smile.

"If I remember correctly, it was you that got Mikhail arrested."

Patrick stiffened again.

"Fine, can I kill her now?" His body shook with readiness and his talons came out.

"Stop, just stop! You know Mikhail is out to get Mason even if he didn't have much of a part in it." Avery's words were a jumble of hysteria but somehow both harpies seemed to understand.

Adalyn's facial expression rapidly changed from boredom to sharp interest.

"You mean you put my fiance in grave danger." She growled. "What do you know? What's the plan?"

Earning more time, Avery took a breath and readied the most critical explanation she'd ever have to give in her life.

"He's after the book. Jericho's book that detailed how to create the amulet of Willow. If he gets it and recreates it, all of the Willow magic in Mason's body wouldn't be able to fight him off. And then when Mikhail kills Mason, the magic will jump from Mason's body to Mikhail's and only make him stronger."

"Imagine the shame that neither of you girls could have Mason." Patrick piped in but his sarcastic whine went ignored.

Adalyn's brow pinched together and she drew back, no longer ready to lash out.

"Jericho's book is in my father's library." She said slowly.

Taking a breath, Avery mustered as much confidence as she could manage. In two words, she implanted the doubt in Adalyn's head.

"Is it?" She asked.

Adalyn's brow pinched tighter and then Avery added, "They are called the Band of Thieves for a reason."

The female harpie's face couldn't have possibly grown pinker. She clasped her fists together and glowered. Her blue eyes left Avery and she glared at Patrick.

"Patrick, pick her up and take her with us. We're going to my house."

Avery didn't even have time to process the words when Patrick made a grab for her. He caught her waist and threw her over his shoulder like a weightless doll. She struggled but couldn't break free. She was trapped again.


The short flight to their destination was more uncomfortable than anything Avery had ever experienced. The harpies had taken to an unusual flight pattern, specifically soaring through the cloud coverage, which left the wet and smoggy taste of puffy fog in Avery's mouth.

"Ease up girlie." Patrick purred in her ear reminding Avery of how uncomfortably close he held her. "I've got you." He said. She swatted at him when his hand glided over her backside.

Despite the proximity, she wouldn't fight when they were in the air. He'd propped her over his shoulder and facing down, she watched the sight of the distant green ground speeding by. She'd dug her fingers into his s.h.i.+rt until her knuckles turned white. The combination of anxiety and pressure on her stomach had left her ragingly queasy.

Face hot, she sputtered an appropriate gripe seconds before he dropped them and her stomach jumped back into her chest. They finally began to descend with a rapid change in alt.i.tude until the ground approached in a hurry. Patrick slammed into the ground with a jolt that left Avery rattling. In a swift motion, he rolled her off his shoulder and set her on the muddy ground.

She straightened herself up quickly and her eyes darted to take in the area. Avery wasn't sure what she was looking at. The building in front of her didn't resemble the Harpie Island she'd seen last summer when visiting Samuel. Where that island had praised green garden life, wide s.p.a.ces, and open blue skies, this dull place had tightly blocked off quarters and boarded up windows.

High walls surrounded the compound where Adalyn and Patrick had touched down. The grey walls blocked them off from the rest of the world, which made sense, but also gave a touch of claustrophobia. Three stories tall, the building looked like an abandoned factory and still warded off visitors by the looks of the desolate place.

"This is it?" She asked, mildly disbelieving.

"No, this is where we kill and bury you. Of course this is it." Patrick said, arm snaking out and grabbing Avery's elbow. She let him, not planning on running. Mason had left for Samuel's place over an hour ago and that would put him in the immediate area. All she had to do, Avery reasoned, was wait.

Patrick's grip tightened until his talons pinched her and brought her back to reality. He dragged her forward and they tromped over the bare ground, wet from recent rain, and slid around the side of the building. Bright red warning signs had been posted up on the door to halt entrance but Adalyn yanked the heavy metal door open anyways. Motion detector lights flickered on overhead illuminating the surprisingly chic hallway. Polished hard wood made up the floors and a thick layer of creme colored paint covered the drywall. Framed paintings of miscellaneous scenes lined the walls and soft music floated through ceiling stereos. The harpies in Portland may have been living in secrecy but they apparently were still living in style.

The door shut behind them and Avery stole a last quick glance outside. She'd buy as much time as possible but with no sight of Mason just yet, Avery was playing with fire.

"There's no security here. What's to keep the Band out?"

"You act like we're not used to dealing with them." Adalyn said sourly, tilting her head up. She did well to convey a.s.surance with her overconfident tone but the mere fact that they'd come indicated some shadow of doubt.

"Patrick, keep her here. I can't let my father see her." Adalyn added.

Patrick's sudden posture change indicated a change from boredom to alertness. Wide eyes glinting, he clarified. "You're leaving me alone with her?"

