The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 Part 10

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"I'm Trent," he said, sticking a hand out in front of him. "I was just about to grab something from the van. What a nice surprise, to walk out and see a beautiful woman standing right outside my door!"

Megan blushed furiously, and as she shook his hand, she felt a warm tingling sensation begin to creep down her neck, over her chest and belly, and then between her legs. She had never touched anyone so s.e.xy in her entire life, so she wasn't surprised by the way she was responding to him. G.o.d, he's gorgeous. As if he'd want me, though... he probably tells every woman he meets that they're beautiful, just to be friendly, she thought.

She had always been insecure about her curvy five-foot-three frame, and being in the presence of such a hot man made her feel even more self-conscious. He looked like the sort of guy who would only ever be friends with someone like her, while dating tall, skinny blonde actresses, or something of the sort. Fl.u.s.tered, she pulled away, her face still bright red.

"I just made choc-chip cookies. Would you like me to bring you some? I'm sure lifting heavy boxes has really taken a lot out of you. You could probably use a cookie for energy," she said, hoping that he wouldn't notice her embarra.s.sment.

"That's a bit cliched isn't it? Bringing baked goods to the new neighbors?" he said, flas.h.i.+ng her a good-natured smile. "I'm just kidding, I'd love some. Choc-chip is my favorite."

"Mine too. That's why I always make them," she replied. "Okay, I'll go and get some for you."

"Great. I don't suppose you want to help me unpack all my things?"

"Oh. Sure, I'll help."

He laughed softly.

"I was just kidding about that too," he said. "You don't actually have to help me."

Her face burned as she returned to her house to fetch him a plate of cookies, and as she walked up to her front door, she glanced over her shoulder and saw him still looking at her from his front porch with an amused flicker in his eyes. By the way he was already joking around with her, he clearly wanted to be friends, and Megan sighed and headed inside. That's all I ever am the friend. Never the girlfriend.

After taking him the cookies, she told him that she had free time and that she could actually help him unpack if need be. He was very grateful for her help, and after half an hour of unpacking whilst they chatted, he offered to buy her dinner to say thanks. For a brief second, Megan's heart fluttered, and she thought that he was asking her out on a date.

"I've got an idea. You said that you like Battlestar. Let's watch it on my big screen, and I'll order us some Chinese food. And we can have more of your amazing cookies for dessert," he said, winking at her.

Megan tried to hide her disappointment. Yep, he definitely wants to be 'just friends'. Ordering Chinese and watching sci-fi isn't exactly what most guys do with someone they are interested in.

"Sure, that sounds great," she said, feeling guilty as she realized how silly she was being. Whether he was interested in her or not, he seemed like a great guy. Besides, they had tons in common, so she had a feeling that he would soon become a great friend, especially seeing as he lived so close to her.

As they unpacked more of his belongings, they chatted and got to know more about each other, and Megan discovered that he worked from home as a software developer.

"That's so cool. So you can just work whenever you want?" she asked, slightly envious.

"Sort of. I have weird sleeping patterns, so if I sleep in, I have to be working until later at night than most people. But basically, as long as I get stuff done, I'm alright," he replied.

"So you're smart and good-looking," she said before sticking her tongue out for a second. "How are you still single?"

He laughed.

"I don't know, I'm just a bit... different. I've never been a 'going out' kind of guy; I prefer to stay at home and hang out there rather than go out drinking like most people our age. And I guess.... Well, I've never been able to find a girl who could accept me for what I am," he replied.

"Bulls.h.i.+t," she said, smiling at him. "I don't believe that for a second."

He playfully swatted her with a rolled-up placemat that he had just retrieved from a box of dining room things, and then grinned back at her.

"Let's order that Chinese food," he said.

Half an hour later, the two were eating fried rice and sweet and sour pork while having a sci-fi marathon. By ten o'clock, Megan was completely exhausted.

"Alright, I need to head home," she said. "I'm so tired!"

"Cool. I'll see you later. Thanks again for all your help," he replied. "Very appreciated."

Once she was home, Megan showered and got into her satin pajamas before climbing into bed. Before she drifted off to sleep, she slid one hand into her pajama bottoms and furiously rubbed between her legs, trying not to think of her new neighbor and failing miserably. After spending the whole day in such a gorgeous man's company, her body was in desperate need for release, and only a few minutes later she was sighing and writhing under the blankets.

