A Time Of Omens Part 5

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"Like a wyvern, maybe?" Aethan said.

"Maybe. Let's get back."

As the squad turned and retreated, Maddyn was cursing the inevitable noise, but if the men he'd spotted did indeed hear them, they never followed. It seemed to take longer than it should to reach the main troop and the barges; when they finally found them, Maddyn realized that the barges had been pulled nose into sh.o.r.e and tied up to hazels. Caradoc came trotting to meet him.

"Scout came in, Maddo. Looks like trouble ahead. Did you see anything?"

"We did, and that's why we're back. Looked like another point squad, and one of the men might have been carrying the green wyvern of the Holy City."

"The scout said he might have seen a Boar or two."

Aethan swore under his breath.

"Bodes ill, bodes ill," Caradoc went on. "Full arms, lads. We'll leave the barges here with a token guard."

"What about the prince?"

"He's safest coming with us. If this warband ahead's only on the track of the contraband iron, they'll try to outflank us and strike the barges, so there's no use in leaving him behind. If they're after him, as I somehow suspect they are, then they'll have to fight our whole ugly pack to get him."

"We'll want to circle around ourselves and try for a flank strike. There's a narrow lane ahead that could trap us good and proper."

"All right. Across the fields it is."

Heading south, they swung out to the east across plowed land that bore only nettles and dandelions. Since the fields sloped up from the riverbed, after a few minutes they were riding along a very low ridge of sorts and could see a reasonable distance ahead of them. To the south, on the same side of the river as they were, a warband was coming to meet them. Swearing under his breath, Caradoc flung up one hand for a halt, then rose in his stirrups to stare and count.

"About sixty, seventy?" he said to Maddyn and Owaen. "A good enough match, anyway. Well and good, lads. We'll make a stand and see if they come after us."

Just across a meadow was another thick hedgerow that would do to guard their rear, and in a shallow crescent they drew up their lines, two men deep, with Caradoc and Owaen in the center and the prince disposed anonymously in the second rank of the left horn, with Branoic on one side of him and Aethan the other. Even after all these years Maddyn felt faintly shamed as he followed their standard procedure and withdrew, taking shelter in some trees a couple of hundred yards away. For this battle, at least, he would have a crucial role to play as liaison between the troop and the fifteen or so men left behind to guard the barges. The orders were clear: if the sc.r.a.p went against them, the survivors were to retreat back to the barges and die fighting around the prince.

Straight and purposeful the other warband came jogging along, pulling javelins from the sheaths under their right legs and loosening swords in their scabbards. There was not even going to be a pretense of a parley. The silver daggers sat slouched, from the look of them half-asleep in their saddles-a pose that had cost many a gullible war-band dear in the past. As the enemies came closer, Maddyn could see that they were carrying a variety of blazons on their s.h.i.+elds: the pale blue ground and golden ram of Hendyr to the north, the green wyvern of the Holy City sure enough, and scattered among them-indeed, in the majority as he counted-the red boar of Cantrae. Maddyn's stomach wrenched as he wondered how many old friends of his had survived the intervening years of warfare only to face up against his troop now.

As the warband drew up for the charge across the meadow, something else occurred to him with the force of a blow: this warband had been waiting for them, had indeed traveled hundreds of miles to catch them here, had somehow known exactly where to find them. He remembered, then, the rumors that the Dun Deverry king would be stripping the west of men-a ruse, a trap, to ensure that no loyal Cerrmor men would be within reach as the Boar lured the true king to this meeting of Wyrd. His heart thudding, Maddyn looked wildly around, wondering if he dared ride back to tell Nevyn. As if she felt his agitation, his blue sprite appeared on his saddle peak and grabbed one of his hands in both of hers.

"Go back to the barges. Get Nevyn. Get the guards. Hurry!"

Just as she vanished, the Boars howled out a war cry and led the charge. Sod flew shredded and dust plumed as they raced across the meadow, their captain pulling ahead to face off with Caradoc as the silver daggers threw their javelins in a flat arc, points winking as they whistled home, crossing paths with the enemy darts, flying just as straight and true. As the two captains met, both troops howled out a challenge and broke position: the mobs were joined. Cursing a steady stream of the foulest oaths he knew, Maddyn rose in the stirrups and tried to make out what was happening, desperately tried to find the prince in in the swirl of rearing horses and shrieking men. the swirl of rearing horses and shrieking men.