"Whoa, wait up." Avery interrupted when the implications. .h.i.t her too. Adalyn just arched an eyebrow, spun on the heel of her white boots, and walked off.

Patrick abruptly gave Avery a tug that sent her back into the wall. Looking directly up at him, she had to tilt her head back. The height difference was obvious, even worse than with Avery and Mason. Patrick not only hit six foot ten but his wings arched up more radically as well.

"Maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I'd like to clarify some of the bad things that have happened over the past few days."

"You mean trying to kill me, me hitting you with a car, and then you trying to kill me again?" She said but it wasn't funny.

He rolled his eyes.

"I have to do what Adalyn asks me. I owe her big time. And I would have killed you quickly, though you may not have appreciated it. I wasn't kidding when I said I was interested before."

Avery grit her teeth, keeping her defiant resolve despite his intimidating posture.

"Did you miss it when I said not interested the first time?"

"Don't be like that girlie, it's a good thing." His hand slithered out and propped her chin up with an index finger. A playboy worthy smile crossed his face with the single arched, inviting eyebrow. He'd leaned over, arching his body until their faces hovered mere inches away from each other.

"Go away." Avery growled but couldn't muster the appropriate force behind her response. Her heart hammered making her voice wane and her hands shake. He kept pressing closer. Too close. But then Patrick's body disappeared. The moment happened so fast, Avery barely realized why.

In an explosion of movement, Mason had come from the hallway and lunged for Patrick. The two collided with a deafening pop. They smashed into the dry wall and broke through it with a hurricane of dust. Thras.h.i.+ng, they hit the floor and rolled.

Avery dove backwards, clear of the fight but another arm snaked around her neck. Recognizing the female harpie, Avery fought back. The surprise worked on Adalyn's side but Avery, a human built stockier and studier, cut off the choking movement prematurely. Stopping Adalyn from moving her back, she twisted around and kicked. Her foot met Adalyn's abdomen and the harpie gasped. Grip broken, Adalyn fell backwards and Avery sprung back into a crouch.

"Stop this!" Samuel thundered, bringing attention to his existence at the very end of the hallway.

Avery froze and in seconds, the rest of the fighting died. Mason reeled, breaking free of Patrick's hold, and hopped to his feet. His clothing had been disheveled and his brown hair tousled in front of his face. Faint red marks marred his cheek bones and his knuckles had discolored purple. The damage didn't look remotely serious seeing as the boys had resisted going for more cheap and dangerous shots.

In the moment, Avery slipped to Mason's side and slid behind his white wing that hung partway open. Samuel, the old harpie and former servant of Jericho's, shot Avery and Mason a harrowing look.

"Of all the people in the world that should not have resurfaced, you are them." He said sharply, no humor creeping into his hoa.r.s.e voice.

Age had significantly worn his body since they'd last seen him. His posture was hunched making the once tall harpie seem short and frail. His wings had gone grey and began to bald along the column of the bone. Face etched with frown lines, his scowl seemed at home.

A few months ago, Avery had saved Samuel's life and he allowed them to walk away from the harpie government in return. He did leave them with one strict warning not to resurface and they'd just done that. Avery hurried to explain.

"You don't understand. We're not here to cause trouble. We need help. We need Jericho's journal."

Samuel's expression didn't change but his eyes did sharpen.

"Perhaps you do not understand. I cannot risk my position here with allegations. I am not here to help you or a.s.sociate with you. I will not."

"Sir," Mason cleared his throat and ran a hand to straighten out his hair. "We didn't come on a social visit. We think someone, Mikhail specifically, may be out to steal my father's journal."

Careful calculations flashed over Samuel's face and his frown grew.

"Those are dangerous a.s.sertions Mason. And I suspect unsubstantiated claims. That book is in my personal collection and I would know of its whereabouts."

"He thinks we're here just to take it again." Mason whispered for Avery's benefit. She reached out for the side of his wing and nervously curled her fingers into his soft feathers.

Adalyn took over the situation next.

"Dad, they're with me and you can't stop us." Adalyn pointed out blatantly. She'd propped her chin up and held her stature with a threatening disobedience. Samuel's gaze shot to his daughter. "They just want to see it. Show them the d.a.m.n thing and they'll be off. Well, at least the human girl will be." Adalyn added.

Samuel's mouth opened but he held his tongue. After a moment of thought, he turned in a slow motion and led the procession down the hall. One corner and two doors later, Samuel opened up the door to a quaint library. Smaller than the one at the harpie island, it still held several shelves worth of leather bound books and reeked of musty paper and coffee. The group b.u.mbled into the room, which was a difficult task considering the wide berth between Mason and Patrick. The two harpies hadn't attempted to finish the fight that they'd started but the tension of it remained thick in the atmosphere.

