Inside Of A Dog Part 27

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on the blind Labrador Norman:

Goodall, J., and M. Bekoff. 2002. The ten trusts: What we must do to care for the The ten trusts: What we must do to care for the animals we love. animals we love. New York: HarperCollins. New York: HarperCollins.

on emergency experiment:

Macpherson, K., and W. A. Roberts. 2006. Do dogs (Canis familiaris) seek help in an emergency? seek help in an emergency? Journal of Comparative Psychology, 120, Journal of Comparative Psychology, 120, 113119. 113119.

"What is it like to be a bat?":

Nagel, T. 1974. What is it like to be a bat? Philosophical Review, 83, Philosophical Review, 83, 435450. 435450.

on Stanley's view of the world:

Sterbak, J. 2003. "From here to there."

on personal s.p.a.ce:

Argyle and Dean, 1965.

on differences in heeling styles:

Packard, 2008.

on a snail's perception of a tapping stick:

von Uexkull, 1957/1934.

on pressure release as reinforcement in horses:

McGreevy and Boakes, 2007.

on slaughterhouse design:

Grandin and Johnson, 2005.

on perception of objects under yellow light:

I owe my understanding of the blood-draining effect of yellow light to the exhibit "Room for one colour" by the artist Olafur Elia.s.son, in which he lights a room by bulbs emitting an extremely narrow range of what appears as yellow light.

Wittgenstein on dogs:

Wittgenstein, L. 1953. Philosophical investigations. Philosophical investigations. New York: Macmillan. New York: Macmillan.

on the length of a moment:

von Uexkull, 1957/1934.

on clicker training:

McGreevy and Boakes, 2007.

on the wolves' provocative showing of food:

Miklosi, 2007.

YOU HAD ME AT h.e.l.lO.

on vasopressin in the prairie vole:

Alc.o.c.k, J. 2005. Animal behavior: An evolutionary approach, Animal behavior: An evolutionary approach, 8th ed. Sunder-land, MA: Sinauer a.s.sociates. 8th ed. Sunder-land, MA: Sinauer a.s.sociates.

on sheepdog imprinting:

Coppinger and Coppinger, 2001.

on not all animals being equally anthropomorphizable: Eddy, T. J., G. G. Gallup Jr., and D. J. Povinelli. 1993. Attribution of cognitive states to animals: Anthropomorphism in comparative perspective. Journal of Journal of Social Issues, 49, Social Issues, 49, 87101. 87101.

on our attraction to infants and other neotonized creatures:

Gould, S. J. 1979. Mickey Mouse meets Konrad Lorenz. Natural History, 88, Natural History, 88, 3036. 3036.

Lorenz, K. 1950/1971. Ganzheit und Teil in der tierischen und menschlichen Gemeinschaft. Reprinted in R. Martin, ed., Studies in animal and human Studies in animal and human behaviour, behaviour, vol. 2 (pp. 115195). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. vol. 2 (pp. 115195). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

"we need the eggs":

Said by Woody Allen's alter ego Alvy Singer in Annie Hall, Annie Hall, 1977. 1977.

on biophilia:

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