The Nature Of The Beast Part 13

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"You're not with the force anymore. You have no authority over me."

Gamache stared into the defiant eyes. "We'll see."

Lacoste looked around, acclimating to the strange new environment. Inspector Beauvoir was directing the Scene of Crime and forensics teams, and once he'd set them in motion he joined her.

Together they walked over to the spot where agents were setting up a cordon of yellow police tape. Beauvoir's flighty beam played on the ground then came to rest on the stick. It was about ten feet from the entrance.

"He was killed here?" Lacoste asked.

"I think so," said Beauvoir.

He saw her nod, then her own beam swept the ground, making larger and larger arcs, working its way outward. But Inspector Beauvoir saved her time.

The industrial lights they'd brought were just hooked up and he turned one on now, directing it straight ahead.

Isabelle Lacoste instinctively leaned away and even Beauvoir, who knew what was there, felt his heart stutter. Around them the well-ch.o.r.eographed activity of the Scene of Crime team stopped while the hardened agents stared.

Mon Dieu, they heard whispered, the words disappearing into the deadened s.p.a.ce.

The gun was even more ma.s.sive in this huge beam than it had appeared in the smaller light. Now they began to get the scale of the thing.

Agents pointed flashlights at it, like weapons. More floodlights were turned on. Playing over it, but not altogether capturing the enormity of it.

"He was telling the truth," said Lacoste beneath her breath. "My G.o.d, Laurent wasn't lying after all."

Before them was a ma.s.sive gun, a cannon, its long barrel stretching beyond the reach of their lights to disappear into the darkness.

Jean-Guy Beauvoir lowered his light until it hit the base. And there they saw a monster etched onto the metal, twisting, writhing out of the ground. Its wings were extended. Its many serpent heads coiling, entwining like the vines that had hidden it for decades.

"We're going to need more light," said Isabelle Lacoste. "And longer ladders."


The Lepages had parked their truck on the road by the bistro and Gamache walked them back to it.

"I'll make sure you're told everything," he said, leaning into the window as Al started it up.

"So far we haven't been told anything," said Evie. "Except that they found Laurent's stick inside that thing. What was it doing there?"

"We know what it was doing there, Evie," said Al. "Laurent was killed there, and moved, wasn't he?"

Gamache nodded. "Chief Inspector Lacoste and her team will know more in a few hours, but it looks that way."

"But what was Laurent doing there?" asked Evie. "Did he surprise someone? What's in there? Is that a meth lab or a grow op? Did he stumble into some drug operation? Why did they kill him, Armand?"

"I don't know."

"But you do know what's in there," said Al. "What Laurent found."

"I can't tell you anything more right now," said Armand.

"You can," said Al. "You just choose not to. You know you're making it worse by not telling us."

"I'm sorry," said Armand, stepping back as Al hit the gas.

He watched the battered pickup drive around the village green, then up the road out of the village. Then he walked back home, deep in thought.

He did know all those things. But he also knew something else.

As he'd leaned into the open window of the Lepages' truck he'd seen, scattered on the console between the seats, a pile of ca.s.sette tapes.

"Where's Ruth?" Myrna never thought she'd hear herself asking that question.

"Don't know," said Clara, looking around the crowded bistro. "She's normally here by now."

It was five thirty, and every chair in the place was taken. They could barely hear themselves think for the hubbub.

Clara saw Monsieur Beliveau at the door connecting Sarah's boulangerie with the bistro. He was scanning the room.

"I'll ask him if he's seen her," said Clara, getting up and weaving her way gracefully through the room.

As she pa.s.sed the tables, she caught snippets of conversation. The words were slightly different, the language changing depending on the grouping. But the sense was the same.

"Meurtre," she heard in hushed tones. "Murder."

And then, even lower, "Mais qui?"

"But who?"

And then the look, the furtive scan. Taking in friends, acquaintances, neighbors, strangers. Who would suspicion, like an ax, fall on?

Clara had always found comfort in the bistro, never more so than after losing Peter. But while still soothing, the atmosphere was closing in on her. Words she'd worked hard to exorcise from her mind appeared again. Fresh and new and powerful. "Murder," "blame," "killing" crowded out the comfort.

Laurent was dead, and there was a good chance one of them did it.

"Have you seen Ruth?" Clara asked the grocer.

"Non, not yet. She isn't here?"


"I have some groceries for her. I'll take them over and check on her."

On her way back to the table Clara caught more bits of conversation.

"... drugs. A cartel..."

"... booze, left from Prohibition..."

