The Haunted Bridge Part 12

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The man glanced over his shoulder and peddled faster and faster. Breathless from running, Nancy was compelled to abandon the chase. In chagrin she watched him vanish from view.

"Now why did he act that way?" she speculated, frowning.

With a shrug Nancy turned and walked back to her car. At the hotel Bess and George were waiting for her on the terrace.

"Barty won his match yesterday," Bess announced as Nancy sat down. "George and I happened to see the scorecard."

"What did he have on number sixteen?" Nancy asked quickly.

"A four. Imagine that!"

"He should have been disqualified for cheating," Nancy said. "Did you tell the chairman about it?"

"We were going to, but what was the use?" George asked. "He would deny everything."

"Yes, that's true," Bess added.

"Barty was ahead before he came to the sixteenth hole," George revealed. "He didn't need to cheat for the match already was his. He just couldn't bear to take a penalty."

"It's disgusting," Nancy murmured. "I wonder how the other matches are turning out. Let's watch some of the players."

They sauntered along the course, pausing at the seventeenth green to watch two players hole their putts. Then they moved on toward the woods.

"Isn't that Chris Sutter?" Nancy asked presently, indicating a boy just within the fringe of trees.

"He's peering into the woods at the identical place where your ball went in," Bess observed.

"I tried to convince him that the area wasn't haunted," Nancy said with a chuckle.

It was obvious that he was still afraid to look for the ball. Finally, mastering his misgivings, he disappeared from view. The girls quickened their steps.

Just as they reached the woods, Chris reappeared, apparently unsuccessful in his search for the golf ball.

"No luck?" Nancy asked him.

The boy shook his head. "Sorry."

"By the way, Chris," Nancy said, "I'm depending on you to caddy for me today."

"I'll be ready whenever you say, Miss Drew."

"Please be at the first tee by two-thirty. Our match will be a hard one."

"You'll win," Chris said confidently, "and I'll be pulling for you all the way."

The girls chatted with Chris for a few minutes. Then, leaving him to continue the search for the autographed golf ball, they walked back to the hotel for luncheon.

While pa.s.sing through the lobby Nancy saw a letter in her room mailbox. She stopped to ask the clerk for it.

"I'll bet it's a note from your new admirer," Bess declared, giggling.

The letter was indeed from Martin Bartescue. He wished Nancy luck in her afternoon match, and said that he had defeated his opponent by an easy margin.

"If you win today, we must celebrate our joint victory," he had written. "I look forward to escorting you to the dance at Hemlock Hall."

"Hm!" Nancy fumed. "He takes it for granted that I'd be thrilled to go." Then, calming down, she added, "I think perhaps I'll accept."

Bess and George stared at her in bewilderment.

"How can you expect to have any fun with him?" George asked.

"I don't. But it'll be a good chance to study the guests-investigative work for Dad."

"Oh, that's different," Bess answered in relief. "By the way, two boys here at the hotel have asked George and me to the same dance."

"We haven't promised yet," Bess replied, "but if you want to go with Barty we could accept and all keep together."

"Good idea," Nancy agreed after a moment's thought. "And now, let's eat lunch. I'll have to leave soon for my match."

Later, when the girls came from the dining room, the desk clerk signaled to Nancy. He handed her a telegram that had just been delivered. It was from her father and read: MEET ME AT AIRPORT TOMORROW MORNING AT SEVEN. JEWELRY IN BRa.s.s CHEST EXAMINED. WE MUST LOCATE OWNER.

Immediately Nancy thought, "Maybe I'll have some news for Dad. There's a chance I may see Margaret Judson at Hemlock Hall tonight! For once perhaps Barty has done me a favor by inviting me to the dance there."

It was after two o'clock when the girls walked to the first tee. Nancy resolutely put aside all thoughts of the baffling mystery. Her opponent, a stout, muscular woman, nodded curtly as she tested out her swing.

Bess whispered to Nancy, "This isn't going to be a friendly match. Ruth Allison is out to win!"

The two players matched each other stroke for stroke as they played the first three holes. Neither seemed able to gain the advantage. Nancy was conscious that her opponent watched every shot like a hawk, as if hoping to catch Nancy breaking one of the rules of the game. Nancy in turn paid careful attention to every move she made.

Her hand pained her, but she made no mention of the handicap under which she was playing. At first Nancy was able to drive long, straight b.a.l.l.s, but gradually her hand became weary and she found herself in difficulty.

Ruth Allison won two holes in succession. A look of smug satisfaction came over her face. It faded, however, when Nancy, fighting gamely, took the next hole, matched her opponent in the following one, and then won again to even the score.

At the sixteenth tee the match was still even. Having won the previous hole, Nancy had the honor of driving first. As she took a backswing with her club, her mind wandered momentarily to the mystery of the jewel thefts. The result was that her ball sliced wickedly. To the horror of Chris it entered the woods.

"Too bad," Ruth Allison said with a false show of sympathy. "I'm afraid that will put you out of the tournament."


Nancy Is Accused

RUTH ALLISON'S remark that Nancy's bad drive might put her out of the tournament upset the teen-age girl. She tried not to show it. Nancy watched in dismay as her opponent drove a long, straight ball past the spot where hers had gone into the woods. The group walked along in silence.

"Cheer up, Nancy," said Bess. "There are still two holes to play. You could win yet."

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The Haunted Bridge Part 12 summary

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