As he watched, he would just spot Branoic, whose height made him stand out above the mob of riders, when some squad or clot of fighting would swarm around him and lose Maddyn the view again, but he could never see the prince, who was one of the shortest men in the pack. He rode this way and that, on the edge of terror, wondering if Maryn had been killed in the first charge, while he struggled to see through the dust and chaos. Suddenly he realized that the lighting was coming to center on Branoic, that more and more enemies were struggling to cut their way toward him as more and more silver daggers peeled off to stop them. He could only a.s.sume that Branoic was desperately guarding Maryn-perhaps even a wounded Maryn-and without thinking he drew his sword.

He was just about to spur his horse down to join in the battle when he heard hoofbeats and shouting behind him. He turned to see the last squad of silver daggers, with Nevyn at their head like a captain, galloping straight for him.

"To the prince!" Maddyn yelled. "Behind Branno! To the prince!"

Howling a war cry, the men swept past him and down the rise to slam into the fighting from the flank. Nevyn pulled up beside him.

"Look, my lord," Maddyn gasped, half-hoa.r.s.e from screaming. "Branoic must be trying to save him-that's where the fighting's thickest."

Dead-pale but as calm as deaths Nevyn shaded his eyes with one hand and peered down at the screaming shoving mob.

"It's not Maryn they're after-it's Branoic! Ye G.o.ds, I should have thought of that! Ah by the ruse is torn anyway, and cursed if I'll sit here and not use the dweomer the G.o.ds gave me!"

With a snarl of rage the old man raised his arm to the sky as if he were saluting the sun with a sword, then slowly lowered his hand until he pointed straight at the battle below. Under his breath he muttered a few words in some strange language that Maddyn couldn't understand even though it sounded oddly familiar.


A thousand Wildfolk swept into manifestation and raced down the hill toward the enemy. When Nevyn shouted, blue and silver flames leapt from his hand and followed. Like bolts of lightning the illusory fire fell among the enemy horses just as the Wildfolk dove down from the air, pinching, clawing, biting beast and man alike. The terrified horses reared and pawed, screamed and danced, and the Boarsmen and their allies could do not one thing about it. Shrieking and bucking they broke. Those horses lucky enough to be on the edge of the mob plunged free and galloped away as if all the devils of h.e.l.l were behind them; those caught in the middle began kicking and biting anything in their way. Owaen and Caradoc began screaming at the silver daggers to pull back and let them go. As the mob loosened its grip more and more Boarsmen pulled out of line and fled, the men screaming louder than their mounts as the Wildfolk streamed after, all claws and teeth.

Maddyn heard a strange noise. It was a moment before he realized that he and Nevyn both were laughing.

"I doubt me if they'll be re-forming for another charge," the old man said in the mildest possible tone of voice.

"True enough, and look, my lord, there's the prince, safe and sound and riding to meet you. Here, I'd best go fetch Caudyr and his wagon. We'll have wounded men down there."

Maddyn had only gone about a half mile when he met the chirurgeon trotting his team to meet him. They went to the battlefield together to find Nevyn already supervising as the silver daggers pulled the wounded free of dead and dying horses, while Caradoc, Owaen, and the prince held a hasty council of war off to one side. Since the battle had been so brief, the damage was small. A number of men were badly cut, but all in all, as Maddyn coursed the battlefield with a squad to look for prisoners, he found only three dead silver daggers, and a couple of horses so badly hurt that they'd have to be put out of their misery. Maddyn was just congratulating himself on their light losses when he found Aethan.

His legs trapped by his dead horse Aethan lay on his back near the riverbank. A chance thrust had split his mail and gone through his side to catch a lung. Although he was still alive, at every rasped breath he drew a bubble of blood broke on his lips and trickled down his chin. Maddyn dropped to his knees beside him and half kicked the horse away, half pulled him free, then slipped an arm around his shoulders to cradle his head against his chest. Aethan stared up at him with cloudy eyes.

"It's me-Maddo. Do you want some water?"

"Don't leave me."

"I won't. We've got to get Caudyr over here."

"Won't do any good."

Like a spear in his own heart Maddyn felt the truth of it.

"I'll make a song for you. Just like you were a lord."

Aethan smiled up at the sky with b.l.o.o.d.y lips. It was a long time before Maddyn realized that he was dead. He shut Aethan's eyes, laid him down, and sat back on his heels, simply sat there for a long time, staring at nothing, trying to put together a proper gorchan for Aethan and wondering why the words wouldn't come. Out of nowhere, it seemed, Caradoc materialized and knelt down beside him.