Feeling guilty for having just m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed while thinking about Trent, she rolled over and tried to sleep, but couldn't quite get there. Loud howls from somewhere in the neighborhood were disturbing her, so she buried her head under her pillow in an attempt to block them out. They sound so close. I bet it's that stupid new dog that the people across the street just got, she thought angrily, wanting to go over and slap them for ruining her sleep. Finally, she drifted off, and dreamed of her s.e.xy new neighbor the whole night.

Over the next couple of weeks, Megan and Trent became fast friends just as she had predicted, and whenever she got home from work, he would invite her over to watch a movie or TV show. He was a great cook, and she found herself eating dinner with him most nights as they caught up.

Right now, it was a Friday evening, and Trent had just invited her over again.

"Don't you have anywhere else to go?" she teased. "It's the weekend!"

"I could say the same to you," he said, reaching out and messing up her dark hair.

His touch ignited something deep inside Megan's core, and the smile vanished from her face as she felt a distinct heat rage through her body and pool between her thighs. Trent must have noticed the effect he had had on her, because he looked embarra.s.sed and pulled his hand away.

Feeling awkward, Megan quickly changed the subject.

"So, what season of Battlestar were we up to?"

"Two," he replied, seemingly grateful for the distraction from the awkwardness. "I'll put it on now."

Only an hour later, Trent said that he needed to catch up on some programming, and that they should finish watching the season the next day. Feeling as if he were just making an excuse to get rid of her after the awkward moment that they had shared earlier, Megan pasted a smile on her face and agreed before heading out his front door.

"Oh wow, it's a full moon tonight," she remarked, looking up at the sky.

The moon was right above them and brightly lighting up the whole neighborhood, and Megan marveled at it as she stared up.

"Better watch out," she continued. "People tend to get really weird around full moons. Hopefully those weird people across the street don't go crazy and turn into ax murderers or something."

Trent's face darkened for a fleeting moment, and then he smiled.

"Mm, yeah. Anyway, thanks for the company, as usual. I'll see you again tomorrow?"

"Sure. Goodnight."

As Megan headed back over to her own house, she glanced over her shoulder, expecting to see Trent watching her as he always did. She had chalked it up to him being a protective friend and wanting to make sure that she got back to her house safely, even though it was right next door, but this time he wasn't there. Wow, he really did want me to leave, she thought, feeling disappointed in herself. I shouldn't have made it so obvious that I was turned on by him! Now he'll probably never speak to me again.

After having a long, hot shower, she decided to head to bed early. She didn't want to go to sleep just yet, but curling up in bed with a girly magazine seemed very appealing right now. After reading for an hour or so, she switched off her lamp and crossed over to the other side of her bedroom, intending to close her curtains. The bright light from the full moon was streaming in through the window, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep unless it was a lot darker.

Yawning as she stood at the window, she was about to yank the curtains shut when she saw something strange. Through the hole in Trent's hail-damaged side fence, she could see some sort of enormous dog sitting in the backyard. That's odd. He doesn't have a dog, she thought, a.s.suming that it was a neighbor's pet that had gotten loose and broken into his yard through the damaged fence.

Squinting, she looked closer and gasped, realizing that it wasn't a large dog. It was a grey and white wolf, and her hand flew to her mouth as she contemplated her course of action. I really should go over and warn Trent that there's a dangerous animal in his yard, but if I go out there, it might attack me, she thought. Wait, I know... I'll call him. Duh.

She was about to head back to her bed to pick up her phone from the bedside table when something even stranger happened. The wolf turned slightly and sniffed the air, and Megan could have sworn that she felt her heart leap into her mouth as she saw its eyes. They were a bright orange-yellow color, and seemed to blaze in the darkness as it looked around. She had never seen eyes like that before, and they seemed positively ethereal.

Megan ducked down slightly, hoping that the wolf wouldn't see her watching it. Peeking above the windowsill a few seconds later, she saw it turn back around, and grateful that it hadn't noticed her, she stood up again. Suddenly, the wolf began to undergo some sort of horrible metamorphosis, and she couldn't help but let out another gasp as she watched it.

The wolf's fur rippled strangely, stretching as it grew and changed shape. Its four legs lengthened, widened and twisted slightly until they became human legs and arms, and seconds later, a powerful-looking man emerged from where the wolf had just been. As he turned around, his yellow eyes stared directly at Megan's window, and she ducked down in horror as she saw who it was. That's Trent! He is the wolf! What the h.e.l.l is going on?

