The Baculum In The Chipmunks Of Western North America Part 2

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#Eutamias townsendii# (Bachman)

Figure 3

Pelage tawny to olivaceous; stripes obscure and underparts tawny, or stripes conspicuous and underparts white; tail slender and spa.r.s.ely haired; size large; skull largest in the subgenus _Neotamias_.

Baculum: Shaft thin; keel low, 1/5 of length of tip; tip 32 per cent of length of shaft; angle formed by tip and shaft 130; distal 1/5 of shaft slightly compressed laterally; base deeper and wider than shaft; shaft short, 2.24 mm.

Differs from _E. speciosus_, _E. panamintinus_, _E. umbrinus_, _E.

palmeri_, and _E. bulleri_, in base not markedly widened, shaft thinner, tip proportionally shorter; from _E. quadrivittatus_, _E. ruficaudus_, _E. cinereicollis_, and _E. quadrimaculatus_, in shaft thinner, baculum shorter and smaller; from _E. sonomae_, in ridges on either side of tip not enlarged, keel proportionally higher; from _E. amoenus_ and _E.

dorsalis_, in base widened and thickened, baculum usually shorter; from _E. merriami_, in being markedly shorter, and having base widened and deepened but not incised dorsally.

For comparisons with _E. alpinus_ and _E. minimus_ see the accounts of those species.

_Specimens examined_: 2.

_E. townsendii townsendii_: Oregon: _Multnomah Co._: Portland, 1 (NM).

_E. t. cooperi_: Oregon: _Hood Co._: Brooks Meadow, 4,300 ft., 9 mi. ENE Mount Hood, 1.

#Eutamias sonomae# Grinnell

Figure 4

Upper parts rich reddish, more or less dulled by gray; backs of pinnae of ears nearly bare; tail long and bushy; size large; skull large, long, and narrow; rostrum deep.

Baculum: Shaft thin; keel low, 1/10 of length of tip; tip 27 to 31 per cent of length of shaft; angle formed by tip and shaft 130; distal 1/4 of shaft slightly compressed laterally; base deeper and wider than shaft; shaft of medium length, 3.03 to 3.30 mm.; ridges on either side of tip strongly developed, partly obscuring keel from side.

Differs from _E. speciosus_, _E. panamintinus_, _E. umbrinus_, _E.

palmeri_, and _E. bulleri_, in ridges on either side of tip strongly developed, shaft thin, base not markedly widened, tip proportionally shorter; from _E. quadrivittatus_, _E. ruficaudus_, _E. cinereicollis_, and _E. quadrimaculatus_, in shaft thin, ridges on either side of tip strongly developed, baculum shorter; from _E. amoenus_ and _E.

dorsalis_, in keel lower, ridges on either side of tip strongly developed, base thicker and wider; from _E. merriami_, in markedly shorter, ridges on either side of tip strongly developed, tip proportionally longer, base wider and deeper but not incised dorsally.

For comparisons with _E. alpinus_, _E. minimus_, and _E. townsendii_, see the accounts of those species.

_Specimens examined_: 5.

_E. sonomae alleni_: California: _Marin Co._: Unspecified, 1 (NM).

_E. sonomae sonomae_: California: _Siskiyou Co._: Salmon Mts., W slope, W of Etna, 1 (BS). _Shasta Co._: Redding, 1 (BS).

_Mendocino Co._: Cahto, 1 (BS).

#Eutamias amoenus# (J. A. Allen)

Figure 5

Upper parts generally ochraceous; venter frequently buffy; size small to medium; zygomatic arches usually appressed to cranium; frequently difficult to distinguish from _E. minimus_.

Baculum: Shaft thin; keel low, 1/5 of length of tip; tip 30 to 35 per cent of length of shaft; angle formed by tip and shaft 130; distal 1/5 of shaft slightly compressed laterally; shaft short, 2.37 to 2.96 mm.