"He was a good lad. I'll miss him."

Maddyn nodded. When Caradoc laid a hand on his arm, he shook it off, and after a few minutes the captain went away again-Maddyn never noticed in what direction or why. All at once he was so tired that the world seemed distant and faint, stripped of all color and sound. He lay down next to Aethan on the blood-soaked earth, threw one arm around him, and rested his head on his shoulder. Dimly he heard his own voice in his head telling him that he was daft, that nothing in this world or under it was going to bring Aethan back, but at the time, reason no longer mattered. Daft or sane, he wanted to stay there with Aethan for a while, just a little while before they dumped him into a shallow grave on the battlefield. Although he was never conscious of falling asleep, all at once it was dark, and Caradoc was shaking him hard.

"Get up. Get up, or I'll slap you up. You've got to come away."

When Maddyn sat, Branoic grabbed him by one hand and the captain by the other, and between them they hauled him to his feet.

"Stay with him, Branno. I've got to get back to the prince. For the G.o.ds' sakes keep him from watching the burying."

Maddyn let Branoic lead him like a blind man to the camp upriver, where the barges were safely tucked into sh.o.r.e and already campfires bloomed in the meadow. Branoic sat him down by one of the fires, then rummaged in a saddlebag and brought out a clean s.h.i.+rt.

"You're all over gore. Change-you'll feel better."

Maddyn nodded like a half-wit and changed his s.h.i.+rt, tossing the filthy one onto the ground, then took the tankard of ale Branoic handed him.

"Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds on the barges had ale with them all along, but they were holding out on us. Old Nevyn made them hand it over. Said if we were going to risk our necks for them they could at least stand us a drink."

Maddyn nodded again and drank a few sips. When Branoic sat down next to him, he saw that the lad's calm was all a sham-tears were running down his face. Very carefully, very slowly, Maddyn set the tankard down next to his bloodstained s.h.i.+rt, then dropped his face into his hands and sobbed, howling like a child and rocking back and forth until Branoic grabbed him and pulled him into his arms to hold him still. Even as he wept, Maddyn heard his own voice rise to a keen, and for a long time that night he mourned, caught tight in the comfort of a friend's arms. Yet even in the depths of his grief, he felt that the most bitter thing was that Aethan had never lived to see Cerrmor and the true king come into his own.


"N-n-nevyn, I don't understand," Maryn said, picking each word carefully. "The enemy weren't after me. They wanted Branoic. I was p-p-protecting him-or trying to, anyway."

"Trying, indeed!" Caradoc broke in, and he was grinning like a proud father. "You did a splendid job of it, my prince. You can swing that blade like a silver dagger, sure enough."

Maryn blushed scarlet from the praise, but he kept looking at Nevyn, waiting for his answer. The three of them were sitting at Caradoc's fire, and talking softly to keep the rest of the men from hearing. Although he debated, Nevyn decided that after the spectacle he'd put on that afternoon, he might as well tell the whole truth of the tale.

"Well, my liege, it was an oversight on my part, though I'll admit it was a lucky one, all in all. I want both of you to keep this a secret." He glanced back and forth at prince and captain until they nodded their agreement. "Young Branoic has a natural talent for dweomer. Since it's totally untrained, he can't use it, mind-he's not going to ensorcel anyone or suchlike. But consider our enemies, working in the dark, as it were, searching desperately for any trace they can find of the true king. Now, back in Pyrdon everyone knows what the prince looks like, but we're a long way from home, lads. And so, as our enemies here scry and work their spells, what do they find but a magical-oh, what shall I call it? Here, you know how a hearthstone will radiate heat after the fire's been burning for a good long time? You can see it glow red, and the air above it s.h.i.+mmers, like? Very good. Well, magical talent in a person puts out an emanation that's somewhat like that. So here's Branoic-tall and strong, a splendid fighter, a good-looking man-easy enough to mistake for a prince just on general principles, and on top of all that, he absolutely reeks of dweomer."

"They thought he was me!" Maryn burst out. "They might have k-k-killed him, thinking him me! I'd never forgive myself if they had."

"Better him than you, Your Highness," Caradoc said dryly. "And I know Branno would agree with me a thousand times over."

"Just so," Nevyn said. "You know, my liege, I'll wager they think you're the prince's page. Excellent. Let's let them go on wallowing in their error, shall we?"