One table was listening as a pa.s.sionate man told them about Area 51, and the irrefutable evidence that aliens had landed decades ago in New Mexico. And, according to him, Quebec.

"Mark my words, it's an alien s.p.a.cecraft in there," he said. "Wasn't the kid always warning us about an invasion?"

Incredibly, the others at the table, whom Clara knew to be sensible and thoughtful people, were nodding. It seemed a more comforting explanation than that one of them had suddenly become alien, and killed a little boy.

Clara sat down next to Myrna, grim-faced.

"Have you been listening to what people are saying?" Clara asked.

"Yes. It's getting ugly. That table is ordering more and more drinks and talking about going into the woods and forcing their way into that thing we found."

Myrna pushed her gla.s.s of red wine away. Nature, she knew, abhorred a vacuum, and these people, faced with an information vacuum, had filled it with their fears.

The line between fact and fiction, between real and imagined, was blurring. The tether holding people to civil behavior was fraying. They could see it, and hear it, and feel it coming apart.

Most of these people knew Laurent. Had children of their own. Were tired, and cold, and filled with fear and booze and not enough facts. These were good people, frightened people. Justifiably so.

Olivier bent down and placed a bowl of mixed nuts on the table. He whispered to them, "I'm going to start cutting people off."

"I think that's a good idea," said Myrna.

Clara got up. "I think Armand needs to come over. I think he's stayed away because he doesn't want to create a difficult situation, but it's beyond that now."

Voices were raised at a table in the corner, where Gabri was explaining that they could not have more drinks.

Clara went to the bar and called the Gamache home.

"Is it true what I'm hearing, Clement?" Ruth asked, as the old grocer took a seat in her living room.

"What are you hearing?" he asked.

"That the child was murdered."

She said the word as though it had no emotional load, contained nothing more than any other word. But her thin hands trembled and she made small, powerful fists.


"And that they found something in the woods, where Laurent was killed."

"Yes. I showed them the way in," he said. "The path. No one else could see it, of course. It was overgrown."

Ruth nodded. She'd thought the memories had also been obscured, hidden under so many other events. Poems written, books published, awards won. Dinners and discussions. New neighbors. New friends. Rosa.

Years and years of rich and fertile topsoil.

But now it was back, clawing its way to the surface. The dark thing.

"What's in there, Clement? What did they do?"

The moment Armand and Reine-Marie stepped into the bistro, the turmoil died out.

A hush fell over the cheerful room, with its beamed ceiling and fieldstone fireplaces lit and welcoming, so at odds with the angry faces.

"Is there a problem?" Armand asked, his steady gaze going from familiar face to familiar face.

"Yes," said a man standing at the back. "We want to know what you found in the woods."

Gabri, Olivier and their servers took advantage of the distraction to clear away drinks from the tables and put out boards of bread and cheese.

"We have a right to know," said another patron. "This's our home. We have kids. We need to know."

"You're right," said Gamache. "You do have a right to know. You need to know. You have children and grandchildren who need protecting. One child has already been killed, we need to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Anger dissipated as they realized he agreed with them.

"The problem is, you see," said Armand, stepping further into the room, his voice calm and reasonable, "it's possible one of you killed Laurent."

Beside him, Reine-Marie whispered, "Armand?"

But she saw his face in profile, determined. His eyes unwavering, as he looked out at the faces of his neighbors. He radiated certainty and calm.

Her gaze s.h.i.+fted to the patrons of the bistro. They were sober now. Quiet. His words had slammed into them, knocking the booze, knocking the anger, knocking the stuffing out of them.

A few sat down. Then more. Until they were all sitting.

Gamache took a long, deep breath. "I'm not saying anything you haven't already figured out for yourselves. That you haven't already said to each other. You've almost certainly looked around and wondered who did it. Which of you killed a nine-year-old boy."

And now they looked around again, lowering their eyes as they met a friend, a neighbor staring back at them.

"I know what's in those woods," he said. "And I could tell you, but I won't. Not because I want to hide it from you. I don't. But because it would compromise the hunt for the killer. Laurent's murderer is counting on your help. He's sitting, perhaps among us now, hoping you'll storm into the woods. He's praying you trample evidence and disrupt the investigation. A killer hides in chaos. You need to not give him that."

"Then what should we do?" a woman asked.

"You should stay out of the woods. You should keep your children out of the woods. You should be absolutely open and honest when the investigators ask you questions. The more light thrown onto an investigation, the fewer places he can hide. Laurent was not killed by some serial killer, or some errant madman. There was purpose to this. You need to make sure you and your children don't get in his way, or in the investigators' way."

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The Nature Of The Beast Part 13 summary

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