Differs from _E. speciosus_, _E. panamintinus_, _E. umbrinus_, _E.

palmeri_, and _E. bulleri_, in base not markedly widened, shaft thinner; from _E. quadrivittatus_, _E. ruficaudus_, _E. cinereicollis_ and _E.

quadrimaculatus_, in shaft thinner, baculum usually shorter, tip shorter; from _E. dorsalis_, in keel lower, angle formed by tip and shaft 130, usually smaller; from _E. merriami_, in being markedly shorter, and in base not being dorsally incised, tip proportionally longer.

For comparisons with _E. alpinus_, _E. minimus_, _E. townsendii_, and _E. sonomae_, see the accounts of those species.

Bacula from skins labeled as _E. amoenus amoenus_ from, Lardo, Valley Co., Idaho (MM), b.u.t.te Co., Idaho (MM), and Boise National Forest, Idaho (BS), resemble the bacula of _E. umbrinus_, and critical study of other features of these specimens probably will show that they are _E.


_Specimens examined_: 23.

_E. amoenus amoenus_: Oregon: _Klamath Co._: Fort Klamath, 1 (MM). Idaho: _Valley Co._: Lardo, 1 (BS). _b.u.t.te Co._: Unspecified, 1 (MM). Boise National Forest, 1 (BS).

_E. a. ludibundus_: British Columbia: Moose Lake, 1 (NM).

_E. a. luteiventris_: Alberta: Banff, 2 (BS). Montana: _Flathead Co._: 1 mi. W and 2 mi. S Summit, 5,000 ft., 1. _Teton Co._: 17-1/8 mi. W and 6-1/2 mi. N Augusta, 5,100 ft., 2. _Missoula Co._: Unspecified, 1 (MM). Idaho: _Idaho Co._: 20 mi. S and 2 mi. E Grangeville, 2. _Fremont Co._: 7 mi. W West Yellowstone, 7,000 ft., 5; 9 mi. SW West Yellowstone, 8,500 ft., 1. Wyoming: _Teton Co._: 2-1/2 mi. N and 3-1/2 mi. E Moran, 7,225 ft., 1.

_E. a. monoensis_: California: _Mono Co._: Leevining Creek, 1 (NM).

_E. a. vallicola_: Montana: _Ravalli Co._: Ba.s.s Creek, 3-1/2 mi.

NW Stevensville, 3,750 ft., 2.

#Eutamias dorsalis# (Baird)

Figure 6

General tone of upper parts smoky gray; dorsal stripes indistinct or obsolete; skull large.

Baculum: Shaft thin; keel low, 1/5 of length of tip; tip 29 to 40 per cent of length of shaft; angle formed by tip and shaft 140; distal 1/2 of shaft slightly compressed laterally; shaft short to medium, 2.64 to 3.69 mm.

Differs from _E. speciosus_, _E. panamintinus_, _E. umbrinus_, _E.

palmeri_, and _E. bulleri_, in base not widened, shaft thinner; from _E.

quadrivittatus_, _E. ruficaudus_, _E. cinereicollis_, and _E.

quadrimaculatus_, in shaft thinner, baculum usually shorter; from _E.

merriami_, in shaft markedly shorter, base not incised dorsally, tip proportionally longer.

For comparisons with _E. alpinus_, _E. minimus_, _E. townsendii_, _E.

sonomae_, and _E. amoenus_, see the accounts of those species.

_Specimens examined_: 12.

_E. dorsalis dorsalis_: Arizona: _Yavapai Co._: 3 mi. N Ft.

Whipple, 5,000 ft., 1 (BS). _Gila Co._: Carr's Ranch, Sierra Ancha Mountains, 1 (BS). _Pima Co._: Unspecified, 1 (MM). New Mexico: _Valencia Co._: Mount Taylor, 1 (MM); 1 mi. N Cebolleta, 1 (MM). _Socorro Co._: San Mateo Mountains, 1 (BS). _Chihuahua_: Sierra Madre, near Guadalupe y Calvo, 3 (BS).

_E. d. utahensis_: Wyoming: _Sweet.w.a.ter Co._: W side Green River, 1 mi. N Utah Border, 1. Colorado: _Moffat Co._: Escalante Hills, 20 mi. SE Ladore, 1 (BS). Arizona: _Coconino Co._: Ryan, 1 (BS).

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The Baculum In The Chipmunks Of Western North America Part 2 summary

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