Justice Served Part 37

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Remembering the haunted look in Rebecca's eyes when she'd rst returned home, Catherine knew there was more. "You've learned something."

Rebecca s.h.i.+fted slightly and opened her eyes to stare up at the ceiling. "Mitch.e.l.l did, really. She thinks, and I agree with her, that most of the girls involved in the s.e.x videos-and probably working a fair number of the strip clubs in the city-have been smuggled in on s.h.i.+ps from Russia."

"Oh my G.o.d." Catherine turned on her side so that she was facing Rebecca, wanting to see her face. "Is that what this is all about?"

Rebecca nodded and gave her a quick summary of Mitch.e.l.l's theories. As Rebecca spoke, Catherine listened and watched. She saw the faint icker of Rebecca's pupils when she talked about Trudy, heard the barest deepening of her voice that only hinted at the depth of her pain. Oh, you are so very good at hiding your sorrow.

She waited until Rebecca fell silent, until the story had been told.

Then she pressed her ngertips to Rebecca's mouth, brus.h.i.+ng over her lips, cupping her jaw. "I'm so very sorry about Trudy, darling."

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Justice Served "Out of all of that," Rebecca said quietly, "that's the thing you found to talk about."

Catherine smiled gently. "That's the thing that hurts you most."

Rebecca rested her forehead against Catherine's and closed her eyes. "If she hadn't taken Sandy to that meeting, if she hadn't gone to that building to shoot that lm, if she hadn't been unknowingly part of my operation, she'd still be alive."

"I'm not telling you not to care, darling. I'm not even telling you not to accept responsibility, although I don't believe it's all yours to bear." Catherine stroked down Rebecca's arm and clasped her ngers.

"But you made the best decision you could with what you knew at the time, and you never would've put Sandy or Trudy in lethal danger if you'd thought that was likely. You cannot carry all the burden, Rebecca, or it will destroy you."

Rebecca's eyes ickered opened. "And us?"

"No," Catherine answered immediately. "I will ght you on this before I will let that happen. I will stand in front of that door over there and prevent you from going out if I have to. I will not let this job take you from me."

"You sound pretty set on that."

"I am." Catherine leaned forward and kissed Rebecca lightly.

"Still ready to move in?"

"Oh yeah." Rebecca curved an arm around Catherine's back and pulled her tight against the length of her body. She kissed her, hard and deep. "Consider me moved in."

Catherine laughed shakily. "I'd forgotten how quickly cops make decisions."

"You'll get used to it."

"I don't think there's anything about loving you that I'll ever get used to," Catherine whispered, pillowing her cheek against Rebecca's chest. "And that's just ne."

"I don't expect anything to happen tonight. You don't have to worry."

Catherine saw no need to tell her that whenever she worked, Catherine would worry. It was part of their life now, and it could not be changed. "Do you really think these girls were ferried across the ocean in huge metal containers?"

"I do. It all ts." Rebecca's voice had taken on a grim tone.

* 251 *

RADCLY fFE "And this kind of thing is really happening on a large scale?"

Catherine could only imagine the horror of girls being crowded together in a dark, poorly ventilated twenty-by-thirty-foot s.p.a.ce for days, even weeks. How much these young women must long for their dream of America to endure such torture, only to nd another kind of h.e.l.l at the end of their nightmare journey. "G.o.d, it's inhuman."

"We're just beginning to get an idea of exactly how big this business is. The recent reports I've read say there are dozens of active stash houses in all of the major metropolitan cities-way stations where these underage girls and young women from dozens of countries are held captive and eventually traf cked."

"They're just-merchandise."

Rebecca nodded. "In the worst-case scenario, they may be rented out for s.e.x for as little as fteen minutes at a time, dozens of times a day. It doesn't take much to gure out that each girl could bring in thousands every week. Christ, the CIA estimates that every year there are twenty thousand new s.e.x slaves imported into this country alone."

Catherine had seen and heard the worst of human behavior in her line of work, but this blatant trade in human misery was almost too horri c for her to absorb. The words were out before she even realized what they meant. "You have to stop them."

"I will."

"Rebecca," Catherine sighed softly, her cheek to Rebecca's heart.

"Loving you is the hardest thing I've ever done."

Rebecca's swift intake of breath cut through the silence in the room.

"I don't want you in danger," Catherine went on, lifting her head and holding Rebecca's gaze. "I don't want to lose you, not even the tiniest part of you, to this work-this crusade-that you've undertaken.

I couldn't bear for you to die doing this."

"Catherine," Rebecca protested.

"No, listen," Catherine said softly. "And as much as I fear those things happening, I want you to end this horror. I trust you to do it. I'm proud beyond description that you can." She laughed unsteadily. "And that, my darling, is one h.e.l.l of a conundrum."

"Is there something I should do to make it better?" Rebecca asked seriously.

"Oh yes."

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Justice Served "What?" Rebecca carried Catherine's hand to her lips and kissed her palm. "What?"

"Promise me to always come home."

Rebecca never hesitated. "I promise."

Catherine closed her eyes and settled her head back against Rebecca's breast, as comforted as it was possible for her to be. Because Rebecca Frye always kept her promises.

v Mitch.e.l.l found Sandy in the conference room viewing video clips with Jason. They each had a lined yellow notepad covered with dates and diagrams in front of them. "Hey, how's it going?"