"What shall I do? S-s-saddle and c-c-comb his horse on the morrow? I will and gladly if it'll help."

"Too obvious," Caradoc said. "We'll just go on like we were doing, Your Highness, if it's all the same to you. Seems to have worked splendidly so far."

"So it has." Nevyn thought for a moment. "Do you think I should go take a look at our Maddyn?"

"Leave him alone with his grief, my lord. There's naught any of us can do to heal that wound, much as it aches my heart. Ah, by the, he knew Aethan these twenty years at least, more maybe, ever since he was a young cub and fresh to a warband."

"That's a hard kind of friend to lose, then, and you're right. I'll leave him be."

For a few minutes they sat there silently, looking into the flames, which swarmed with salamanders-though of course, only Nevyn could see them. Now that he'd rolled his dice in plain sight, he saw no reason to try to lie about his score, and Wildfolk wandered all over the camp, peering at every man and into every barge. Later, after the camp was asleep, he used the dying fire to contact the priests in Cerrmor. They needed to know that the one true king was only some three days ride away and that his enemies had tried to slay him upon the road.

The year 843, We discovered that Bellyra, the eldest daughter of Glyn the Second, King in Cerrmor, wad born upon the night of Samaen. The High Priest declared it an omen. Just as she wad born on the night that lies between two worlds, and thus partook of the nature of both, so she was destined to be the mother of two kingdoms. Yet some within the temple grumbled and said that no good thing could come from such a birth that bridged the worlds of the living and of the dead, because she would belong to the Otherlands and only be a real woman on Samaen itself. She was, or do these impious traitors said, the la.s.s who wasn't there....The Holy Chronicles of Lughcarn

In the very heart of Dun Cerrmor, at the center of all the earthworks and the rings of stone walls and the vast looming circles of joined brochs and towers, lay a garden. Although it was only about thirty yards across, it sported a tiny stream with an equally tiny bridge, a rolling stretch of lawn, some rosebushes, and an ancient willow tree, all gnarled and drooping, that, or so they said, was planted by the ancient sorcerer who once had served King Glyn the First, back at the very beginning of the civil wars. By hiking up her dresses and watching where she put her feet, Bellyra could climb a good way up into this tree and settle into a comfortable fork where the main trunk provided a backrest. In the spring and summer, when the leaves were draped down like the fringe on a Bardek shawl, no one could see her there, and she would often sit for hours, watching the sun glint on the stream and thinking about the history of Dun Cerrmor and her clan, and indeed, at times, about that legendary sorcerer himself.

Some years before she'd found a dusty old codex in a storage room up at the top of a tower. Since her father had insisted that all his children be taught letters, she'd been able to puzzle out the eccentric script and discover that her new treasure was a history of Dun Cerrmor, starting when it was built-some ninety years before the war-and proceeding, year by year, down to 822, when, much to her annoyance, the history broke off in midpage, indeed in midsentence. Over the past few years she'd used the old book as a guide to explore every room in every tower that she was allowed into and, by using a bit of cunning, most of the ones that she wasn't. With a stolen bottle of ink and reed pens that she made herself, she'd even continued the history, until almost all of the blank pages were full of of information, gleaned from the scribes and the chamberlain, about the more recent additions and remodelings.

No one had ever noticed her poking around. For most of her life, no one had paid much attention to her at all, other than to make sure she was fed, clothed, and put to bed whenever someone remembered that it was growing late. Even her lessons, in reading, singing, needlework, and riding, came at irregular intervals, when some servant or other had time for her. When she was nine, her brother the heir died, and then, for a brief while, she became important-but only until her mother had another baby boy.

She could still remember the wonderful feasts and musical entertainments her father had given to mark the birth of a new heir. She could also remember the lies, the whispers behind his back, and the moaning coming from her mother's chambers when the truth became inescapable: his second son had been born stone-blind and could never rule as king. Just a year after his birth, the baby disappeared. Bellyra never did learn what had happened to him, and she was still afraid to ask. She had, however, recorded his disappearance in her book with a note speculating that the Wildfolk had taken him away. And now her father was dead, and her mother living on Bardek wine in a darkened bedchamber. There would be no more heirs unless she herself provided them to some man the regent and the court would pick out for her.

