Winterkill Part 18

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"I don't need you to remind me what's going on." Marybeth's eyes flashed. "What do you want me to do, throw her out into the snow? All day long I've been trying to blot out this... 'situation' 'situation'... with April and do something constructive. And you lose your temper and bring it all back."

Joe looked at her, noticed the tears forming in her eyes. But he was still too angry to apologize.

In a silence that was deafening, Joe got ready for bed and climbed in. She switched off the lamp, turned her back to him and he thought she was pretending to sleep. He touched her shoulder but she didn't respond.

You're right, he wanted to tell her now, he wanted to tell her now, I'm sorry I'm sorry.

Joe rolled back over and stared at the ceiling and listened to the icy wind outside rattle the window.

Joe woke a few hours later, the remnants of another nightmare skittering in his head. He quietly slid out of bed and went to the window. He pressed his forehead against the cold gla.s.s and wondered how everything had gotten so bad so quickly. woke a few hours later, the remnants of another nightmare skittering in his head. He quietly slid out of bed and went to the window. He pressed his forehead against the cold gla.s.s and wondered how everything had gotten so bad so quickly.

Things are building up, Joe thought. His family was coming unhinged, and he was not blameless. Joe thought. His family was coming unhinged, and he was not blameless. Somehow, Somehow, he thought, he thought, I need to do more. To try and fix things. Take some kind of action before everything explodes. I need to do more. To try and fix things. Take some kind of action before everything explodes.


The next morning, Joe was eating breakfast early and alone when Marybeth came down the stairs. He could tell by the way she walked that she was still angry with him, and he watched as she went silently into his office, and came out with something in her hand and a glare in her eyes. Joe was eating breakfast early and alone when Marybeth came down the stairs. He could tell by the way she walked that she was still angry with him, and he watched as she went silently into his office, and came out with something in her hand and a glare in her eyes.

"You got a fax." Her voice was not kind. "I heard it come in late last night."

Joe winced, and reached for the single sheet.

"It's from Elle Broxton-Howard," Joe said, reading it.

"I know."

"She wants to interview me. I invited her to dinner with us."

"I figured that out."

"This is a list of things she can't eat. I guess she has a stack of these all made up and ready to send to people when she gets a dinner invitation."


"Says here she doesn't eat beef, poultry, pork, olive or canola oil, sugar, processed foods of any kind, or genetically enhanced products."


"She has a suggested menu here. Baked trout, steamed broccoli, and brown rice. h.e.l.l, we don't have any of that stuff," Joe said.

"No, we don't-although I'd be happy to get it for you and your friend friend for your little dinner." for your little dinner."

"That's not necessary, Marybeth."

Marybeth turned on her heel and went up the stairs to get dressed.

Joe cursed, and crumpled the paper into a ball and flipped it toward the garbage can in the kitchen.

In a foul mood, Joe left the house and drove into the mountains on the Bighorn Road toward Battle Mountain and the Sovereign Citizen Compound. Again, McLanahan's Blazer blocked his path. Joe eased up to it and stopped, while the sheriff's deputy slowly climbed out into the cold to greet him. a foul mood, Joe left the house and drove into the mountains on the Bighorn Road toward Battle Mountain and the Sovereign Citizen Compound. Again, McLanahan's Blazer blocked his path. Joe eased up to it and stopped, while the sheriff's deputy slowly climbed out into the cold to greet him.

"Still on roadblock duty, huh?" Joe asked, opening his window.

"Yes, G.o.ddammit," McLanahan said, his teeth chattering. Twin plumes of condensation blew from his nostrils.

"Is there any traffic up here?" Joe asked. "Do the Sovereigns come and go much?"

McLanahan shook his head. "Every once in a while there's a truck or two. But they also use Timberline Road on the other side of the mountain, so I don't see 'em all."

"Any activity this morning?"

"Just you," McLanahan said. "Things pick up at night. Those two FBI guys have been through here a lot. They had quite a bit of sound equipment with them, and I guess tonight they're planning a new phase."

"A new phase?"

McLanahan shrugged. "Don't ask me. They don't tell me anything, and I'm not here at night. All I know is that that Munker guy is a real p.r.i.c.k."