Terrified and confused, she raced back over to her bed and dove under the blankets, praying that he hadn't actually seen her standing at the window. She could hear her heart pounding wildly in her chest as she held her breath, and only a moment later she heard a loud knock at her front door. Oh s.h.i.+t.

Pulling the blankets over her head, she tried to ignore the sound, but the pummeling on the door didn't stop. Finally, Megan got out of bed and padded down her hallway, feigning a tired face and stance. If I pretend that I was asleep for the last two hours, he might think that he was just seeing things, she thought, knowing that it was Trent at the door.

She wasn't quite sure if she had been seeing things herself. At first she had thought that maybe she was simply hallucinating, but on second thought she had realized that didn't make sense. She had never had any sorts of hallucinations in her life, so why would her brain start playing tricks on her now? Also, if she hadn't seen Trent s.h.i.+ft from a wolf into his usual body, then why was he knocking on her door right now?

Opening the door, she let out a dramatic yawn and greeted him.

"Oh, hey Trent, what's going on?" she said, hoping he didn't notice how frightened she actually was.

"Cut the c.r.a.p, Megan. I know that you saw me. I saw you at your window," he hissed.

His eyes suddenly lit up in the familiar amber shade, and she backed away from him in fear. He slammed the front door behind him as he slowly advanced towards her, and Megan wanted to melt into the floor and disappear.

"Please, Trent," she whimpered. "I didn't mean to spy on you. I was just closing my curtains when I saw a wolf in your yard. I was going to call you to warn you but then..."

"But then what?" he said softly, stepping even closer to her.

"I... I don't know what I saw. It looked like you were the wolf. But... but that's not possible," she replied, her voice more panicked now as she realized what she had seen. He's a werewolf. Oh G.o.d. I thought they were just a myth.

"It is possible," he said. "You know what you saw. That's why you ran from the window as soon as you knew that I had seen you. You knew to be scared of the monster, didn't you?"

Megan's hands shook as she stared up at him, and she couldn't help but notice that he wasn't wearing a s.h.i.+rt; only pants. Despite her fear, she couldn't miss the hard, tight muscles on his chest and arms, and she gulped as she looked him over.

"The other day you asked why I don't have a girlfriend. This is why. I'm a monster, and I scare everyone away," he said, his eyes burning brighter as he reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders, his hands caressing her bare skin more softly than she had expected.

Realizing that the look in his eyes was shame, Megan's face softened a little. He isn't a terrifying monster. He just wants to be accepted and loved. Her fears almost completely evaporated as she had this realization, and she looked straight into his amber eyes as she spoke again.

"You didn't come here to attack me, did you?"

"Of course not," he said. "I'm more worried that you will do something to me, now that you know what I really am...half-man, half-wolf. Please, Megan, you can't tell anyone."

"Why would I do anything to hurt you?" she asked. "You're my friend. I don't think you're a monster."

"I don't believe that," he said. "Everyone who sees my true nature is terrified and chases me away or tries to hurt me. They a.s.sume that I want to tear them apart, when all I want is to give myself to someone. Werewolves are pa.s.sionate, not murderous."

"Trent, I really don't think badly of you. I was scared at first because I had no idea people like you existed, but I'm not anymore. Why are you here?" Megan asked.

He let go of her hands and looked down.

"I figured that since you had already seen what I was, I should come here and see what you thought about...well, I've wanted you since the day we met, but I couldn't ask you to be with me, with me being... what I am. But now..."

"You... you want me?" she asked incredulously. "Is that why you wanted me to leave earlier?"

"Of course," he growled. "You aren't just kind and smart; you're incredibly beautiful as well. Your face and body drives me wild. Every night for the last two weeks I've been going crazy, howling at the moon every night in desperation because I knew I couldn't have you. Earlier tonight, I was worried I might just attack you and tear your clothes off if I was around you for a minute longer."

"That howling was you? Trent, you could have had me," she whispered, reaching a hand out and stroking his face. "I wouldn't have minded if you tore my clothes off."

As her skin came into contact with hers, she felt a familiar heat creeping down her neck, and a jolt of electricity seemed to burst through her veins. He looked happy for a second, and then a dark expression crossed his face.