On that particular day she held the codex in her lap as she drowsed the afternoon away in the willow tree. She would read a few lines, almost at random, then daydream about how splendid the old days must have been, when her clan was strong and powerful, when its great kings had coffers filled with tribute and its mighty warriors had a chance of winning the civil wars. Now victory seemed profoundly unlikely, even though Cerrmor's loyal lords all told her that the G.o.ds would help them put her on a queen's throne in Dun Deverry. Every now and then Bellyra would look up through the leaves and consider the top of the tallest tower in the dun, just visible over the main broch. Once, or so her book told her, a hostage prince of Eldidd had languished in that tower for over twenty years. At times she had the awful feeling that she too would languish there, a prisoner for the rest of her life, until she died of old age and the Cerrmor line was dead.

"They might just strangle me, of course," she remarked to the tree. She often talked to the old willow, for want of anyone else to listen. "You hear about that every now and then, women being strangled or smothered to make sure they never have any babies. I don't know which would be worse, I truly don't, being dead or being shut up for ever and ever. The servants all say I belong in the Otherlands, anyway, so maybe it would be better to get smothered and be done with it. Or I could take poison. That would be more romantic somehow. I could write in my book, you see, as the poison was coming on. The n.o.ble Princess Bellyra raised the golden cup of sweet death to her lips and laughed a harsh mocking laugh of scorn for the beastly old Cantrae men pounding on her door. Hah hah, you dogs, soon I will be far beyond your ugly... ugly what? hands? schemes? Or here, how about, far beyond your murdering base-born hands. I like that better, truly. It has a ring to it."

The willow sighed in the breeze as if agreeing. Bellyra chewed on her lower lip and considered her plan. It would look splendid, once the Cantrae men broke down the door, if she were lying on her bed, her hair artistically draped across the pillow with a last sneer of defiance on her face. She would have to remember to put on her best dress, the one of purple Bardek silk that her nursemaid had cut from an old banqueting cloth they'd found in another storeroom. The Cantrae king might even shed a tear for her beauty and be sorry he'd been planning to smother her. On the whole, though, judging from what she'd heard about Cantrae lords, she doubted if they'd feel any remorse. Relief, more like, that she'd spared them the job.

Across the garden came a of sound, the door into the broch opening on un-oiled hinges. She went still, her hands freezing on her book.

"Bellyra! Princess!"

The voice belonged to Tieryn Elyc, and through the leaves she could just see him, standing on the edge of the little bridge across the stream. To Bellyra the tieryn always seemed as ancient as the sorcerer of her daydreams, but in truth he was just forty that year, and still as lean and muscled as many a younger man, even though his blond hair was indeed going heavily gray, and fine lines webbed round his blue eyes.

"Bellyra! Come along, I know you're out here. The cook told me where you'd be."

With a sour thought for Nerra's treachery, Bellyra tucked her book into her kirtle and began to climb down. As the tree began to shake he crossed the bridge.

"There you are," he said with a low laugh. "You're getting a bit old to climb trees like a lad, aren't you?"

"Just the opposite, my lord. The older you get the easier it is, because your legs are longer."

"Ah. I see. Well, you know, you'd best take care, Your Highness, because you're the only heir Cerrmor has."

"Oh, come now. No one's going to let me rule in the female line."

"The point, Your Highness, is to keep you safe so you can marry the one true king when he reaches Cerrmor."

"And when, my lord, will that be? When the moon turns into a boat and sails down from the sky with him on it?"

Elyc let out his breath in a little puff and ran both hands through his hair. With something of a sense of shock, Bellyra realized that he was close to tears.

"My apologies, my lord. Oh, here, don't cry. I truly am sorry."

Elyc looked up, his eyes murderous-then he laughed.

"I feel as weepy as a wench, true enough, Your Highness. You have sharp eyes for one so young."

"It comes from living here, actually. You'd have them, too, if you had to grow up in the palace."

"No doubt. But listen, la.s.s, for la.s.s you are though a royal one, it doesn't do to tread on men's hopes when hope is all they have. Remember that."

"Indeed? Well, how do you think I feel, knowing I'll probably get smothered before I'm fifteen and even betrothed, much less married to anyone?"

Elyc winced, and for a moment she was afraid that he truly would cry this time.

"Your Highness," he said at last. "Cerrmor can still field an army of over three thousand loyal men...."

"And Cantrae's got close to seven thousand. I heard you telling Lord Tammael that."

"You little sneak! What were you doing, creeping around the great hall when we thought you were in bed?"

"Just that. It's my hall, isn't it, since I'm the heir and all, and so I'll sneak around in it if I want to."

All at once he laughed in genuine good cheer.

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A Time Of Omens Part 5 summary

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