Joe c.o.c.ked his thumb toward the back of his truck. "I've got some clothes and toys to deliver to the compound for our daughter April."

Marybeth had packed the boxes early that morning, before it was light out. It must have been very hard on her, but she didn't say anything about it. Marybeth was not talking with him, and neither was Missy, which Joe counted as a blessing.

McLanahan shrugged. "I'm supposed to inspect all deliveries."

"Feel free," Joe volunteered.

McLanahan developed a pained look, and Joe could see him weighing the time it would take to search through the boxes in the bitter cold versus climbing back into his warm Blazer. He stepped aside and waved Joe through.

At the gate to the compound, Joe stopped as he had before, and got out. A bearded man in a heavy army-surplus parka emerged from the nearest trailer and approached on the other side of the fence. He didn't carry a rifle, but Joe guessed that he was armed. Joe stacked the boxes and suitcase near the barbed wire. the gate to the compound, Joe stopped as he had before, and got out. A bearded man in a heavy army-surplus parka emerged from the nearest trailer and approached on the other side of the fence. He didn't carry a rifle, but Joe guessed that he was armed. Joe stacked the boxes and suitcase near the barbed wire.

"What you got there?" the man asked.

Joe explained that it was for April Keeley. "Is she here?" Joe asked. "Is Wade Brockius around?"

"I don't give out that kind of information," the man mumbled. "Is it important?" He reached through the strands and opened the top of the highest box to confirm that it was clothing.

"It's important."

The man lifted the top box over the barbed wire and carried it back to the large trailer that Brockius had come out of the last time Joe was there. "We've gotta go through all this stuff," the man said over his shoulder. "Then I'll be back for the rest. I'll ask about Wade and Jeannie."

"I'll wait."

Joe turned to get back in his pickup, his eyes sweeping through the timber around him. Something seemed out of place, and he tried to figure out what it was.

When he saw it, he was surprised he hadn't noticed it earlier. Four silver speakers poked into the sky above the tops of the trees. Their fluted metal openings were aimed at the Sovereign Citizen Compound. The speakers were mounted on poles that were apparently secured to tree trunks within the forest. The speakers were silent, for now.

Munker and Portenson had been busy.

Wade Brockius emerged from the trailer and walked slowly down to the fence. His gait suggested arthritis, or a leg injury. Joe went out to meet him. Brockius emerged from the trailer and walked slowly down to the fence. His gait suggested arthritis, or a leg injury. Joe went out to meet him.

"This cold weather stiffens me up," Brockius mumbled. "The clothes are thoughtful. Thank you."

"There's two more boxes," Joe said. "Some of April's toys, too."

Brockius nodded, and Joe thought he looked uncomfortable. "Thoughtful," he said again.

Joe looked into the compound at the trailers and RVs. He hoped to catch a glimpse of April, or even Jeannie Keeley, through a window.

"Can I see her to make sure she's okay?"

"She's with her mother right now, Mr. Pickett."

"Does she know I'm here?"

Brockius sized up Joe from beneath his heavy brow. "No, she doesn't."

"Can you tell her?"

Brockius shook his ma.s.sive head. "I'm sorry. I really don't want to interfere."

Joe swallowed. "I want to let April know that we miss her, and that we love her very much."

Brockius appeared to think it over. Then he shook his head again. "No, I don't think it would be a good idea," he said with finality.

"Just tell me she's here and that she's okay," Joe asked. "It would mean a lot to my wife to know that."

"She's here," Brockius said, in a tone so low that Joe could barely make it out. Then Joe realized that Brockius didn't want to be overheard by anyone in the RVs or hidden away in the brush. "And she seems fine."

"Thank you," Joe said.

"You best move on now, Mr. Pickett." Brockius's voice was raised back to normal now. "We'll make sure the clothes and toys go to good use."

Obviously, the conversation was over as far as Wade Brockius was concerned. He handed the remaining boxes to Brockius, who took them. He and Brockius exchanged a long, silent look. Brockius appeared troubled by the situation with April. This is not the kind of thing, This is not the kind of thing, he seemed to be communicating, he seemed to be communicating, that I want to be involved in. that I want to be involved in.