"No. I'm too dangerous. I'm afraid that I'd hurt you, even if you could accept what I am," he muttered, pulling away from her hand. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come here. Please just forget this ever happened."

He turned on his heel and marched back towards the door, and Megan called out to his retreating back.

"Wait! You can't do this!"

He stopped and turned back to face her, waiting for her to continue.

"You can't just come here and tell me that werewolves exist, reveal yourself as one, tell me that you want me, and then just up and leave! At least listen to what I have to say," she said. "I don't care what you are. I've wanted you just as much since I met you, but I didn't think you were interested. Men normally just want to be friends with me."

Trent's eyes burned with l.u.s.t as he looked at her, clearly unable to believe that what she was saying was true.

"That's ridiculous," he growled, stepping closer to her. "Like I said, you're incredible. You have no idea what a body like that does to a red-blooded wolf."

"Then be with me," she replied breathlessly.

A heavy pine scent suddenly filled the room, and Trent's eyes blazed brighter than ever.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his strong jawline clenching as his gaze lingered on the soft curves of her body, barely hidden by the satin nightie she had chosen to wear tonight. "You really aren't afraid of me?"

"I've never been more certain of anything," she replied, happily savoring the feeling of such a gorgeous man wanting her so badly. "I'm definitely not afraid of the big bad wolf."

Trent growled at her stupid joke and stalked towards her, and with one quick movement, he swept her up in his arms and strode down the hallway. He already knew where her room was, and only a moment later he was throwing her down on her bed, his burning l.u.s.t for her all-too apparent on his face.

Megan gasped at the sudden change in his behavior. Normally he was so kind and sweet, but right now he looked positively animalistic, like a lion that was about to devour its prey. She didn't mind, though; in fact, his blazing eyes and clenched jaw turned her on more than ever before. A pulsing warmth coursed through her entire body, and at the same time, goose b.u.mps p.r.i.c.kled up all over her soft skin. It felt as if she was hot and cold at the same time, her body seemingly feverish with desire for him.

Never in her wildest dreams could she have pictured this happening. Every night for the last two weeks, she had gone to bed and touched herself, thinking only of her gorgeous neighbor, and now he was right here, wanting and needing her just as much. I guess tall, skinny actresses aren't every gorgeous man's 'type', she thought to herself with a smile.

It didn't matter that he was a werewolf. All that mattered to her was that he was kind, considerate and a good friend to her, as well as unbelievably s.e.xy. Mythical creature or not, he made for the perfect boyfriend.

Growling, Trent pounced on top of her, tearing at her black satin nightie until it was just a shredded mess. Yanking away the ruined fabric, he leaned down and murmured into her ear.

"Sorry. When I'm this aroused I become unnaturally strong. I'll buy you a new one."

"I don't care," she said breathlessly, her mind clouded with needful l.u.s.t. "I just want you. Besides, I said I wouldn't mind if you tore my clothes off."

All of her previous insecurities about her voluptuous curves had vanished the second that he told her that he wanted her, and she reclined on the sheets, slightly spreading her legs and displaying her entire body to him.

Trent growled again, his eyes lingering on her now-bared skin. Running one hand over the soft curves of her belly and hips, the other hand cupped and squeezed her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s, twisting and pinching her pink nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Her areolae shrank as her nipples stiffened to peaks, and Megan couldn't help but let out another gasp as heat continued to pool between her legs.

She squirmed around and arched her back, trying to pull him closer, and she could feel a distinct wetness spreading right between her thighs. The tingling and throbbing that came with the wetness demanded some sort of release, and knowing that she needed him soon, she reached up behind his head and ran her hands through his hair, pulling his face closer to hers.

Not needing any more provocation, Trent pressed his lips to hers and immediately took firm control of her mouth, sliding his tongue between her soft parted lips and exploring her mouth hungrily. Megan closed her eyes and let him kiss her as roughly as he wanted, possessing her mouth in the same way that she knew he wanted to possess her entire body. His stubble was grazing her chin, but she didn't care; the slight pain made her know beyond a shadow of doubt that this was really happening.

As he broke the kiss, his eyes took on an even wilder, more voracious expression, and he moved his body down the bed, propping himself up on his elbows between her thighs. Nudging them even further apart, he looked up at her, his face set in concentration.

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The Werewolf Mega-Bundle 2 Part 10 summary

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