Inside Of A Dog Part 21

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on bloodhounds:

Lindsay, 2000.

Sommerville and Broom, 1998. Watson, 2000.

on using footsteps to detect trail:

Hepper, P. G, and D. L. Wells. 2005. How many footsteps do dogs need to determine the direction of an odour trail? Chemical Senses, 30, Chemical Senses, 30, 291298. 291298.

Syrotuck, W. G. 1972. Scent and the scenting dog. Scent and the scenting dog. Mechanicsburg, PA: Barkleigh Productions. Mechanicsburg, PA: Barkleigh Productions.

on the smell of tuberculosis:

Wright, 1982.

on the smell of disease:

Drobnick, 2006. Syrotuck, 1972.

on cancer detection:

a partial list of the many studies: McCulloch, M., T. Jezierski, M. Broffman, A. Hubbard, K. Turner, and T. Janecki. 2006. Diagnostic accuracy of canine scent detection in early-and late-stage lung and breast cancers. Integrative Cancer Therapies, 5, Integrative Cancer Therapies, 5,3039.

Williams, H., and A. Pembroke. 1989. Sniffer dogs in the melanoma clinic? Lancet, Lancet, 1, 1, 734. 734.

Willis, C. M., S. M. Church, C. M. Guest, W. A. Cook, N. McCarthy, A. J. Bransbury, M. R. T. Church, and J. C. T. Church. 2004. Olfactory detection of bladder cancer by dogs: Proof of principle study. British Medical Journal, 329, British Medical Journal, 329, 712716. 712716.

on epileptic seizure detection:

Dalziel, D. J., B. M. Uthman, S. P. McGorray, and R. L. Reep. 2003. Seizure-alert dogs: A review and preliminary study. Seizure, 12, Seizure, 12, 115120. 115120.

Doherty, M. J., and A. M. Haltiner. 2007. Wag the dog: Skepticism on seizure alert canines. Neurology, 68, Neurology, 68, 309. 309.

Kirton, A., E. Wirrell, J. Zhang, and L. Hamiwka. 2004. Seizure-alerting and -response behaviors in dogs living with epileptic children. Neurology, 62, Neurology, 62, 23032305. 23032305.

on urine marking:

Lindsay, 2005.

Lorenz, K. 1954. Man meets dog. Man meets dog. London: Methuen. London: Methuen.

on bladders' single use:

Sapolsky, R. M. 2004. Why zebras don't get ulcers. Why zebras don't get ulcers. New York: Henry Holt & Company. New York: Henry Holt & Company.

on a.n.a.l sacs:

Harrington and Asa, 2003.

Natynczuk, S., J. W. S. Bradshaw, and D. W. Macdonald. 1989. Chemical const.i.tuents of the a.n.a.l sacs of domestic dogs. Biochemical Systematics and Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 17, Ecology, 17, 8387. 8387.

on a.n.a.l sacs and vets:

McGreevy, P. (personal communication).

on scratching the ground after marking:

Bekoff, M. 1979. Ground scratching by male domestic dogs: A composite signal. Journal of Mammalogy, 60, Journal of Mammalogy, 60, 847848. 847848.

on antibiotics and smell:

Attributed to John Bradshaw by Coghlan, A. September 23, 2006. Animal welfare: See things from their perspective.

on the Manhattan grid:

Margolies, E. 2006. Vagueness gridlocked: A map of the smells of New York. In J. Drobnick, ed., The smell culture reader The smell culture reader (pp. 107117). New York: Berg. (pp. 107117). New York: Berg.

on brambish and brunky:

These words were coined by Calvin and Hobbes Calvin and Hobbes artist Bill Watterson, and put in the mouth of his cartoon tiger Hobbes. artist Bill Watterson, and put in the mouth of his cartoon tiger Hobbes.

"brilliant smell of water ...":

Chesterton, G. K. 2004. "The song of the quoodle," in The collected works of G. K. The collected works of G. K. Chesterton. Chesterton. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, p. 556. (In this same poem he commented on the relative "noselessness" of man.) San Francisco: Ignatius Press, p. 556. (In this same poem he commented on the relative "noselessness" of man.)


"blank bewilderment":

Woolf, V. 1933. Flush: A biography. Flush: A biography. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, p. 44. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, p. 44.

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