Samuel swept forward as quickly as his short legs and curved posture would let him. Digging straight into a cabinet built into one of the oak book shelves, he searched.

"It's gone isn't it?" Mason said after a minute had pa.s.sed. Samuel never looked up but his face had paled. His wrinkled hands still scrambled to overturn the desk's contents.

"It was here." Samuel heaved.

Mason shot a steely look over the quiet audience. Adalyn and Avery's faces dulled with realization.

"When was the last time you saw it?" Mason said, still managing to keep a calm head.

Samuel turned from his work and leaned back against the wood. Adalyn broke from the crowd and appeared at her father's side. Supporting the shaking man's weight, she helped him over to a group of lounge chairs. When Samuel dropped into a seat, Mason and Avery sat next to him.

"I'm not sure." Samuel finally answered, hand pressed to his forehead. "It wasn't long ago. Of that I can a.s.sure you. But whoever stole it did it inconspicuously."

"They call them the Band of Thieves for a reason, right?" Avery offered. Her words earned an incredulous look from Samuel.

"So you came here knowing that it may be stolen by the Band. Obviously there is a reason for that."

"We got word." Mason explained carefully. "But we thought we'd have more time. Mikhail sought the amulet of Willow once before, it'd be no surprise that he'd like an instruction manual on how to recreate it."

"We'll have to get the authorities involved. You'll have to tell them everything. You knew to come here. You knew to look for the book. Those details are deathly important now." Samuel said.

Avery couldn't help but panic. She knew that details about it would lead to Leela. And after dealing with the harpie government once, she knew they would treat Leela as an enemy that needed to be killed. Refusing to even drop the name, Avery took a different approach.

"We don't know much. Hearsay. But we'd have more luck following it than the police. Besides, if the police get involved then Mason and I will be in danger as well." Avery said so smoothly, she was proud of herself.

"It's a risk we have to be willing to take. This is out of your hands already." Samuel replied, shooting her down just as quickly. Rubbing his temple hard, he shook his head. "If Mikhail is truly in possession of the book, then he could use it to make a weapon so strong that the entire monarchy is in danger."

"Avery, you don't understand the extent of it." Mason took up where Samuel left off. Though he spoke softly, directed toward Avery, everyone listened. "He's not just a petty theft. Mikhail never was. He's different from the rest and he used to be the Prince before my father's family came to power."

"Whoa. So how'd he end up in the Band?" Avery asked.

"Yea, you should ask Jericho. It's his fault, right?" Patrick piped up, apparently desperate to get one last jab in at Mason.

Mason's fists clenched but he didn't let the other harpie bait him. It proved to be a testament about how much Mason had checked his harpie anger.

"Reasoning aside, he broke from the society and became an outlaw. He's not just a thief but an entire anarchist. We cannot allow this to go unchecked." Samuel ended the conversation for both of them.

Mason's lips thinned but he didn't up and panic. He continued to formulate his words with admirable thought.

"Would they have any idea where to find Mikhail?" Mason asked politely.

"If they did, he'd be in custody now although I dare say they'll find this as reason to intensify the search." Samuel answered.

"Fine." Mason stood up abruptly and waved at Avery to follow. Avery immediately grabbed for Mason's hand to slow the harpie down from storming out. "Its fine Avery, let them do it." He said.

Her eyes caught his, trying to grasp his reasoning. Mason saw this as an opportunity to walk away. Though she would have lingered and protested more, she grudgingly trusted her companion.

"I strongly advise you to keep that initiative." Samuel warned before they left.

Mason gave one more firm nod, squeezed Avery's hand, and led her out the door. Mason walked quickly leaving Avery to jog to keep up. They burned down the hallway, heading straight for the door from which they'd come. They made it halfway down the hallway before Adalyn followed.

"You're going Mason?" Adalyn's voice stopped them in their tracks.

Mason's grip tightened on Avery's hand until it hurt. Wings twitching with seeping anxiety, Mason twisted to see Adalyn.

"You know I can't be here." He said convincingly, but his voice still waivered. Avery couldn't see his expression from where she stood but she knew it wouldn't be a good one. In the history of Adalyn and Mason's tumultuous relations.h.i.+p, this had to be the darkest point. Avery squeezed his hand, willing some strength with it. She couldn't relate-- not even close, but she knew that despite what Adalyn had done Mason's emotions still weren't in the clear. Watching the frown on the girl's face didn't make it any easier.

Adalyn took a long, deep breath.

"You said we needed to talk. So let's talk."

Adalyn commanded.

Avery already knew what Mason was thinking. Not here and not now. This wasn't right for them, not to do "The Talk" in front of everyone. But Adalyn wasn't wavering.

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Airborne Saga: Grounded Part 7 summary

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