"What comes out of those speakers back there?" Joe asked, as he prepared to leave.

Brockius paused and looked up and over Joe's pickup at the speakers.

"I don't know yet," he said in a ba.s.s rumble. "But I suspect we'll be finding out soon."

"Did your people have anything to do with that dirty trick down on the BLM land?" Joe asked, out of the blue.

Joe wanted to see Brockius's reaction to the question.

Brockius's face hardened, as it had before. He was not puzzled by the question, which to Joe meant that the Sovereigns were in communication with someone on the outside-or that they were involved with the ambush. Brockius turned to walk back to his trailer.

"I'd suggest you look a little closer to home, Mr. Pickett," Brockius said over his shoulder.

The opportunity to look closer to home came almost immediately, as Joe descended from the snowy mountains. He was still in deep snow, with twenty miles of rugged BLM breaklands laid out in a vista below him. The town of Saddlestring, beyond the breaklands, glittered in the morning sun. opportunity to look closer to home came almost immediately, as Joe descended from the snowy mountains. He was still in deep snow, with twenty miles of rugged BLM breaklands laid out in a vista below him. The town of Saddlestring, beyond the breaklands, glittered in the morning sun.

His radio crackled to life.

"I think I've got a situation out here." The signal was strong, and the voice belonged to a woman. "This is Jamie Runyan calling BLM headquarters. Does anybody read me?"

Joe heard a rush of static and a.s.sumed it was somebody trying to reply to Jamie Runyan from town.

"I didn't get that at all," she said. "Try again."

There was another squawk.

"d.a.m.n it," she said. "I don't know whether anyone there can hear me or not, but I'm out in the joint management unit and I see a light-colored pickup up on top of a hill. I think it might be the vehicle Birch Wardell described. I don't know whether to pursue it or not."

Contact, Joe thought. He reached for the microphone, and waited for Jamie Runyan to repeat her message to the dispatcher once again. Joe thought. He reached for the microphone, and waited for Jamie Runyan to repeat her message to the dispatcher once again.

"This is game warden Joe Pickett," he said when she was through. "I read you loud and clear. Please stay put. I'm about fifteen minutes away from you."

He increased his speed, and roared down the mountain as fast as he could without sliding off the road.

Jamie Runyan's tan pickup with the BLM logo was pulled to the side of the gravel road with its exhaust burbling. Joe stopped behind her and swung outside. While driving down the mountain, he had unfastened his Remington WingMaster shotgun from his saddle scabbard behind his seat, and he carried it to her vehicle. Runyan's tan pickup with the BLM logo was pulled to the side of the gravel road with its exhaust burbling. Joe stopped behind her and swung outside. While driving down the mountain, he had unfastened his Remington WingMaster shotgun from his saddle scabbard behind his seat, and he carried it to her vehicle.

She was thick-bodied and plain, with a wide, simple face. She rolled her window down as he approached.

"Where did you see the truck?" Joe asked, scanning the horizon. Because she had parked in a depression, her truck would be hard to see from a distance.

She gestured up the road, over the hill. "I was going up that hill when I saw it. It was a light-colored, older-model pickup on the top of the next ridge. It looked to me like the guy was pulling our fence down with a chain."

"Did he see you?"

She shook her head. "I'm not sure. I backed down the road out of sight when I saw him."

"Has anyone from your office replied to you?"

She shook her head. "I think I'm out of range in these d.a.m.n hills. The only person I heard was you."

Joe nodded. "Do you mind if I borrow your truck? You can stay here in my truck and keep warm."

She searched his face while she decided. "What are you going to do?" she asked.

"I've got a theory about what happened," he said. "If you let me borrow your truck I'll look like I'm BLM and I can test it out."

She hesitated. "I don't know. Only authorized government personnel are allowed to drive these vehicles."

"I'm authorized," Joe lied. "The Game and Fish has an inter-agency agreement with the BLM." He thought he sounded convincing, and it worked.

She got out of the cab, remembering to take her sack lunch.

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Winterkill Part 18 summary

You're reading Winterkill. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): C. J. Box. Already has 541 views.

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