"Slow," Jason admitted, rubbing his eyes. "But we've got two for sure from almost a year ago."

Sandy did not look away from the monitor, and Mitch.e.l.l followed her gaze. The sound was off, making the image of a naked young woman rocking furiously astride the hips of a much older man, who lay on his back, seem nearly surreal.

"Can I talk to you for a minute, San?" Mitch.e.l.l asked quietly.

"Kinda busy right now."

Jason stood. "I could use a break. Let's call it a night. I need to go home and catch a few hours' sleep before we go out again." He glanced toward Mitch.e.l.l. "I'll pick you up again, say midnight?"

Silently, Mitch.e.l.l nodded, her eyes still on Sandy's glacial countenance. She waited until Jason was gone, then rested her hand on Sandy's shoulder. "Honey."

Sandy swiveled on her chair and looked up, her face closed, her eyes s.h.i.+elded. "Did you kiss her?"

f.u.c.k. Mitch.e.l.l took a breath. "Is there a difference between me kissing her and her kissing me?"

"Not even a little."

"Is there any room to talk about the job, and how I needed to convince her I was for real?"

Sandy folded her arms beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, her jaws clenched tight. Mitch.e.l.l's stomach tied itself into a knot. What she hated more than the anger in Sandy's eyes was the glimmer of hurt she couldn't hide. That was far, far worse.

* 253 *

RADCLY fFE "It didn't mean anything," Mitch.e.l.l whispered. "It was a couple of kisses. That's all."

"Did she touch you?"

"Sandy, come on," Mitch.e.l.l pleaded.

"Did she?"

"Not in any way that mattered." Mitch.e.l.l's voice was steady, solid.

"n.o.body does except you."

Mitch.e.l.l waited for the eruption, expecting to be scalded, willing to be, if it would put them right. What she didn't expect were the tears, and the sight literally brought her to her knees. "Oh f.u.c.k." Kneeling in front of the chair, she put her arms around Sandy and pulled her against her chest. She stroked her back, kissed her forehead, brushed at the tears on her damp cheeks. "Honey, come on. Honey, don't cry. You're killing me."

Sandy twisted the back of Mitch.e.l.l's T-s.h.i.+rt in her hands, pressing her face hard to Mitch.e.l.l's shoulder, struggling to stop the wash of emotion pouring through her. "You're mine," she whispered in a voice so quiet Mitch.e.l.l struggled to hear. "You're the only thing I've ever had that was mine."

"Oh jeez," Mitch.e.l.l choked, lifting Sandy's face, swiping her thumbs across Sandy's cheeks. She kissed her mouth, her eyes, her cheeks. "I've never wanted to belong to anybody the way I belong to you. I am yours."

Sandy was quiet for a long moment, her bruised blue eyes boring into Mitch.e.l.l's. Mitch.e.l.l looked back, letting her search, hiding nothing.

"Yeah?" Sandy asked tremulously.


"I know about s.e.x for money, Dell. I know about s.e.x to stay alive.

I know about feeling nothing when somebody touches you."

"That's never gonna happen to you again," Mitch.e.l.l said ercely.

Sandy smiled and touched Mitch.e.l.l's cheek. "And I know you, Dell. You don't turn off so easy."

"It's just a job, honey. I'm just doing what I need to do for the job.

It's an act."

"Mitch is no act."

Mitch.e.l.l couldn't argue. It was true. "Mitch knows the difference between s.e.x and love. So do I."

* 254 *

Justice Served "I don't want you getting hurt. I don't give a f.u.c.k about Frye's operation, but I don't want your cover getting blown and you getting hurt again."

"Sandy, I'm not gonna get-"

"So you can f.u.c.k her if you have to," Sandy said quietly. "I don't even care if she gets off on it."

"Oh jeez, honey-"

"But if she makes you come, I'll kill her."

Mitch.e.l.l couldn't be entirely certain, but she thought Sandy just might be serious. "That won't happen. I swear."

Sandy brushed her palm back and forth across Mitch.e.l.l's chest.

"You're so s.e.xy, Dell. I love how hot you are. I love how s.e.xy you make me feel." She caught Mitch.e.l.l's bottom lip in her teeth and tugged, then licked her way inside Mitch.e.l.l's mouth and kissed her until Mitch.e.l.l couldn't breathe. "I can't help it if I want you all to myself."

"You got me, honey," Mitch.e.l.l gasped, too stunned by the onslaught of sensation to make much sense of anything. Whenever she expected one thing from Sandy, she got just the opposite, and she couldn't keep up. That was one of the things that she loved most about her. That, and her raw honesty. "I love you so's like this constant hunger needing to be fed."

"Well, you don't have to worry, rookie." Sandy moved her hand from the center of Mitch.e.l.l's chest to her breast and teased her nipple into erection. "I don't intend to ever let you go hungry."

Mitch.e.l.l knew if they stayed there much longer she'd be too turned on to walk. She was already so swollen and hard she ached. "We gotta get out of here. You're making me crazy."

"I know just what you need, baby." Sandy smiled a slow, satis ed smile and dropped her hand between Mitch.e.l.l's thighs, squeezing gently until Mitch.e.l.l's eyes blurred and she moaned quietly. "Let's go home and I'll show you."

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Justice Served


Sunday, 11:00 p.m.

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Justice Served Part 37 summary

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